Funny Children Jokes, School and Classroom Humor

Classroom humour, funny children and schoolchildren jokes -classroom jokes and school humor

"Oh," replied the one of the students, asked if he found the semester examinations easy, "the questions were easy, all right -but the answers were so difficult!.."

It was nearly the end of the school term, and it was obvious to the school teacher that one of his pupils still could not tell the difference between 'went' and 'gone' -she kept saying "I have went home."  The pupil was asked to stay behind and write fifty times 'I have gone home'.  She did, and added a note: "I have written fifty times 'I have gone home' and I have went home."

One of the teachers sent this note to the parents of the children in her class: "If you don't believe everything that your children say that happened in class, then I won't believe everything that they say that happened at home…"

Remarked "Isn't your baby rather small..?" one of the teenager mothers in a clinic commented, "Well.. I have been married three months…"

"If you had a Dollar in one pocket, and two in the other pocket of your coat," asked the schoolmistress, "what would that be..?"  One of the pupils answered, "Someone else's coat, Miss…."

When a member of the teaching staff announced that she was going to marry the school caretaker, the head teacher remarked  to other teachers "He swept her off her feet..."

"I knew all the time," said one of the pupils to her friends in elementary science class, "that the Pound coin would dissolve in that solution…"  Asked how she knew, she explained: "Well, if it was going to, the teacher would've used a penny -he wouldn't have used a Pound, would he..?!"

A loved young mother becomes fallen woman when.. she returns home from shopping without any toys…

Asked if she said her prayers before she ate, as child replied: "No.. my mother's cooking isn't that bad…"

A primary school kid thought Joan of Arc was Noah's wife.

A couple's friend, upon being told that the expecting parents were considering naming their baby John, remarked "Pooh.. every 'Tom, Dick, and Harry' is called that…"

When asked by his father if he liked his first day at nursery school, a child exclaimed, "You mean I have got to go to school again, tomorrow..?!"

A primary school kid, when asked by the class teacher who invented the radio, replied: "Macaroni."

When asked why he was late to class, a secondary junior said that he saw a road sign on the way which read: 'Go Slow...'

After teaching about the dark ages, and having told children of the many knights that they had then, the school master tested the classes by asking why the dark ages were called so -a pupil answered: "Because they had many nights."

Asked to say a few words about someone who they had made happy at the weekend, one of the children told about his aunt -that he spent the weekend with her and when he left she was happy…

Someone's definition of what is 'college' was: A fountain of knowledge where we all to quench our thirst…

A research students project was to get some data on how many parents knew where their children were -many of his telephone calls were answered by children who did not know where their parents were…

A traffic sign by a school: 'Use your eyes... Save the pupils!'

A nursery school kid came home proudly showing his parents a gold star that he had been given -asked what it was for he explained that they all had to rest, and he rested best...

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