
Photo Gallery


Here is a good place to describe a list of your hobbies, projects or interests.

bulletTravel - I love to travel but rarely get to. I intend to grow my list of visited destinations (below), but until then the rest are future destinations!
bulletInvesting and Money - I've recently started investing. Well, it's been a while and the investing thing has not been going very well, but I am waiting for the market to come back up. Below is a great site about managing your money and investing.
bulletMSN MoneyCentral
bulletMore to come! - Soon.
bulletVery Soon!
bulletInterest 2 - Provide a description, or perhaps a picture here.
bulletAdd a hyperlink here
bulletInterest 3 - Provide a description, or perhaps a picture here.
bulletAdd a hyperlink here

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This site was last updated 09/18/02

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