Lyndsay Li Harrison
Hi everyone!
We have finally updated our daughter Lyndsay Li's website. What a blessing she's been, and though we're definitely biased is one of the brightest children we know.
Her Chinese name is Fu Pei Xu.  Fu (pronounced Foo) is the region she came from, Pei (pronounced Pay) means admire, and Xu (pronounced Shoe) means replenish.  She is now 3 years old and is from FuZhou in the province of Jiangxi , near Nanchang in Southeast China   God is Good!
Love to all,
Bane, Jeannie, and  Lyndsay
All the critters too!!
Journey to Lyndsay Li
November 18th
November 19th-20th
November 21st
November 22nd
November 23rd
November 24th
November 25th
November 26th
November 27th
November 28th
Novermber 29th-
December 1st
December 2nd
Updated photos from October 2005
The first 3 photos we saw of Lyndsay from July, 2005
Happy 1st Birthday, Lyndsay!
Referral Day
Please sign Lyndsay's guestbook when you visit the site.  The messages will be saved for her lifebook so that she can read them when she gets older.  We want her to know how many people love her and were awaiting her to arrival or have followed her story. 
Photos from Hong Kong
More Gotcha Day photos
TengWang Pavillon
Fuzhou Photos
Misc. Photos
This is the only link for these
Photos for Nov. 23rd-25th
Photos for Nov. 28th
Photos for Nov. 30th
Photos for Dec. 1st-2nd
Lyndsay at 15 months Feb 2006
Lyndsay 18 months May 2006
Lyndsay during the summer 06
  Lyndsay at 18 months
Lyndsay 22 months Sept 2006
Lyndsay spring/summer 2007
More photos just to make you smile!
Thanksgiving at Myrtle 2007     I'm new!
Fun with Dad at Harrison Reunion        I'm new!
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