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Cole as a bride: I LOVE this doll! It's the first time I used this base (from Sabraelle's Garden) and it turned out great! I want that hat! Cole as a librarian: Made for a set of 'Cole dolls' - I frankendolled the pants from another doll of mine. The base is from ILCK. Cole at Holly's wedding: Base by ILCK. Colonel Cole: For the 'Defiance' RP at EH. The outfit is copied from the RF Uniform. Base is from ILCK Cole as a bride: I copied the dress for a 'Cora' base instead, and it turned out okay. I couldn't recreate the hat though. :( Ravenclaw student: I was making a 'Fancy dress' themed layout, but I never finished it. Base by Angy-Chan. Another fancy-dress doll, this time of a cheerleader. Cole as a widow: Nicholii after her husband was killed. Base: ILCK My first male doll! It's Alec and Nicholii. Not too sure about this pic. Base from ILCK. Cole as a mum! (While she's pregnant of course). Cora base from ILCK. Cole dressed for an RF Rave. A Saisana base from Sabraelle's Garden again. Love this base! It's an entry for Tina 'n' Ren's 'Space pirate' contest. I'm not too sure about the sleeves, but I love the rest of it!
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