Iowa State American Pit Bull Terrier Club

"Working to Secure the Future"

P.O. Box 352

Traer, Iowa 50675

(319) 478- 2542 


We are a newly forming United Kennel Club, Inc. club, pending approval from UKC and NAPBTC. 

We plan to host fun events in Iowa and look to you to help support our efforts and events

To Join:

Single Rate: $20.00               Family Rate:  $25.00

Charter Member: $5.00 each person joining until June 30,  2004

for Application click here

We plan to host the following UKC events

 Conformation       Weight Pull       Obedience     Agility    

and plan to have the following committees:

  Raffle & Fund Raising Committee      

Show Committee     

Refreshments Committee      

Photo &  Public Relations Committee    

SetUp /Cleanup Committee 

No individual or group of individuals known to: promote, support, raise dogs for fighting; condone or be associated with the facing off, game testing, rolling or pitting of dogs; will be tolerated or allowed in this association. Such individuals will be banned from all U.K.C. events and clubs with no reinstatement at any time.


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