Funny baby!

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Where you will find some of the funniest files on the net!

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11/23/02 - This page will remain up (for now) but all of the associated pages that go with it will be shutting down mid december. If you have any questions please email me at the links below. Thanks it has been fun!

2/15/02 Thanks for coming and checking out the site!!!!!

Funny Files "Back up and running"

Adult Funny Files "Back up and running"


Another great Osama Priceless!NEW

10/23/01 Still no Funny Files other than what I have on this page. Time is what is killing me most. I just don't have the time to add things to the page. I have plenty of files to post, just no stinkin' time. I have added a news section and a cool thing from "", a fun Bush game, check it out. Cya...Drop me a line, let me know what is good about the site and what should be dropped!!

The Rest of the Osama cave video!NEW

Miss Afghanistan 2001.NEW

Osama Hunter.NEW

Do your Patriotic Doodie.NEW

Flag Burning Priceless.NEW

10/8/01 Well, those sorry bastards finally shut me down at Homestead! So, no more Funny Files! I will try to continue posting on this Geocities page, but until I can figure out how to retrieve my files from Homestead we have to do without. Still looking for someone to host this site if you have any ideas!!!

9/28/01 Come sign the guestbook at the bottom of the page!!

9/21/01 Well, I know it has been awhile since an update but in light of the horrific acts of war that have been shoved down our throats by these cowards, I have decided to make some time for ya'all (no, I am not a cowboy). As of today my Homestead pages are still up!! I am still looking for a good place to store this site if anyone knows of one!

Listed below are some touching pictures and text as well as some comedy relief of the situation we are forced to overcome here in this GREAT NATION WE CALL AMERICA!! Please do not take these pictures in the wrong way they are just a way for people to vent, rather than these morons that have decided to take justice into their own hands and go beat up the first Middle Eastern person they see without regard to what nationality or faith the HUMAN BEING is or belongs to!
I am truly Proud to be an American and united we stand!!

What's up to all my good friends!!


The Eagle speaks for all of us but don't mistake this for weakness!!!!!

Stealth Bomber.NEW

Fuck Bin Laden, we are outta here!NEW

Afghanistan weather report.NEW

Alert Photo.NEW

A great article from the Miami Herald.NEW

The Lady is pissed!NEW

Something I read in a Yahoo forum, great angle on things!!NEW

A great tribute to the United States, by a Canadian!NEW

Let us not forget about the other horrible acts against us by these monsters! (either click the images or scroll down)NEW

What a team!!NEW

I added a couple more!! Check 'em out
6/15/01 Should be getting cable internet connection next week so we are crossing our fingers hoping that we will be able to update this page on a regular basis!! Man Dial up sux. Is anyone visiting this page anymore? Please let me know, because I may have to stop using Homestead for my files (they are going to stop offering the free service) and if no one is even checking this page out it seems pointless,,,,right? Let me know
The other pages have not been updated yet but check back soon for updates. We need your funny files to post. Have you gotten a hilarious file emailed to you lately that you would like seen here? Send it to us and we might post it!

I am currently: 42941073 on icq

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Updated: 4/27/02
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