Fabrykowski J. : Amer. Math. Monthly 95 (1988), No.6, 537-539. O On Continued Fractions and a Certain Example of a Sequence of Continuous Functions. Facenda-Aguirre J. A. & Freniche-Ibañez F. J. : 2002 Editorial Piramide. O Integración de funciones de varias variables. Fair W. : J. Approx. Theory 5 (1972), 74-76. lxiv / cxiii A convergence theorem for noncommutative continued fractions. Faivre C. : J. Theorie Nombres Bordeaux 5 (1993), No.2, 323-332. xciv / civ Sur la mesure invariante de l?extension naturelle de la transformation des fractions continues. Faivre C. : Arch. Math. (Basel) 70 (1998), No.6, 455-463. cxlvii A central limit theorem related to decimal and continued fraction expansion. Faivre C. : J. Number Theory 68 (1998), No.1, 21-28. cxlvii The rate of convergence of approximations of a continued fraction. Faltings G. : B. Engquist & W. Schmid : Mathematics Unlimited, 2001 and Beyond. Springer 2001. 449-454. O Diophantine Equations. Faraut J. : Contemporary Mathematics 138 (1992), 139-149. #155 Prolengement analytique des séries de Taylor sphérique. Farhane A. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I Math. 316 (1993), No.6, 537-540. xcv Sur la longueur de la periode du developpement de sqrt(n^2+h) en fraction continue. Farhane A. : Acta Arith. 67 (1994), No.1, 63-67. xxii Lower bound of the development period of root A(2) N(2)+BN+C in a continued fraction. Farinha J. : Portugalia Math. 13 (1954), 145-148. lx Sur la convergence de phi(Ai / 1). Farinha J. : Rev. da Facul. Cienc. Univ. Coimbra 23 (1954), 17-20. lx Une condition de convergence uniforme. Farinha J. : Gaz. Mat. Lisboa 12 (1951), . lx On a case of continued fractions with complex elements. Farkas H. F. & Kopeliovich Y. : Israel J. Math. 82 (1993), 133-140. lxxxvi / cxiv New theta constant identities. Farkas H. M. & Kra I. : Israel J. Math. 82 (1993), 87-131. xli / cxi / cxxi Automorphic forms for subgroups of the modular group. Farkas H. M. & Kra I. : Contemporary Mathematics 240 (1999), 111-130. #164 Ramanujan partition identities. Farkas H. M. & Kra I. : Contemporary Mathematics 240 (1999), 131-157. #164 A function theoretic approach to the Ramanujan partition identities. Farkas H. M. & Kra I. : G.S.M. Vol. 37, 2001 American Mathematical Society. O Theta Constants, Riemann Surfaces and the Modular Group. Fasenmyer Sister Mary Celine : Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 53 (1947), 806-812. lxx Some generalized hypergeometric polynomials. Fasenmyer Sister Mary Celine : Amer. Math. Soc. 3 (1990), 147-158. lxxvii A note on pure recurrence relations. Fatou P. : Acta Math. 30 (1906), 335-400. cxxxii Séries trigonométriques et séries de Taylor. Faulconbridge A. J. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 2 (1964), No.4, December, 320. O Fibonacci summation economics Part I. Fauvel J. & Flood R. & Wilson R. (Eds.) : 2000 Oxford University Press. O Oxford Figures, 800 Years of the Mathematical Sciences Fedoryuk M. V. : 1983-1993 Springer Verlag. O Asymptotic Analysis, Linear Ordinary Differential Equations. Fekete A. E. : Amer. Math. Monthly 101 No.8 (1994), 771-778. O Apropos ' two Notes on Notation '. Feigenbaum L. : The Math. Intell. 8 No.1 (1986), 53-56. O Happy Tercentenary, Brook Taylor. Feinberg M. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 1 (1963), No.3, October, 70, 71-74. O Fibonacci-Tribonacci. Feinberg M. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 2 (1964), No.3, October, 223-227. O New slants. Feingold A. & Lepowsky J. : Adv. in Math. 29 (1978), 271-309. cxxi The Weyl-Kac character formula and power series identities. Fel L. G. & Rubinstein B. Y : The Ramanujan Journal 6 (2002), No.3, September, 307-329. O Sylvester Waves in the Coxeter Groups. Feld J. M. : Annals of Math. 33 (1932), 139-142. cxxii The expansion of analytic functions in a generalized Lambert series. Feld J. M. & Newman P. : Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (2) 36 (1930), 284-288. cxxii On the representation of analytic functions of several variables as infinite products. Feller W. : 3rd. Ed. Wiley 1970. O An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications.Volume 1. Feller W. : 2nd. Ed. Wiley 1966. O An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications. Volume 2. Feller W. : 1997 Limusa - Wiley. O Introducción a la teoría de las probabilidades y sus aplicaciones. Volumen 1. Feng D.J. & Wn J. & Liang J.C. & Tseng S. : Mathematika 44 (1997), No.1, 54-55. cxlviii Appendix to the paper by Luczak -- a simple proof of the lower bound " On the fractional dimension of sets of c.f.". Feng H. & Zhang Z. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 41 (2003), No.2, May, 144-151. O Computational Formulas for Convoluted Generalized Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers. Ferguson R. P. : Amer. Math. Monthly 70 (1963), 60-61. lxxxii An aplication of Stieltjes integration to the power series coefficients of the Riemann zeta-function. Ferguson H. R. P. : J. Algorithms 8 (1987), 131-145. cv-3 A non-inductive GL(n,z) algorithm that constructs linear relations for no Z-linearly dependent real numbers. Ferguson H. R. P. & Forcade R. W. : Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 1 (1979), 912-914. #149 Generalization of the Euclidean algorithm for real numbers to all dimensions higher than two. Fernandez C. & Vegas J. M. : 1996 Piramide. O Ecuaciones diferenciales II : Ecuaciones no lineales. Ferrar W. L. : Compos. Math. 1 (1935), 344-360. xlix Summation formulae and their relations to Dirichlet series. Ferrar W. L. : Compos Math. 4 (1936-1937), 394-405. xlvii2 Summation formulae and their relation to Dirichlet?s series - II. Ferreira Ch. & López J. L. : Journal of Approximation Theory 111 (2001), No.2, August, 298-314. m-01 An Asymptotic Expansion of the Double Gamma Function. Fichtenholz G. M. : Gordon and Breach, 1970. O Infinite Series : Rudiments. Fichtenholz G. M. : Gordon and Breach, 1970. O Infinite Series : Ramifications. Fichtenholz G. M. : Gordon and Breach, 1970. O Functional Series. Field D. A. : J. Math. Phys. 17 (1976), 843-844. lxiv Series of Stieltjes, Padé approximants and continued fractions. Field D. A. : Math. Comp. 31 (1977), 495-502. xxix / lxxvi Estimates of the speed of convergence of continued fractions expansions of functions. Field D. A. : Numer. Math. 29 (1978), 261-267. xxix / cx / cxxiv Error bounds for continued fraction K( 1 / Bn ). Field D. A. : SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 15 (1978), 444-449. lxiv / cxiii Error bounds for elliptic convergence regions for continued fractions. Field D. A. & Jones W. B. : Numer. Math. 19 (1972), 283-302. xxviii A priori estimates for truncation errors of continued fractions K( 1 / Bn ). Fielder D. C. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 2 (1964), No.2, April, 115-118. O Partition enumeration by means of simpler partitions. Fielder D. C. & Bruckman P. S. : Fibonacci Association 1995. O Fibonacci entry points and periods for primer 100003-415993. Fields J. L. : Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 15 (1964), 43-45. cxxxix A note on the asymptotic expansion of a ratio of gamma functions. Fields J. L. & Ismail M. E. H. : Math. Comput. 29 (1975), 894-902. cxxvii Polynomial expansions. Fields J. L. & Ismail M. E. H. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 6 (1975), 551-559. #175 On the positivity of some 1F2's. Fields J. L. & Wimp J. : Math. Comput. 15 (1961), 390-395. cxxvii Expansions of hypergeometric functions in hypergeometric functions. Filipponi P. & Brugia O. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 37 (1999), No.3, August, 262-264. O On the Integers of the Form n(n-1) - 1. Filipponi P. & Elia M. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 37 (1999), No.4, November, 290-298. O The factorization of x^5 +- p^2x - k and Fibonacci numbers. Filipponi P. & Fierro G. