Gabutti B. : Numer. Math. 43 (1984), 439-461. lxxxvii / cxvi On two methods for accelerating convergence of series. Gabutti B. : Computing 34 (1985), 107-116. lxxxi1 An algorithm for computing generalized Euler?s transformations of series. Gabutti B. & Lyness J. N. : Numer. Math. 48 (1986), 199-220. #174 Some generalizations of the Euler-Knopp Transformation. Galambos J. : Quart. J. Math. Oxford (2) 23 (1972), 147-151. lxiii The distribution of the largest coefficient in continued fraction expansions. Gallego-Lupiañez F. : Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 136 (2001), Issue 1-2, 1 November, 255-258. m-01 Continued Fractions and order-preserving homeomorphism. Gallucci M. A. & Jones W. B. : J. Approx. Theory 17 (1976), 366-392. lxiv / cxiii Rational approximation corresponding to Newton series (Newton-Padé approximants). Galway W. F. : 5º Conf. Canad. Number Theory Assoc. 1996, R. Gupta...(Eds.), 1999 AMS, 107-110. O An asymptotic expansion of Ramanujan. Ganatsion Ch. : Nonlinear-Analysis Theory, Meth. & Appl. 30 (1997), No.4, 2051-2059. #150 On G-continued fractions with identically distributed rests. Gandhi J. M. : Amer. Math. Monthly 68 (1961), 757-760. xlv The nonvanishing of Ramanujan?s tau-function. Gandhi J. M. : Amer. Math. Monthly 70 (1963), 265-274. xlv Congruences for p-sub-r of n and Ramanujan?s tau function. Garabedian H. L. : Annals. of Math. (2) 32 (1931), 83-??. cxxxviii On the relation between certain methods of summability. Garabedian H. L. & Wall H. S. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 48 (1940), 185-207. xxxvii Hausdorff methods of summation and continued fractions. Garabedian H. L. & Wall H.S. : Northwestern University Studies in Math. and Phys. Sci. Vol.1 (1941), 89-132. lxxxviii Topics in continued fractions and summability. Garay de Pablo J. & García Catalan O. R. : 1999 Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza. O Una Introducción a las Ecuaciones Diferenciales, Transformada de Lapalce. García-Merallo F. : Paraninfo-Thomson Learning 2001. O Matemática Discreta. Gargantini I. & Henrici P. : Math. Comp. 21 (1967), 18-29. xxx A continued fraction algorithm for the computation of higher transcendental functions complex.. Garibotti G. R. & Grinstein F. F. : J. Comp. Appl. Math. 9 (1983), 193-200.xxviii Recents results relevant to the evaluation of infinite series. Garret K. & Ismail M. E. H. & Stanton D. : Adv. In Appl. Math. 23 (1999), No.3, 274-299. #166 & #169 Variations of the Rogers-Ramanujan identities. Garrido A. : 1997 Sanz y Torres. O Fundamentos de Análisis. Garsia A. : Houston J. Math. 7 (1981), 205-237. vi1 A q-analogue of the Lagrange inversion formula. Garsia A.M. & Haiman M. & Tesler G. : Sém. Lotharingien de Combinatoire 42 (1998), B42m, 45pp. Explicit Plethystic Formulas for Macdonald q,t-Kostka Coefficients. Garsia A. M. & Milne S. C. : J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 31 (1981), 289-339. liii A Rogers-Ramanujan bijection. Garsia A. M. & Milne S. C. : Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 78 (1981), 2026-2028. cxxiii A method for constructing bijections for classical partition identities. Garsia A. & Remmel J. : Houston J. Math. 12 (1986), 503-523. vi1 A novel form of the q-Lagrange inversion. Garvan F. G. : J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. A 36 (1984), 316-334. L-3-? A simple proof of Watson?s partition congruences for powers of 7. Garvan F. G. : Ramanujan Revisited, Proc. Centenary Conference Univ. Illinois (1987), AP (1988), 29-45. O Combinatorial interpretations of Ramanujan?s partition congruences. Garvan F. G. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 305 (1988), 47-77. lxxxvi / cxiv New combinatorial interpretations of Ramanujan?s partition congruences mod 5, 7, and 11. Garvan F. G. : Proc. on q-series & partitions, March 7-11 1988, IMA Vol. 18, Springer (1989), 77-98. O Some Macdonald-Metha integrals by brute force. Garvan F. G. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 322 (1990), 79-94. #156 The crank of partitions mod 8, 9 and 10. Garvan F. G. : Manuscripta Math. 84 (1994), No.3-4, 343-359. civ / cxix Generalizations of Dyson?s rank and non-Rogers-Ramanujan partitions. Garvan F. : The Rademacher Legacy to Math., Contemporary Math. A.M.S. 166 (1994), 245-264. O Cubic modular identities of Ramanujan , hyperg. functions and analogues of the arithmetic-geometric mean iteration. Garvan F. G. : J. Symbolic Comp. 20 (1995), 517-536. lxxiii Ramanujan?s theorems of elliptic functions to alternative bases -- A symbolic excursion. Garvan F. G. : J. Math. Anal. Appl. 195 (1995), 354-375. lxxxvi / cxiv A combinatorial proof of the Farkas-Kra theta function identities and their generalizations. Garvan F. G. : Séminaries Lotharingien de Combinatoire 42 (1998), B42d, 27pp. A q-product tutorial for a q-series Maple package. Garvan F. G. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 305 (1998), No.1, 47-77. #178 New combinatorial interpretation of Ramanujan's partitions congruences mod 5, 7 and 11. Garvan F. G. & Ismail M. E. H. (eds.) : Proc. Conf. Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, Nov. 11 to 13, 1999. 2001 Kluwer. O Symbolic Computation, Number Theory, Special Functions, Physics and Combinatorics. Garvan F. & Kim D. & Stanton D. : Invent. Math. 101 (1990), 1-17. #174 Cranks and t-cores. Garvan F. & Stanton D. : Math. of Comput. 55 (1990), No.191, 299-311. #170 Sieved partition functions and q-binomial coefficients. Garver R. : Amer. Math. Monthly 39 (1932), 533-535. xlv A square root method and continued fractions. Gasper G. : Annals of Math. 93 (1971), 117-132. cxxxvi Positivity and the convolution structure for Jacobi series. Gasper G. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 12 (1981), 196-200. lxxii Summation formulas for basic hypergeometric series. Gasper G. