         Sorry for the lack of updating, i had some things to do these last few weekends.  But to make up for it two comics in one day!  One of them is another huge pic so u have to click on the "here" button in the sentence.  The mtv 2 comic isnt so funny as it is a comentary on how much mtv 2 sucks because they only play rap videos followed by shows that air too much already on mtv 1.
                                                                        -Admiral Savage
          Another comic thats almost funny.  Nothing new.
           Another comic about the fair.  It was that upsetting.  So upsetting that the cops eyes dissapeared with rage.. and upset.
                                                                       -Gravy Savage
this (the new comic 'tricky') is pretty much what happend in physics class today.  They told me there was a fair on campus, which turnd out to be a TRANSFER fair.  Fuckers.  Yea, but check out the shading on that last scene, SWEEEEEEEET.
                                                                     - Admiral Gravy
      Good thing no one visits this site ever or boy would you guys be mad!  Turns out march is not the month for making comics, but this week alone i got two new ones up so... there ya go.  I should explain the cooking with maggie strip, maggie wanted to eat healthy and decided to eat a salad for diner, but ended up with pizza and cinnamon bread with frosting.  So i made fun of her.  There may be more cooking w/ maggie strips later.  The newest strips for the archives are going to archive 3 because its just easier that way.  Umm also                                              no, i guess thats it.
                                                                        - Admiral Savage
        If you havnt been seeyin the updates, your not looking hard enough.  I made some quick designs for shirts that might b posted eventualy.  Since i know you all just lemme know if you want one and i can probly get u a shirt w/ the design of ur choice at least verry cheap.  Maybe free if i have the shirts at the time.  Other than that, the comics are going to their "funny" roots.  Ive had enough of the melancholy gothic style for now.

                                                                           -The Admiral
                                                                               1-30-05 (post 3)
     Busty Le Rou has joind the staff as well.  Its a girl so dont expect much.  JUUUUUUST kidding.  But it realy is a girl.  With big boobies.  Theres a picture of her somewhere on the first page i think.  Anyways shes funny too, and a bit abstract.  Good stuff.  Welcome aboard Busty Le Rou.

                                                                          -The Admiral
                                                                                       1-30-05 (post 2)
      The new writer (General Huge Penis Ph.D) posted his first coimic entitled "Retards r Funny."  Check it out if you havnt already.  As PSP appears to be the future of the strip i tried one out (The classy adventures of the pinapple) but during the transfering of its size it got grainy.  Next time...

                                                                            -The Admiral
       New buttons and what not.  All the comics are on the site but due to bandwidths i cant have all the comics loading each time someone comes to the site.  So if you wanna see an old comic, hit the pirate flag and it'll take u to the archives.  Also, big news, a very talented writer just joined the staff, probly the funnyest guy i know.  I will label who did which comic.  Thats about it.
                                                                            -Gravy Savage
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