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Tour of Hong Kong
November 21, 2005
Got up early today to tour Hong Kong with Patrick and our group.  We did do a few photos last night of the streets lit up and our hotel.  We were staying at the Shangri La at Kowloon, very upscale with a fancy breakfast buffet, glad it was included because it was about $28 pre person...I can't eat $28 worth of food on a good day!  I personally was relieved to find out it was included in our prepaid expenses.  I gues I'm too conservative! LOL  We visited Victoria Peak, a very upscale neighborhood in HK, it sits up high and the roads are narrow and twisted to get to it.  Fair warning, don't look out the window of your bus if you are on the cliffside, if you ever decide to take that trip, VERY scary!  Good thing that the drivers are so good, one slip and you'd drop down the mountainside.  The view was as good as could be expected with pollution so thick that everything looks to be in a constant foggy state.  We then visited Aberdeen Jade Company, which has been in business for around 60 years.  We saw the workers making jewelry and then had an opportunity to purchase some jewelry.  We found a coupld of pair earrings and a few small handcaved dog things there...yes, you that know me, know I can find dogs anywhere!  We then took a boat ride around a fishing village, it was not at all what we expected, thinking we would be getting out at "the village" to take photos and look around, etc... Instead we went around in a big circle and saw some boats and a few people fishing and that was it.  Kinda disappoinging to say the least.  In this harbor was the largest floating resaurant called Jumbo, it was huge and neat to see.
We went to a traditional Cantonese restaurant to have a Dim Sum lunch, it was very good, although I'm not certain what we were eating...don't think it was anything scary!  The remainder of the day was to rest for our flight to Nanchang in the morning, we will need as much sleep as we can get, as tomorrow's the big day.  We did get to view some pretty lights on the water of the city of Hong Kong.  Lots of Christmas decorations, everywhere.  Hong Kong is a prosperous area and they have the freedom to worship as they choose, not too much different than here.
At the overlook at Victoria Peak
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