Jackson D. : Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo 32 (1911), 257-262. cxxxviii Ueber eine trigonometrische summe. Jackson D. M. : J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 25 (1978), 181-187. liv Some results on " products-weighted lead codes". Jackson F. H. : Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 95 (1897), 90-96. xcii Certain expansions of x^n in hypergeometric series. Jackson F. H. : Proc. Royal Soc. London 74 (1904), 64-72. xlviii2 A generalization of the function Gamma(n) and ^n. Jackson F. H. : Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh 41 (1904), 1-28. xcii Certain fundamental power series and their differential series. Jackson F. H. : Trans Royal Soc. Edinburgh 41 (1904), 29-38. xcii Certain fundamental power series and their differential series. II. Jackson F. H. : Proc. Royal Soc. London A 76 (1905), 127-144. xlviii2 The basic gamma-function and the elliptic functions. Jackson F. H. : Amer. J. Math. 27 (1905), 1-6. lxxiv Some properties of a generalized hypergeometric functions. Jackson F. H. : Mess. of Math. 34 (1905), 32-39. cxli Pseudo-periodic functions analogous to the circular functions. Jackson F. H. : Mess. of Math. 37 (1908), 123-128. cxli On a formula relating to hypergeometric series. Jackson F. H. : Mess. of Math. 38 (1909), 26-28. lxxii The q-series corresponding to Taylor?s sereis. Jackson F. H. : Mess. of Math. 38 (1909), 62-64. lxxii A q-form of Taylor?s theorem. Jackson F. H. : Mess. of Math. 39 (1910), 145-153. lxxii Transformation of q-series. Jackson F. H. : Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo 29 (1910), 340-346. lii A q-generalization of Abel?s series. Jackson F. H. : Amer. J. Math. 32 (1910), 305-314. lxxiv / lxxvi q-Difference equations. Jackson F. H. : Quart. J. Pure & Appl. Math. 41 (1910), 193-203. lxxiii On q-definite integrals. Jackson F. H. : Mess. of Math. 40 (1911), 92-100. lxxii The product of q-hypergeometric functions. Jackson F. H. : Mess. Math. 50 (1921), 101-112. xxxi Summation of q-hypergeometric series. Jackson F. H. : Mess. Math. 50 (1921), 169-187. li / cxli / #150 Examples of a generalization of Euler?s transformation for power series. Jackson F. H. : Mess. of Math. 50 (1921), 377-384. lxxii / cxliii A new transformation of Heinean series. Jackson F. H. : Mess. of Math. 57 (1928), 169-187. #150 Examples of a generalization of Euler?s transformation for power series. Jackson F. H. : Quart. J. Math. (oxford) 11 (1940), 1-17. lxxiii The q^theta equation whose solutions are products of solutions of q^theta equations of lower order. Jackson F. H. : Quart. J. Math. Oxford 12 (1941), 167-172. lxiii / lviii / ? Certain q-identities. Jackson F. H. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 12 (1941), 201-210. cxliii Hypergeometric series and 'set' numbers. Jackson F. H. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 12 (1941), 211-215. cxlii q^theta - equations and Fibonacci numbers. Jackson F. H. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 13 (1942), 69-82. lxxiii On basic double hypergeometric functions. Jackson F. H. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 15 (1944), 49-61. lxxiii Basic double hypergeometric functions (ii). Jackson F. H. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 17 (1946), 99-110. cxliii Basic functions and polynomials sequences. Jackson F. H. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) (2) 2 (1951), 1-16. lxxiii Basic integration. Jackson M. : J. London Math. Soc. 24 (1949), 233-237. lxix On some formulae in partition theory, and bilateral basic hypergeometric series. Jackson M. : J. London Math. Soc. 24 (1949), 238-240. cxlii A generalization of the theorems of Watson and Whipple on the sum of the series 3F2. Jackson M. : J. London Math. Soc. 25 (1950), 189-196. lxx On Lerch?s transcendant and the basic bilateral hypergeometric series 2phi2. Jackson M. