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O A Heat Kernel Associated to Ramanujan?s Tau Function. Hag K. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 25 (1970), 247-253. liv A theorem of T-fractions corresponding to a rational function. Hag K. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 32 (1972), 491-496. liv A convergence theorem for limitärperiodisch T-fractions of rational function. Hagis P. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 102 (1962), 30-62. civ / cix A problem on partitions with a prime modulus p>=3. Hagis P. : Amer. J. Math. 85 (1963), 213-222. ciii Partitions into odd summands. Hagis P. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 112 (1964), 401-415. civ / cix On a class of partitions with distinct summands. Hagis P. : Amer. J. Math. 86 (1964), 317-324. ciii Partitions into odd and unequal parts. Hagis P. Jr. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 2 (1964), No.4, December, 267-268. O An analytic proof of the formula for Fn. Hagis P. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 118 (1965), 550. civ / cix A correction of some theorems on partitions. Hagis P. : Amer. J. Math. 87 (1965), 218-220. ciii Partitions with odd summands - some comments and corrections. Hagis P. : Amer. J. Math. 87 (1965), 867-873. ciii On the partitions of an integer into distinct odd summands. Hagis P. : Amer. J. Math. 88 (1966), 664-681. ciii Some theorems concerning partitions into odd summands. Hagler B. A. : Proc. O. F., M. T. & C. F. V, Brazil 1996, Dekker LNPAM 199 (1998), 179-186. O Formulas for the moments of some strong moment distributions. Hagler B.A. & Jones W.B. & Thron W.J. : C. F. V, Brazil 1996, Dekker LNPAM 199 (1998), 187-208. O Orthogonal Laurent polynomials of Jacobi, Hermite and Laguerre types. Hahn W. : Math. Nachr. 2 (1949), 4-34. cxxii Über orthogonal polynome, die q-differenzengleichungen genügen. Hahn W. : Math. Nachr. 2 (1949), 340-379. lvii Beiträge zur theorie der Heinischen reihen, die 24 integrale der hypergeometrische q-differenzengleichung, das q-... Hahn W. : Math. Nachr. 3 (1950), 257-294. cxxxvi Über die höheren Heineischen reihen und eine einheitliche theorie der sogenannten speziellen funktionen. Hai Nguyen T. & Marichev O. I. & Srivastava H. M. : J. Math. Anal. & Appl. 164 (1992), 104-115. cxxxvii A note on the convergence of certain families of multiple hypergeometric series. Hain R. & MacPherson R. : Illinois J. Math. 37 (1990), 392-475. xli / lxxxii Higher logarithms. Hairer E. & Wanner G. : Springer Verlag 1996/2000. O Analysis by Its History. Halberstam H. : J. London Math. Soc. 24 (1949), 13-21. #162 Four asymptotic formulae in the theory of numbers. Halberstam H. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 84 (1957), 338-351. #162 An asymptotic formuale in the theory of numbers. Haldar K. & Datta B. K. : Internat. J. Math. Educ. Sci. & Tech. 28 (1997), No.1, 123-128. #151 Laplace transform evaluations by Ramanujan?s integral formula. Hall H. S. & Knight S. R. : Macmillan and Co. Ltd. London 1901. O Elementary Trigonometry. Hall H. S. & Knight S. R. : Toronto Macmillan, 1945. O Elementary Trigonometry. Hall Jr. M. : Annals Math. 48 (1947), 966-993. iii On sum and product of continued fractions. Hall N. A. : J. LondonMath. Soc. 11 (1936), 276. cxxxvi An algebraic identity. Hall R. R. & Huxley M. N. : Acta Arithm. 63 (1993), No.1, 79-90. c / cxviii Dedekind sums and continued fractions. Hallin M. : Cahiers Centre Etudes Rech. Oper. 32 (1990), No.1-3, 37-54. xcvi Fractions continues matricielles. Halmos P. R. : Graduate Text in Mathematics No.18, 1950/1974 Springer Verlag. O Measure Theory. Halphen G. H. : Bull. Soc. Math. France 5 (1877), 158-160. xciv Sur une formule récurrents concernant les sommes des diviseurs des nombres entiers. Halphen G. H. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 100 (1885), 1451-1454. xlviii2 Sur la convergence d?une fraction continue algebrique. Halphen G. H. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 106 (1888), 1326-1329. xlviii2 Sur la convergence d?une fraction continue algebrique. Halphen G. H. : 1886 Gauthier Villars. e-B Traité des fonctions elliptiques et de leurs applications Tome I. Halphen G. H. : 1888 Gauthier Villars. e-B Traité des fonctions elliptiques et de leurs applications Tome II. Halphen G. H. : 1891 Gauthier Villars. e-B Traité des fonctions elliptiques et de leurs applications Tome III. Halter-Koch F. : Arch. Math. 49 (1987), 29-37. xli / cxii Über Pell?sche Gleichungen und Kettenbrüche. Halter-Koch F. : Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 59 (1989), 157-169. lxxx Einige periodische Kettenbruchentwicklungen und Grundeinheiten quadratischer ordnungen. Halter-Koch F. : J. Number Theory 44 (1993), No.2, 209-213. v A theorem of Ramanujan concerning binary quadratic forms. Halton J. H. : The Fibonacci Qaurterly 2 (1964), No.3, October, 217-218. O On Fibonacci residues. Hamburger H. : Math. Zeit. 4 (1919), 186-222. lvii Beitrage zur konvergenztheorie der Stieltjes?schen kettenbrüche. Hamburger H. : Math. Ann. 81 (1920), 31-45. lv Ueber die konvergenz eines mit einer potenzreihe assozierten kettenbrüche. Hamburger H. : Math. Ann. 81 (1920), 235-319. lv Über eine erweiterung des Stieltjes?schen momentenproblems (i). Hamburger H. : Math. Ann. 82 (1921), 120-164. lv Über eine erweiterung des Stieltjes?schen momentenproblems (ii). Hamburger H. : Math. Ann. 82 (1921), 168-187. lv Über eine erweiterung des Stieltjes?schen momentenproblems (iii). Hamburger H. : Math. Annalen 85 (1922), 129-140. cxxxviii Ueber einige Beziehungen, die mit der functionalgleichung der Riemannschen zeta-function aequivalent sind. Hamel G. : Arch. Math. Phys. 27 (1918), 37-43. liv Über einen limitärperiodischen kettenbruch. Hamilton H. J. : Duke Math. J. 2 (1936), 29-60. lxxxii Trnasformations of multiple sequences. Hamilton H. J. : Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 42 (1936), 275-283. lxxxii On transformations of double series. Hammond J. : Proc. London Math. Soc. 7 (1876), 119-135. xcvii On the sum of the products of r different terms of a series. Hammond P. R. & Lewis