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 16 (1985), 1061-1071. cxxiii Roger?s linearization formula for the continuous q-ultraspherical polynomials and quadratic transformation formulas. Gasper G. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 312 (1989), 257-277. lxxii Summation transformation, and exapnsion formulas for bibasic series. Gasper G. : Proc. on q-series & partitions, March 7-11, 1988, IMA Vol. 18, Springer (1989), 15-34. O Bibasic summ., transf. and expan. formulas, q-analogues of Clausen?s formula and nonnegative basic hyperg. series. Gasper G. : Special Functions, q-Series and Related Topics, M.E.H. Ismail... (Eds.), A.M.S. 1997, 55-70. O Elementary Derivations of Summation and Transformation Formulas for q-Series. Gasper G. & Rahman M. : Canadian J. Math. 37 (1985), 551-576. cxxviii An indefinite summation formula and some quadratic, cubic and quartic summation and transformation formulas. Gasper G. & Rahman M. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 17 (1986), 970-999. cxxiii Positivity of the Poisson kernel for the continuous q-Jacobi polyno. and some quadratic transf. for basic hyperg. series. Gasper G. & Rahman M. : Canadian J. Math. 42 (1990),No.1, 1-27. cxxxvii An indefinite bibasic summation formula and some quadratic, cubic, and quartic summat and transformation formulas. Gasper G. & Rahman M. : Canad. J. Math. 42 (1990), 1-27. xlvii2 An indefinite bibasic summation formula and some quadratic transformation formulas. Gasper G. & Trebels W. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 231 (1977), 117-132. cxxxvi Multiplier criteria of Marcinkiewicz type for Jacobi expansions. Gastmans R. & Troost W. : Simon Stevin 55 (1981), 205-219. lxxvii On the evaluation of polylogarithmic integrals. Gates L. W. : Math. Gazette 64 (1980), 86-89. lxxxiii Summing square roots. Gauss C. F. : Math. Ann. 57 (1903), 6-34. lix Mathematisches Tagebuch 1796-1814. Gauthier B. : Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 43 (1999), S43a, 10pp. HYPERG : a Maple package for manipulating hypergeometric series. Gautschi W. : SIAM Review 9 (1967), 24-82. lxv Computational aspects of three-term recurrence relations. Gautschi W. : SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 7 (1970), 187-198. lxxi Efficient computation of the complex error function. Gautschi W. : Math. Comp. 31 (1977), 994-999. xxix / cxii Anomalous convergence of a continued fraction for ratios of Kummer functions. Gautschi W. : Math. Comp. 40 (1983), 337-342. xxix / cxii On the convergence behaviour of continued fractions with real elements. Gautschi W. : Appl. Math. Letters 4 (1991), No.5, 47-51. xcvi Comment on the paper " A continued fraction approximation of the modified Bessel function, Parthasarathy P.R. ...". Gautschi W. : Math. Of Comput 57 (1991), 309-324. #170 A class of Slowly convergent series and their summation by Gaussian quadrature. Gautschi W. : Math. Of Comput 57 (1991), 325-338. #170 On certain slowly conergent series arrising in plate contact problems. Gautschi W. : Acta Numerica 1996, Cambridge University Press (1996), 45-119. #170 Orthogonal polynomials: Applications and computation. Gautschi W. : Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 139 (2002), Issue 1, 1 February, 173-187. m-01 Gauss quadrature approximations to hypergeometric and confluent hypergeometric functions. Gelbart S. : CRM Proc. & Lect. Notes Vol. 1, Murty (Ed.) : Theta functions, AMS (1993), 129-174. O On theta-series liftings for unitary groups. Gelbart S. & Soudry D. : Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math.Sci.) 97 (1987), 67-74. O On Whittaker models and the vanishing of Fourier coeffients of cups forms. George C. : Problem Books in Mathematics, Springer Verlag 1984. O Exercises in Integration. Georgonne J. D. : Ann. Math. Pures et Appl. 9 (1818), 261-270. xlviii Sur les fractions continues. Gerard B. & Roberts L. : Amer. Math. Monthly 105 (1998), No.2, 163-167. #154 Graphical discovery of a new identity for Jacobi polynomials. Geronimo J. S. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 25 (1994), No.2, 392-419. cxxxiii Scattering theory, orthogonal polynomials and q-series. Gerono C. : Nouv. Ann. Math. 1 (1842), 1-20. lxiii Fractions continues. Gerono C. : Nouv. Ann. Math. 18 (1859), 122-125. lxiii De quelques questions d ?analyse indéterminée. Gerono C. : Nouv. Ann. Math. 18 (1859), 153-158. lxiii De quelques questions d ?analyse indéterminée. Gerst I. : Amer. Math. Monthly 76 (1969), No.3, 273-275. lxxx ???????????. Gervais B. : 1998 Editions Eyrolles. O Les Carrés Magiques de 5. Gessel I. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 257 (1980), 455-482. viii A noncommutative generalization and q-analog of the Lagrange inversion formula. Gessel I. : J. Numbewr Theory 14 (1982), 362-368. #170 Some congruences for the Apéry numbers. Gessel I. M. : Proc. on q-series & partitions, March 7-11 1988, IMA Vol. 18, Springer (1989),159-176. O Generalized Rook polynomials and orthogonal polynomials. Gessel I. : J. Symbolic Comput. 20 (1995), 537-566. cxi Finding identities with the WZ method. Gessel I. & Krattenthaler C. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 349 (1997), 429-479. #171 Cylindric partitions. Gessel I. & Stanton D. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 13 (1982), 295-308. li Strange evaluations of hypergeometric series. Gessel I. & Stanton D. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 277 (1983), 173-201. viii Applications of q-Lagrange inversion to basic hypergeometric series. Gessel I. & Stanton D. : J. Comb. Theory Ser. A 38 (1985), 87-90. lxxx Short proofs of Saalschütz's and Dixon's theorems. Getz J. : The Ramanujan Journal 5 (2001), No.1, March, 47-51. O Extension of a Theorem of Kiming and Olsson for the Partition Function. Giannozzi P. & Grosso G. & Moroni S. & Pastori Parravicini G. : Appl Num. Math 4 (1988),273-295. O The ordinary and matrix continued fractions in the theoretical analysis of Hermitian... Gibson G. A. : Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (1) 41 (1922-1923), 2-25. xlviii2 James Gregory?s mathematical work : a study based chiefly on this letters. Gibson G. A. : Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2) 1 (1927), 1-18. cxxix Sketch of the history of mathematics in Scotland to the end of the 18th century. I. Gibson G. A. : Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2) 1 (1927), 71-93. cxxix Sketch of the history of mathematics in Scotland to the end of the 18th century. II. Gilewicz J. : LNM 667, 1978 Springer Verlag. O Approximants de Padé. Gilewicz J. : J. of Mathematical Sciences (N.Y.) 90 (1998), No.5, 2393-2397. cv-3 Continued fractions as the best tool to estimate the Padé approximant error. Gilewicz J. & Leopold E. : J. Approx. Theory 43 No.1 (1985), 1-14. xv Location of the zeros of polynomials satisfying three-term recurrence relations I. Gilewicz J. & Magnus A. P. : Rocky Mount. J. Math. 21 (1991), No.1, 227-233. xcvi Sharp inequalities for the Padé approximant error in the Stieltjes case. Gilewicz J. & Magnus A. P. : J. Comput. & Appl. Math. 49 (1993), No.1-3, 79-84. ci / upv-i1 Inverse Stieltjes iterates and errors of Pade approximants in the complex plane. Gilewicz J. & Pindor M. & Siemaszko W. (Eds.) : Lancut 1985, LNM 1237, 1987 Springer Verlag. O Rational Approximation and its Applications in Mathematics and Physics. Gill J. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 176 (1973), 479-487. i Infinite composition of Möbius transformations. Gill J. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 47 (1973), 119-126. xxix / cxii The use of attractive fixed points in accelerating the convergence of limit periodic continued fractions. Gill J. : Bull. Calcuta Math. Soc. 69 (1977), 331-340. xlvi / xliii A generalization of certain corresponding continued fractions. Gill J. : Math. Scand. 43 (1978), 74-80. lv Enhancing the convergence region of a sequence of bilinear transformations. Gill J. : Proc. Analytic Theory Continued Fractions, Norway 1981, Lect. Notes Math. 932 (1982), 67-70. O Convergence acceleration for continued fractions K(An/1)with lim An=0. Gill J. : Proc. Analytic Theory Continued Fractions, Norway 1981, Lect. Notes Math. 932 (1982), 71-73. O Truncation error analysis for continued fractionsK(An/1), where root(|An|) + roo(|An-1|) < 1. Gill J. : Appl. Numer. Math. 4 (1988), No.2-4, 297-308. O Limit periodic iteration. Gill J. : Appl. Numer. Math. 8 (1991), No.6, 469-476. xli / upv-i1 The use of sequence ... in computing fixed points of continued fractions, products and series. Gill J. : Rocky Mount. J. Math. 21 (1991), No.1, 235-244. xcvi The use of repulsive fixed points to analytically continue certain functions. Gill J. : Bull. Calcuta Math. Soc. 84 (1992), No.2, 159-166. xcv / ? Partial limit periodic behavior in continued fractions and other. Gill J. : Proc. C. F. & O. F. , Norway 1992, Dekker LNPAM 154 (1994), 129-139. O Sequences of linear fractional transformations and reverse continued fractions. Gillespie R. P. : University Math. Text, 1939 Oliver and Boyd. O Integration. Gillespie R. P. : University Math. Text, 1951 Oliver and Boyd. O Partial Differentiation. Gindikin S. G. : Quantum The Magazine of Math and Sci. 8 (1998), No.4, 4-9. #151 / #155 Ramanujan the phenomenon : India?s inspired mathematician. Ginsburg J. : Scripta Mathematica 11 (1945), 340-353. lxxviii Iterated exponentials. Girstmair K. : Amer. Math. Monthly 97 No.2 (1990), 136-138. O A Theorem on the Numerators of the Bernoulli Numbers. Glaeske H. J. : Acta Arithm. 20 (1972), 133-145. lxxxiii Eine einheitliche herleitung einer gewissen klasse von transformationsformeln der analytischen zahlentheorie I. Glaeske H. J. : Acta Arithm. 20 (1972), 253-265. lxxxiii Eine einheitliche herleitung einer gewissen klasse von transformationsformeln der analytischen zahlentheorie II. Glaisher J. W. L. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 11 (1871), 328-343. li On the summation by definite integrals of geometrical series of the second and higher orders. Glaisher J. W. L. : Proc. London Math. Soc. 4 (1872), 48-56. li On the constants that occur in certain summations by Bernoulli?s series. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 1 (1872), 25-30. xlix On the history of Euler?s constant. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 2 (1873), 138-142. xxxviii On the deduction of series from infinite products. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 2 (1873), 153-157. xxxviii Remarks on certain series occurring in a paper "On the deduction of series from infini. products. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 2 (1873), 64. xlix errata " On the history of Euler?s constant. Glaisher J. W. L. : Proc. London Math. Soc. 5 (1874), 78-88. ix On the transformation of continued products into continued fractions. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. (2) 3 (1874), 137. lxxi A continued fraction for tan nx. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. (2) 4 (1875), 65-68. lxxi Note on continued fractions for tan nx. Glaisher J. W. L. : Quart. J. Pure & Appl. Math. 13 (1875), 255-259. xxi Numerical values of certain continued fractions. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 6 (1876-1877), 71-76. li On a numerical continued product. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 6 (1876-1877), 189-192. li Further note on certain numerical continued products. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 6 (1877), 102-113. liii On some elliptic functions identities. Glaisher J. W. L. : Proc. London Math. Soc. 8 (1877), 200-204. li On the numerical value of a certain series. Glaisher J. W. L. : Quart. J. Pure & Appl. Math. 15 (1878), 151-157. xxxi A theorem in trigonometry. Glaisher J. W. L. : Proc. London Math. Soc. 9 (1878), 197-202. lxxi Generalized form of certain series. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. (2) 7 (1878), 66-67. lxxi-15 Theorem relating to the difference between the sums of the even and uneven divisors of a number. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. (2) 7 (1878), 67-68. lxxi On some continued fractions. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 12 (1883), 43-48. xxxi Proof of the addition equation for elliptic integrals of the second kind by means of the q-series. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 12 (1883), 158-170. lxxvi A theorem in partitions. Glaisher J. W. L. : Quart. J. Pure & Appl. Math. 19 (1883), 145-157. cxxxiii A system of integrals involving elliptic functions. Glaisher J. W. L. : Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 5 (1884), 108-120. xxxi On the sum of the divisors of a number. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 14 (1884), 102-108. cxxxiii Note on a class of formulae derivable from q-series in elliptic functions. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 14 (1884), 156-163. cxxxiii Expresions for the first five powers of the series in which the coeff. are the sums of the divisors of the exponents. I. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 15 (1885), 33-36. cxxxiii Expresions for the first five powers of the series in which the coeff. are the sums of the divisors of the exponents. II. Glaisher J. W. L. : Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 5 (1884-1885), 184-208. liv On the developements of K', E', J', G', in powers of the modulus. Glaisher J. W. L. : Proc. Cambridge Philos Soc. 5 (1884-1885), 232-250. liv On the developements of K?, E', J', G', in powers of the modulus. (cont.). Glaisher J. W. L. : Quarterly J. Math. 20 (1885), 313-361. lviii On the quantities K, E, J, G, K', E', J', G', in elliptic functions. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 16 (1887), 145-149. xxxi On the process of squaring the q-series for kp sn u , kp cn u , p dn u. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 18 (1889), 1-84. xxxi On the series which represent the twelve elliptic and the four zeta functions. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 20 (1890-1891), 129-135. xxxi Recurring relations involving sums of power of divisors. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 20 (1890-1891), 177-181. xxxi Recurring relations involving sums of power of divisors (second paper). Glaisher J. W. L. : Proc. London Math. Soc. 22 (1891), 143-171. xxxi On the q-series derived from the elliptic and zeta functions of 1/3 k and 1/4 k. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 22 (1893), 71-83. cxxxiii Note on Mr. Kleiber?s functions Ki and Gi. Glaisher J. W. L .: Mess. Math. 22 (1893), 97-109. cxxxiii On certain series and definite integrals. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 22 (1893), 109-???. cxxxiii Development in powers of k?^2 - k^2. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 23 (1894), 176-184. li On series involving inverse even powers of subeven and supereven numbers. Glaisher J. W. L. : Quart. J. Math. 26 (1894), 33-47. lxxi On the series 1/3^2 - 1/5^2 + 1/7^2 + 1/11^2 - 1/13^2 - & C. Glaisher J. W. L. : Quart. J. Math. 26 (1894), 48-65. lxxi On the series 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/11 - 1/13 + & C. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. of Math. 24 (1895), 1-16. lxxi On the constants which occurs in the formula for 1^2.2^2....n^n. Glaisher J. W. L. : Quart. J. Math. 27 (1895), 270-337. lxxi On products and series involving prime numbers only. Glaisher J. W. L. : Quart. J. Math. 28 (1896), 1-174. lxxi On products and series involving prime numbers only (cont.). Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 26 (1897), 152-182. cxxiii On definite integrals connected with the Bernoullian functions. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. of Math. 28 (1898), 1-17. lxxxiv Table of the values of 1/2 2/3 3/5 ... x-1/x , the denominators being the series of prime numbers. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 29 (1900), 49-63. cxxxiii Fundamental theorems relating to the Bernoullian numbers. I. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 29 (1900), 129-???. cxxxiii Fundamental theorems relating to the Bernoullian numbers. II. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 33 (1903), 1-19. li On the series 1 - 1/3^2 + 1/5^2 - 1/7^2 + 1/9^2 - & C. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 33 (1903), 20-30. li On the series 1 - 1/3^4 + 1/5^4 - 1/7^4 + 1/9^4 - & C. Glaisher J. W. L. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 34 (1903), 87-98. li On methods of increasing the convergence of certain series for Pi , Pi^2 , & C. Glaisher J. W. L. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 34 (1903), 252-347. li Methods of increasing the convergence of certain series of reciprocals. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 36 (1906), 49-60. li On the series 1 - 1/3^2 + 1/5^2 - 1/7^2 + 1/9^2 - & C. ( Second Part ). Glaisher J. W. L. : Quart. J. Math. 37 (1906), 173-198. xliv On series for 1/pi and 1/pi^2. Glaisher J. W. L. : Quart. J. Math. 37 (1906), 329-349. lxxi On the integral INT(k^n K dk). Glaisher J. W. L. : Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) 5 (1907), 479-490. #150 ???. Glaisher J. W. L. : Quart. J. Pure & Appl. Math. 40 (1908), 57-??. #150 On the number of partitions of a number into a given number of parts. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 42 (1913), 19-34. xxxi Summation of certain numerical series. Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess. Math. 42 (1913), 35-49. li Numerical values of the series 1 - 1/3^n + 1/5^n - 1/7^n + ... Glaisher J. W. L. : Mess Math. 44 (1915), 1-10. xxxi Relations connecting quantities of the form 1 + 2^-n + 3^-n + 4^-n + & C. Glass T. F. & Leighton W. : Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 49 (1943), 133-135. xxxv On the convergence of a continued fraction. Glasser M. L. : J. Indian Math. Soc. 37 (1973), 351-353. #162 Generalization of a definitive integral of Ramanujan. Glasser M. L. : J. Research Nat. Bur. Stand. (B) Math. Sci. 80 B (1976), 313-333. xciv Definite integrals of the complete elliptic integral K. Gleissberg W. : Math. Zeitschrift 28 (1928), 372-382. cxvi Über einen Satz von Herrn I. Schur. Gmeiner J. A. : Monat. für Math. u. Phys. 14 (1903), 261-274. xciii Konvergenzsätze für alternierende unendliche kettenbrüche. Gmeiner J. R. : S. B. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss. Wien Math. Nat. Kl. 117 Abt. IIa (1908), 27-51. xc Kriterien der divergenz und convergenz von alternierenden unendlichen kettenbrüchen. Godefroy M. : Gauthier-Villars 1901. F / e-B La fonction gamma, Theorie, historie, bibliographie. Godefroy M. : Nouv. Annales Math. (4) 2 (1902), 64-65. cxxvii Sur la convergence de la série hypergéometrique. Godefroy M. : 1903 Gauthier Villars Paris. e-B Théorie Éleméntaire des Séries. Goetgheluck P. : Amer. Math. Monthly 94 (1987), No.4, 360-365. O Computing binomial coefficients. Goldberg R. R. : 1964 Blaisdell Publishing Company. O Methods of Real Analysis. Goldberg R. R. : Cambridge Tracts Math. No. 52, 1961/1970 Cambridge University Press. O Fourier Transforms. Goldfeld D. : 4º Conf. Canad. Number Theory Assoc. 1994, K. Dilcher (ed.), 1995 AMS, 159-173. O Special values of derivatives of L-functions. Goldman J. R. : Adv. Math. 72 (1988), No.2, 239-260. xxvii Hurwitz sequences, the Farey process, and general continued fractions. Goldreich O. : B. Engquist & W. Schmid : Mathematics Unlimited, 2001 and Beyond. Springer 2001. 507-524. O Computational Complexity. Goldstein L. J. & Razar M. J. : J. Pure Appl. Algebra 13 (1978), 13-17. xvii Ramanujan type formulas for zeta(2k - 1). Goldstine H. H. : 1977 Springer Verlag. O A History of Numerical Analysis, from the 16th through the 19 Century. Göllnitz H. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 225 (1967), 154-190. lviii Partitionen mit Differenzenbedingungen. Golomb J. W. : Canad. J. Math. 15 (1963), 475-478. cxiv A special case, On the sum of the reciprocals of the Fermat numbers and related irrationalities. Golub A. P. : Ukrainian Math. J. 41 (1989), No.6, 690-694. cxxix Generalized moment representations of basic hypergeometric series. Goncalves J. V. : Rev. Facul. Cienc. Univ. Lisboa (2) 2 (1952), 297-335. lxi Sur les fractions continues réelles. Goncalves J. V. : Rev. Facult. Cienc. Univ. Lisboa (2) 4 (1954), 273-282. lxi Sur le développement des irrationalites quadratiques en fraction continue. Gonzalez C. D. : J. Number Theory 40 (1992), No. 1, 38-59. lxxxvi / cxi Class numbers of quadratic function fields and continued fractions. Good I. J. : Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 37 (1941), 199-228. lxi The fractional dimension theory of continued fractions. Good I. J. : Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 58 (1962), 160. cxxxviii A short proof of MacMahon?s " master theorem ". Good I. J. : Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 105 (1989), No.3, 607. xciii Corrigenda " The fractional dimensional theory of continued fractions.". Good I. J. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 32 (1994), No.3, 284-287. O A Symmetry Property of Alterneting Sums of Products of Reciprocals. Goodman F.M. & O?Hara K.M. : Proc. q-series & partitions, March 1988, IMA Vol. 18, Springer (1989), 57-66. O On the Gaussian polynomials. Goodman F. M. & O?Hara K. M. & Stanton D. : J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 60 (1992), No.1, 143-146. cxxxii A unimodality identity for Schur function. Goodspeed F. M. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 10 (1939), 210-218. xliv Some generalizations of a formula of Ramanujan. Gordon B. : Amer. J. Math. 83 (1961), 393-399. ii A combinatorial generalization of the Rogers-Ramanujan identities. Gordon B. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) (2) 12 (1961), 285-290. lxxx Some identities in combinatorial analysis. Gordon B. : Duke Math. J. 32 (1965), 741-748. i Some continued fractions of the Rogers-Ramanujan type. Gordon B. & Hughes K. : Contemporary Mathematics 143 (1993), 415-430. #174 Multiplicative properties of eta-products. Gordon B. & Ono K. : The Ramanujan Journal 1 (1997), No.1, 25-34. O Divisibility of Certain Partition Functions by Powers of Primes. Gordon B. & McIntosh R. J. : The Ramanujan Journal 1 (1997), No.4, 431-448. O Algebraic Dilogarithm Identities. Gordon B. & Sinor D. : Number Theory, Madras (1987), ed.: K. Alladi, Lect. Notes Math. 1395 (1989), 173-200. O Multiplicative properties of eta-products. Gordon R. A. : Amer. Math. Soc. 1994. O The Integral of Lebesgue, Denjoy, Perron and Henstock. Gordon R. A. : Amer. Math. Monthly 105 (1998), No.2, 107-118. #154 The use of tagged partitions in elementary real analysis. Görlich ?. & Markett C. : Indag. Math. 44 (1982), ???-???. A convolution structure for Laguerre Series. Gosper R. W. Jr. : Algorithms and Complexity : J.F. Traub (Ed.) AP (1976), 121-151. liii A calculus of series rearrangements. Gosper R. W. Jr. : Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 75 (1978),40-42. lxxiii Decision procedure for indefinite hypergeometric summation. Gosper R. Wm. : Ramanujan Revisited, Proc. Centenary Conference Univ. Illinois (1987), AP (1988), 607-609. O Some identities, for your amusement. Gosper R. W. Jr. : Special Functions, q-Series and Related Topics, M.E.H. Ismail... (Eds.), A.M.S. 1997, 71-76. O INT (n/4, m/6) ln gamma(z) dz. Gosper R.M. & Ismail M.E.H. & Zhang R. : Illinois J. Math. 37 (1993), 240-277. xlvii2 / xli / lxxvi On some strange summation formulas. Goto Y. : 4º Conf. Canad. Number Theory Assoc. 1994, K. Dilcher (ed.), 1995 AMS, 175-186. O On the orders of the Brauer groups of some weighted diagonal surfaces. Gould H. W. : Math. Scand. 