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) (2) 1 (1950), 63-68. lxxiii On well-poised bilateral hypergeometric series of the type 8phi8. Jackson M. : J. London Math. Soc. 27 (1952), 116-123. cxlii Transformations of series of the type 3H3 with unit argument. Jackson M. : J. London Math. Soc. 27 (1952), 124-126. cxlii A note on the sum of a particular well-poised 6H6 with argument -1. Jackson M. : Pacific J. Math. 4 (1954), 557-562.lxix Transformations of series of the type 3phi3. Jackson M. : J. London Math. Soc. 33 (1958), 475-476. cxlii A note on the reducibility of the bilateral hypergeometric series 3H3. Jacobsen L. : Proc. Anal. Theory Continued Fractions, Norway 1981, Lect. Notes Math. 932 (1982), 74-86. O A method for convergence acceleration of continued fractions K(An/1). Jacobsen L. : Proc. Anal. Theory Continued Fractions, Norway 1981, Lect. Notes Math. 932 (1982), 87-98. O Some periodicsequences of circular convergence regions. Jacobsen L. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 275 (1983), 265-285. lxix Convergence acceleration for continued fractions K (An / 1). Jacobsen L. : Det. Kgl. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. No.1 (1983), 19-33. lxxxix Convergence acceleration and analytic continuation by means of modification of continued fractions. Jacobsen L. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 281 (1984), 129-146. lxix Further results on convergence acceleration for continued fraction K (An / 1). Jacobsen L. : Numer. Math. 47 (1985), 577-595. xxix / cx / cxxiv Repeated modifications of limit k-periodic continued fractions. Jacobsen L. : Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 51 (1985), 563-576. xlvi Convergence of limit k-periodic continued fractions K(An/Bn) and subsequences of their tails. Jacobsen L. : Rocky Mount. J. Math. 15 (1985), 689-707. lxxii Functions defined by continued fractions meromorphic continuation. Jacobsen L. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 97 (1986), 97-104. iii Composition of linear fractional transformations in terms of tails sequences. Jacobsen L. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 281 (1986), 129-146. lxiv / cxiii General convergence for continued fractions. Jacobsen L. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 294 (1986), 477-485. i General convergence of continued fractions. Jacobsen L. : Proc. Analytic T. Continued Fractions II 1985, Lect. Notes Math. 1199 (1986), 48-58. O On the convergence oflimit periodic continued fractions K(An/1), where An -- -1/4. Part II. Jacobsen L. : Proc. Analytic T. Continued fractions II 1985, Lect. Notes Math. 1199 (1986), 59-66. O A theorem on simple convergence regions for continued fractions K(an/1). Jacobsen L. : J. Computational & Appl. Math. 19 (1987), No.1, 171-177. xxvi General correspondence for continued fractions. Jacobsen L. : Math. Scand. 60 (1987), No.2, 129-147. xiii Nearness of continued fractions. Jacobsen L. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 99 No.1 (1987), 141-146. xvi Limiting structures for sequences of linear fractional transformations. Jacobsen L. : Analysis 8 (1988), No.1-2, 95-119. xxv Uniform convergence of limit periodic generalized continued fractions. Jacobsen L. : J. Computational & Appl. Math. 21 (1988), No.1, 101-110. xxvi Remarks to a definition of convergence acceleration illustred by means of continued fractions. Jacobsen L. : Appl. Numer. Math. 4 (1988), No.2-4. O Meromorphic continuation of functions given by limit k-periodic continued fractions. Jacobsen L. : Construc. Theory of Functions (Varna, 1987), Bulgar. Acad. Sci. Sofia, 1988, 242-250. cx Approximants for functions represented by limit periodic continued fractions. Jacobsen L. : J. Math. Analysis and