Eagle A. : Amer. Math. Monthly 46 (1939), 422-428. #162 Series for all the roots of a trinomial equation. Eagle A. : Galloway and Porter, Ltd. Cambridge England 1958, xxviii + 509 pp. O The Elliptic Functions as They Should Be, An account with applications of the functions in a new cannonical form. Earnest A. G. : 4ş Conf. Canad. Number Theory Assoc. 1994, K. Dilcher (ed.), 1995 AMS, 155-158. O An application of character sum inequalities to quadratic forms. Edgar G. A. : Math. Mag. 60 (1987), No.3, 141-150. xcvii Pi : difficult or easy ?. Edmonds S. M. : Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 38 (1942), 1-19. cxxii On the Parseval formula for Fourier transform. Edmonds S. M. : Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 43 (1947), 289-306. cxxii The Parseval formula for monotonic functions I. Edmonds S. M. : Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 46 (1950), 231-248. cxxii The Parseval formula for monotonic functions II. Edmonds S. M. : Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 46 (1950), 249-267. cxxii The Parseval formula for monotonic functions III. Edmonds S. M. : Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 49 (1953), 218-229. cxxii The Parseval formula for monotonic functions IV. Edrei A. : Bull. Sci. Math. (2) 72 (1948), 45-64. xxx Sur des suites de nombres liées a la théorie des fractions continues. Edwards Ch. Jr. & Penney D. E. : 3Ş ed. 1993 Prentice-Hall. O Ecuaciones Diferenciales Elementales. Edwards D. : Mess. of Math. 52 (1923), 129-136. cxxxv / #150 An expansion in factorials similar to Vandermonde?s theorem and applications. Effinger G. : The Ramanujan Jorunal 3 (1999), No.3, September, 239-280. O Some numerical implications of the Hardy and Littlewood analysis of the 3-primes problem. Efrat I. : Invent. Math. 114 (1993), No.1, 207-213. ci / cxix Dynamics of the continued fraction map and the spectral theory of SL2 (z). Egami S. : Acta Arithm. 69 (1995), No.2, 189-191. cii / cxx A chi-analogue of a formula of Ramanujan for zeta(1/2). Egecioglu O. & Koc C. K. & Rifa-i-Coma J. : Computers & Math. with Appl. 21 (1991), No.2-3, 167-169. xcix / cxviii Fast computation of continued fractions. Eggan P. C. : Thesis 1985. F Ramanujan Congruences for power products of Dedekind Eta Functions. Ehrenpreis L. : Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 49 part 2, Theta Function Bowdoin 1987, A.M.S. (1989), 45-100. O Fourier analysis, partial differential equations and automorphic functions. Ehrenpreis L. : A tribute to Emil Grosswald, Contemporary Math. A.M.S. 143 (1993), 259-320. O Function theory for Rogers-Ramanujan-like partition identities. Ehrenpreis L. : The Rademacher Legacy to Math., Contemporary Math. A.M.S. 166 (1994), 35-80. O Singularities, functional equations, and the circle method. Ehrenpreis L. & Gunning R. C. (Eds.) : Proc. on Symposia in Pure Math. Vol. 49, part 2, A.M.S. (1989), 366 pp. O Theta functions Bowdoin 1987, Proc. Summer Resear. Inst. on Theta-f. ,Bowdoin Brunswick, Maine July 6-24, 1987. Eie M. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 110 (1990), 583-590. #168 On a Dirichlet series associated with polynomial. Eie M. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 119 (1993), 51-61. #168 The special values at negative integers of Dirichlet series associated with polynomials of several variables. Eie M. & Lai K. F. : Revista Mat. IberoAmericana 14 (1998), No.1, 167-213. #165 On Bernoulli identities and applications. Eje M. & Chen K. W. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 351 (1999), No.8, 3217-3228. #166 A theorem on zeta functions associated with polynomials. Ekhad S. B. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 107 (1989), 1143-1144. lxxv Short proofs of two hypergeometric summation formulas of Karlsson. Ekhad S. B. : J. Math. Anal. Appl. 147 (1990), 610-611. lxxv / cxiv A 21st century proof of Dougall?s hypergeometric sum identity. Ekhad S. B. : Discrete Math. 90 (1991), 319-320. lxxv / cxiv / upv.i1 A short proof of a "strange" combinatorial identity conjectured by Gosper. Ekhad S. B. : Theoretical Comput. Sci. 117 (1993), 199-202. #161 A short elementary, and easy, WZ proof of the Askey-Gasper inequality that was used by de Branges... Ekhad S. B. & Parnes S. : Discrete Math. 110 (1992), 263-264. lxxv / upv-i1 A WZ-style proof of Jacobi polynomial?s generating function. Ekhad S. B. & Tre S. : J. Comb. Theory Ser. A 54 (1990), No.2, 309-311. lxxiv A purely verification proof of the first Roger-Ramanujan identity. Ekin A. B. : J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 83 (1998), No.2, 283-289. #174 Inequalities for the crank. Ekin A. B. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 352 (2000), No.5, 2145-2156. #164 Some properties of partitions in terms of crank. Elkenbracht-Huizing R.M. Montgomery P.L. Silverman R.D. Wackerbarth R.K. Wagstaff S.S. : 5ş CNT, 81-85. O The number field sieve on many computers. Elliot E. B. : Mess. of Math. 33 (1904), 31-40. cxxxv A formula including Legendre?s EK?+ KE?- KK?= 1/2 pi. Elliot P. D. T. A. : The Ramanujan Journal 2 (1998), No.1/2, 201-217. O Products of Shifted Primes, Multiplicative Analogues of Golbach?s Problems, II. Ellis H. G. : Rocky Mountain J. Math. 4 (1974), 353-356. xxviii Continued fractions solutions of the general Riccati differential equation. Elsner C. : Math. Nachrichten 189 (1998), 243-256. cxlviii On the approximation of irrationals by rationals. Elsner C. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 41 (2003), No.2, May, 98-104. O On Rational Approximations by Pythagorean Numbers. Elte E. L. : Nieuw Arch. voor Wisk. (2) 15 (1925), 55-59. lx Aavulling eener eigenschap der periodieke kettingbreuken. Elte E. L. : Nieuw. Arch. voor Wisk 15 (1928), 237-255. lx Over het voorstellen von zekere getallen in de gedante a^2 +- 2b^2. Engels H. : Historia Mathematica 4 (1977), 137-140. PI: A source book 3-6. Quadrature of the circle in ancient egypt. Engquist B. & Schmid W. (Eds.) : Springer Verlag 2001. O Mathematics Unlimited 2001 and Beyond Part I and Part II. Engquist B. & Golub G. : B. Engquist & W. Schmid : Math. Unlimited, 2001 & Beyond. Springer 2001. 433-448. O From Numerical Analysis to Computational Science. Enneper A. : 2Ş Aufl. 1890 L. Nebet, Halle. O / e-B Elliptische Functionen, Theorie und Geschichte. Epperson J. F. : Amer. Math. Monthly 96 (1989), No.9, 831-835. O On the use of iteration methods for approx. the natural log. Epstein L. F. : J. of Math. and Phys. MIT 18 (1939), 153-173. lxxviii A function related to the series for e^e^x. Erdélyi A. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 10 (1939), 129-134. cxliii Transformation of hypergeometric integrals. Erdélyi A. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 10 (1939), 176-189. cxliii Transformation of hypergeometric integral by means of fractional integration by parts. Erdélyi A. : J. London Math. Soc. 15 (1940), 209-212. cxlii A class of hypergeometric functions. Erdélyi A. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 13 (1942), 159-171. cxliii Expansions of hypergeometric functions. Erdélyi A. : Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico 10 (1951), 217-234. cxlvi On some functional transformations. Erdös P. : J. London Math. Soc. 12 (1937), 308-314. lxxvii Note on the number of prime divisors of integers. Erdös P. : Annals of Math. 42 (1941), 989-993. #176 On some asymptotic formulas in the theory of factorisatio numerorum. Erdös P. : Annals of Math. 43 (1942), 419-435. #162 On an elementary proof of some asymptotic formulas in the theory of partitions. Erdös P. : Annals of Math. 43 (1942), 437-???. #165 On an elementary proof of some asymptotic formulas in the theory of partitions. II. Erdös P. : Quart. J. Math. Oxford. Ser. 14 No. 55-56 (1943), 82-85. O A note on Farey series. Erdös P. : J. London Math. Soc. 19 (1944), 130-133. xlii On highly composite numbers. Erdös P. : J. Indian Math. Soc. 12 (1948), 63-66. cxxxvi On arithmetical properties of Lambert series. Erdös P. : J. Indian Math. Soc (N.S.) 13 (1949), 131-144. cxlvi On a Tauberian theorem connected with the new proof of the prime number theorem. Erdös P. : Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 35 (1949), 374-384. cxlv On a new method in elementary number theory which leads to an elementary proof of the prime number theorem. Erdös P. : J. Indian Math. Soc. ( N. S. ) 13 (1949), 145-???. #158 Supplementary Note. Erdös P. : Indagationes Math. 19 (1957), 212-219. cxxxvi On the irrationality of certain series. Erdös P. : L?Enseignement Math. 4 (1958), 93-100. cxxxvi Sur certaines series a valeur irrationelle. Erdös P. : Math. Student (1968-1969), 222-226. cxxxvi On the irrationality of certain series. Erdös P. : J. of Soviet Math. 10 (1975), 1-7. cxxxii / cv-2 Some problems and results on the irrationality of the sum of infinite series. Erdös P. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I 292 (1981), 765-768. cxxxvi Sur l?irrationalité d?une certaine série. Erdös P. : Amer. Math. Monthly 94 (1987), No.3, 301. O Problem E 3200. ( Sucesion of real numbers... ). Erdös P. : Number Theory, Madras (1987), Ed.: K. Alladi, Lect. Notes Math. 1395 (1989), 1-20. O Ramanujan and I. Erdös P. & Lehner J. : Duke Math. J. 8 (1941), 335-345. ciii The distribution of the number of summands in the partitions of a positive integer. Erdös P. & Mahler K. : J. London Math. Soc. 14 (1939), 12-18. xviii Some arithmetical properties of the convergents of a continued fraction. Erdös P. & Murty M. R. : 5ş Conf. Canad. Number Theory Assoc. 1996, R. Gupta... (Eds.), 1999 AMS, 87-97. O On the order of a (mod p). Erdös P. & Nicolas J. -L. & Sárközy A. : The Ramanujan Journal 2 (1998), No.1/2, 225-245. O On Large Values of the Divisor Function. Erdös P. & Pálfy P. P. & Szegedy M. : Amer. Math. Monthly 94 (1987), No.2, 169-170. O a(mod p)<= b(mod p) for all primes p implies a=b. Erdös P. & Piranian G. : Michigan Math. J. 6 (1959), 205-209. lix Sequences of linear fractional transformations. Erdös P. & Pomerance C. & Sárközy A. : The Ramanujan Journal 1 (1997), No.3, 227-241. O On Locally Repeated Values of Certain Arithmetic Functions, IV. Erdös P. & Selfridge J. : Amer. Math. Monthly 95 (1988), No.1, 51. O Problem E 3248. ( factors, sun integers ). Erdös P. & Strauss E. : J. Indian Math. Soc. 27 (1963), 129-133. cxxxvi On the irrationality of certain Ahmes series. Erdös P. & Strauss E. G. : J. Indian Math. Soc. 27 (1964), 129-133. xcvi On the irrationality of certain Ahmes series. Erdös P. & Strauss E. : PacificJ. Math. 36 (1971), 635-646. cxxxvi Some number theoretic results. Erdös P. & Strauss E. : Pacific J. Math. 55 (1974), 85-92. cxxxvi On the irrationality of certain