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 37 (1999), No.4, November, 326-332. O On the sequences Tn = Tn-1 + Tn-2 + hn + k. Filon L. N. G. : J. London Math. Soc. 4 (1929), 313-318. xlii Micaiah John Muller Hill. Fine N. J. : Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 34 (1948), 616-618. cvi Some new results on partitions. Fine N. J. : Tohoku Math. J. (2) 8 (1956), 149-164. xlvii2 On a system of modular functions connected with the Ramanujan identities. Finkelstein M. : Amer. Math. Monthly 94 (1987), No.6, 541-542. O ln 2 = 1 - 1/2 + 1/3 - 1/4 + ... ( Proof by exhaustion ). Flach M. : Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 106 (1989), 389-401. lxviii Periods and special values of the hypergeometric series. Flajolet P. : Discrete Math. 32 (1980), 125-161. iii Combinatorial aspects of continued fractions. Flajolet P. & Françon J. : 1987 Institut National de Recherche en Inform. et en Automat., Rapports de Recherche No. 758. O Elliptic Functions, Continued Fractions and Doubled Permutations. Flajolet P. & Françon J. : European J. Combinatorics 10 (1989), No.3, 235-241. xxiv / lxxix Elliptic Functions, Continued Fractions, and Doubled Permutations. Flajolet P. & Salvy B. : Experimental Math. 7 (1998), No.1, 15-35. F.ps Euler Sums and Contour Integral Representations. Flajolet P. & Schott R. : European J. Combinatorics 11 (1990), No.5, 421-432. xxiv Nonoverlapping partitions, continued fractions, Bessel functions and a divergent series. Flajolet P. & Vallee B. : Theoretical Comput. Sci. 194 (1998), No.1-2, 1-34. #161 Continued fraction algorithms, functional operators and structure constants. Flajolet P. & Vallée B. : CMS Cnf. Proc. 27, Constr. Exper. Non-linear Analysis 2000 AMS ???-???. #166 Continued fractions, comparisions algorithms and fine structure constants. Flammenkamp A. & Luca F. : Journal of Number Theory 93 (2002), No.2, April, 246-284. m-01 Binomial Coefficients and Lucas Sequences. Fleming W. : UTM, 2nd. Ed. 1965 / 1977 Springer Verlag. O Functions of Several Variables. Foata D. : Publications del Inst. Stat. Univ. Paris 14 (1965), 81-241. cxl Etude algébrique de certaines problémes d?analyse combinatoire et du calcul des probabilités. Foata D. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 81 (1981), 143-148. cxxxvii Further divisibility properties of the q-tangent numbers. Foata D. & Han G.- N. : Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 42 (1998), B42o, 12pp. F.ps The Triple, Quintuple and Septuple Product Identities Revisited. Foata D. & Schützenberger M. P. : Mathematische Nachrichten 83 (1978), 143-159. #168 Major index and inversion of permutations. Foda O. & Quano Y. H. : Internat. J. Modern Phys. Ser. A 10 (1995), No.16, 2291-2315. ciii Polynomial identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan type. Fokkink R- & Fokkink W. J. & Van de Lune J. : Nieuw Arch. Wiskunde 12 (1994), No.1-2, 13-18. xcv / cx Fast computation of an alternating sum. Folland G. B. : 2nd. Ed. J. Wiley 1999. O Real Analysis : Modern Techniques and Their Applications. Foote R. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 600-601. O Commentary : With S. Bachmuth and H. Y. Mochizuki) Burnside metabelian groups. ( Heilbronn). Ford D. & McKay J. : Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) 99 (1989), 221-229. xliii2 Ramifications of Ramanujan?s work on n-products. Ford K. : The Ramanujan Journal 2 (1998), No.1/2, 59-66. O Sums and Products from a Infinite Set of Real Numbers. Ford K. : The Ramanujan Journal 2 (1998), No.1/2, 67-151. O The Distribution of Totients. Ford L. R. : Amer. Math. Monthly 45 (1938), 586-601. xlv Fractions. Ford L. R. : Amer. Math. Monthly 46 (1939), 586-587. #162 Cows and Cosines. Ford W. B. : Macmillan N.Y. 1916. O Studies on Divergent Series and Summability. Ford W. B. : University Michigan Press, 1936. O The Asymptotic Developments of Functions Defined by MacLaurin Series. Forrester P. J. : Rocky Mt. J. Math. 13 (1983), 557-572. li Extensions of several summation formulae of Ramanujan using the calculus of residues. Forsyth A. R. : Messenger of Math. 12 (1883), 134-138. liii The elliptic functions of 1/3 K. Forsyth A. R. : Quart. J. Pure & Appl. Math. 21 (????), 261-280. cxxxiii Some double infinite converging series. Forsyth A. R. : 3rd. ed. Macmillan. O A Treatise on Differential Equations. Forsyth A. R. : Cambridge University Press 1918. O Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable. Forsyth A. R. : J. London Math. Soc. 3 (1928), 101-112. lxviii / ????? : J. W. L. Glaisher. Fort T. : Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1930. O / f Infinite Series. Fort T. : Amer. Math. Monthly 49 (1942), 37-44. #162 Summability and the definition of a limit. Fort T. : 1948 Oxford University Press. O Finite Differences and Difference Equations in the Real Domain. Fort T. : Macmillan and Co. N. Y. 1963. O Trigonometry and Elementary Transcendental Functions. Foster D. M. E. & Phillips G. M. : J. Math. Analysis & Appl. 101 (1984), 575-581. cxxvii A generalization of the Archimedean double sequence. Foster D. M. E. & Phillips G. M. : Math. Comput. 42 (1984), 183-191. cxxvii The arithmetic-harmonic mean. Fowler D. H. : Arch. Hist. Exact. Sci. 41 (1991), No.3, 189-233. lxxii An approximation techniques and its use by Wallis and Taylor. Fowler D. : Amer. Math. Monthly 103 (1996), No.1, 1-17. O The binomial coefficient function. Fox C. : Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) 26 (1927), 201-210. lxv The expression of hypergeometric series in terms of similar series. Fox C. : Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) 27 (1928), 380-400. cxli The asymptotic expansion of generalized hypergeometric functions. Frame J. S. : Amer. Math. Monthly 56 (1949), 98-103. xxviii Continued fractions and matrices. Frame J. S. : Amer. Math. Monthly 56 (1949), 529-???. cxlvi An approximation to the quotient of gamma functions. Frame J. S. : Amer. Math. Monthly 60 (1953), 293-305. xxviii The solutions of equations by continued fractions. Francis E. C. & Littlewood J. E. : 1928-1953 Deighton Bell. O Examples in Infinite Series with Solutions. Franel J. & Landau E. : Nach. Gessell. Wiss. Göttingen (1924), 198-206. lxx Les suites de Farey et le problème des nombres premiers. Frank E. : Amer. J. Math. 68 (1946), 89-108. ii Corresponding type continued fractions. Frank E. : Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 52 (1946),144-157. xxx On the zeros of polynomials with complex coefficients. Frank E. : Trans Amer. Math. Soc. 62 (1947), 272-283. xl On the real parts of the zeros of complex polynomials and applications to continued fraction ... Frank E. : Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 55 (1949), 384-390. lxix Orthogonality properties of C-fractions. Frank E. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 3 (1952), 921-936. iv2 On the properties of certain continued fractions. Frank E. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 81 (1956), 453-476. iv2 A new class of continued fractions expansions for ratios of hypergeometric functions. Frank E. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 88 (1958), 288-300. i A new class of continued fraction expansions for the ratios of Heine functions. Frank E. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 95 (1960), 17-26. iv2 A new class of continued fractions expansions for the ratios of Heine functions II. Frank E. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 96 (1960), 312-321. iv2 A new class of continued fractions expansions for the ratios of Heine functions III. Frank E. : Numer. Math. 4 (1962), 85-95. xii On continued fraction expansions for binomial quadratic surds. Frank E. : Numer. Math. 4 (1962), 303-309. xii On continued fraction expansions for binomial quadratic surds II. Frank E. : Numer. Math. 5 (1963), 113-117. xii On continued fraction expansions for binomial quadratic surds III. Frank E. : Univ. Lisboa Revista Fac. Ci. A (2) 10 (1963), 75-89. xii / ? Newton?s formula and approximants of continued fraction expansions. Frank E. : Univ. Lisboa Revista Fac. Ci. A (2) 12 (1967/68), 145-159. xii / ? Continued fraction expansions with rationals elements for binomial quadratic surds. Frank E. : Math. Ann. 