Kelly Murphy Illustation
Random Rant
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Velvet Revolver
Alyssa Milano
The Sports Guy
Guns N' Roses
A Quick Note
December 2nd--Due to events outside of my control and a computer crash, there will be no update this week.  I will be updating next week.  I am sorry for the incovienece.

November 17th
--Just the usual updates this week.  A new Rant and a new Sports column (which won't be up until tomorrow).  I am still working on making some changes to the site but they are slow going.  Well, enjoy the updates and feel free to tell your friends about the site. 

October 31st
--Don't worry you're not going nuts, I missed a week.  I wanted to write my Celtics preview (this weeks sports collumn) after all of the preseason games.  However, I ran into some dificulties getting it done at the end of last week so I ended up skipping a week.  I know it was tough for you all to go an extra week without me but don't worry, it will have been worth it. 

October 7th
--Yet another change.  Seeing as I keep writing rather long rants I decided to give it it's own page.  Just click on the link where the old rants were and you will see the whole rant.  As I have been saying, please bare with me as this page, and the other pages, keep evolving. 

October 5th
--I started this weeks update already.  A new Rant will be comming tomorrow.  I wanted to get this weeks column up seeing it's my preview of the Boston Bruins season which starts tonight.  Don't forget to sign my Guest book.   

October 1
--Ok here's the deal.  I have decided to go back to updating every other week for now.  This will give people more time to check out the latest updates.  If by some miracle my readership increases enough, I will return to weekly updates. 
---While there is no major update this week I have added a GuestBook.  Feel free to leave me a message.  I'd love to hear from you.
---As I have been saying, the site is going to be going through some more changes.  Hopefully they will all be for the better.     

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Pearl Drums
Vague Thoughts
---I added a new link to my list.  It's for the site  This is one strange site, but it's really good.  If you check it out, and I suggest you do, make sure to check out the Boy Patrol section.  Also, they have the best e-cards on the internet, make sure you check them out too. 

---Last week I completed a life long goal of mine.  I went undefeated in a season of Madden 2006.  The goal was to go undefeated in any version of Madden, not just the 2006 version.  Usually when you are going undefeated for a season you run into a "No Fucking way" game.  A game where the computer makes sure you can't win by having your guys fumble repeatedly, or drop passes, or miss tackles or by having the other team's guys make huge plays on both sides of the ball.  Basically you never stand a chance and as play after play goes against you you find yourself yelling at the screen "no fucking way!".  Well, I went up against three of these games and won each of them.  I went 16 and 0 in the regular season and then 3-0 in the play-offs en rout to my 3rd superbowl title in 4 seasons.  You're right, I need to get a life.

---The Yankees have resigned Hideki Matsui for 4 years.  This is great.  Matsui has been great for the Yankees.  Now they just have to find a centerfielder.  Hopefully they do the smart thing and find one who is young, kinda cheap, and can play the position really well.  They don't need him to hit, they just need him to sure up their defence. 

---I'm so glad TNT is finally showing last season's Charmed episodes.  I hate being behind and I can't cath up.  I'm always going to be one season behind.  Oh well, I still love it. 

---Tony Allen of the Boston Celtics has been indicted on three counts of aggrivated battery in conection with the shooting he was involved in durring the off season.  Allen is still hurt right now and not playing, I don't know if he'll ever play again, especially for the Celtics.  I just have a bad feeling that this is going to end badly for him. 

---More on my life as a video game player.  I recently made myself and all of my friends in NHL 2006.  I put us all on a team but I didn't have enough room to save the league on my memory card so I just saved the rosters.  When I went to start my league with the Bruins I needed to make a change to Raycroft (he's supposed to be a buterfly goalie) which I had to save.  Not thinking I start up my league with my saved rosters so I'll have the corrected Razor.  Well, three games into the season and I get an update telling me that I signed with Toronto.  Then I get more updates telling me the rest of my friends have signed.  Great!  Not only am I struggleing to win against the normal players in the game but now I have to play against my jacked up friends.  I just can't catch a break.

---Thanks Giving is next week!!! MMmmm Turkey! MMmmmm Stuffing!! I can't wait!!!  It's a weak holliday (all you do is have dinner with the family) but it's probably my favorite behind Halloween.  Says a lot about me doesn't it?

---OK I'm sure you've probably heard me say this or read my writing about it but the Refs in the NBA are absolutly horrible.  The worst part is that David Stern and the league think that the refs are great.  I just can't stand when they ref according to who's jersey sells better or who's "supposed to" win the game.  It's terrible to watch a game when the refs take over.  And it's so obviuos.  Then, to make themselves look good when the game is out of hand they will call a bunch of meaningless fouls on the team they have been favoring all game so that when it's over they can say "look the fouls were even".  Then Stern and the league get all in a huff when people start talking about conspiracies.  It would be one thing if it was just me or a few people who thought the refs suck but when it's a running theme with the league it's kind of embarrassing.  These are the times when I wish the Celtica would just fold so I wouldn't have to follow this joke of a league anymore.          
Don't forget to check out my weekly sports column!

The Way I See It
updated November 2nd
updated November 17th, 2005
New York Yankees
Boston Bruins
San Fran 49ers
Boston Celtics
Phoenix Mercury
Ok while you may think it�s immature and dumb, I still love watching cartoons.  Most people wrongfully assume that all cartoons are made for little kids.  While most cartoons are aimed at youngster there are obviously some cartoons such as �South Park�, �Family Guy� and even �The Simpsons� which are aimed at adults

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updated November 17th
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