6 (1958), 226-230. cviii Note on a paper of Sparee Anderson. Gould H. W. : Duke Math. J. 27 (1960), 71-76. lxxvii Generalization of a theorem of Jensen concerning convolutions. Gould H. W. : Duke Math. J. 28 (1961), 193-202. lxxvii A series transformation for finding convolutions identities. Gould H. W. : Math. Scand. 9 (1961), 90-94. cviii The q-series generalization of a formula of Sparee Anderson. Gould H. W. : Duke Math. J. 29 (1962), 393-404. lxxvii A new convolution formula and some new orthogonal relations for the inversion of series. Gould H. W. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 1 (1963), No.1, February, 30-33. O Operational recurrences involving Fibonacci numbers. Gould H. W. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 1 (1963), No.2, April, 1-16. O Generating functions for products of power of Fibonacci numbers. Gould H. W. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 1 (1963), No.4, December, 31-34. O Fibonacci exponentials and generalizations of Hermite polynomials. Gould H. W. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 2 (1964), No.3, October, 203. O Associativity and the golden section. Gould H. W. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 2 (1964), No.4, December, 241-260. O Binomial coefficients, the Bracket function and composition with relatively prime summands. Gould H. W. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 37 (1999), No.2, May, 135-140. O The Girard-Waring Power Sum Formulas for Symmetric Functions and Fibonacci Sequences. Gould H. W. & Hsu L. C. : Duke Math. J. 40 (1973), 885-891. cxxxviii Some new inverse series relations. Gould H. & Kaucký J. : J. Combinatorial Theory 1 (1966), 233-248. cxxxix ???. Gould H. W. & Mays M. E. : J. Math. Analysis & Appl. 101 (1984), 611-621. cxxvii Series expansions of means. Goulden I. P. & Jackson D. M.: Graph Theory and Combinatorics. AP 1984 , 161-169. viii / xliii3 A combinatorial proof of a continued fraction expansion theorem from the Ramanujan Noteb. Gousart E. : Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. 10 (1881), 3-142. lxxiii Sur l?equation différentielle lineaire qui admit pour intégral la série hypergéometrique. Gouvêa F. Q. : Amer. Math. Monthly 101 No.3 (1994), 203-222. O " A Marvelous Proof ". ( FLT). Grabiner D. J. : Monatsch Math. 114 (1992), No.1, 35-61. xiii Farey nets and multidimensional continued fractions. Grabiner D. J. : The Ramanujan Journal 3 (1999), No.1, 73-81. O Continued Fractions and Unique Additive Partitions. Grabiner J. V. : Amer. Math. Monthly 104 (1997), No.5, 393-411. #154 Was Newton?s calculus a dead end ?, The continental influence of Maclaurin?s treatise of fluxions. Grabner P.J. & Kiss P. & Tichy R. F. : 4º Conf. Canad. Number Theory Assoc. 1994, 1995 AMS, 187-195. O Diophantine approximation in terms of linear recurrent sequences. Grabner P. J. & Thuswaldner J. M. : Abhand. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 66 (1996), 281-287. #151 Analytic continuation of a class of Dirichlet series. Grabner P. J. & Thuswaldner J. M. : The Ramanujan Journal 4 (2000), No.2, June, 201-220. O On The Sum of Digits Function for Number Systems with Negative Bases. Grady M. & Newman M. : The Rademacher Legacy to Math., Contemporary Math. A.M.S. 166 (1994), 265-273. O Residue periodicity in subgroup counting functions. Graf J. A. : Annali di Mat. Pure & Appl. (2) 23 (1895), 45-65. xliv Relation entre la fonction besseliene de 1ª espéce et une fraction continue. Graf J. H. : Giornali Mat. Battaglini 36 (1898), 233-261. cxxx Quelques notions sur la séries hypergeométrique de Gauss. Gragg W. B. : Numer. Math. 11 (1968), 370-379. lxiv / cxiii Truncation error bounds for g-fractions. Gragg W. B. : Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 76 (1970), 1091-1094. lvii Truncation error bounds for Pi-fractions. Gragg W. B. : Rocky Mount. J. Math. 4 (1974), 213-226. liii Matrix interpretations and applications of the continued fraction. Gragg W. B. & Warner D. D. : SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 20 (1983), 1187-1197. v Two constructive results in continued fractions. Graham R. L. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 2 (1964), No.1, February, 1-10. O A property of Fibonacci numbers. Gram J. P. : Acta Mathematica 17 (1893), 301-314. cxix Rapport sur quelques calculs entrepris par M. Bertelsen et concertnant les nombres premiers. Gram J. P. : Acta Mathematica 27 (1903), 289-304. xl Sur les zéros de la fonction zeta(s) de Riemann. Granero F. : Mc Graw Hill 1996. O Cálculo infinitesimal, una y varias variables. Granero F. : Prentice Hall, 2001. O Cálculo Integral y Aplicaciones. Granville A. : 4º Conf. Cand. Number Theory Assoc. 1994, K. Dilcher (ed.), 1995 AMS, 197-207. O On the number of solutions to the generalized Fermat equation. Granville A. & Soundararajan K. : The Ramanujan Journal 2 (1998), No.1/2, 283-298. O A Binary Additive Problem of Erdös and the Order of 2 mod p^2. Granville W. A. & Smith P. F. & Longley W. R. : Ginn & Co. 1929. O Elements of Differential and Integral Calculus Graves-Morris P. R. (Eds.) : 1973 Academic Press. O Padé Approximants and their Applications. Graves-Morris P. R. & Saff E. B. & Varga R. S. (eds.) : Tampa, Florida 1983, LNM 1105, 1984 Springer Verlag. O Rational Approximation and Interpolation. Gray J. J. : Expos. Math. 2 (1984), 97-130. lxii A commentary on Gauss?s mathematical diary, 1796-1814. Green J. A. : Routledge & Kegan Paul London 1958. O Sequences and Series. Greenberg R. & Marsh D. C. B. & Danese A. E. : Amer. Math. Monthly 74 (1967), 80-81. #168 A zeta-function summation. Greene J. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 301 (1987), No.1, 77-101. #170 Hypergeometric series over finite fields. Greene J. & Stanton D. : J. Number Theory 23 (1986), No.1, 136-148. cxxx A character sum evaluation and Gaussian hypergeometric series. Greene R. E. & Krantz S. G. : 2nd ed. 1999/2002 American Mathematical Society. O Function Theory of One Complex Variable. Greenhill A. G. : Proc. London Math. Soc. 19 (1887-1888), 301-364. lxxix Complex multiplication moduli of elliptic functions. Greenhill A. G. : Proc. London Math. Soc. 21 (1889-1890), 403-422. lxxix Table of complex multiplication moduli. Greenhill G. : Math. Ann. 68 (1910), 208-219. xxxvii The seventeen-section of the elliptic functions. Greewood R. E. : The Fibonacci Qaurterly 2 (1964), No.1, February, 13-14. O Lattice paths and Fibonacci numbers. Greither C. : 5º Conf. Canad. Number Theory Assoc. 1996, R. Gupta...(Eds.), 1999 AMS, 111-120. O Improving Ramachandra?s and Levesque?s unit index. Greminger H. : L?Enseignement Math. 29 (1930), 255-259. lxi Sur le nombre e. Grimaldi R. P. : 3rd. Ed. Pearson Prentice-Hall 1998. O Matemáticas Discretas y Combinatoria, Una Introducción con Aplicaciones. Grinspan P. : The Ramanujan Journal 5 (2001), No.1, March, 21-45. O A Measure of Simultaneous Approximation for Quasi-Modular Functions. Grisel G. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Ser. I Math. 319 (1994), No.7, 659-664. xciv Sur la fraction continue alpha^n. Grisel G. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Ser. I Math. 322 (1996), No.4 (Feb 15), 301-306. xxiii Length of the continued fraction of the powers of a rational fraction. Grisel G. : Acta Arith. 74 (1996), No.2, 161-176. xxii Sur la longueur de la fraction continue de alfa ^n. Length of the cont. fract of a real quadrat. numb. raised to the nth. power. Grisel G. : Acta Arithm. 85 (1998), No.1, 35-49. cxlvii Lenght of continued fractions in principal quadratic fields. Gronwall T. H. : Math. Annalen 72 (1912), 228-243. cxxxviii Ueber die Gibbssche Erscheinung und die Trigonometrischen summen sin x + 1/2 sin 2x + 1/3 sin 3x +...+ 1/n sin Gronwall T. H. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 14 (1913), 113-122. cxix Some asymptotic expanssion in the theory of numbers. Gross B. H. & Zagier D. B. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 355 (1985), 191-220. lxxxv On singular moduli. Grossjean C. C. : Bull. Soc. Math. Belgique 29 (1977), 3-49. lxxix An infinite set of recurrence formulae for the divisor sums, Part I. Grossjean C. C. : Bull. Soc. Math. Belgique 29 (1977), 95-138. lxxix An infinite set of recurrence formulae for the divisor sums, Part II. Grossjean C. C. : Simon Stevin 53 (1979), 39-70. #162 Disproving a conjecture about an asymptotic formula of Ramanujan involving the divisor sums. Grossjean C. C. : Simon Stevin 58 (1984), 219-241. xciii Proof of a remarkable identity. Grossjean C. C. : J. Comput. Appl. Math. 37 (1991), No.1-3, 43-56. viii On a formula proposed by Ramanujan. Grossjean C. C. & Sharma R. K. : Simon Stevin 62 (1988), No.2, 97-125. cxxxiv Transformation formulae for hypergeometric series in two variables. II. Grossjean C. C. & Srivastava H. M. : J. Comput & Appl. Math. 37 (1991), No.1-3, 287-299. upv-i1 Some transformation and reduction formulas for hypergeometric series in several variables. Grossman G. & Luca F. : Journal of Number Theory 93 (2002), 87-107. m-02 Sums of Factorials in Binary Recurrence Sequences. Grosswald E. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 89 (1958), 113-128. civ / cix Some theorems concerning partitions. Grosswald E. : Michigan Math. J. 7 (1960), 97-122. ciii Partitions into prime powers. Grosswald E. : Acta Arithm. 21 (1972), 25-34. lii Comments of some formulae of Ramanujan. Grosswald E. : J. Number Theory 4 (1972), 225-235. #174 Remarks concerning the values of the Riemann zeta function at integral, odd arguments. Grosswald E. : Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.): Ramanujan B.C.V. 97 (1987), 75-84. O On prime representing polynomials. Grünbaum F. A. : The Ramanujan Journal 5 (2001), No.3, September, 263-270. O Dsicrete Models of the Harmonic Oscillator and a Dsicrete Analogue of Gauss' Hypergeometric Equation. Grünbaum F. A. & Haine L. : Special Functions, q-Series..., M.E.H. Ismail... (Eds.), A.M.S. 1997, 77-81. O On a q-Analogue of Gauss Equation and some q-Riccati Equations. Grytczuk A. : Tsukuba J. Math. 16 (1992), No.2, 315-319. ciii On Ramanujan sums on arithmetical semigroups. Guerzhog P. : Acta Arithm. 81 (1997), No.1, 11-23. #150 On Ramanujan congruences between special values of Hecke and Dirichlet L-functions. Guetzlaff C. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 12 (1834), 173-177. lxxxiv Aequation modularis pro transformatione functionum ellipticarum septimi ordinis. Guicciardini N. : Cambirdge University Press, 1989. O The Development of Newtonian Calculus in Britian 1700-1800. Guinard A. P. : J. London Math. Soc. 14 (1939), 97-???. #156 A formula for zeta(s) in the critical strip. Guinand A. P. : Annals of Math. 42 (1941), 591-603. lxxxiii On Poisson's summation formula. Guinand A. P. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 15 (1944), 11-23. lxxix Functional equations and self-reciprocal functions connected with Lambert series. Guinand A. P. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 16 (1945), 59-63. cxli Gauss sums and primitive characters. Guinand A. P. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford), (2) 6 (1955), 156-160. lxxix Some rapidly convergent series for the Riemann zeta-function. Gunaratne H. S. : 4º Conf. Canad. Number Theory Assoc. 1994, K. Dilcher (ed.), 1995 AMS, 209-214. O Periodicity of Kummer congruences. Gupta A. : J. Indian Math. Soc. New Series 58 (1992), No.1-4, 249-262. xcvi A q-extension of "incomplete" gamma function. Gupta A. : Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) 103 (1993), 257-267. lxii2 On certain Ramanujan?s Mock theta functions. Gupta A. : Ganita 44 (1993), 87-100. lxii4 A study of transformations for a special type of 3phi2 series and mock theta functions. Gupta A. K. & Mittal A. K. : ??? (1999?) 