181 (1969), 74-80. xii Continued fraction expansions for imaginary quadratic surds. Frank E. : Math. Comp. 23 (1969), 429-435. lxvii Computer use in continued fraction expansions. Frank E. : J. Mathematical and Physical Sci. 4 (1970), 83-107. xii / ? Continued fraction expansions of prescribed period of binomial quadratic surds. Frank E. : Lecture Notes Math. 419 (1974), 110-119. xl Continued fraction expansion for the ratios of hypergeometric functions evaluated on computers. Frank E. : Inter. Congres of Math. ICM Helsinki 1978, (?). lxxi / ?. Continued fraction expansion for k-th roots. (?). Frank E. & Perron O. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 5 (2) (1954), 270-283. O Remark on a certain class of continued fractions. Frank E. & Sharma A. : J. Reine Angew Math. 219 (1965), 62-64. xii Continued fraction expansions and iterations of Newton formula. Franklin F. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 82 (1881), 448-450. cvi / xcii Sur le développement du produit infini (1-x) (1-x^2) (1-x^3) ... . Frasén A. & Wrigge S. : Math. of Comp. 34 (1980), 553-566. lxxxvii / cxvi High-precision values of the gamma function and some related coefficients. Franzen N. R. : J. Approx. Theory 6 (1972), 254-263. lxiv / cxiii Some convergence results for the Padé approximants. Freitag H. T. : The Fibonacci Quaterly 37 (1999), No.1, February, 46. O The Eighth International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and their Applications. Freitag H. T. & Filipponi P. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 37 (1999), No.2, May, 128-134. O Division of Fibonacci Numbers by k. Frey G. : Ann. Univ. Saraviensis 1 (1986), 1-40. lxxiv Links between stable elliptic curves and certain Diophantine equations. Frey G. : Proc. Ramanujan Cent. Inter. Conf. , Annamalainagar 1987, Ramanujan Math. Soc. (1988), 31-44. O L-series of elliptic curves: Results, conjectures and consequences. Fricke R. : Math. Annalen 40 (1892), 469-502. xciv Neue Beiträge zur Transformationstheorie der elliptischen functionen. Friedlander J. B. & Iwaniec H. : The Rademacher Legacy to Math., Contemp. Math. A.M.S. 166 (1994), 295-299. O A note on character sums. Friesen Ch. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 103 No.1 (1988), 9 -14. xvi On continued fractions of given period. Friesen Ch. : Acta Arith. 59 (1991), No.4, 365-370. xxii Legendre symbols and continued fractions. Friesen Ch. : 5º Conf. Canad. Number Theory Assoc. 1996, R. Gupta... (Eds.), 1999 AMS, 99-105. O A special case of Cohen-Lenstra heuristics in function fields. Frobenius G. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 90 (1881), 1-17. lxxvi Ueber Relationen Zwischen den Näherungsbrüchen von potenzreihen. Fröberg C. E. : 1985 Benjamin. O Numerical Mathematics, Theory and Computer Applications. Froda A. : Math. Scand. 12 (1963), 199-208. #155 Critères paramétriques d?irrationalité. Fröhlich A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 592-597. O The Papers of Dsicriminants of Cubic Fields. Fröhlich A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 599. O Commentary : On the averages of some arithmetical functions of two variables. Fuchs B. A. & Shabat B. V. : Addison-Wesley 1964. O Functions of a Complex Variable and some their Applications. Volume 1. Fuchs B. A. & Levin V. I. : Addison-Wesley 1961. O Functions of a Complex Variable, Volume 2. Fulks W. : Second Edition, 1961 / 1969 John Wiley and Sons. O Advanced Calculus. Fulman J. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 128 (2000), No.1, 17-25. #166 The Rogers-Ramanujan identities, the finite general linear groups and the Hall-Little polynomials. Fulmek M. : Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 45 (2001), Article B45b, 5pp. F.ps A continued Fraction Expansion for a q-Tangent Function. Fürlinger J. & Hofbaner J. : J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 40 (1985), 248-264. cxxxvii q-Catalan numbers. Fuster R. & Giménez I. : 1992 Reverté. O Variable Compleja y Ecuaciones Diferenciales.