
I really like cameras. I get it from my dad and grandpa. I have owned serveral different cameras in my life. I like both film and digital cameras. Below I will list the cameras that I have owned or still currently own.

I tend to take a lot of pictures wherever I go. People keep telling me to become a photographer, but that means I would have to take school classes for that which I don't want to do. Im actually gonna try to create my own career in photography with pictures that I have personally taken.

Recently I have purchased a really good film camera and a really good digital camera, so I dont plan on getting any other cameras in the near future.

Film Cameras
I have owned two film cameras in my life. Here they are listed below.

2) Canon Sureshot 80U-This is my second and current film camera. I bought this camera off of ebay for a very good price. It takes awsome pictures. Features 2.1x optical zoon. This is a great camera, I highly recommend it and the other sureshot series from Canon. For more info, go to

1) Samsung Film Camera(not exactly as picture)-This is my first camera. I bought it from Superstore with my birthday money about 6 years ago. In about November of 2002, it got stolen from our Cavalier in my Aunts underground parking lot. My sister left it in our car. I was pretty mad at her!

Digital Cameras

1) Pentax EI-100-This is my first digital camera. I bought it from London drugs about 2 years ago. It is a great little camera. Takes decent pictures, I have been happy with it. Its only 1.3 mega pixels though, but still good. I still own this camera today, I have gone through several other cameras but I have still kepy this one.

2) Digimaster Mouse- I bought this camera off of ebay. It was my first camera that took mini videos. The quality of this camera was very crapy though. It was suppose to be a 2.0 Mega pixel camera, but it acted like it was less then 1 mega pixel. I had this camera for a few months, then sold it on ebay because I thought the flash didnt work. The buyer of it figured out how to get the camera working ,so it ended up being an alright camera to the buyer.

5)Tekxon TX-410-I bought this camera off of e-bay from someone in Richmond. This camera was such crap from the day I got it. It took horrible pictures from the day I got it. It did take some decent videos though. I took this cameras to Mission Raceway one day, and it rained and got the camera wet, so it stopped working. Luckily the guy I bought it off let me return it for a full refund. I'm glad the camera is gone.

3-4)Konica 2.0 Megapixel-I bought this camera from London Druges right before Meaghans grad so that I had something decent to take pictures with. The first one of this camera that I took to her grad worked good, but froze a lot, so I exchanged it for another one. The 2nd one I got didnt freeze, but the lens was messed so the picture quality was horrible. With some hassle, I returned the second one and got a full refund.

6)Canon A70- After many months of  searching on e-bay and in stores, I finally was able to get my dream camera. I have always liked the Canon A60 and A70. I was about to purchase the A60 on ebay, but my friend told me he could get me the camera for cheaper. His parents had points from "The Bay" and were able to get the camera for free. I agreed to purchase the camera off of them for $350. The camera cost about $570 including taxes in the stores. I plan on keeping this camera for a long time.

Digital cameras are the latest craze.  Some people believe that they will eventually take over film cameras. I dont believe that. Digital cameras will be used very frequently and more often, but film cameras will always be around.

I like the digital cameras better because of the instand pictures!

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