series. Espinosa O. & Moll V. H. : The Ramanujan Journal 6 (2002), No.2, June, 159-188. O On Some Integrals Involving the Hurwitz Zeta Function : Part 1. Espinosa O. & Moll V. H. : The Ramanujan Journal 6 (2002), No.4, December, 449-468. O On Some Integrals Involving the Hurwitz Zeta Function : Part 2. Estermann T. : J. London Math. Soc. 3 (1928), 247-250. lxxvii On the divisor problem in a class of residues. Estermann T. : Acta Arithmetica 8 (1962/1963), 465-467. cix Note on a paper of A. Rotkiewicz. Estrada R. : Appl. Anal. 43 (1992), No.3-4, 191-228. civ The asymptotic expansion of certain series considered by Ramanujan. Eugeni F. & Rizzi B. : J. Inform Optim. Sci. 9 (1988), No.2, 241-254. civ A new generalization of three identities of Ramanujan and Suryanarayana. Eugenio V. : Giornale di Mat. di Battaglini 9 (1871), 358-365. lxvi Recherches sur les fractions continues. Euler L. : Teubner-Bikhäuser 1944. O Opera Omnia : Serie I : Mathematica : Volume 5. Euler L: : Mathematical System Theory 4 (1985), No.18, 295-328. #155 ?? (traduction of B.F. Wyman - M.F. Wyman). Euler L. : Springer Verlag, 2000. O Foundations of Differential Calculus, Chapters 1-9. Evans R. : L?Enseignement Math. 27 (1981), 197-209. cxxii Identities for products of Gauss sums over finite fields. Evans R. J. : Discrete Math. 36 (1981), 239-245. cv-2 On additive partitions of sets of positive integers. Evans R. J. : Ramanujan Revisited, Proc. Centenary Conference Univ. Illinois (1987), AP (1988), 537-560. O Ramanujan?s second notebook : Asymptotic expansions for hypergeometric series and related functions. Evans R. J. : J. Math. Anal. Appl. 147 (1990), 97-121. v Theta function identities. Evans R. J. : The Rademacher Legacy to Math., Contemporary Math. A.M.S. 166 (1994), 341-357. O Multidimensional beta and gamma integrals. Evans R. & Ismail M. & Stanton D. : Canadian J. Math. 34 (1982), 1011-1024. cxxi Coefficients in expansions of certain rational functions. Evans R. J. & Stanton D. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 15 (1984), 1010-1020. xliii3 Asymptotic formulas for zero-balanced hypergeometric series. Evgrafov M. A. : 1957 / 1961 Gordon and Breach. O Asymptotic Estimates and Entire Functions. Evgrafov M. A. : 1966/66 W. B. Saunders Company. O Analytic Functions. Eynden Ch. Vanden : Amer. Mat. Monthly 94 (1987), No.7, 652-656. O Applications of a Product Identity to Sums of Squares and Partitions. Ewell J. A. : Amer. Math. Monthly 66 (1981), 270-272. cxxvii An easy proof of the triple-product identity. Ewell J. A. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 91 (1984), 37-40. #155 A formula for Ramanujan?s tau function. Ewell J. A. : Amer. Math. Monthly 97 (1990), No.3, 219-220. O A New Series Representation for Zeta(3). Ewell J. A. : Canad. Math. Bull. 34 (1991), 60-66. #173 On values of the Riemann zeta function at integrals arguments. Ewell J. A. : Rocky Mount. J. Math. 25 (1995), 1287-1293. cxlvii Arithmetical consequences of a sextuple product identity. Ewell J. A. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 125 (1997), No.12, 3769-3771. cxlviii On an identity of Ramanujan. Ewell J. A. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 126 (1998), 421-423. #171 A note on a Jacobian identity. Ewell J. A. : Rocky Mountain J. Math. 28 (1998), No.2, 453-461. #166 On Ramanujan's tau function. Ewell J. A. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 128 (2000), No.3, 723-726. #166 New representation of Ramanujan?s tau function. Exton H. : 1983 Ellis-Horwood. O Q-hypergeometric Functions and Applications.