R. P. & Liu Z. G. : Bull. Austral.Math. Soc. 60 (1999), 73-80. #165 Hirschhorn identities. Han G.N. & Randrianarivony A. & Zeng J. : Sém. Lotharingien de Combinatoire 42 (1998), B42e, 22pp. F.ps Un autre q-analogue des nombres d?Euler. Han S. -P. & Kirfel C. & Nathanson M. B. : The Ramanujan Journal 2 (1998), No.1/2, 271-281. O Linear Forms in Finite Sets of Integers. Hancl J. : Amer. Math. Monthly 93 (1986), No.5, 374-375. Ó A simple proof of the irrationality of pi^4. Hancl J. : Acta Arithmetica 59 (1991), No.2, 97-104. cxxxv Expression of real numbers with the help of infinite series. Hancl J. : J. Number Theory 43 (1993), No.1, 88-92. cxxxv A criterion for irrational sequences. Hancl J. : Publ. Math. Debrecen 46 (1995), No.1-2, 27-31. lxxxi3 Continued fractional algebraic independence of sequences. Hankel H. : Zeit. Math. Phys. 7 (1862), 338-343. xl Über die transformation von reihen in kettenbrüche. Hanna M. : Proc. London Math. Soc. Ser.2 28 (1928), 46-52. vi1 The Modular Equation. Hanschke T. : J. Appl. Probab. 29 (1992), No.4, 838-849. xcv Markov chains and generalized continued fractions. Hanumanthachari J. : Number Theory, India (1984), Ed.: K. Alladi, Lect. Notes Math. 1122 (1985), 115-129. O An extended Nagell totient and related Ramanujan sums. Harary F. (ed.) : Athenea Series, 1967 Holt Rinehart and Wiston. O A Seminar on Graph Theory. Hardy G. H. : Quart. J. Math. 38 (1907), 269-288. lxxxv On certain oscillating series. Hardy G. H. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 158 (1914), 1012-1014. xl Sur les zéros de la fonction zeta(s) de Riemann. Hardy G. H. : Mess. Math. 44 (1915), 18-21. xxvii Proof of a formula of Mr. Ramanujan. Hardy G. H. : Acta Mathematica 42 (1920), 327-339. cxxxix On two theorems of F. Carlson and S. Wigert. Hardy G. H. : Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc. 20 (1921), 263-271. xlvi Note on Ramanujan?s trigonometrical function Cq(n), and certain series of arithmetical functions. Hardy G. H. : Matematisk Tidsskrift Ser. B (1922), 71-73. cxxxviii A new proof of the functional equation for the zeta function. Hardy G. H. : Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. (2) 21 (1923), 492-503. xxvii A chapter from Ramanujan?s note-book. Hardy G. H. : Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) 22 (1924), XII-XIII. xxvii Some formulae of Ramanujan. Hardy G. H. : Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc. 23 (1927), 675-680. xlvi Note on Ramanujan?s arithmetical function r(n). Hardy G. H. : J. London Math. Soc. 3 (1928), 238-240. xxvii A formula of Ramanujan. Hardy G. H. : Messenger Math. 58 (1929), 159-160. lviii Dr. Glaisher and the " Messenger of Mathematics ". Hardy G. H. : Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 35 (1929), 778-818. cxxxi An introduction to the theory of numbers. Hardy G. H. : J. London Math. Soc. 8 (1933), 227-231. cxxxviii A theorem concerning Fourier transforms. Hardy G. H. : J. London Math. Soc. 12 (1937), 94-98. xxvii A formula of Ramanujan in the theory of primes. Hardy G. H. : J. London Math. Soc. 12 (1937), 314-318. xlv Another formula of Ramanujan. Hardy G. H. : Amer. Math. Monthly 44 (1937), 137-155. xxv The indian mathematician Ramanujan. Hardy G. H. : Quart. J. Math. 8 (1937), 245-254. xxxi / xliii Ramanujan and the theory of Fourier transforms. Hardy G. H. : Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc. 34 (1938), 309-315. xlvi A further note on Ramanujan?s arithmetical function r(n). Hardy G. H. : Cambridge University Press. 1940. O1/O2 Ramanujan, Twelve Lectures on Subjects Suggested by his Life and Work. Hardy G. H. : Oxford University Press 1949. O Divergent Series. Hardy G. H. : Collected Papers of S. Ramanujan, Chelsea (1962), xxi-xxxvi. O Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920). Hardy G. H. : Clarendon Press Oxford University Press, 1966. O Collected Papers of G. H. Hardy. Volume I. Hardy G. H. : Clarendon Press Oxford University Press, 1967. O Collected Papers of G. H. Hardy. Volume II. Hardy G. H. : Clarendon Press Oxford University Press, 1969. O Collected Papers of G. H. Hardy. Volume III. Hardy G. H. : Clarendon Press Oxford University Press, 1969. O Collected Papers of G. H. Hardy. Volume IV. Hardy G. H. : Clarendon Press Oxford University Press, 1972. O Collected Papers of G. H. Hardy. Volume V. Hardy G. H. : Clarendon Press Oxford University Press, 1974. O Collected Papers of G. H. Hardy. Volume VI. Hardy G. H. : Clarendon Press Oxford University Press, 1979. O Collected Papers of G. H. Hardy. Volume VII. Hardy G.H. & Heilbronn H. : J. London Math. Soc. 13 (1938), 302-310. xlii Edmund Landau. Hardy G.H. & Littlewood J.E. : Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) 11 (1913), 411-478. xlix Contributions to the arithmetic theory of series. Hardy G.H. & Littlewood J.E. : Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 23 (1927), 681-684. lv Notes on the theory of series (III) : On the summability of the Fourier series of a nearly c. funct. Hardy G.H. & Littlewood J. E. : Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) 41 (1936), 257-270. xlix Note on the theory of series (XX) : On Lambert series. Hardy G. H. & Littlewood J. E. : Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 42 (1946), 85-90. cxl Notes on the theory of series (XXIV) : A curious power series. Hardy G. H. & Titchmarsh E. C. : J. London Math. Soc. 6 (1931), 44-48. cix A note on Parseval?s theorem for Fourier transforms. Harkness J. & Morley F. : 1893 Macmillan and Co. N.Y. O / e-B A Treatise on the Theory of Functions. Harkness J. & Morley F. : Stechert 1898-1924. O / e-B Introduction to the Theory of Analytic Functions. Harris V. C. & Styles C. C. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 2 (1964), No.4, December, 277-289. O A generalization of Fibonacci numbers. Hart E. & Sanchis L. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 37 (1999), No.1, February, 21-33. O On the Occurence of Fn in the Zeckendorf Decomposition of nFn. Hartree D. R. : 2nd ed. 1952 /1958, Oxford at The Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press. O Numerical Analysis. Haselgrove C. B. & Leech J. : J. London Math. Soc. 32 (1957), 228-231. lxx Note on restrcited difference bases. Hashimoto R. : Journal of Number Theory 90 (2001), No.1, September, 143-153. m-01 Ankeny-Artin-Chowla Conjecture and Continued Fraction Expansion. Haslam-Jones U.S. : Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 4 (1936), 268-269. xxxvii Bertram Matin Wilson. Hassen A. : The Ramanujan Journal 3 (1999), No.2, June, 119-151. O Log-Polynomial Period Functions for Hecke Groups. Hastad J. & Just B. & Lagarias J. C. & Schnorr C. P. : SIAM J. Comput. 18 (1989), No.5, 859-881. ci / upv-f1/161 Polynomial time algorithms for finding integer relations among real numbers. Hata M. : Proc. Japan Acad. Math. Sci. Ser. A 68 (1992), 283-286. lxxxii Improvement in the irrationality measures of Pi and Pi^2. Hata M. : Acta Arithm. 63 (1993), 335-349. lxxxvii / cxviii Rational approximations to Pi and some other numbers. Hata M. : J. Number Theory 43 (1993), 51-67. lxxxvii / cxviii A lower bound for rational approximations to Pi. Haukkanen P. : Annales Acad. Sci. Fennicae Ser. A I ( Dissertationes ) (1988), ???-???. #162 Classical arithmetical identities involving a generalization of Ramanujan's sum. Haukkanen P. : Bull. Soc. Math. Belgique Ser. B 43 (1991), No.1, 43-57. xcvii / xcii On generalizations of some identities of Ramanujan. Haukkanen P. & McCarthy P. J. : Portugalia Math. 48 (1991), No.1, 53-66. cxlvi Sums of values of even functions. Hautot A. : Appl. Numer. Math. 4 (1988), No.2-4, 309-322. O Convergence acceleration of continued fractions of Poincaré?s type. Haussmam M & Shapiro H. N. : Comm. Pure & Appl. Math. 42 (1989), 885-889. cxx On Ramanujan?s right triangle conjecture. Hayashi T. : Nouv. Ann. Math. (4) 2 (1902), 496-499. xl Expansions de tan^n (a) et cot^n (a) sous forme de continuants. Hayashi T. & Kusuba T. & Yano T. : Centaurus 33 (1990), No.2-3, 149-174. l2 The correction of the Madhava series for the circumference of a circle. Hayden T. L. : Math. Zeitsch. 79 (1962), 376-380. xxx Some convergence regions for continued fractions. Hayden T. L. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 14 (1963), 546-552. xxx A convergence problem for continued fractions. Hayden T. L. : Numer. Math. 7 (1965), 292-309. xxx Continued fraction approximation to functions. Hayden T. L. : Rocky Mount. J. Math. 4 (1974), 367-370. liii Continued fractions in Banach Spaces. Hayden T. L. & Merkes E. P. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 16 (1965), 252-257. xxx On classes de univalent continued fractions. Hayman W. K. : Oxford Math. Monographs, 1964 Clarendon, at the Oxford University Press. O Meromorphic Functions. Hayman W. K. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 566-570. O The Papers on Analysis. Heat-Brown D. R. : Number Theory, Bombay (1988), T.I.F.R. - O.U.P. (1989), 41-46. O Weyl?s inequality, Waring?s problem and Diophantine approximation. Heawood P. J. : Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) 20 (1922), 233-250. lviii The classification of rational approximation. Hegyvári N. & Sárközy A. : The Ramanujan Journal 3 (1999), No.3, September, 303-314. O On Hilbert cubes in certain sets. Heilbronn H. A. : E.J. Kani & R. A. Smith (Eds.) : Canad. Math. Soc. Ser. Mono & Adv. Text. Wiley 1988 608pp. O The Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 57-62. O Über die Verteilung der Primzahlen in Polynomen. Math. Annalen 104 (1931), 794-799. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Paper of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 63-69. O On the Distribution of Prime Numbers in Polynomials. (Translation) : Math. Annalen 104 (1931), 794-799. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 70-99. O Über den Prinzahlsatz von Hernn Hoheisel. Math. Zeitschrift 36 (1933), 394-423. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans ArnoldHeilbronn, Wiley 1988, 100-142. O On the Prime Number Theorem of Hoheisel. (Translation) : Math. Zeitschrift 36 (1933), 394-423. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 173-174. O Zu dem Integralsatz von Cauchy. Math. Zeitschrift 37 (1933), 37-38. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 175-176. O On the Integral Theorem of Cauchy. (Translation) : Math. Zeitschrift 37 (1933), 37-38. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 177-187. O On the Class-Number in Imaginary Quadratic Fields. Quart. J. Math. Oxford Series, 5 (1934), 150-160. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 252-261. O Über das Waringsche Problem. Acta Arithmetica 1 (1936), 212-221. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 262-271. O On Waring?s Problem. (Translation ) : Acta Arithmetica 1 (1936), 212-221. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 338-339. O On Real Characters. Acta Arithmetica 2 (1937), 212-213. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 340-342. O On an Inequality in the Elementary Theory of Numbers. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Sco. 33 (1937), 207-209. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 343-344. O On Dirichlet Series Which Satisfy a Certain Functional Equation. Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 9 (1938), 194-195. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 345-350. O On Euclid?s Algorithm in Real Quadratic Fileds. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 34 (1938), 521-526. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilnbronn, Wiley 1988, 393-400. O On the Distribution of the Sequences n^2 theta(mod 1). Quart. J. Math. (Oxford), 19 (1948), 249-256. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 401-413. O On Discrete Harmonic Functions. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Sco. 45 (1949), 194-206. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 414-419. O On Euclid?s Algorithm in Cubic Self-Conjugate Fields.Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 46 (1950), 377-382. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 420-431. O On Euclid?s Algorithm in Cyclic Fields. Canadian J. Math. 3 (1951), 257-268. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 432-438. O On the Average of Some Arithmetical Functions of Two Variables. Mathematika 5 (1958), 1-7. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 439-442. O On the Representation of Homotopic Classes by Regular Functions. Bull. Acad. Polonaise Sci. 6 (1958), 181-184. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 443. O Review of " Mathematische Werke" by Erick Hecke. Math. Gazette 45 (1961), 77-78. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 444-447. O Old Theorems and New Methods in Class-Field Theory. J. London Math. Soc. 37 (1962), 6-9. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 450-454. O On the Represent of a Rational as a Sum of Four Squares by Means of Regular Funct.. J. London Math. Soc.39 (1964), 72-76. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 466-467. O Introduction to Papers on Combinatorial Analysis and Sums of Squares. Collected Papers of G.H. Hardy 1(1966), 263-264. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 468-472. O Introduction to Papers on Waring?s Problem. Collected Papers of G.H. Hardy, Oxford-Clarendon U.P. Vol.1 (1966), 377-381. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 473-474. O Introduction to Papers on Goldbach?s Problem. Collected Papers of G.H. Hardy, Oxford U.P. Vol.1, (1966), 473-474. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 475-501. O Zeta-Functions and L-Functions.J.W.S. Cassels & A. Fröhlich Eds. Algebraic Number Theory. Academic Press, 1967, 204-230. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 518-525. O On the Average Length of a Class of Finite Continued Fractions. Abhad. Zahlent.... E. Landau, (P. Turan Ed.), 1969, 89-96. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 548-550. O On the 2-Classgroup of Cubic Fields. Studies in Pure Math. (L. Mirsky, Ed.) Academic Press 1971, 117-119. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 551-553. O On Real Simple Zeros of Dedekind zeta-Functions. Proc. Of the 1972 Number Theory Conference, Colorado, 108-110. Heilbronn H. A. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 554-557. O On Real Zeros of Dedekind zeta-Functions. Canadian J. Math. 25 (1973), 870-873. Heilbronn H. A. & Bachmuth S. & Mochizuki H. Y. : Collected Papers of H. A. Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 502-517. O Burnside Metabelian Groups. Proc. Royal Soc. London A 307 (1968), 235-250. Heilbronn H. A. & Davenport H. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 272-276. O On the Zeros of Certain Dirichlet Series. I. J. London Math. Soc. 11 (1936), 181-185. Heilbronn H. A. & Davenport H. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 277-282. O On the Zeros of Certain Dirichlet Series. II. J. London Math. Soc. 11 (1936), 307-312. Heilbronn H. A. & Davenport H. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 283-290. O On Waring?s Problem for Fourth Powers. Proc. London Math. Soc. 41 (1936), 143-150. Heilbronn H. A. & Davenport H. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 291-295. O On an Exponential Sum. Proc. London Math. Soc. 41 (1936), 449-453. Heilbronn H. A. & Davenport H. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 296-327. O On Waring?s Problem : Two Cubes and One Square. Proc. London Math. Soc. 43 (1937), 73-104. Heilbronn H. A. & Davenport H. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 328-337. O Note on a Result in the Additive Theory of Numbers. Proc. London Math. Soc. 43 (1937), 142-151. Heilbronn H. A. & Davenport H. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 360-368. O On Indefinite Quadratic Forms in Five Variables. J. London Math. Soc. 21 (1946), 185-193. Heilbronn H. A. & Davenport H. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 369-383. O On the Minimum of a Bilinear Form. Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 18 (1947), 107-121. Heilbronn H. A. & Davenport H. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 384-392. O Asymmetric Inequalities for Non-homogeneous Linear Forms. J. London Math. Soc. 22 (1947), 53-61. Heilbronn H. A. & Davenport H. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 528-531. O On the Density of Discriminants of Cubic Fields. Bull. London Math. Soc. 1 (1969), 345-348. Heilbronn H. A. & Davenport H. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 532-547. O On the Density of Discriminats of Cubic Fields II. Proc. Royal Soc. London A 322 (1971), 405-420. Heilbronn H. A. & Erdös P. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 455-465. O On the Addition of Residue Classes mod p. Acta Arithmetica 9 (1964), 149-159. Heilbronn H. A. & Hardy G. H. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 351-359. O Edmund Landau. J. London Math. Soc. 13 (1938), 302-310. Heilbronn H. A. & Howarth L. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 448-449. O Prof. Jacques Hadamard For. Mem. R. S. Nature 200 (1963), 937-938. Heilbronn H. A. & Landau E. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 143-149. O Bemerkungen zur vortehenden Arbeit von Hernn Bochner. Math. Zeitschrift 37 (1933), 10-16. Heilbronn H. A. & Landau E. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 150-159. O Remarks on the Above Article of Bochner. (Translation) : Math. Zeitschrift 37 (1933), 10-16. Heilbronn H. A. & Landau E. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 160-161. O Ein Satz über Potenzreihen. Math. Zeitschrift 37 (1933), 17. Heilbronn H. A. & Landau E. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 162-163. O A Theorem on Powers Series. (Translation) : Math. Zeitschrift 337 (1933), 17. Heilbronn H. A. & Landau E. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 164-167. O Anwendungen der N. Wienerschen Methode. Math. Zeischrift 37 (1933), 18-21. Heilbronn H. A. & Landau E. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 168-172. O Applications of the Methd of N. Wiener. (Translation) : Math. Zeitschrift 37 (1933), 18-21. Heilbronn H. A. & Landau E. & Scherk P. : Collected Papers of H. A. Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 197-221. O Alle grossen ganzen Zahlen lassen sich als Summe von höchstens 71 Primzahlen darstellen. Casopis 65 (1936),117-141. Heilbronn H. A. & Landau E. & Scherk P. : Collected Papers of H. A. Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 222-251. O All Large Integers Can Be Represented as a Sum of At Most 71 Prime Numbers. (Translation) : Casopis 65 (1936), 117-141. Heilbronn H. A. & Linfoot E. H. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 188-196. O On the Imaginary Quadratic Corpora of Class-Number One. Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 5 (1934), 293-301. Heilbronn H. A. & Scherk P. : Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Wiley 1988, 526-527. O Sums of Complexes in Torsion-Free Abelian Groups. Canadian Math. Bull. 12 (1969), 479-480. Heilermann J. B. H. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 33 (1846), 174-188. xxvii Über die Verwandlung der Reihen in Kettenbrüche. Heilermann J. B. H. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 46 (1853), 88-95. xxvii Über die Verwandlung der Kettenbrüche in Reihen. Heimer R. L. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 2 (1964), No.3, October, 211-214. O Further comments on the periodicity of the digits of the Fibonacci numbers. Heine E. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 32 (1846), 205-209. xxvii Verwandlung von Reihen in Kettenbrüche. Heine E. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 32 (1846), 210-212. xxvii Ueber die Reihe... Heine E. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 34 (1847), 285-328. xxvii Untersuchung über die Reihe... Heine E. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 53 (1857), 284-285. lxxvi Auszug eines schreibens über Kettenbrüche von Herrn E. Heine an den Herausgeber. Heine E. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 57 (1860), 231-247. lxxvi Ueber die Zähler und nenner der Näherungswerthe von Kettenbrüche. Heine E. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 67 (1867), 315-326. lxxi Mittheilung über Kettenbrüche. Heine E. : Bde. 1 & 2, 2ş Ed. 1879-1961 Physica-Verlag. O Handbuch der Kugelfunctionen. Heins M. : 1962 Holt Rinehardt & Winston. O Selected Topics in the Classical Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable. Hellegouarch Y. : Canad. J. Math. 40 (1988), No.4, 817-832. xxvii Notions de base pour l?arithmetique de F ( 1/t ). Hellegouarch Y. : Investigación y Ciencia No. 237 Jun. 1996, 60-65. O Fermat, demostrado al fin. Heller R. & Roach F.A. : Pacific J. Math. 95 (1981), 307-310. xli / lxxxii A generalization of a classical necessary condition for convergence of continued fractions. Hellinger E. : Math. Ann. 86 (1922), 18-29. lv Zur Stieltjesschen kettenbruchtheorie. Hellinger E. & Toeplitz O. : Math. Ann. 69 (1910), 289-330. lix Grundlagen für eine theorie der unendlichen matrizen. Hellinger E. & Toeplitz O. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 144 (1914), 212-238. lviii Zur ein ordung der kettenbrüchtheorie in die theorie der quadratischen formen von unendlichvielen ... Hellinger E. D. & Wall H. S. : Ann. of Math. (2) 44 (1943), 103-127. xviii Contributions to the analytic theory of continued fractions and infinite matrices. Helstrom C. W. : Amer. Math. Monthly 96 No.7 (1989), 653-655. O Sol. Probl. 6541 [ 94 (1987), No.3, 304. ] : A Continued Fraction for a Quotient of Bessel Functions. Helversen-Pasotto A. : Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) Suppl. No. 30 (1993), 195-200. #163 / #174 Gamma-Function and Gaussian-Sum-Function. Helversen-Pasotto A. : Séminarie Lotharingien de Combinatoire 33 (1994), B33f, 15pp. F.ps Gaussche Summen über Endlichen Körpern und Gamma Funktion. Henberger C. & Le M. : J. Number Theory 78 (1999), No.2, 312-311. #166 On the generalized Ramanujan-Nagell equation. Hendriksen E. : J. Comput. & Appl. Math. 32 (1990), No.1-2, 125-141. ci / upv-i1 Associated Jacobi-Laurent polynomials. Hendriksen E. & Njastad O. : J. Math. Anal. Appl. 142 (1989), No.2, 508-520. lxiv / cxiii A Favard theorem for rational functions. Hendriksen E. & Njastad O. : Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 32 (1989), No.2, 261-269. lxiii Positive multipoint Padé continued fractions. Heng H. C. : Acta Arith. 73 (1995), No.4, 343-355. xxii On Ramanujans cubic continued fraction. Henrici P. : 1977 John Wiley and Sons. O Computational Analysis with the HP-25 Pocket Calculator. Henrici P. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 18 (1987), No.6, 1513-1518. cxxiii A triple product theorem for hypergeometric series. Henrici P. & Pfluger P. : Numer. Math. 9 (1966), 120-138. lxiv / cxiii Truncation error estimates for Stieltjes fractions. Hensley D. : J. Number Theory 33 (1989), No.2, 182-198. ci / cxx The Hausdorff dimensions of some continued fraction Cantor sets. Hensley D. : Pacific J. Math. 151 No.2 (1991), 237-255. xvi The largest digit in the continued fraction expansion of a rational number. Hensley D. : J. Number Theory 40 No.3 (1992), 336-358. xvi Continued fractions, Cantor sets, Hausdorff dimension and functional analysis. Hensley D. : Pacific J. Math. 166 (1994), (No.1 Nov.), 43-54. xx / lxxxii The distribution mod n of fractions with bounded partial quotients. Herman E. A. : John Wiley & Sons 1986. O Convergence, Approximation, and Differential Equations. Hermite C. : Bull. Sci. Math. (2) 9 (1885),11-13 & Oeuvres IV, 178-180. O Sur la théorie des fractions continues. Herschfeld A. : Amer. Math. Monthly 42 (1935), 419-429. ix On infinite radicals. Heuchamps E. : Mathesis 45 (1931), Supp. 1-15. lxix / ? Sur les suites trés générales qui se développent conformément... des réduites d?une fraction continue. Heuchamps E. : Mathesis 47 (1933), 233-240. lxix Sur les suites trés générales qui se développent conformément... des réduites d?une fraction continue II. Heymann W. : Zeit. Math. Phys. 39 (1894), 321-354. lxxii Über Kettenfunktionen. Hickerson D. R. : Pacific J. Math. 46 (1973), 429-432. xli / lxxxii Length of period of simple continued fraction expansion of root(d). Hickerson D. R. : J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 15 (1973), 351-353. cvi Identities relating the number of partitions into an even and odd number of parts. Hickerson D. R. : Amer. Math. Monthly 81 (1974), 627-629. cvi A partition identity of the Euler type. Hickerson D. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 290 (1977), 113-116. lxxiv Continued fraction and density results for Dedekin sums. Hickerson D. : Invent. Math. 94 (1988), 639-660. liii A proof of the mock theta conjectures. Hickerson D. : Invent. Math. 94 (1988), 661-677. lxxxvi / cxiv On the seventh order mock theta functions. Hickerson D. R. : Inventiones Math. 94 (1989), 639-660. #172 A proof of the mock theta conjectures. Higgins T. J. : Amer. Math. Monthly 49 (1942), 462-490. #162 Note on Whittaker?s method for the roots of power series. Hilbert D. : Göttinger Nachrichten (1893),216-219. Pi : A source book, 226-229. Ueber die Transcendenz der Zahlen e und Pi. Hildebrand A. : Acta Arithm. 44 (1984), 109-140. cxxiii Über die punktweise konvergenz von Ramanujan-entwicklungen zahlentheoretischen funktionen. Hildebrand A. : Ramanujan Revisited, Proc. Centenary Conference Univ. Illinois (1987), AP (1988), 167-185. O On the number of prime factors of an integer. Hildebrand A. & Tenenbaum G. : Duke Math. J. 56 (1988), 471-501. #163 On the Number of Prime Factors of an Integer. Hill J. D. : Duke Math. J. 3 (1937), 702-714. cxl On perfect methods of summability. Hill J. D. : Duke Math. J. 9 (1942), 373-381. #156 Some properties of summability. Hill J. D. : Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 50 (1944), 227-230. cxl Some properties of summability. Hill M. J. M. : Proc. London Math. Soc. (1) 35 (1902-1903), 388-416. #150 ???. Hill M. J. M. : Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) 5 (1907), 335-341. lxv On a formula for the sum of a finite number of terms of the hypergeometric series... Hill M. J. M. : Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) 6 (1908), 339-348. lxv On a formula for the sum of a finite number of terms of the hypergeometric series... (Second Comm). Hill M. J. M. : Proc. Inter. Congress Math. Cambridge, tome 1 (1912), 275-383. cxxix On the continuation of the hypergeometric series. Hill M. J. M. : Mess. of Math. 4 (1914-1915), No.524, read Dec. 1914. #150-155 On Euler identities. Hill M. J. M. & Whipple F. J. W. : Quart. J. Math. Pure & Appl. 41 (1910), 128-135. lxv A reciprocal relation between generalized hypergeometric series. Hill M. J. M. : Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) 17 (1918), 320-333. cxli On the continuation of the hypergeometric series. Hillam K.L. & Thron W.J. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 16 (1965), 1256-1262. xlvi A general convergence criterion for continued fractions K(An/Bn). Hillion P. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. A 278 (1974), 155-158. cxl Remarque sur l?approximation de la somme d?une série. Hillion P. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. A 278 (1974), 893-896. cxl Accélération de la convergence de certaines suite dont la série entičre associée posséde una singularité en z=1. Hillion P. : J. of the Inst. of Math. & Appl. 19 (1977), 281-293. cxxxv Remarks on rational approximations of multiple power series. Hillman A. P. & Alexanderson G. L. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 2 (1964), No.2, April, 145-148. O A motivation for continued fractions. Hillman A. P. & Stroot M. T. & Grassl R. M. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 1 (1963), No.3, October, 43-45. O Fibonacci numbers and zigzag Hasse diagrams. Hirschhorn M. D. : Duke Math. J. 39 (1972), 789-791. iii Partitions and Ramanujan?s continued fractions. Hirschhorn M. D. : Duke Math. J. 40 (1973), 77-80. iii A continued fraction of Carlitz. Hirschhorn M. D. : Duke Math. J. 41 (1974), 27-33. i A continued fraction. Hirschhorn M. D. : Discrete Math. 16 (1976), 161-162. lxxii4 Simple proof of identities of MacMahon and Jacobi. Hirschhorn M. D. : Acta Arithmetica 32 (1977), 73-78. #165 Polynomial identities with implies identities of Euler and Jacobi. Hirschhorn M. D. : J. Comb. Theory Ser. A 27 (1979), 33-37. lxiii Some partitions theorems of the Rogers-Ramanujan type. Hirschhorn M. D. : J. Australian Math. Soc. Ser. A : 29 (1980), 80-86. i A continued fraction of Ramanujan. Hirschhorn M. D. : J. Australian Math. Soc. Ser. A : 30 (1980), 1-4. vii Two futher Ramanujan pairs. Hirschhorn M. D. : Acta Aritmetica 38 (1980), 105-109. #165 On the residue mod 2 and mod 4 of p(n). Hirschhorn M. D. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 326 (1981), 1-17. #151 A simple proof of the Ramanujan conjecture for powers of 5. Hirschhorn M. D. : Amer. Math. Monthly 92 (1985), No.8, 579-580. Ó A simple proof of Jacobi?s two-square theorem. Hirschhorn M. D. : J. Indian Math. Soc. 51 (1987), 49-55, (1988). xxxiii A generalization of Winquist?s identity and a conjecture of Ramanujan. Hirschhorn M. D. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 101 (1987), 436-438. cxxxvii A simple proof of Jacobi?s four-square theorem. Hirschhorn M. D. : J. Australian Math. Soc. Ser. A : 44 (1988), 42-45. vii A generalization of the quintuple product identity. Hirschhorn M. D. : Amer. Math. Monthly 97 No.5 (1990), 398-400. O A Birthday Present for Ramanujan. Hirschhorn M. D. : J. Comb. Theory Ser. A 62 (1993), 128-138. #170 On the parity of p(n), II. Hirschhorn M. D. : Math. Magazine 68 (1995), No.3, 199-201. xcvii An amazing identity of Ramanujan. Hirschhorn M. : J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 73 (1996), No.2, 346-347. cvi A reformulation of Ramanujan?s partition congruences. Hirschhorn M. : Toils and Triumphs of Srinivasa Ramanujan, W. H. Abdi (Ed.), 1996, 236-246. O Ramanujan?s Contribution to Continued Fractions. Hirschhorn M. D. : Math. Magazine 69 (1996), No.4, 267-269. cxlvii A proof in the spirit of Zeilberger of an amazing identity of Ramanujan. Hirschhorn M. D. : The Ramanujan Journal 2 (1998), No.4, 521-527. O On the Expansion of Ramanujan?s Continued Fraction. Hirschhorn M. D. : Amer. Math. Monthly 105 (1998), No.1, 52-55. #154 Two or three identities of Ramanujan. Hirschhorn M. D. : Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 42 (1998), B42f. 8pp. F.ps Thrre Classical Results on Representations of a Number. Hirschhorn M. D. : The Ramanujan Journal 3 (1999), No.2, June, 153-158. O Jacobi?s Two-Square Theorem and Related Identities. Hirschhorn M. D. : Amer. Math. Monthly 106 (1999), No.6, 580-584. #154 Another short proof of Ramanujan?s mod 5 partition congruence, and more. Hirschhorn M. D. : The Ramanujan Journal 4 (2000), No.1, March, 51-57. O Arithmetic Consequences of Jacobi?s Two-Squares Theorem. Hirschhorn M. D. : The Ramanujan Journal 4 (2000), No.2, June, 129-135. O Parity Results for Certain Partition Functions. Hirschhorn M. D. : The Ramanujan Journal 5 (2001), No.4, December, 369-375. O On the Expansion of a Continued Fraction of Gordon. Hirschhorn M. & Garvan M. & Borwein J. : Canad. J. Math. 45 (1993), 673-694. lxxviii Cibic analogues of the Jacobian theta function theta(z,q). Hirschhorn M. D. & Hunt D. C. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 326 (1981), 1-17. #161 A simple proof of the Ramanujan conjecture for powers of 5. Hirschhorn M. D. & Hunt D. C. : J. Auatralian Math. Soc. Ser. A 34 (1983), 31-35. #151 A simple proof of and identity of Ramanujan. Hirschhorn M. D. & Sellers J. A. : The Ramanujan Journal 3 (1999), No.3, September, 281-296. O Some parity results for 16-cores. Hirschhorn M. D. & Subbarao M. V. : Acta Arithm. 50 (1988), 355-356. #175 On the parity of p(n). Hirschman I. I. & Widder D. V. : 1955 / 1964 Princeton University Press. O The Convolution Transform. Hloponin S. S. : Soviet. Math. Dol. 20 (1976), 66-73. lxxiv / ? A correspondence between a ratio of power series and continued fractions. Hloponin S. S. : Mathematical Notes 20 (1976), 933-938. lxix / ? Convergence test, for continued fractions, that are based on a fundamental system of inequalities. Hodgkinson J. : Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) 17 (1918), 17-24. cxxx An application of conformal representation to certain hypergeometric series. Hodgkinson J. : J. London Math. Soc. 6 (1931), 42-43. xlv Note on one of Ramanujan?s theorems. Hoffman M. : Pacific J. Math. 152 (1992), 275-290. #156 Multiple harmonic series. Hoffman M. E. : Amer. Math. Monthly 102 No.1 (1995), 23-30. O Derivative Polynomials For Tangent and Secant. Hoffman M. E. : J. Of Algebra 194 (1997), 477-495. #169 The algebra of multiple harmonic series. Hoffstein J. : CRM Proc. & Lect. Notes Vol. 1, Murty (Ed.): Theta functions, AMS (1993), 65-104. O Eisenstein series and theta functions on the metaplectic group. Hoggatt V. E. Jr. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 2 (1964), No.3, October, 176 & 196. O Fibonacci numbers from a differential equation. Hoggatt V. E. Jr. & Basin S. L. : The Fibonacci Quaterly 1 (1963), No.3, October, 1-14, 31. O Representations by Complete Sequences -Part I ( Fibonacci ). Hoggatt V. E. Jr. & Bicknell M. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 2 (1964), No.1, February, 29-32. O Some new Fibonacci identities. Hoggatt V. E. Jr. & Bicknell M. : The Fibonacci Quaterly 2 (1964), No.4, December, 261-266. O Fourth power Fibonacci identities from Pascal?s triangle. Hoggatt V. E. Jr. & Ruggles I. D. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 1 (1963), No.3, October, 61-65. O A primer for the Fibonacci sequence -- Part III. Hoggatt V. E. Jr. & Ruggles I. D. : The Fibonacci Qauterly 1 (1963), No.4, December, 65-71. O A primer on the Fibonacci numbers -- Part IV. Hoggatt V. E. Jr. & Ruggles I. D. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 2 (1964), No.1, February, 59-65. O A primer for the Fibonacci numbers -- Part V. Holland A. S. B. : Elsevier - North-Holland 1980. O Complex Function Theory. Holm A. : Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 21 (1903), 163-180. xlviii2 On the convergents to a recurring continued fraction with application to find integral solution... Holman W. J. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 11 (1980), 523-572. cxxiii Summation theorems for hypergeometric series in U(n). Holman W. J. & Biedenharn L. C. & Louck J. D. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 7 (1976), 529-541. cxxiii On hypergeometric series well-poissed in SU(n). Homann F. A. : Math. Magazine 60 (1987), No.1, 15-20. xcvii David Rittenhouse : Logarithms and leisure. Hope P. : Fibonacci Quarterly 33 (1995), No.2, 164-168. O Exponential growth of random Fibonacci sequences. Horadam A. F. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 1 (1963), No.4, December, 41-42 & 46. O Further appearance of the Fibonacci sequence. Horadam A. F. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 26 (1988), No.2, 98-114. O Elliptic Functions and Lambert Series in the Summation of Reciprocals in certain Recurrence-Generated Sequences. Horadam A. F. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 37 (1999), No.4, November, 320-325. O Representation grids for certain Morgan-Voyce numbers. Hörmander L. : 3rd. ed. Rev. 2000 North-Holland. O An Introduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables. Horn J. : Math. Annalen 34 (1889), 544-600. #156 Ueber die convergenz der hypergeometrischen reihen zweier und dreier veränderlichen. Horn J. : Math. Annalen 115 (1937), 435-455. cxlii Hypergeometrische funktionen zweier veranderlichen im schmittpunkt dreider singularitaten. Horner W. W. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 2 (1964), No.3, October, 228. O Fibonacci and Pascal. Hortalá M. T. & Leach J. & Rodríguez M. : 2Ş ed. Editorial Univesidad Complutense de Madrid. O Matemática Discreta y Lógica Matemática. Hospital Marques de l' : 1998 Univ. Nac. Auto. Mexico. O Análisis de los infinitamente pequeńos para el estudio de as lineas curvas. Householder A. S. : Amer. Math. Monthly 49 (1942), 326-330. #162 The addition formulas in trigonometry. Hovstad R. M. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 48 (1975), 337-343. lxiii Solution of a convergence problem in the theory of T-fractions. Hovstad R. M. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 102 No.3 (1988), 593-598. xv A reconsideration of the general parabola theorem in continued fractions. Hovstad R. M. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 105 No.1 (1989), 76-79. xv A short proof of a continued fraction test for the stability of polynomials. Hovstad R. M. : Rocky Mountain J. Math. 19 (1989), No.4, 1035-1041. xxi Continued fraction tails and irrationality. Hovstad R. M. : Proc. Analytic Theory Continued Fractions III 1988, Lect. Notes Math. 1406 (1989), 18-24. O Irrational continued fractions. Hovstad R. M. : J. Computational & Appl. Math. 33 (1990), No.2, 157-162. xxii / xxvi Continued fractions and irrational functions. Hovstad R. M. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 110 (1990), No.1, 65-70. xx / cviii The classical irrationality problem for T-fractions. Hovstad R. M. : Rocky Mountain J. Math. 21 (1991), No.3, 1029-1033. xxiii / xxiv A simple continued fraction test for the irrationality of functions. Howard F. T. (ed.) : Kluwer Academic Publ. 1999. O Applications of Fibonacci Numbers. Volume 8. Howard F. T. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 41 (2003), No.1, February, 80-84. O The Sum of the Squares of Two Generalized Fibonacci Numbers. Howard F. T. & Hayashi E. K. : Fibonacci Quarterly 27 (1989), No.1, 61-69. O Congruences for numbers of Ramanujan. Howe R. : Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.): Rmanujan B.C.V. 97 (1987), 85-109. O (GLn , GLm)-duality and symmetric plethysm. Hoyrup J. : Centaurus 33 (1990), No.4, 293-324. xxii On parts of parts and ascending continued fractions. An investigation of the origins and spread of a peculiar system. Hsü H. Y. : Duke Math. J. 4 (1938), 374-383. cxxxviii Certain integrals and infinite series involving ultraspherical polyonials and Bessel functions. Hua L. K. : American Mathematical Society 1965. O Additive Theory of Prime Numbers. Huang S. S. : Thesis University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1997, viii + 94. T-2-3 On the Rogers-Ramanujan and Ramanujan-Göllnitz-Gordon Continued Fractions. Huang S. S. : Acta Arithm. 80 (1997), 49-60. lxxiii Ramanujan?s evaluations of Rogers-Ramanujan type continued fractions at primitive roots of unity. Huang S. S. : J. Number Theory 68 (1998), No.2, 178-216. #150 On modular relations for the Göllnitz-Gordon functions with applications to partitions. Huckle T. : Arch. Math. (Basel) 47 (1986), No.4, 339-346. xcix / cxvii Über die koeffizienten der Stieltjes-Matrix eines Jacobi-Kettenbruchs. Huckle T. : Achiv der Math. 52 (1989), No.1, 66-70. cxxix On certain products of hypergeometric series. Hudson R. H. : Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 16 (1977), 67-73. cviii / cxxi A formula ofr the exact number of primes below a given bound in any arithmetic progression. Hudson R. H. & Brauer A. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 291 (1977), 23-29. cxix On the exact number of primes in the arithmetic progressions 4n+-1 and 6n+-1. Hughes K. : Canad. J. Math. 43 (1991), No.3, 506-525. ciii Ramanujan congruences for p(n) modulo powers of 17. Hukamchand : Math. Student 13 (1945), 98-101. xxxvi Proofs of some well known theorems in continued fractions. Humbert G. : Bull. Soc. Math. France 8 (1879), 124-128. lxix Sur le développement d?une fonction suivant les puissances croissantes d ún polynôme. Humbert G. : Bull. Soc. Math. France 8 (1879-1880),182-187. lxix Sur la réduction en fraction continue d?une classe de fonctions. Humbert G. : Bull. Soc. Math. France 8 (1880), 191-196. lxix Sur une généralisation de la théorie des fractions continues algébriques. Humbert G. : Bull. Soc. Math. France 9 (1881), 24-30.lxix Sur une généralisation de la théorie des fractions continues algébriques. (cont.). Humbert G. : Bull. Soc. Math. France 9 (1881), 56-58. lxix Sur la fonction (x - 1) ^a. Humbert G. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Math. 161 (1915), 717-721. lxvii Sur l?approximation des irrationnelles réelles. Humbert G. : J. Math. Pures et Appl. (7) 2 (1916), 79-103. lxvii Sur la méthode d?approximation d?Hermite. Humbert G. : J. Math. Pures et Appl. (7) 2 (1916), 104-154. xxxvii Sur les fractions continues ordinaires et les formes quadratiques binaires indéfinies. Humbert G. : J. Math. Pures et Appl. (7) 2 (1916), 155-167. lxvii Remarques sur certaines suites d?approximation. Humbert G. : C. R. Acad. Sci Paris 162 (1916), 23-26. lxvii Sur les fractions continues et les formes quadratiques binaires indéfinies. Humbert G. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 162 (1916), 67-73. lxvii Sur les réduites d?Hermite. Humbert G. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 165 (1917), 211-217. lxvii Sur la fraction continue de Stephen Smith. Humbert G. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 165 (1917), 689-694. lxvii Sur le développement, en fraction continue de Stephen Smith, des irrationnelles quadratiques. Humbert G. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 165 (1917), 737-742. lxvii Sur le développement, en fraction continue de Stephen Smith, des irrationnelles quadratiques (cont.). Hunter J. A. H. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 1 (1963), No.3, October, 66. O Triangle inscribed in rectangle. Hunter J. A. H. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 2 (1964), No.3, October, 230. O Two very special numbers. Huntley H. E. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 2 (1964), No.2, April, 104. O Fibonacci geometry. Huntley H. E. : The Fibonacci Qaurterly 2 (1964), No.3, October, 184 & 240. O The golden cuboid. Hurewicz W. : 1958 / 1964 / 1990 Dover Publications. O Lectures on Ordinary Differential Equations. Husquin de Rhéville : Nouv. Ann. Math. (3) 16 (1897), 61-62. lxviii Sur une représentation géométrique du développement en fraction continue. Huxley M. N. : Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.): Ramanujan B.C.V. 97 (1987), 111-116. O The area within a curve. Hwang H. K. : Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 96 (2001), No.1, October, 89-126. m-01 Limit Theorems for the Number of Summands in Integer Partitions. Hylleras E. : Mathematica Scandinavica 10 (1962), 189-200. cxxxviii Linearization of products of Jacobi polynomials.