Appl. 143 (1989), 412-437. i Domains of validity for some of Ramanujan?s continued fractions formulas. Jacobsen L. (Ed.) : Lectures Notes Mathematics 1406 (1989), Springer, 142 pp. O Analytic Theory of Continued Fractions III, Proceedings, Redstone USA June 26 - July 5, 1988. Jacobsen L. : J. Math. Analysis and Appl. 152 (1990), 496-514. i On the Bauer-Muir transformation for continued fractions and its applications. Jacobsen L. : Lect. Not. Math. No.1435 (1990), 89-101. O Orthogonal polynomials, chain sequences three-term recurrence relations and continued fractions. Jacobsen L. & Jones W.B. & Waadeland H. : Proc. A. T. C. Frac. II 1985, Lect. Notes Math. 1199 (1986), 67-89. O Further results on the computation of incomplete gamma functions. Jacobsen L. & Jones W.B. & Waadeland H. : Lect. Notes Math. (Rational Approx.), 1237 (1987), 177-187. cxxxi Convergence acceleration for continued fractions K(An/1), where An--inf. Jacobsen L & Masson D. : Constr. Approx. 6 (1990), 363-374. xli / cxii On the convergence of limit periodic continued fraction K(An/1), where An-- -1/4. Part. 3. Jacobsen L. & Masson D. R. : Rocky Mount. J. Math. 21 (1991), No.1, 377-385. lxviii A sequence of best parabola theorems for continued fractions. Jacobsen L. & Ruscheweyh S. : Arch. Math. (Basel) 48 (1987), No.2, 130-135. xcix / cxvii On the domain of meromorphy of limit k-peirodic continued fractions. Jacobsen L. & Thron W.J. : Proc. Anal. T. Continued Fraction II 1985, Lect. Notes Math. 1199 (1986), 90-126. O Oval convergence regions and circular limit regions for continued fractions K(An/1). Jacobsen L. & Thron W. J. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 99 (1987), No.1, 141-146. xvi Limiting structures for sequences of linear fractional transformations. Jacobsen L. & Thron W.J. &Waadeland H. : Proc. A. T. C. Fract. III 1988, Lect. Notes Math. 1406 (1989), 25-47. O Julius Worpitzky, his contributions to the analytic theory of continued fractions and his times. Jacobsen L. & Thron W.J. & Waadeland H. : Numer. Math. 55 No.6 (1989), 711-733. xv Some observations on the distribution of values of continued fractions. Jacobsen L. & Waadeland H. : Proc. Anal. T. Cont. Fract., Norway 1981, Lect. Notes Math. 932 (1982), 99-105. O Some useful formulas involving tails of continued fractions. Jacobsen L. & Waadeland H. : J. Comp. Appl. Math. 15 (1986), 225-233. viii Even and Odd Parts of Limit Periodic Continued Fractions. Jacobsen L. & Waadeland H. : Numer. Math. 53 No.3 (1988), 285-298. viii Convergence Acceleration of Limit Periodic Continued Fraction under Asymptotic side condit. Jacobsen L. & Waadeland H. : J. Computational & Appl. Math. 28 (1989), 199-206. xxvi When does f(z) have a regular C-fraction or a normal Padé table ?. Jacobsen L. & Waadeland H. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 106 (1989), No.3, 741-750. lxxxvii / cxvi A results of nearness of functions and their regular C-fractions expansions. Jacobsen L. & Waadeland H. : Rocky Mountain J. Math. 20 (1) (1990), 151-163. viii An Asymptotic Property for Tails of Limits Periodic Continued Fractions. Jacobsthal E. : Kong. Norsk. Viden S. 21 (1948), Nr. 4. O Sur l' Invention d' une Série de Puissances. I. Jacobsthal E. : Kong. Norsk. Viden S. 21 (1948), Nr. 34. O Sur l' Inversion d' une Série de Puissances VI. Jacquet H. : Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.): Ramanujan B.C.V. 97 (1987), 117-155. O On the nonvanishing of some L-functions. Jaeger J. C. : J. London Math. Soc. 13 (1938), 254. cxlii A continuation formula for Appell?s function F3. Jager H. : Math. Comp. 39 (1982), 555-558. lxvii On the speed of convergence of the nearest integer continued fraction. Jager H. : Proc. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Ser. A 89 (1986), 61-69. xlviii2 The distribution of certain sequences connected with the continued fraction. Jager H. & Kraaikamp C. : Indag. Math. 51 (1989), No.3, 289-307. xxi On the approximation by continued fractions. Jager H. & Liardet P. : Indagationes Mathematicae 50 (1988), No.2, 181-197. xx / lxxxii Distributions arithmetiques des denominateurs de convergents de fractions continues. Jager H. & Vroedt C. de : Indag. Math. 31 (1968), 31-42. #162 Lüroth series and their ergodic properties. Jagy W. & Kaplansky I. : Experimental Math. 4 (1996), No.3, 169-173. F.ps Sums of Squares, Cubes, and Higher Powers. James R. D. : Amer. J. Math. 60 (1938), 737-744. lxxxii The distribution of integers represented by quadratic forms. Jain SK : Sarup & Sons New Delhi 2001. O Infinite Series and Products and Power Series. Jain V. K. : Pacific J. Math. 91 (1980), 349-361. lxix Some expansions involving basic hypergeometric functions of two variable. Jain V. K. : Houston J. Math. 6 (1980), 511-522. lxix Summation of basic hypergeometric series and Rogers-Ramanujan identities. Jain V. K. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 78 (1980), 375-384. lxxv / cxiv Some transformations basic hypergeometric series and their applications. Jain V. K. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 12 (1981), 957-961. lxxiii Some transformations of basic hypergeometric functions. Part II. Jain V. K. : Pacific J. Math. 101 (1982), 333-349. lxix Certain transformations of basic hypergeometric series and their applications. Jain V. K. & Srivastava H. M. : Canadian J. Math. 38 (1986), 215-231. lxx q-seires identities and reducibility of basic double hypergeometric functions. Jain V. K. & Srivastava H. M. : J. Math. Anal. & Appl. 192 (1995), No.2, 413-438. cxxxii Some families of multilinear q-generating functions and combinatorial q-series identities. Jain V. K. & Verma A. : J. Math. Anal. Appl. 76 (1980), 230-269. lxxiii Transformations between basic hypergeometric series on different bases and identities of Roger-Ramanujan. Jain V. K. & Verma A. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 12 (1981), 943-956. lxxiii Some transformations of basic hypergeometric functions. Part I. Jain V. K. & Verma A. : J. Math. Anal. Appl. 87 (1982), 9-44. lxxiii Transformations of non-terminating basic hyperg. series, their contour integral and appl. to R-R Ident. Jain V. K. & Verma A. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 16 (1985), 647-655. lxxiii Some summation formulae for nonterminating basic hypergeometric series. Jain V. K. & Verma A. : Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 18 (1987), No.1, 55-64. lxii2 On transformations of nearly-poised basic hypergeometric series and their applications. Jamieson M. J. : Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 30 (1987), 295-299. lxvii Application of Wynn?s epsilon algorithm to peroiodic continued fractions. Jamieson M. J. : Bull. Inst. Math. Appl. 24 (1988), No.3-4, 56-57. lxxxv Acceleration techniques applied to some sequences of continued fractions. Jamieson M. J. : Amer. Math. Monthly 97 No.9 (1990), 829-831. O Fibonacci Numbers and Aitken Sequences Revisited. Janet M. : Bull. Sci. Math. (2) 55 (1931), 11-23. lxvii Sur les valeurs moyennes des carrés de deux dérivées dórdes consecutifs, et le dévelop. en f. c. de tang x. Jänichen W. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 156 (1927), 55-66. lxix Über die Näherungsnenner Stieltjesshen Kettenbrüche. Jansson F. : 1966 V. Pettersons Bokindustri. O Random Number Generators. Jarden D. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 1 (1963), No.3, October, 15-20. O On the greatest primitive divisors of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers with primitive-power subscripts. Jarden D. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 1 (1963), No.4, December, 21-22. O On the periodicity of the last digits of Fibonacci numbers. Jarden D. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 2 (1964), No.1, February, 45-48. O Strengthened inequalities for Fibonacci and Lucas numbers. Jefferies B. : Ramanujan Inter. Symp. on Analalysis, Pune 1987, ed. N.K. Thakare, Macmillan (1989), 359-372. O Summability in spaces of set functions. Jeffreys H. : Third Ed. 1961 Oxford at The Calrendon Press. Oxford University Press. O Theory of Probability. Jefferson T. H. : SIAM J. Numer. Aanl. 6 (1969), 359-364. lxiv / cxiii Truncation error estimates for T-fractions. Jennings D. : Glasgow Math. J. 35 (1933), 381-384. cvi An identity for the Fibonacci and Lucas numbers. Jensen J. L. W. V. : Annals. of Math. 17 (1915-1916), 124-166. cxxxv An elementary exposition of the theory of gamma function. Jeske J. A. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 1 (1963), No.2, April, 69-74. O Linear recurrence relations. Part I. Jeske J. A. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 1 (1963), No.4, December, 35-39 & 34. O Linear recurrence relations. Part II. Jeske J. A. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 2 (1964), No.3, October, 197-203. O Linear recurrence relations. Part III. Jessop C. M. : 1903 Cambridge University Press. O A Treatise on the Line Complex. Jia X. -D & Nathanson M. B. : The Rademacher Legacy to Math., Contemp. Math. A.M.S. 166 (1994), 275-284. O Addition theorems for sigma-finite groups. Jiang S. Z. : J. Math. Research & Exposition 13 No.4 (1993), 509-514. xiv / xxiv On convergence of generalized Dirichlet series with complex exponents. Jimbo M. & Miwa T. & Mikhin E. : The Ramanujan Journal 6 (2002), No. 4, December, 491-508. O Boaonic Formulas for sl2 Coinvariants. Jogdeo K. & Samuels S. M. : Ann. Math. Stat. 39 (1968), 1191-1195. lx Monotone convergence of binomial probabilities and a generalization of Ramanujan?s equation. John F. : Acta Math. (Stockholm) 71 (1938), 175-189. cxxxviii / #154 Special solutions of certain difference equations. Johnson K. R. : Indian J. Pure & Appl. Math. 18 (1987), No.8, 675-677. xvii An explicit formula for sums of Ramanujan type sums. Johnson K. R. : Mathematics Magazine 62 (1989), No.4, 253-259. xxi An iterative method for approximating square roots. Johnson K. R. : Indian J. Pure & Appl. Math. 21 (1990), No.3, 234-237. xvii A criterion for generalized Ramanujan sums. Jonhson K. R. : J. Indian Math. Soc. (N.S.) 62 (1996), No.1-4, 184-186. #153 The Dirichlet inverse of Ramanujan?s sum. Johnson W. : Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 12 (1906), 477-482. lxxvi Note on the numerical transcendents Sn and sn=Sn - 1. Johnson W. : Amer. Math. Monthly 91 (1984), No.6, 367-369. Ó Power Series Whitout Taylor?s Theorem. Johnson W. : Amer. Math. Monthly 94 (1987), No.1, 59-62. O The Diophantine Equation X^2 + 7 = 2^n . Johnson W. W. : Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 12 (1905-1906), 477-482. #171 Note on the numerical transcendents Sn and sn= Sn -1. Johnsonbauch R. : 4th Ed. Pearson Prentice-Hall 1997-1999. O Matemáticas Discretas. Joichi J. T. & Stanton D. : Pacific J. Math. 127 (1987), 103-120. lxix Bijective proofs of basic hypergeometric series identities. Jolley L. B. W. : 1925 / 1961 Dover Publications. O Summation of Series. Jones J.W. & Roberts D.P. : 5º Conf. Canad. Number Theory Assoc. 1996, Gupta...(Eds.), 1999 AMS, 141-172. O Sextic number fields with discriminant (-1)^j 2^a 3^b. Jones W. B. : Rocky Mount. J. Math. 4 (1974), 241-250. lxxi Analysis of truncation error of approximation based on the Padé table and continued fractions. Jones W. B. & Magnus A. & Thron W. J. : J. Math. Anal. & Appl. 170 (1992), No.1, 225-244. c / cxvii PC-fractions and orthogonal Laurent polynomials for log-normal distributions. Jones W. B. & Njastad O. & Thron W. J. : Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 47 (1983), 363-384. lxix Continued fractions and strong Hamburger moment problems. Jones W. B. & Njastad O. & Thron W. J. : Constr. Approx. 