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Arriving in Hong Kong
November 19-20, 2005
November 19th, we left at 11:25 AM for Hong Kong on Cathay Pacific airline, really great experience for such an arduous journey, over 15 hours...good thing we stayed over in LA or we would have been in rough shape.  We met one of the couples in our group at the airport before we boarded.  The Elliotts who are from PA, a small town called Rome, near NY.
We didn't have time for breakfast and tried to eat at the airport, but that was a fiasco, as we had to go back through the metal check thingy all over again, not to mention fighting the lines again...and never really found anything appealing, so we skipped it.  Much to our delight, this airline was topnotch and they fed us and pampered us pretty well.  We were due to arrive in Hong Kong on the 20th.

November 20th, We arrived in Hong Kong at 7PM, and our CCAI representative, Patrick met us all at the airport.  While stretching our legs and making small talk, we actually met couples on this flight on the same journey.  Many were in different groups, but all with the same goal.  One of the neat things we saw while flying was the snowcovered mountains of Siberia, wow, that looks cold, it was beautiful, but sure wouldn't want to live there.  It took about 16 hours to get to Hong Kong from LA, it seemed to go on forever.
View of Hong Kong from Victoria Peak overlook
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