Abdi W. H. : Proc. Nat. Symp. Special Functions & Appl., gGorakhpur 1986, 159-162. O Bi-basic functional equation of hypergeometric type. Abdi W. H. : J. Math. Phys. Sci. 22 (1988), No.1, 79-86. xci On bibasic analogues of Ramanujan?s results. Abelman S. & Eyre D. : Computers and Math. with Appl. 20 (1990), No.8, 51-60. lxxii A numerical study of multistep methods based on continued fractions. Abhyankar S. S. : Notices of the Amer. Math. Soc. 49 (2002), No.7, August, 759-769. .pdf Abouzahra M. & Lewin L. : J. Number Theory 21 (1985), 214-244. #171 The polylogarithm in algebraic number fields. Abouzahra M. & Lewin L. : Aequationes Math. 31 (1986), 315-321. #171 The polylogarithm in the field of two irreducible quintics. Abramov S. A. : USSR Comp. Maths. Math. Phys. 11 (1971), 324-330. lxxv On the summation of rational functions. Abramov S. A. : 1-24, .dvi EG-eliminations. Abramov S. A. : 1-13, .dvi m-Sparse Solutions of Linear Ordinary Differential Equations with Polynomial Coefficients. Abramov S. A. : 1-8, .dvi Rational Solutions of Firts Order Linear q-Difference Systems. Abramov S. A. : 1-6, .dvi Indefinite sums of rational functions. Abramov S. A. : 1-5, .dvi Rational Solutions of linear diffenrence and q-diffenrence equations with polynomials coefficients. Achuthan P. & Ponnuswamy S. : J. Math. & Physical Sci. 22 (1988), No.6, 663-679. xx / xxxiv2 A theorem of Ramanujan and conversion of continued fractions into powers series. Achuthan P. & Ponnuswamy S. : Internet. J. Control 48 (1988), No.2, 499-511. xcix Simultaneous expansion and inversion of the Cauer continued fractions of certain transfer functions. Achuthan P. & Ponnuswamy S. : J. Approx. Theory 64 No.3 (1991), 291-314. xvi On general two-point continued fraction expansions and Padé tables. Achuthan P. & Ponnuswamy S. : J. Computational & Appl. Math. 41 (1992), No.3, 247-264. xxvi Padč Approximants and Eisenstein-Ramanujan continued fractions. Achutan P. & Ponnuswamy S. & Sundar S. : Proc. Nat. Symp. Special Functions, Gorakhpur 1986, 50-63. O On certain special functions, continued fractions and Padé Approximants. Achuthan P. & Rangarajan R. : J. Math. & Phys. Sci. 24 (1990), No.6, 369-380. xxxiv2 On a continued fraction representation of general Cauer third form. Achuthan P. & Rangarajan R. : Appl. Numer. Math. 12 (1993), No.4, 297-313. c / upv-i1 / cxlviii On regular C-fraction and general T-fraction expansions for ratios of basic hyperg. series and Ramanujan type identit. Achuthan P. & Sundar S. : J. of Mathematical & Physical Sciences 23 (1989), No.6, 481-491.xxiv Ramanujan functions, continued fractions and rational approximants. Acreman D. & Loxon J. H. : Aequationes Mathematicae 30 (1986), 106-117. lxxxvi / cxvi Asymptotic analysis of Ramanujan?s pairs. Adamchik V. & Wagon S. : Amer. Math. Monthly 104 (1997), No.9, 852-855. #154 A simple formula for Pi. Adamchik V. S. & Srivastava H. M. : Analysis 18 (1998), 131-144. cv-4 Some series of the zeta and related functions. Adams C. R. : Annals of Math. (2) 32 (1931), 67-82. cxxv On multiple factorial series. Adams C. R. : Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 37 (1931), 361-400. cxxviii Linear q-difference equations. Adams C. R. : Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 37 (1931), 741-748. cxxv Transformations of double sequences with applications to Cesáro summability of double series. Adams C. R. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 34 (1932), 215-230. cxxv On summability of double series. Adams C. R. : Annals of Math. (2) 33 (1932), 406-412. cxxv Note on multiple Dirichlet and multiple factorial series. Adams C. R. : Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 39 (1933), 244-252. cxxv Haussdorff transformations for double sequences. Adams J. C. : Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 2 (1872), 269-270. cxvii On some properties of Bernoulli?s number in particular on Clausen?s theorem respecting the fractional parts of these. Adams W. W. : Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 55 (1966), 28-31. Pi : A source book, 368-371. Asymptotic Diophantine Approximations to e. Adams W. W. & Davison J. L. : Proc. Amer. Math .Soc 65 (1977), 194-198. liv A remarkable class of continued fractions. Adams W. W. & Razar M. J. : Proc. London Math. Soc. 41 (1980), 481-490. xxviii Multiples of points on elliptic curves and continued fractions. Adiga C. & Bhargava S. : Inter. J. Math. Ed. Sci. Tech. 14 (1983), 652-654. cxvii A simple proof for finite double series representations for the Bernoulli, Euler and tangent numbers. Adiga C. & Berndt B. C. & Bhargava S. & Watson G. N. : Mem. A. M S. 53 (1985) ,No. 315, January, 85pp. O Chapter 16 of Ramanujan?s second notebook : Theta functions and q-series. Adiga C. & Somashekara D. D. : Math. Balkanica (N.S.) 12 (1998), No.1-2, 37-45. cxxxiv On some Rogers-Ramanujan type continued fraction identities. Adler I. : J. of Algebra 205 (1998), No.1, 227-243. cxlviii The role of continued fractions in phyllotaxis. Aebischer B. Math. Zeitsch. 205 (1990), No.1, 49-59.xcviii The limiting behavior of sequences of Mobius transformations. Agarwal A. K. : J. Number Theory 28 No.3 (1988), 299-305. xvi Rogers-Ramanujan identities for n-color partitions. Agarwal A. K. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 107 (1989), 561-567. lxxv / cxiv New combinatorial interpretations of two analytic identities. Agarwal A. K. : Canad. Math. Bull. 32 (1989), 327-332. cxx Bijective proofs of some n-color partition identities. Agarwal A. K. : Discrete Appl. Math. 34 (1991), 17-26. l-3 q-functional equations and some partition identities. Agarwal A. K. & Andrews G. E. : J. Ramanujan Math. Soc. 1 (1986), No.1-2, 16-45. O On Asai?s polynomials related to the twisting operators of finite classical groups. Agarwal A. K. & Andrews G. E. : J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 45 (1987), No.1, 40-49. liv Rogers-Ramanujan identites for partitions with " N copies of N, ". Agarwal A. K. & Andrews G. E. & Bressoud D. M. : J. Indian Math. Soc. 51 (1987), 57-73. cix The Bailey lattice. Agarwal A.K. & Berndt B.C. & Krattenthaler C.F. & Mullen G.L. & Ramachandra K. & Waldschmidt M. (Eds.). 2002 Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics. Inter. Conf. In Honour of S. Ramanujan October 2002. Hindustan Book Agency. Agarwal A. K. & Bressoud D. M. : Pacific J. Math. 136 (1989), No.2, 209-228. lxxviii Lattice paths and multiple basic hypergeometric series. Agarwal A. K. & Kalnins E. G. & Miller W. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 18 (1987), 1519-1538. cxxx Canonical equations and symmetry techniques for q-series. Agarwal A. K. & Mullen G. L. : J. Combin. Theory 48 (1988), 120-135. cxxi Partitions with d(a) copies of a. Agarwal A. K. & Subbarao M. V. : Canad. Math. Bull. (2) 31 (1988), 210-214. lvi Further theorems of the Rogers-Ramanujan type theorems. Agarwal A. K. & Subbarao M. V. : Indian J. Pure & Appl. Math. 22 (1991), No.9, 737-743. cv-3 Some properties of perfect partitions. Agarwal N. : Ganita 7 (1956), 139-143. lxxvii Extensions of certain results on partial sums of series of hypergeometric type. Agarwal R. P. : Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 64 (1950), 164-168. cviii Sur une generalisation de la transformation de Hankel. Agarwal R. P. : Ganita 11 (1950), 17-25. cxxii On self-reciprocal functions involving two complex variables. Agarwal R. P. : Bull. Calcuta Math. Soc. 43 (1951), 153-167. cviii Some properties of the generalised Hankel transformation. Agarwal R. P. : Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 67 (1953), 186-202. lxi Some basic hypergeometric identities. Agarwal R. P. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) (2) 4 (1953), 161-167. lxvi On integral analogues of certain transformations of well-poised hypergeometric series. Agarwal R. P. : Proc. Glasgow Math. Assoc. 1 (1953), 182-184. lxvii Associated basic hypergeometric series. Agarwal R. P. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 4 (1953), 678-685. lxviii Some transformations of well-poised basic hypergeometric series of the type 8phi7. Agarwal R. P. : Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 49 (1953), 441-445. lxviii On the partial sums of series of hypergeometric type. Agarwal R. P. : J. London Math. Soc. 34 (1959), 37-46. lxviii Certain basic hypergeometric identities of the Cayley-Orr type. Agarwal R. P. : Proc. Cambridege Philos. Soc. 63 (1967), 727-734. lxxvii Generalized basic hypergeometric series with unconnected bases. Agarwal R. P. : Quart. J. Math (Oxford) (2) 18 (1967), 181-192. lxxiv Generalized basic hypergeometric series with unconnected bases. II Agarwal R. P. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) (2) 20 (1969), 121-128. lxvi Certain basic hypergeometric identities associated with mock theta functions. Agarwal R. P. : Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 66 (1969), 365-370. lxviii Certain fractional q-integrals and q-derivatives. Agarwal R. P. : Quart.J. Math. (Oxford) (2) 21 (1970), 384. lxxiv Corrigenda " Generalized... II ". Agarwal R. P. : Math. Student 40 (1972), 389-391. lxxvii On partial sums of series of hypergeometric type. Agarwal R. P. : Indian J. Pure & Appl. Math. 4 (1974), 791-801. l-4 Certain basic integral operators and hypergeometric transformations. Agarwal R. P. : Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 12 (1981), 728-737. l-4 A family of basic hypergeometric and combinatorial identities and certain summation formulae. Agarwal R. P. : Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 14 (1983), 944-954. tf1 Certain three term relations between partial theta functions and summation formulae. Agarwal R. P. : Adv. Math. 53 (1984), 291-300. xliii3 On the paper " A 'Lost' notebook of Ramanujan. Agarwal R. P. : Mathematics Student 53 (1985), No.1-4, 135-150, (1987). xix Some recent works on Ramanujan- an overview. Agarwal R. P. : Proc. Nat. Symp. Special Functions & Appl. , Gorakhpur 1986, 1-13. O Special functions and their applications , key note address. Agarwal R. P. : Math. Student 58 (1991), 121-150. xxxiv Ramanujan?s last gift. Agarwal R. P. : J. Math. Phys. Sci. 26 (1992), No.3, 281-290. xxxiv2 Padé approximants, continued fractions and Heine?s q-hypergeometric series. Agarwal R. P. : Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) 103 (1993), No.3, 269-293.xliii2 Lambert series and Ramanujan. Agarwal R. P. : Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India Sect. A 63 (1993), No.3, 439-490. xci Analytical generalisations of Rogers-Ramanujan identities. Agarwal R. P. : J. Math. Phys. Sci. 28 (1994), No.3, 119-132. xxxiv2 Padé approximants, continued fractions and Heine?s q-hypergeometric series. II. Agarwal R. P. : Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 64 (1994), 95-107. cv Mock theta functions - an analytical point of view. Agarwal R. P. : Toils and Triumphs of Srinivasa Ramanujan, W. H. Abdi (Ed.), 1996, 265-283. O Ramanujan and Theta Functions. Agarwal R. P. : Ganita 47 (1996), ???-???. cv A note on the Laplace transform of the beta function B(x,a). Agarwal R. P. : J. Indian Math. Soc. (N.S.) 62 (1996), No.1-4, 283-291. cv-3 On the summation of certain double series. Agarwal R. P. : New Age International Publ. New Delhi, 1999. O Resonance of Ramanujan?s Mathematics. Volume III. Agarwal R. P. & Verma A. : Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 63 (1967), 727-734. lxviii Generalized basic hypergeometric series with unconected bases. Agarwal R. P. & Verma A. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) (2) 18 (1967), 181-192. lxvi Generalized basic hypergeometric seires with unconnected bases II. Agnew R. P. : Amer. J. Math. 54 (1932), 648-656. cxxiv On summability of double sequences. Agnew R. P. : Tôhoku Math. J. 35 (1932), 244-252. cxxv On equivalence of methods of evaluation of sequences. Agnew R. P. : Amer. J. Math. 56 (1934), 62-68. cxxiv On summability of multiple sequences. Ahirrao B.R. & More S.V. : Ramanujan Inter. Symp. Anal., Pune 1987, ed. Thakare, Macmillan (1989), 397-409. O Some Abelian theorems of distribution Hardy transformation. Ahlbrandt C. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 24 (1993), No.6, 1597-1621. c / cxviii Continued fractions representations of maximal and minimal solutions of a discrete matrix Riccati equation. Ahlbrandt C. D. : J. Approx. Theory 84 (1996), No.2, (Feb.), 188-196. ci / cxix A Pincherle theorem for matrix continued fractions. Ahlgren S. : : Indag. Math. (N. S.) 10 (1999), 173-181. #158 / #164 Distribution of parity of the partition function in artihmetic progressions. Ahlgren S. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 128 (2000), No.5, 1333-1338. #166 The sixth, eigth, ninth and tenth powers of Ramanujan?s theta functions. Ahlgren S. : Journal of Number Theory 89 (2001), No.2, August, 222-233. m-01 Multiplicative Relations in Powers of Euler's Product. Ahlgren S. & English L. & Winters R. : Amer. Math. Monthly 104 (1997), No.10, 964-967. #154 An amusing representation of x / sin x. Alhgren S. & Ono K. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 518 (2000), 187-212. #164 A Gaussian hypergeometric series and Apery number congruences. Aitken A. C. : Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh. Ser. A 46 (1926), 289-305. xlvii2 On Bernoulli?s numerical solution of algebraic equations. Aitken : Eds. : Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2) part. 2 16 (1968), 151-176. lxvii Obituary of A. C. Aitken. Aiyangar A. A. Krishnaswami : J. Indian Math. Soc. 18 (1929-1930), 214-217. #153 Partial solution to question 784. Aiyangar A. A. Krishnaswami : J. Indian Math. Soc. 18 (1929-1930), 224. #153 Question 1567. Aiyangar A. A. Krishnaswami : J. Indian Math. Soc. 18 (1929-1930), 278-285. #153 Some arithmetical identities. Aiyar M. V. : J. Indian Math. Soc. 18 (1929/1930), 46-50. lxviii On some elliptic function series. Aiyar P. V. Seshu : J. Indian Math. Soc. 12 (1920), 81-86. xxxiv2 The Late Mr. Srinivasa Ramanujan, B.A., F.R.S. Aiyar P.V. Sesshu & Rao R. Ramachandra : Collected Papers of S. Ramanujan , Chelsea,(1962), xi-xix. O Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920). Aiyar S. Narayana : J. Indian Math. Soc. 5 (1913), 60-61. xxxiv2 Mr. S. Ramanujan?s theorems on prime numbers. Aiyar S. Narayana : J. Indian Math. Soc. 5 (1913), 183-186. xxxiv2 Some theorems in summation. Akhiezer N. I. : American Mathematical Society 1990-1999. O Elements of the Theory of Elliptic Functions. Akiyama S. : J. Number Theory 36 (1990), 328-331. lxxxvii / cxviii Lehmer numbers and an saymptotic formula for Pi. Akiyama S. & Tanigawa Y. : The Ramanujan Journal 5 (2001), No.4, December, 327-351. O Multiple Zeta Values at Non-Positive Integers. Alaogh L. & Erdös P. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 56 (1944), 448-469. #158 On highly composite and similar numbers. Al-Bassam M. A. : Ramanujan Inter. Symp. on Anal., Pune 1987, ed. N.K. Thakare, Macmillan (1988), 241-275. O On applications of fractional calculus to differential equations of special functions. Alder H. L. : Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 54 (1948), 712-722. cxxii The nonexistence of certain identities in the theory of partitions and compositions. Alder H. L. : Pacific J. Math. 4 (1954), 161-168. viii Generalizations of the Rogers-Ramanujan identities. Alder H. L. : Amer. Math. Monthly 76 (1969), 733-746. cvi Partitions identities - from Euler to the present. Alexits G. : 1961 Pergamon Press. O Convergence Problems of Orthogonal Series. Alladi K. : Number Theory Ooctacamund, Indai (1984), (ed.): K. Alladi, Lect. Notes Math. 1122 (1985), 1-37. O A study of the moments of additive functions using Laplace transforms and sieve methods. Alladi K. : Number Theory, Madras (1987), (ed.): K. Alladi, Lect. Notes Math. 1395 (1989), 21-63. O The distribution of additive functions in special sets of integers. Alladi K. : J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 65 (1994), No.2, 214-245. xiv On the modified convergence of some continued fractions of the Rogers-Ramanujan type. Alladi K. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 347 (1995), No.3, 897-914. cii / cxix Some new observations on the Gollnitz-Gordon and Rogers-Ramanujan identities. Alladi K. : Amer. Math. Monthly 103 (1996), No.8, 708-713. O Reviews : Ramanujan: Letters and Commentary, by B.C. Berndt & R.A. Rankin. Alladi K. : J. Comput. & Appl. Math. 68 (1996), No.1-2, 3-13. #161 The quintuple product identity and shifted partition functions. Alladi K. : Special Functions, q-Series... M.E.H. Ismail..., (Eds.), A.M.S. 1997, 1-35. O Refinements of Rogers-Ramanujan Type Identities. Alladi K. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 349 (1997), No.12, 5001-5019. cxvi Partition identities involving gaps and weights. Alladi K. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 349 (1997), 2721-2735. cxvi A combinatorial correspondence related to Göllnitz?(Big) partition theorem and applications. Alladi K. : The Ramanujan Journal 2 (1998), No.1/2, 21-37. O Partition Identities Involving Graps and Weights, II. Alladi K. : J. Number Theory 69 (1998), 153-180. #159 On a problem theortem of Göllnitz and quadratic transformations. Alladi K. & Andrews G. E. & Gordon B. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 460 (1995), 165-188. cxvi Generalizations and refinaments of a partition theorem of Göllnitz. Alladi K. & Andrews G. E. & Gordon B. : J. of Algebra 174 (1995), 636-658. cxvi Refinements and generalizations of Capparelli?s conjecture on partitions. Alladi K. & Erdös P. & Hoggatt V. E. Jr. : Discrete Math. 23 (1978), 201-221. cv-2 On additive partitions of integers. Alladi K. & Gordon B. : J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 63 (1993), No.2, 275-300. xiii Partitions identities and a continued fraction of Ramamujan. Alladi K. & Gordon B. : Manuscripta Math. 79 (1993), No.2, 113-126. xcviii Generalizations of Schur?s partition theorem. Alladi K. & Gordon B. : The Rademacher Legacy to Math, Contemporary Math. A.M.S. 166 (1994), 129-139. O Vanishing coefficients in the expansion of products of Rogers-Ramanujan type. Alladi K. & Gordon B. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 347 (1995), 1591-1608. cxvi Schur?s partition theorem, companions, refinements and generalizations. Alladi K. & Robinson M. L. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 318 (1980), 137-155. #175 Legendre polynomials and irrationality. Allen E. J. : Math. Gaz. 69 (1985), 261-263. lv Continued radicals. Allouche H. & Cuyt A. : Numerical Algorithms 6 (1994), No.1-2, 137-168. xcviii Singular rules for a multivariate quotient-difference algorithm. Allouche J. P. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser I. Math. 307 (1988), No.12, 631-633. xxv Sur le developpement en fraction continue de certaines series formalles. Allouche J.P. & Davison J.L. & Queffelec M. & Zamboni L.Q. : J. of Number. Theory 91 (2001), No.1, Novermber, 39-66. m-01 Transcendence of Sturmian or Morphic Continued Fractions. Allouche J.P. & Mendčs-France M. & Vander Poorten A.J.: Acta Arith. 59 (1991), No.2, 171-182.xxii An infinite product with bounded partial quotients. Almkvist G. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 24 (1986), No.4, 316-322. O A Solution to a Tantalizing Problem. Almkvist G. : The Rademacher Legacy to Math., Contemporary Math. A.M.S. 166 (1994), 211-233. O Wilf?s conjecture and a generalization. Almkvist G. : Amer. Math. Monthly 104 (1997), No.4, 351-353. lxxxvii / cxvi Many correct digits of Pi, Revisited. Almkvist G. : Experimental Math. 7 (1998), No.4, 343-359. F.ps Asypmtotic Formulas and Generalized Dedekind Sums. Almkvist G. & Andrews G. E. : J. Number Theory 38 (1991), No.2, 135-144. xvi A Hardy-Ramanujan formula for restricted partitions. Almkvist G. & Berndt B. C. : Amer. Math. Monthly 95 (1988), No.7, 585-608. O Gauss, Landen, Ramanujan, the Arithmetic-Geometric Mean, Ellipses, Pi, and the Ladies Diary. Almkvist G. & Granville A. : Experimental Math. 8 (1999), No.2, 197-203. .F.ps Borwein and Bradley?s Apéry-Like Formulae for zeta(4n + 3). Almkvist G. & Wilf H. S. : J. Number Theory 50 (1995), No.2, 329-334. cii / cxx On the coefficients in the Hardy-Ramanujan-Rademacher formula for p(n). Almkvist G. & Zeilberger D. : J. Symbolic Computation 10 (1990), 571-591. #172 The method of differentiating under the integral sign. Alniacik K. : Acta Arith. 