Kac V. G. & Peterson D. H. : Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. New Ser. 3 (1980), 1057-1061. xciii Affine Lie algebras and Hecke modular forms. Kac V. G. & Peterson D. H. : Adv. in Math. 53 (1984), 125-264. cxi Infinite dimensional Lie algebras, theta functions and modular forms. Kacha A. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I Math. 317 (1993), No.1, 17-20. xcv Approximation algebrique de fractions continues. Kadell K. W. J. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 18 (1987), 1539-1548. lxxv / cxi A probabilistic proof of Ramanujan 1phi1 sum. Kadell K. W. J. : The Rademacher Legacy to Math., Contemporary Math. A.M.S. 166 (1994), 167-181. O A simple proof of an Aomoto type extension of the q-Morris theorem. Kadell K. W. J. : Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 261 (2001), No.2, September 15, 419-440. m-01 A Simple Proof of an Aomoto-Type Extension of Askey's Last Conjectured Selberg Kadets V. M. & Kadets M. I. : TMM No.86, 1991 AMS. O Rearrangements of Series in Banach Spaces. Kadets V. M. & Kadets M. I. : 1997 Birkhäuser. O Series in Banach Spaces. Kalita N. C. : Indian J. Math. 36 (1994), No.3, 279-297. cv Quadratic and cubic transformations of basic hypergeometric series. Kalman D. : College Math. J. 24 (1993), No.5, 402-421. #155 Six ways to sum a series. Kalnis E. G. & Miller W. Jr. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 19 (1988), No.5, 1216-1231. cxxxv q-seris and orthogonal polynomials associated with Barnes?first lemma. Kalnins E. G. & Miller W. : Rocky Mount. J. Math. 19 (1989), No.1, 223-230. lxxiii Symmetry techniques for q-series, Askey-Wilson polynomials. Kalpazidou S. : Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 31 (1986), No.10, 877-890. xcvi On a class of Markov chains arising in the metrical theory of the continued fraction to the nearer integer expansion. Kalpazidou S. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 96 (1986), 629-635. #154 A Gaussian measure for certain continued fractions. Kalpazidou Pacific J. Math. 123 (1986), 103-114. #153 On a problem of Gauss-Kuzmin type for continued fraction with odd partial quotients. Kalpazidou S. & Knopfmacher A. & Knopfmacher J. : Acta Arith. 55 (1990), No.4, 311-322. xxiv / xxix / cx Luroth-type alternating series representations for real numbers. Kalton N.J. & Lange L.J. : Proc. Anal. T. Continued Fractions II 1985, Lect. Notes Math. 1199 (1986), 159-219. O Equimodular limit periodic continued fractions. Kaluza Th. Math. Zeit. 28 (1928), 161-170. cxxii / cxxxii Über die koeffizienten reziproke potenzreihen. Kalvade A. : J. Indian Math. Sco. (N.S.) 5 (1989), 155-164. #165 Equality of shifted partition function. Kanada Y. : Supercomputing 88 : Volume II, Science and Applications, 117-128. Pi : A source book, 576-587. Vectorization of multiple-precision arithmetic program and 201,326,000 decimal digits of Pi computation. Kaneko J. : The Ramanujan Jorunal 2 (1998), No.3, 379-386. O A 1Phi1 Summation Theorem for Macdonald Polynomials. Kaneko M. : 5º Conf. Canad. Number Theory Assoc. 1996, R. Gupta... (Eds.), 1999 AMS, 173-176. O Traces of singular moduli and the Fourier coefficients of the elliptic modular function j(tau). Kanemitsu S. & Kumagai H. & Yoshimoto M. : The Ramanujan Journal 5 (2001), No.1, March, 5-19. O Sums Involving the Hurwitz Zeta Function. Kanemitsu S. & Kumagai H. & Yoshimoto M. : The Ramanujan Journal 5 (2001), No.1, March, 91-104. O On Rapidly Convergent Series Expanssions for Zeta- and L. Values, and Log Sine Integrals. Kanemitsu S. & Yoshimoto M. : The Ramanujan Journal 1 (1997), No.4, 363-378. O Farey Series and the Riemann Hypotesis III. Kang S. Y. : J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 78 (1997), No.2, 313-318. cxlviii A new proof of Winquist?s identity. Kang S. Y. : Thesis University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1999, ix + 115. T-3-4. The Rogers-Ramanujan Continued Fraction and a certain quotients of Eta Functions found in Ramanujan?s Last Notebook. Kang S. Y. : Acta Arithm. 90 (1999), 49-68. cxlvii Ramanujan?s formulas for the explicit evaluation of the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction and theta function. Kang S. Y. : The Ramanujan Journal 3 (1999), No.1, 91-111. O Some theorems on the Rogers-Ramanujan cont. fract. and associated theta function identities in Ramanujan?s lost n.b. Kani E. J. & Smith R. A. (Eds.) : Canadian Math. Soc. Ser. John Wiley & Sons, 1988. O The Collected Papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn. Kanurakaran V. & Soundararajan T. : J. Indian Math. Soc. 54 (1989), No.1-4, 85-94. xxxiii An integral of Ramanujan and the space of rapidly decreasing functions. Kaplan P. : 5º Conf. Canad. Number Theory Assoc. 