1-23. www1 Bifurcating Continued Fractions II. Gupta D. P. & Ismail M. E. H. & Masson D. R. : Canad. J. Math. 43 (1991), No.6, 1263-1280. xcvi Associated continuous Hahn polynomials. Gupta D. P. & Ismail M. E. H. & Masson D. R. : J. Math. Anal. Appl. 171 (1992), 477-497. #159 Contiguous relations, basic hypergeometric functions and orthogonal polynomials II : Assoc. big q-J. polyn. Gupta D. P. & Ismail M. E. H. & Masson D. R. : J. Comput. & Appl. Math. 68 (1996), 115-149. #161 Contiguous relations, basic hyperg. funct. and orthog. poly. III : Associated continuous dual q-Hall polyn. Gupta D. P. & Masson D. R. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 112 (1991), No.3, 717-727. lxxviii Exceptional q-Askey-Wilson polinomials and continued fractions. Gupta D. P. & Masson D. R. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 25 (1994), No.2, 429-440. c / cxviii Watson?s basic analogue of Ramanujan?s entry 40 and its generalization. Gupta D. P. & Masson D. R. : J. Comput. & Appl. Math. 65 (1995), 157-164. #161 Contiguous relations, continued fractions and orthogonality : On 8phi7 model. Gupta D. P. & Masson D. R. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 350 (1998), No.2, 769-808. #152 Contiguous relations, continued fractions and orthogonality. Gupta H. : The Mathematics Students 3 (1935), 71. #162 On a Brodcard-Ramanujan problem. Gupta H. : Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (A) 4 (1936), 625-629. xxxiv2 On a conjecture of Ramanujan. Gupta H. C. : Bull. Calcuta Math. Soc. 35 (1943), 67-70. cxxii Some self-reciprocal functions. Gupta H. : Royal Society Mathematical Tables Vol. 4, Cambirdge University Press. 1958. O Tables of Partitions. Gupta H. : J. Research of the National Bureau of Standards Sec. B 74 (1970), 1-29. cxlvi Partitions - A Survey. Gupta H. N. : Amer. Math. Monthly 92 (1985), No.8, 575-576. Ó A theorem in combinatorics and Wilson?s theorem. Gupta M. : Ganita 39 (1988), No.1-2, 11-15, (1990). lxii3 / ? Basic hypergeometric series and generalization of a q-series transformation of Ramanujan. Gupta M. : Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 59 (1989), 573-585. cv Certain basic hypergeometric series transformations, mock theta functions and related identities. Gupta M. : Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India Sect. A 60 (1990), No.3, 297-305. xxiv Certain basic hypergeometric series transformations, mock-theta functions and related identities. II. Gupta M. : Mathematikca Balkanica ( N. S. ) 4 (1990), No.4, 321-324. cxxxiv / cxlviii Some remarks on a paper of A. Verma and C. M. Joshi : Some remarks on summation of basic hypergeometric series. Gupta R. & Williams K.S. (Eds.) : CRM Proceedings & Lecture Notes Vol. 19, 1999 AMS, xxxii + 392 pp. O Number Theory Fifth Conf. Canad. Number Theory Assoc. August 17-22, 1996, Carleton Univ., Ottawa, Ontario. Gupta R. C. : Centaurus 31 (1988), 114-125. l2 New Indian values of Pi from the Manava Sulba Sutra. Gupta R. C. : Ganita-Bharati 14 (1992), No.1-4, 68-71. xxxiv2 On the remainder term in the Madhava-Leibniz?s series. Gupta R. C. : Ganita-Bharati 15 (1993), No.1-4, 14-40. xci Rectification of ellipse from Mahavira to Ramanujan. Gurak S. : The Rademacher Legacy to Math., Contemporary Math. A.M.S. 166 (1994), 309-333. O Factors of period polynomials for finite fields, I. Gurak S. : 4º Conf. Canad. Number Theory Assoc. 1994, K. Dilcher (ed.), 1995 AMS, 215-227. O On higher-order pseudoprimes of Lehmer type. Gurak S. : 5º Conf. Canad. Number Theory Assoc. 1996, R. Gupta...(Eds.), 1999 AMS, 121-131. O On the middle factor of the period polynomial for finite fields. Gustafson R. A. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 18 (1987), 495-530. cxxi / cxxx A Whipple?s series in U(n) and multivariable hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials. Gustafson R. A. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 18 (1987), No.6, 1576-1596. cxxiii Multilateral summation theorems for ordinary and basic hypergeometric series in U(n). Gustafson R. A. : Ramanujan Inter. Sym. on Analysis, Pune 1987, ed. N.K. Thakare, Macmillan (1989), 185-224. O The Macdonald ident. for affine root syst. of classi. type and hyperg. S. very-well-poised on semisimple Lie algebras. Gustafson R. A. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 21 (1990), No.2, 510-522. cxxiii A summation theorem for hypergeometric series very-well-poised on G2. Gustafson R. A. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 341 (1994), No.1, 69-119. cxxxii Some q-beta and Mellin-Barnes integrals on compact Lie groups and Lie algebras. Gustafson R. A. & Krattenthaler C. : J. Comput. & Appl. Math. 68 (1996), No.1-2, 151-158. #161 Heine transformations for a new kind of basic hypergeometric series in U(n). Gustafson R. A. & Krattenthaler C. : Special Functions, q-Series..., M.E.H. Ismail... (Eds.), A.M.S. 1997, 83-89. O Determinat Evaluations and U(n) Extensions of Heine?s 2phi1-Transformations. Gustafson R. A. & Milne S. C. : Adv. Math. 48 (1983), 177-188. cxxi Schur functions, Good?s identity and hypergeometric series well-poised in Su(n). Gustafson R. A. & Milne S. C. : Adv. in Math. 57 (1985), 209-225. cxi A new symmetry for Beidenharn?s G-functions and classical hypergeometric series. Gutknecht M. H. : Numer. Math. 56 (1989), No.6, 547-589. xx / cxix Continued fractions associated with the Newton-Padé table. Gutnik L. A. : Acta Arithm. 42 (1983), 42 (1983), 255-264. xli / cv The irrationality of certain quantities involving zeta(3). Guy R. K. : Amer. Math. Monthly 95 No.8 (1988), 697-712. O The Strong Law of Small Numbers. Guy R. K. : Amer. Math. Monthly 102 No.9 (1995), 771-781. O My Favorite Elliptic Curve: A Tale of Two Types of Triangles. Guy R. K. : 5º Conf. Canad. Number Theory Assoc. 1996, R. Gupta... (Eds.), 1999 AMS, 385-390. O Conference problems session conducted by J. L. Selfridge. Guy R. K. : Amer. Math. Monthly 104 (1997), No.2, 180-185. #154 Reviews : The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences of N. J. A. Sloane and S. Plouffe. Guy R. K. & Selfridge J. L. : Amer. Math. Monthly 105 (1998), No.8, 766-768. #154 Factoring factorial n.