55 (1990), No.4, 301-310. xxiv Representation of real numbers as sums of U(2)- numbers. Al-Salam W. A. : Pacific J. Math. 26 (1959), 519-539. cxlii Some functions related to Bessel polynomials. Al-Salam W. A. & Fields J. L. : SIAM Review 28 (1986), 576-578. #172 An identity for double hypergeometric series. (Problem 85-24 proposed by H. M. Srivastava.). Al-Salam W. A. & Ismail M. E. H. : Pacific J. Math. 104 (1983), 269-283. iii Orthogonal polynomials associated with the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction. Al-Salam W. A. & Ismail M. E. H. : Pacific J. Math. 135 (1988), 209-221. cxxv q-beta integrals and q-Hermite polynomials. Al-Salam W. A. & Verma A. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 85 (1982), 360-362. cxxiv Some remarks on q-beta integrals. Al-Salam W. A. & Verma A. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 15 (1984), 414-420. lxxiii / lxxxi1 On quadratic transformations of basic series. Álvarez de Morales M. & Pérez T.E. & Pińar M.A. & Ronveaux A. : C. F. V, 96, LNPAM 199 (1998), 343-358. O Orthogonal polynomials associated with a nondiagonal Sobolev inner product with polynomial coefficients. Alzer H. : J. Number Theory 68 (1998), No.1, 57-62. cxlvii On rational approximation to e. Amoretti E. : Nouv. Ann. Math. 14 (1855), 40-44. xxv Sur la fraction continue 1 / 1+ 1 / 2+ 1 / 3+ 1 / 4+ ... Amoroso F. : The Ramanujan Journal 1 (1997), No.4, 357-362. O A Remark on a Theorem of Szegö. Amoroso F. & David S. : The Ramanujan Journal 5 (2001), No.3, September, 237-246. O Densité des Points ŕ Coordonnées Multiplicativement Indépendances. AMS Staf (Eds.) : 1997-1998 AMS. O Reviews in Number Theory 1984-1996, Volume 1 B : Chapters A-C. AMS Staf (Eds.) : 1997-1998 AMS. O Reviews in Number Theory 1984-1996, Volume 2 B : Chapters D-G. AMS Staf (Eds.) : 1997-1998 AMS. O Reviews in Number Theory 1984-1996, Volume 3 B : Chapter H-K. AMS Staf (Eds.) : 1997-1998 AMS. O Reviews in Number Theory 1984-1996, Volume 4 B : Chapter L-Q. AMS Staf (Eds. ) : 1997-1998 AMS. O Reviews in Number Theory 1984-1996, Volume 5 B : Chapter R-Y. AMS Staf (Eds.) : 1997-1998 AMS. O Reviews in Number Theory 1984-1996, Volume 6 B : Chapter Z. Amulya Kummar Bag : Indian J. of History of Sci. 1 (1966), 98-106. xci Trigonametrical series in the Karanapaddhati and the probable date of the text. Ananda Rau K. : Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) 34 (1932), 414-440. xxi On the convergence and summability of Dirichlet?s series. Anastassiadis J. : 1964 Gauthier Villars. O Définition des fonctions Eulériennes par des equations fonctionelles. Anderson D. R. & Apostol T. M. : Duke Math. J. 20 (1953), 211-216. #160 The evaluation of Ramanujan?s sum and generalizations. Anderson E. S. : Math. Scand. 1 (1953), 261-262. cviii Two summation formulae for product sums of binomial coefficients. Anderson G. W. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I. 311 (1990), 469-472. cxxxvi The evaluation of Selberg sums. Anderson G. W. : Forum Mathematicum 3 (1991), 415-417. cxxxvi A short proof of Selberg?s generalized beta formula. Anderson G.M. & Qiu S.L. & Vamanamurthy M.K. & Vuorinen M. : Pacific J. Math. 192 (2000), 1-37. #160 Generalized Elliptic integrals and modular equations. Anderson G.M. & Qiu S.L. & Vuorinen M. : J. Math. Anal. & Appl. 215 (1997), 212-234. #171 Precise estimates for Differences of the Gaussian hypergeometric functions. Anderson I : 1989 / 1993 ( Oxford University Press ) / Vicens Vives. O Introducción a la Combinatoria. Anderson P. G. & Brown T. C. & Shiue P. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 123 (1995), No.7, 2005-2009. xv A simple proof of a remarkable continued fraction. Andoyer H. : Bull. Sci. Math. (2) 43 (1908), 207-221. xxv Sur une classe des fractions continues. Andrade E. X. L. de & Dimitrov D. K. : RC O.F., M.T. & C.F. V, Brazil 1996, Dekker LNPAM 199 (1998), 1-14. O Chebyshev-Laurent polynomials and weighted approximation. Andrea S. A. & Berry T. G. : Linear Algebra & Appl. 161 (1992), 117-134. c / cxvii Continued fractions and periodic Jacobi matrices. André-Jeannin R. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I Math. 308 (1989), 539-541. #163 Irrationalité de la Somme des Inverses de Certaines Suites Récurrentes. André-Jeannin R. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 28 (1990), No.3, 223-226. O Lambert Series and the Summation of Reciprocals in certain Fibonacci-Lucas-type Sequences. Andrews G. E. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 16 (1965), 333-334. lxx A simple proof of Jacobi?s triple product identity. Andrews G. E. : Amer. J. Math. 88 (1966), 454-490. xxi On the theorems of Watson and Dragonette for Ramanujan?s mock theta functions. Andrews G. E. : Amer. J. Math. 88 (1966), 844-846. lxix An analyitc proof of the Rogers-Ramanujan Gordon identities. Andrews G. E. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) (2) 17 (1966), 64-80. lxxiii On basic hypergeometric series, mock theta functions, and partitions (i). Andrews G. E. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) (2) 17 (1966), 132-143. lxxiv On basic hypergeometric seires, mock theta functions and partitions (ii). Andrews G. E. : Duke Math. J. 33 (1966), 575-582. lxxxiii q-identities of Auluck, Carlitz and Rogers. Andrews G. E. : Michigan J. Math. 13 (1966), 491-498. cvi On generalizations of Euler?s partition theorem. Andrews G. E. : J. Combin. Theory 3 (1967), 100-101. cvi A generalization of a partition theorem of MacMahon. Andrews G. E. : Glasgow Math. J. 8 (1967), 33-40. cvi Enumerative proofs of certain q.identities. Andrews G. E. : J. Combin Theory 2 (1967), 422-430. cvi Partitions theorems related to the Rogers-Ramanujan identities. Andrews G. E. : J. Combin Theory 2 (1967), 431-436. cvi Some new partition theorems. Andrews G. E. : Glasgow Math. J. 9 (1967), 127-132. cvi On Schur ?s second partition theorem. Andrews G. E. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 18 (1967), 945-952. xcvi / ciii A generalization of the Göllnitz-Gordon partition theorems. Andrews G. E. : Quart. J. Math. 19 (1968), 433-447. xxxii On q-difference equations for certain well-poised basic hypergeometric series. Andrews G. E. : Acta Arithmetica 14 (1968), 429-434. cviii A new generalization of Schur?s second partition theorem. Andrews G. E. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 19 (1968), 441-444. cxxii On partition functions related to Schur?s second partition theorem. Andrews G. E. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 22 (1969), 552-553. liv On Ramanujan?s summation of 1psi 1 (a; b; z). Andrews G. E. : J. Combin. Theory 7 (1969), 262-263. cvi Some new partition theorems. II. Andrews G. E. : Amer. Math. Monthly 76 (1969), 66-68. cvi On radix representation and the Euclidean algorithm. Andrews G. E. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 20 (1969), 499-502. cvi Two theorems of Euler and a general partition theorem. Andrews G. E. : Amer. J. Math. 91 (1969), 18-24. cviii A general partition theorem with difference conditions. Andrews G. E. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 236 (1969), 37-42. cxvi On a partition theorem of Göllnitz and related formulae. Andrews G. E. : Pacific J. Math. 31 (1969), 555-562. cviii On a calculus of partition functions. Andrews G. E. : Trans- Amer. Math. Soc. 145 (1969), 205-221. cxxi A generalisation of the classical partition theorems. Andrews G. E. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 25 (1970), 554-558. liv On a transformation of bilateral series with applications. Andrews G. E. : Scripta Math. 28 (1970), 297-305. lxviii A polynomial identity which implies the Rogers-Ramanujan identities. Andrews G. E. : Glasgow Math. J. 11 (1970), 108-109. cvi Note on a partition theorem. Andrews G. E. : J. London Math. Soc. 82) 2 (1970), 571-576. cvi On a partition problem of J. J. Sylvester. Andrews G. E. : J. Combin. Theory 10 (1971), 266-270. lxxiv A new property of partitions with applications to the Rogers-Ramanujan identities. Andrews G. E. : J. London Math. Soc. (2) 3 (1971), 563-570. cvi Generalization of the Durfee square. Andrews G. E. : Studies in Appl. Math. 50 (1971), 345-375. cxxviii On the foundation of combinatorial theory V : Eulerian differential operators. Andrews G. E. : Adv. Math. 9 (1972), 10-51. lvii Partition identities. Andrews G. E. : J. London Math. Soc (2) 4 (1972), 618-622. lxvi Summations and transformations for basic Appell series. Andrews G. E. : Pacific J. Math. 41 (1972), 563-578. lxxxiii Two theorems of Gauss and allied identities proved arithmetically. Andrews G. E. : Rocky Mount. J. Math. 2 (1972), 49-56. lxxxv Lambert series, false theta functions and partitions. Andrews G. E. : Amer. J. Math. 94 (1972), 1214-1230. #168 Sieves in the theory of partitions. Andrews G. E. : Illinois J. Math. 16 (1972), 270-275. cxxii On the Rogers-Ramanujan identities and partial q-difference equations. Andrews G. E. : The Theory of Arithemtical Functions, Lect. Notes Math. 251, (1972), 1-20. O Sieves for theorems of Euler, Rogers, and Ramanujan. Andrews G. E. : Duke Math. J. 40 (1973), 525-528. ??? / cxxviii On the q-analogue of Kummer?s theorem and applications. Andrews G. E. : Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 80 (1974), 1033-1052. lii A general theory of identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan type. Andrews G. E. : SIAM Rev. 16 (1974), 441-484. liii Applications of basic hypergeometric series. Andrews G. E. : Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 152. O On the general Rogers-Ramanujan theorems. Andrews G. E. : Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 71 (1974), 4082-4085. lxvii An analytic generalization of the Rogers-Ramanujan identities for odd moduli. Andrews G. E. : Memoirs of the Amer. Math. Soc (1974), No.152, 86 pp. O A general theory of identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan type. Andrews G. E. : Proc. London Math. Soc. 30 (1975), 330-346. xlvi On Rogers-Ramanujan type identities related to the modulus 11. Andrews G. E. : Amer. Math. Monthly 82 (1975), 830-833. cvi A theorem on reciprocal polynomials with applications to permutations and compositions. Andrews G. E. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 204 (1975), 40-64. cix On the Alder polynomials and a new generalisation of the Rogers-Ramanujan identities. Andrews G. E. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 53 (1975), 240-245. cxxix Identities in combinatorics. II : A q-analog of the Lagrange inversion. Andrews G. E. : Houston J. Math. 2 (1976), 289-298. lxvi On identities implying the Rogers-Ramanujan identities. Andrews G. E. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 7 (1976), 332-336. cxxx On q-analogues of the Watson and Whipple summations. Andrews G. E. : Inventiones Math. 41 (1977), 91-102. cxxi Partitions, q-series and the Lusztig-Macdonal-Wall conjectures. Andrews G. E. : Pacific J. Math. 72 (1977), 283-291. #168 Plane Partitions (II) : The equivalence of the Bender-Knuth and MacMahon Conjectures. Andrews G. E. : Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 74 (1997), 426-429. #178 MacMahon's conjecture on symmetric plane partitions. Andrews G. E. : Amer. Math. Monthly. 86 (1979), 89-108. i An introduction to Ramanujan?s "lost" notebook. Andrews G. E. : Austral Math. Soc. Gaz. 6 (1979), 80-89. lxxxix An incredible formula of Ramanujan. Andrews G. E. : Proc. Symp. Pure Math. ( D. Ray-Chaudhuri ed. ) Vol. 34 AMS (1979), 1-24. #150 Connection coefficients problems and partitions. Andrews G. E. : Inventiones Math. 53 (1979), 193-225. #171 Plane Partitions (III) : The Weak Macdonald Conjecture. Andrews G. E. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 11 (1980), 787-792. cxx Notes on the Dyson conjecture. Andrews G. E. : Adv. Math. 41 (1981), 137-172. iv1 Ramanujan?s "Lost" notebook : I : Partial Theta Functions. Andrews G. E. : Adv. Math. 41 (1981), 173-185. iii Ramanujan?s "Lost" notebook : II : Theta -Function Expansions. Andrews G. E. : Adv. Math. 41 (1981), 186-208. i Ramanujan?s "Lost" notebook : III : The Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction. Andrews G. E. : Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 78 (1981), 5290-5292. liii The hard-hexagon model and Rogers-Ramanujan type identities. Andrews G. E. : Pacific J. Math. 95 (1981), 251-256. lxxviii The Rogers-Ramanujan reciprocal and Minc?s partition function. Andrews G. E. : Houston J. Math. 6 (1981), 11-22. lxxxii Multiple q-series identities. Andrews G. E. : Lectures Notes in Math. , Springer Vol. 899 (1981), 10-48. cxxvi Mordell integrals and Ramanujan lost notebook. Andrews G. E. : Math. Chronicle 11 (1982), 1-15. lii L. J. Rogers and the Rogers-Ramanujan identities. Andrews G. E. : Adv. Math. 53 (1984), 55-74. iv1 Ramanujan?s "Lost" notebook : IV : Stacks and alternating parity in partitions. Andrews G. E. : Pacific J. Math. 114 (1984), 267-283. v Multiple series Rogers-Ramanujan type identities. Andrews G. E. : J. Australian Math. Soc. Ser. A : 37 (1984), 17-26. vii On the Wall Polynomials and L-M-W Conjectures. Andrews G. E. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 283 (1984), 451-458. lxxxiii Hecke modular forms and the Kac-Peterson identities. Andrews G. E. : Memoirs of the Amer. Math. Soc. 49 (1984), No.301, May, 44 pp. O Generalized Frobenius partitions. Andrews G. E. : London Math. Soc. Lect. Notes Ser. No. 103 (1985), 1-23 Surveys in Combinatorics, C.U.P.,. cxx Combinatorics and Ramanujan's 'Lost Notebook'. Andrews G. E. : Adv. Math. 61 (1986), 156-164. iv1 Ramanujan?s "Lost" notebook : V : Euler?s partition identity. Andrews G. E. : Amer. Math. Monthly. 93 (1986), 708-711. f Questions and conjectures in partition theory. Andrews G. E. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 293 (1986), 113-134. v The fifth and seventh order mock theta functions. Andrews G. E. : J. Number Theory 23 (1986), 285-293. xli / cxi EUREKA ! num = tri + tri + tri. Andrews G. E. : Conference Board of the Math. Sci. Regional Confer. Ser. in Math. No. 66 (1986), xii + 130 pp. O q-series : Their development and application in analysis, number theory, comniatorics, physics, and computer algebra. Andrews G. E. : Amer. Math. Monthly 94 (1987), No.5, 437-439. O Further Problems on Partitions. Andrews G. E. : Amer. Math. Monthly 94 (1987), No.10, 1011. O Problem 6562 ( Euler?s pentagonal number theorem ). Andrews G. E. : Rocky Mountain J. Math. 17 (1987), No.4, 659-672. lvi The Rogers-Ramanujan identities without Jacobi?s triple product. Andrews G. E. : J. Combin Theory Ser. A 44 (1987), No.2, 267-273. cxxxii Catalan numbers, q-Catalan numbers and hypergeometric series. Andrews G. E. : Indian J. Math. 29 (1987), No.2, 117-125. cv Rogers-Ramanujan identities for two-color partitions. Andrews G. E. : Aequationes Math. 33 (1987), 230-250. #171 Plane Partitions (IV) : A conjecture of Mills-Robbins-Rumsey. Andrews G. E. : Ramanujan Revisited, Proc. Centenary Conference Univ. Illinois (1987), AP (1988), 47-56. O Ramanujan?s fifth order mock theta functions as constant terms. Andrews G. E. : Number Theory, Madras (1987), (ed.): K. Alladi, Lect. Notes Math. 1395 (1989), 64-72. O An identity of Sylvester and the Rogers-Ramanujan identities. Andrews G. E. : Ramanujan Inter. Symp. on Analysis, Pune (1987), ed. N. K. Thakare, Macmillan (1989), 85-95. O A formula of Ramanujan from the lost notebook. Andrews G. E. : Proc. on q-series & partitions, March 7-11 1988, IMA Vol. 18, Springer (1989), 1-14. O On the proof of the Rogers-Ramanujan identities. Andrews G. E. : Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 49 part 2, Theta Function Bowdoin 1987, A.M.S. (1989), 283-298. O Mock theta functions. Andrews G. E. : Indian J. Math. 32 (1990), No.3, 207-216. xxii A page from Ramanujan?s lost notebook. Andrews G. E. : J. Amer. Math. Soc. 3 (1990), 653-669. lxxxiii Euler?s " Exemplum memorabile inductionis fallacies " and q-trinomial coefficients. Andrews G. E. : Progress Math 85 (1990), 1-11, B.C. Berndt (Ed.), Analytic Number Theory (Birkhäuser). civ / cxxix q-trinomial coefficients and Rogers-Ramanujan type identities. Andrews G. E. : Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 25 (1990), B25f, 12pp. F.ps Three Aspects of Partitions. Andrews G. E. : Illinois J. Math. 36 (1992), 251-274. xlvii / xli / lxxvi Bailey chains and generalized Lambert series : I. Four identities of Ramanujan. Andrews G. E. : The Rademacher Legacy to Math., Contemporary Math. A.M.S. 166 (1994), 141-154. O Schur?theorem, Capparelli?s conjecture and q-trinomial coefficients. Andrews G. E. : Math. Intelligencer 16 (1994), No.4, 16-18. O The death of proof ? Semi-rigorous mathematics ? You?ve got to be kidding !. Andrews G. E. : J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 66 (1994), 28-39. #171 Plane Partitions (V) : The t.s.s.c.p.p. conjecture. Andrews G. E. : J. Symbolic Comput. 20 (1995), 487-501. #174 On a Conjecture of Peter Borwein. Andrews G. E. : Electronic J. Combinatorics 3 (1996), (2), R21. ejc1 Pfaff?s method (III) : Comparison with the WZ method. Andrews G. E. : The Ramanujan Journal 1 No.1 (1997), 7-23. O The Well-Poised Thread : An Organized Chronicle of Some Amazing Summations and Their Implications. Andrews G. E. : Amer. Math. Monthly 104 (1997), No.10, 918-925. #154 Simplicity and surprise in Ramanujan?s "Lost" notebook. Andrews G. E. : Séminarie Lotharingien de Combinatoire 42 (1998), B42a, 16pp. F.ps Some debts I owe. Andrews G. E. : The Ramanujan Journal 6 (2002), No.1, March, 5-6. O Preface. Andrews G. & ?????? : Advances in Appl. Math. 25 (2000), No.1, 2-11. #164 An infinite family of Engel expansions of Roger-Ramanujan type. Andrews G. E. & Askey R. : Aequationes Math. 18 (1978), 333-337. liii A simple proof of Ramanujan?s summation of the 1 psi 1. Andrews G. E. & Askey R. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 81 (1981), 97-100. cxxi Another q-extension of the beta function. Andrews G. E. & Askey R. & Berndt B.C. & Ramanathan K.G. & Rankin R.A. (eds.): A. P. 1988, xx + 609pp. O Ramanujan Revisited, Proc. of the Centenary Conference University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaing June 1-5, 1987. Andrews G. E. & Baxter R. J. : Amer. Math. Monthly 96 (1989), No.5, 401-409. O A Motivated Proof of the Rogers-Ramanujan Identities. Andrews G. E. & Baxter R. J. & Forrester P. J. : J. Stat. Phys. 35 (1984), 193-266. lxii Eight-vertex SOS model and generalized Rogers-Ramanujan-type identities. Andrews G. E. & Baxter R. J. & ... : European J. Combinatorics 8 (1987), 341-350. eujc1 Partitions with prescribed hook differences. Andrews G.E. & Berndt B.C. & Jacobsen L. & Lamphere R.L. : Lect. Notes Math. 1395 (1989), 73-83. O Variations on the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction in Ramanujan?s notebooks. Andrews G.E. & Berndt B.C. & Jacobsen L. & Lamphere R.L. : Memo. A. M. S. 99 (1992), No.477, Sep., 71 pp. O The continued fractions found in the unorganized portions of Ramanujan?s notebooks. Andrews G. E. & Bowman D.: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 123 (1995), (No.11 Nov), 3343-3350. xvi A full extension of the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction. Andrews G. E. & Bressoud D. M. : Discrete Math. 49 (1984), 223-236. cv Identities in combinatorics III : Further aspects of ordered set sorting. Andrews G. E. & Burge W. H. : Pacific J. Math. 158 (1993), 1-14. cxxxviii Determiant identities. Andrews G. E. & Dyson F. J. & Hickerson D. : Inventiones Math. 91 (1988), 391-407. cxxix Partitions and indefinite quadratic forms. Andrews G. E. & Garvan F. G. : Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 18 (1988), No.2, 167-171. #156 Dyson?s crank of a partition. Andrews G. E. & Garvan F. G. : Adv. Math. 73 (1989), 242-255. xliii3 Ramanujan?s "Lost" notebooks VI : The mock theta conjectures. Andrews G. E. & Goulden I. P. & Jackson D. M. : J. Combin Theory Ser. A 43 (1986), 70-84. cxxix Shak?s convergence acceleration transform, Padé approximants and partitions. Andrews G. E. & Hickerson D. : Adv. Math. 89 (1991), No.1, 60-105. lvii Ramanujan?s "Lost" notebooks VII : The six order mock theta functions...... Andrews G. E. & Jackson D. M. : Pacific J. Math. 14 (1990), 207-218. cviii An algebraically derived q-analog of a character sum associated with a class of semiregular permutations. Andrews G. E. & Kitaoka Y. : J. Number Theory 34 (1990), No.1, 54-62. cxxxv A result on q-series and its application to quadratic forms. Andrews G. E. & Knopfmacher A. & Knopfmacher J. : J. Number Theory 80 (2000), No.2, February, 273-290. #164 Engel expansion and the Rogers-Ramanujan identities. Andrews G. E. & Lewis R. : J. Number Theory 85 (2000), No.1, November, 74-84. #167 The Ranks and Crank of Partitions moduli 2, 3, and 4. Andrews G. E. & Olsson J. B. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 413 (1991), 198-212. cxvi Partition identities with an application to group representation theory. Andrews G.E. & Paule P. : Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 42 (1998), B42i, 24pp. F.ps MacMahon?s Partition Analysis IV : Hypergeometric Multisums. Andrews G. E. & Plínio O. & Santos J. : The Ramanujan Journal 1 (1997), No.1, 91-99. O Rogers-Ramanujan Type Identities for Partitions with Attached Odd Parts. Andrews J.J. & Lacher R.C. : Aequa. Math. 16 (1977), 137-147. liii Stacked exponents. Andrews G. E. & Schilling A. & Warnaar S. O. : J. Amer. Math. Soc. 12 (1999), No.3, 677-702. #166 An A2 Bailey lemma and Rogers-Ramanujan type identities. Angelesko M. A. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. A 168 (1919), 262-265. lxvii Sur deux extensions des fractions continues algébriques. Angell D. : Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 38 (1988), No.1, 67-76. xxv The limiting behaviour of certain sequences of continued fractions. Aomoto K. : Ramanujan Revisited, Proc. Centenary Conference Univ. Illinois (1987), AP (1988), 591-605. O Correlation functions of the Selberg integral. Aomoto K. : Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 49 part 2, Theta Functions Bowdoin 1987, A.M.S. (1989), 279-281. O On the complex Selberg integral. Aparicio Bernardo E. : 1998 Editorial Universidad del Pais Vasco . O Teoría de Funciones de Variable Compleja. Apéry F. : The Math. Intell. 18 No.2 (1996), 54-61. O Roger Apéry, 1916-1994 : A Radical Mathematician. Apéry R. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 251 (1960), 1451-1452. #153 / 161 Sur une équation diophantienne. Apéry R. : Journées Arithétiques Luminy , Astérisque 61 (1979), 11-13. viii Irrationalité de Zeta(2) et Zeta(3). Apéry R. : Bull. Section des Sci. Bibliothéque National Paris, Tome III (1981), 37-53. viii Interpolation des fractions continues et irrationalite de certaines constantes. Apostal T. M. : Duke Math. J. 17 (1950), 147-157. lxxxiii Generalized Dedekind sums and transformation formulae of certain Lambert series. Apostol T. M. : Pacific J. Math. 1 (1951), 161-167. #158 On the Lerch Zeta function. Apostol T. M. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 5 (1954), 239-243. #168 Some series involving the Riemann zeta function. Apostol T. M. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 15 (1964), 618-622. #153 A short proof of Shô Iseki?s functional equation. Apostol T. M. : The Math. Intell. 5 (1983), No.3, 59-60. O A Proof that Euler Missed : Evaluating zeta(2) that Easy Way. Apostol T. M. : The Math. Intell. 5 (1983), No.5, 59-60. Pi : A source book, 456-457. A Proof that Euler Missed : Evaluating zeta(2) that Easy Way. Apostol T. M. : Amer. Math. Monthly 106 (1999), No.5, 409-419. #154 An elementary view of Euler?s summation formula. Apostol T.M. & Vu T.H. : J. Number Theory 19 (1984), 85-102. xxxix2 / cx Dirichlet series related to the Riemann zeta-function. Appel K. & Hacken W. : Illinois J. Math. 21 (1977), 429-490. cxlii Every planar map is four colorable I. Discharging. Appel K. & Hacken W. : Illinois J. Math. 21 (1977), 491-567. cxlii Every planar map is four colorable II. Reducibility. Appell P. : Math. Ann. 19 (1882), 84-102. xlvii2 Sur une classe de fonctions analogues aux fonctions Eulériennes. Appel P. & Lacour E. : 2nd. Ed. 1922 Gauthier Villars. O Pricciples de la Théorie des Fonctions Elliptiques et Applications. Aptekarev A. I. & Kalyagin V. A. : Lect. Notes Math. (Rational Approx.), 1237 (1987), 145-160. cxxxi Analytic proper. of two-dimensional continued P-fraction expans. with periodical coefficients and their P-H Approx. Arakawa T. : Comment. Math. Univ. St. Pauli 42 (1993), No.1, 81-92. xcvi / cxv A note on the Hirzebruch sum. Arenas A. : Manuscripta Math. 57 (1987), 469-475. #157 / #152 On the summation of singular series. Arenas A. : 4ş Conf. Canad. Number Theory Assoc. 1994, K. Dilcher (ed.), 1995 AMS, 1-11. O On the number of genera of positive-definite integral ternary quadratic forms. Argyros I. K. : Rev. Acad. Cienc. Zaragoza (2) 42 (1987), 18-23. xcviii On the solution by series of some nonlinear equations. Arias de Reyna J. : J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 70 (1997), No.2, 259-264. cxlviii Finite fields and Ramanujan graphs. Arkin J. : Amer. Math. Monthly 73 (1966), 1087-1090. xlv An extension of a theorem of Ramanujan. Arkin J. : Duke Math. J. 38 (1970), 403-409. ciii Researches on partitions. Arndt J. & Haenel Ch. : Translation English, Springer Verlag 2000/2001. O Pi Unleashed. Arnold C. : Numer. Algorithms 15 (1997), No.1, 111-134. cxlviii Formal continued fractions solutions of the generalized second order Riccati equations. Arnold V. I. : Comm. Pure & Appl. Math. 42 (1989), No.7, 993-1000. ci / cxx A-graded algebras and continued fractions. Arnold V. I. : 1995 Mir-Rubińos-1860. O Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias. Arnoux P. & Nogueira A. : Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. (4) 26 (1993), No.6, 645-664. xcix / cxvii Mesures de Gauss pour des algorithmes de fractions continues multidimensionnelles. Arthur J. : Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.): Ramanujan B.C.V. 97 (1987), No.1-3, 3-19. O The Characters of supercuspidal representations as weighted orbital integrals. Artin E. : B. G. Teubner 1931. O Die Theorie der Gammafunktion. Artin E. : Athena Series, Holt, Rinehart and Winston 1964. O The Gamma Function. Arwin A. : Annals of Math. (2) 26 (1925), 247-272. lii On continued fractions in the theory of binary forms. Arwin A. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 155 (1926), 111-128. lii Einige periodische kettenbruchentwicklungen. Arya S. P. : Ganita-Sandesh 1 (1987), No.1-2, 33-40. lxxxi1 Srinivasa Ramanujan : The Mathematician. Ash J. M. : Amer. Math. Monthly 96 (1989), No. 10, 873-885. O Unqueness of representation by trigonometric series. Ash R. B. : Academic Press Inc. New York London 1971. O Complex Variables. Askey R. : Tôhoku Math. J. 24 (1972), 109-119. #175 Positive Jacobi polynomial sums. Askey R. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 179 (1973), 71-84. #176 Summability of Jacobi series. Askey R. (ed.) : 1975 Academic Press. O Theory and Applications of Special Functions. Askey R. : Appl. Anal. 8 (1978), 125-141. liii The q-gamma and q-beta functions. Askey R. : Amer. Math. Monthly. 87 (1980), 346-359. iii Ramanujan?s extensions of the gamma and beta functions. Askey R. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 11 (1980), 938-951. cxx Some basic hypergeometric extension of integrals of Selberg and Andrews. Askey R. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) (2) 32 (1981), 255-266. cxxxii A q-extension of Cauchy?s form of the beta integral. Askey R. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 85 (1982), 192-194. lxxxvi / cxiv Two integrals of Ramanujan. Askey R. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 13 (1982), 1008-1010. cxx A q-beta integral associated with BC. Askey R. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 90 (1984), 575-579. cxxix The very well poised 6phi6. Askey R. : Math. Annalen 268 (1984), 123-126. #153 Remarks on the preceding paper by Gavin Brown and Edwin Hewitt. Askey R. : Rocky Mount. J. Math. 15 (1985), 311-318. ii Appendix to " Chapter 12 of Ramanujan?s second notebook : continued fractions". Askey R. : Rend. del Sem. Mat. de la Univ. Torino (1985), 1-22. cxxxvi Some problems about special functions and computations. Askey R. : J. Approx. Theory 46 (1986), 213-216. cxxxii Limits of some q-Laguerre polynomials. Askey R. : Amer. Math. Monthly 94 (1987), No.2, 199-201. O Solution problem Adv. 6497 [ 1985, 362] : q-Analogues of a Gamma Function Identity. Askey R. : Amer. Math. Monthly 94 (1987), No.10, 1012-1014. O Problem 6514 [ 1986, 304 ], Solution. Askey R. : J. Indian Math. Soc. 51 (1987), 27-36. xxxiii An integral of Ramanujan and orthogonal polynomials. Askey R. : Indian J. Math. 29 (1987), 101-105. lvi Ramanujan?s 1psi1 and formal Laurent series. Askey R. : Number Theory, Madras (1987), (ed.): K. Alladi, Lect. Notes Math. 1395 (1989), 84-121. O Beta integrals and the associated orthogonal polynomials. Askey R. : Ramanujan Revisited, Proc. Centenary Conference Univ. Illinois (1987), AP (1988), 561-590. O Beta integrals in Ramanujan?s papers, his unpublished work anf further examples. Askey R. : Proc. Ramanujan Cent. Inter. Conf., Annamalainagar 1987, Ramanujan Math. Soc. (1988), 85-102. O Beta integrals and q-extensions. Askey R. : Number Theory and Related Topics, Bombay (1988), T.I.F.R. - O.U.P. (1989), 1-12. O Variants of Clausen?s formula for the square of special 2F1. Askey R. : Proc. on q-series & partitions, March 7-11 1988, IMA Vol. 18, Springer (1989), 151-158. O Continuous q-Hermite polynomials when q > 1. Askey R. : Ramanujan Inter. Symposium on Analysis, Pune (1987), ed. N. K. Thakare, Macmillan 1989, 1-83. O Ramanujan and hypergeometric and basic hypergeometric series. Askey R. : Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 49 part 2, Theta Function Bowdoin 1987, A.M.S. (1989), 299-321. O Orthogonal polynomials and theta functions. Askey R. : Russian Math. Survey 45 (1990), No.1, 37-86. xxxii S. Ramanujan and Hypergeometric and basic hypergeometric series. Askey R. : CWI Quarterly 5 (1992), No.4, 251-269. cxxxiv The world of q. Askey R. A. : Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) 104 (1994), 237-243. lxii2 Gaussian quadrature in Ramanujan?s second notebook. Askey R. : Rendiconti di Mat. e delle sue Appl. (Ser. 7) 14 (1994), 135-144. cxxxviii Finite differences and orthogonal polynomials. Askey R. : B.C. Berndt - F. Gesztesy (eds.), Contemporary Mathematics 236 (1999), 1-13. O Continued fractions and orthogonal polynomials. Askey R. : Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 42 (1998), B42a. 24pp. F.ps The Work of George Andrews a Madison Perspective. Asky R. & Gasper G. : Amer. J. Math. 98 (1976), 709-737. #165 Positive Jacobi polynomials sums II. Asket R. & Gasper G. & Ismail M. : J. Approx. Theory 13 (1975), 413-420. cxxxvii A positive sum from summability theory. Askey R. & Ismail M. E. H. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 77 (1979), 218-222. lxxiv The very well poised 6phi6. Askey R. & Ismail M. : Memoirs of the Amer. Math. Soc. 49 (1984), No.300, May, 108 pp. O Recurrence relations, continued fractions and orthogonal polynomilas. Askey R. & Ismail M. E. H. & Van Assche W. : Journal of Computational and Applied Math. 133 (2001), No.1-2, 1-11. m-01 Ted Chihara and his work on orthogonal polynomials. Askey R. & Koornwinder A. N. & Schempp W. (Eds.) : Reidel Publishing. Co. 1984. O Special Functions : Group Theoretical Aspect and Applications. Askey R. & Roy R. : Rocky Mount. J. Math. 16 (1986), 365-372. xciv / civ More q-beta integrals. Askey R. & Steining J. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 187 (1974), 295-307. cxxxvi Some positive trigonometric sums. Askey R. &. Wilson J. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 13 (1982), 651-655. lxxxv A set of hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials. Askey R. & Wilson J. A. : J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. A 36 (1984), 267-278. cxxxvii A recurrente relation generalizing those of Apéry. Atanassov K. T. & Knott R. & Ozeki K. & Shannon A. G. & Szalay L. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 41 (2003), No.1, February, 20-22. O Inequalities among Related Pairs of Fibonacci Numbers. Atkin A. O. L. : Glasgow Math. J. : 8 (1967), 14-32. xl Proof of a conjecture of Ramanujan. Atkin A. O. L. : Duke Math. J. 34 (1967), 57-58. cxxii Note on a paper of Cheema and Gordon. Atkin A. O. L. : Canad. J. Math. 20 (1968), 67-78. #158 Ramanujan congruences for P-k (n). Atkin A. O. L. : Proc. London Math. Soc. 18 (1968), 563-576. #165 Multiplicative congruence properties of p(n) and c(n) modulo powers of 13. Atkin A. O. L. : Bull. London Math. Soc. 1 (1969), 191-192. cxix Note on a paper of Rankin. Atkin A. O. L. : Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 18 (1969), 563-576. #149 ???. Atkin A. O. L. & O?Brien J. N. : Tran. Amer. Math. Soc. 126 (1967), 442-459. #158 Some properties of p(n) and c(n) modulo powers of 13. Atkin A. O. L. & Lehner J. : Math. Annalen 185 (1970), 134-160. #176 Hecke operator on gamma(m). Atkin A. O. L. & Swinnerton-Dyer P. : Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 4 (1954), 84-106. lvii Some properties of partitions. Atkinson M. D. : Amer. Math. Monthly 93 (1986), No.5, 387-389. Ó How to compute the series expansions of sec x and tan x. Auluck F. C. & Chowla S. : J. Indian Math. Soc. (N.S.) 4 (1940), 169-173. #153 Some properties of a function considered by Ramanujan. Auric A. : J. Math. Pures et Appl. (6) 3 (1907), 105-206. xiii Recherches sur les fractions continues algébriques. Auslander L. & Tolimieri R. : Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 11 (1979), 847-897. cxxxviii Is computing with finite Fourier transform pure or applied mathematics. Avakumovic V. G. : Amer. J. Math. 62 (1940), 877-880. #160 Neuer beweis eines satzes von G.H. Hardy and S. Ramanujan über das asymptotische verhalten der zerfällungkoe. Ayoub R. : Math. Surveys No. 10, 1963 American Mathematical Society. O An Introduction to the Analytic Theory of Numbres. Ayoub R. : Amer. Math. Monthly 81 (1974), 1067-1086. xlvii2 Euler and zeta-function. Ayoub R. : Arch. Hist. Exact. Sci. 29 (1984), 131-149. xl The lemniscate and Fagnáno?s contributions to elliptic integrals. Ayoub R. : Amer. Math. Monthly 100 (1993), No.4, 351-364. O What Is a Napierian Logarithm ?. Ayyar M. V. & Rao M. B. : J. Indian Math. Soc. (N.S.) 4 (1940), 47-70. #153 Types of solutions of x^3 + y^3 + z^3 = 1 in integers ( I ). Azevedo Pribitkin W. de : The Ramanujan Journal 4 (2000), No.4, December, 455-467. O Revisiting Rademacher?s Formula for the Partition Function p(n).