2 (1986), No.3, 197-211. lxiv / cxiii Continued fractions associated with trigonometric and other moment problems. Jones W.B. & Njastad O. & Thron W.J. : Proc. A. T. C. Fract. II 1985, Lect. Notes Math. 1199 (1986), 127-158. O Schur fractions, Perron-Carathéodory fractions and Szëgo polynomials, a Survey. Jones W.B. & Njastad O. & Thron W.J. : Lect. Notes Math (Rational Approx.), 1237 (1987), 188-206. cxxxi Perron-Carathéodory continued fractions. Jones W. B. & Njastad O. & Thron W. J. : Bull. London Math. Soc. 21 (1989), 113-152. xli / cxi / cxxi Moment theory, orthogonal polynomials, quadrature, and continued fractions associated with the unit circle. Jones W.B. & Njastad O. & Waadeland H. : Proc. C. F. & O. F. IV 1992, Dekker LNPAM 154 (1994), 141-152. O An alternative way of using Szegö polynomials in frequency analysis. Jones W.B. & Njastad O. & Waadeland H. : Proc. C. F. & O. F. IV 1992, Dekker LNPAM 154 (1994), 153-190. O Asymptotics of zeros of orthogonal and para-orthogonal Szegö polynomials in frequency analysis. Jones W.B. & Reid W.M. : Proc. Anal. T. Cont. Fract., Norway 1981, Lect. Notes Math. 932 (1982), 106-128. O Uniform twin-convergence regions for continued fractions K(An/1). Jones W. B. & Shen G. : Proc. O. F., M. T. & C. F. V, Brazil 1996, Dekker LNPAM 199 (1998), 209-256. O Regular strong Hamburger moment problem. Jones W. B. & Shen G. : B.C. Berndt - F. Gesztesy (eds.), Contemporary Mathematics 236 (1999), 167-178. O Asymptotic of Stieltjes continued fraction coefficients and applications to Whittaker functions. Jones W. B. & Snell R. I. : SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 6 (1969), 210-221. xxx Truncation error bounds for continued fractions. Jones W. B. & Snell R. I. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 170 (1972), 483-497. xxx Sequences of convergence regions for continued fractions K(An / 1). Jones W. B. & Sri-Ranga A. (Eds.) : Lect. Notes. Pure & Appl. Math. Vol. 199, (1998), Dekker, xii + 416 pp. O Orthogonal functions, moment theory and continued fractions, Research Conference June 19-28, 1996. Jones W.B. & Steinhardt A. : Proc. Anal. T. Cont. Fract., Norway 1981, Lect. Notes Math. 932 (1982), 129-151. O Digital filters and continued fractions. Jones W. B. & Thron W. J. : Math. Ann. 166 (1966), 106-118. lix Firther properties of T-fractions. Jones W. B. & Thron W. J. : Canadian J. Math. 20 (1968), 1037-1055. vi2 Convergence of continued fractions. Jones W. B. & Thron W. J. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 150 (1970), 93-119. viii Twin-Convergence Regions for Continued Fractions K(An / 1). Jones W. B. & Thron W. J. : SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 8 (1971), 693-705. xxx A posteriori bounds for the truncation error of continued fractions. Jones W. B. & Thron W. J. : Math. Comp. 28 (1974), 795-810. xxx Numerical stability in evaluating continued fractions. Jones W. B. & Thron W. J. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 6 (1975), 9-16. lvi2 On the convergence of Padé approximants. Jones W. B. & Thron W. J. : Numer. Math. 26 (1976), 117-154. lxiv / cxiii Truncation error analysis by means of approximants systems and inclusions regions. Jones W. B. & Thron W. J. : Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 83 (1977), 388-390. lx Two-point Padé tables and T-fractions. Jones W. B. & Thron W. J. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 10 (1979), 1-17. xxviii Sequences of meromorphic functions corresponding to a formal Laurent series. Jones W.B. & Thron W.J. : Proc. Anal. Theory of Cont. Fract. Norway 1981, Lect. Notes Math. 932 (1982), 4-37. O Surveys of continued fraction methods of solving moment problems and related topics. Jones W. B. & Thron W. J. : J. Comp. & Appl. Math. 12-13 (1985), 401-417. xxii On the computation of incomplete gamma functions in the complex domain. Jones W. B. & Thron W. J. : Appl. Numer. Math. 4 (1988), No.2-4, 143-230. O Continued fractions in numerical analysis. Jones W. B. & Thron W. J. : Rocky Mount. J. Math. 19 (1989), No.1, 199-210. lxxxiv A constructive proof of convergence of the even approximants of positive PC-fractions. Jones W. B. & Thron W. J. : Rocky Mount. J. Math. 19 (1989), No.1, 211-222. xcvii Contraction of the Schur algorithm for functions bounded in the unit disk. Jones W. B. & Thron W. J. & Waadeland H. (Eds.): Lect. Notes Math. 932 (1982), Springer, 240 pp. O Analytic theory of continued fractions, Proceedings, Loen, Norway 1981. Jones W. B. & Thron W. J. & Waadeland H. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 261 (1980), 503-528. lix A strong Stieltjes moment problem. Jones W. B. & Thron W. J. & Waadeland H. : SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 20 (1983), 1219-1230. xxxix2 / cxii Truncation error bounds for continued fractions K(An / 1) with parabolic elements regions. Jones W. B. & Thron W. J. & Wyshinski N. J. : J. Approx. Theory 71 (1992), No.1, 67-93. c / cxvii Asymptotic behavior of polynomials satisfying three-term recurrence relations. Jones W. B. & ThronW. J. & Wyshinski N. J. : Canad. Math. Bull. 35 (1992), No.3, 381-389. xcv / cx An application of separate convergence for continued fractions to orthogonal polynomials. Jones W.B. & Van Assche W. : Proc. O. F., M. T. & C. F. V, Brazil 1996, Dekker LNPAM 199 (1998), 257-274. O Asymptotic behavior of the continued fraction coefficients of a class of Stieltjes transforms including the Binet funct. Jones W.B. & Wyshinski N. J. : Proc. Anal. T. Cont. Fract. III 1988, Lect Notes Math. 1406 (1989), 48-66. O Positive T-fraction expansions for a family of special functions. Jonquieres E. de : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 96 (1883), 568-571. xlviii Note sur un point de la théorie des fractions continues périodiques. Jonquieres E. de : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 96 (1883), 694-696. xlviii Sur la composition des périodes des fractions continues périodiques. Jonquieres E. de : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 96 (1883), 832-833. xlviii Additions aux communications précédents sur les fractions continues periodiques. Jonquieres E. de : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 96 (1883), 1020-1023. xlviii Loi des périodes. Jonquieres E. de : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 96 (1883), 1129-1131. xlviii Loi des périodes. (cont.) Jonquieres E. de : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 96 (1883), 1210-1213. xlviii Loi des périodes. (cont.) Jonquieres E. de : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 96 (1883), 1297-1300. xlviii Sur les fractions continues périodiques dont les numérateurs different de l?unité. Jonquieres E. de : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 96 (1883), 1351-1354. xlviii Etude des identités qui se présentent entre les réduites appartenant, respectivement, aux deux... Jonquieres E. de : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 96 (1883), 1420-1423. xlviii Lois de coincidences entre les réduites des fractions continues des deux modes. Jonquieres E. de : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 96 (1883), 1571-1574. xlviii Lois des identités entre les réduites des fractions périodiques de deux modes. Jonquieres E. de : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 96 (1883), 1571-1574. xlviii Lois des identités entre les réduites de deux modes. Jonquieres E. de : C. R. Acad. Sci. 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