1996, R. Gupta... (Eds.), 1999 AMS, 177-185. O Problème d? Eisenstein pour le conducteur 3. Kaplan P. & Williams K. S. : J. Number Theory 23 (1986), 169-182. xxix / cx Pell?s equation x^2 - my^2 = -1 , -4 and continued fractions. Kaplan W. : Fourth Printing 1969, 1952 Addison-Wesley. O Advanced Calculus. Kapoor G. P. & Guru-Prem-Prasad M. : J. of Analysis 3 (1995), 219-227. lxxxv Growth of the numerator and denomiator of separately convergent regular C-fractions. Kapoor G.P. & Nautiyal A. : Ramanujan Inter. Symp. Anal., Pune 1987, ed. Thakre, Macmillan (1989), 421-448. O Approximation of harmonic functions regular in a finite hyperball in R^p+2. Karatsuba A. A. : Mir Moscu 1975 / 1979. F Fundamentos de la Teoría Analítica de los Números. Karatsuba A.A.: Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.):Ramanujan B.C.V. 97 (1987), 167-178. O Approximation of exponential sums by shorter ones. Karatsuba E. A. : Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 135 (2001), Issue 2, 15 October, 225-240. m-01 On the asymptotic representation of the Euler gamma function by Ramanujan. Karatsuba E. A. & Vuorinen M. : Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 260 (2001), N0.2, August 15, 623-640. m-01 On Hypergeometric Functions and Generalizations of Legendre's Relation. Karlin S. & McGregor J. L. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 85 (1957), 489-546. lix The differential equations of birth-anddeath processes, and the Stieltjes moment problem. Karlsson J. & Wallin H. : Proc. C. F. & O. F. IV Norway 1992, Dekker LNPAM 154 (1994), 191-210. O Continued fractions and iterated function systems. Karlsson J. & Wallin H. & Gelfgren J. : Rocky Mountain J. Math. 21 (1991), No.1, 451-472. xxi Iteration of Moebius transformations and continued fractions. Karlsson P. W. : Simon Stevin 60 (1986), 329-337. lii On two hypergeometric summation formulas conjectured by Gosper. Karlsson P. W. : J. Math. Anal. & Appl. 196 (1995), No.1, 172-180. cxxvii Claussen?s hypergeometric series with variable 1/4. Karlsson P. W. & Srivastava H. M. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 110 (1990), 85-88. cxxxvii A note on Henrici?s triple product theorem. Karr M. : J. of the Assoc. Comput. Machiner. 28 (1981), 305-350. cxiv Summation in finite terms. Karr M. : J. Symbolic Comput. 1 (1985), 303-315. cxxxv Theory of summation infinite terms. Karunakaran V. & Soundararajan T. : J. Indian Math. Soc. (N.S.) 54 (1989), No.1-4, 85-94. ciii An integral of Ramanujan and the space of rapidly decreasing functions. Katayama K. : Acta Arithm. 22 (1973), 149-155. lii On Ramanujan?s formula for values of Riemann zeta-function at positive odd integers. Katayama K. : J. Math. Soc. Japan 26 (1974), 234-240. xciii Ramanujan?s formula for L-functions. Katayama K. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 268/269 (1974), 251-270. lxxix Zeta-functions, Lambert series and Arithmetic functions analogous to Ramanujan?s tau functino I. Katayama K. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 282 (1976), 11-34. lxxix Zeta-functions, Lambert series and Arithmetic functions analogous to Ramanujan?s tau function II. Kato Y. : Nagoya Math. J. : 104 (1986), 129-148. lxix Mixed periodic continued fractions. Katona G. O. H. : J. Indian Inst. Sci. 1987 ( Special Issue ), 45-53. O Ramanujan?s work in the theory of partitions. Kaufman R. : Mathematika 27 (1980), 262-267. xl Continued fractions and Fourier transforms. Kausler C. F. : Mém. Acad. Sc. Imp. St. Pétersbourg 1 (1802), 156-174. lxxxviii Expositio methodi series quascumque datas in fractiones continuas convertendi. Kawanaka N. : Osaka J. Math. 36 (1999), No.1, 157-176. #149 A q-series identity involving Schur functions and related topics. Keiper J. B. : Math. Comp. 65 (1996), No.216, 1613-1619. xvi / #151 On the zeors of the Ramanujan tau-Dirichlet series in the critical strip. Keith M. : Math. Intell. 8 (1986), No.3, 56-57. Pi : A source book, 560-561. Circle digits A self-referenctial story. Kelly J. L. & Namioka I. & -Co-authors : 1963 D. Van Nostrand Co. Linear Topological Spaces. Kendall D. G. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 13 (1942), 172-184. #161 A summation formula associated with finite trigonometric integrlas. Kent J. T. : CWI Newsletter (1986), No.13, 21-33. xciv / civ Ternary continued fractions and the evenly-temperated musical scale. Kenter F. K. : Amer. Math. Monthly 106 (1999), No.5, 452-454. #154 A matrix representation for Euler?s constant, gamma. Kesava Menon P. : J. Indian Math. Soc. 25 (1961), 109-119. xxxiii On a formula of Ramanujan. Kesava Menon P. : J. Indian Math. Soc. 25 (1961), 121-128. xxxiii Summation of certain series. Keshava-Menon P. The Mathematics Student 29 (1961), ???-???. #173 Some series involving Riemann zeta function. Kesava-Menon P. : J. Indian Math. Soc. ( N. S. ) 29 (1965), 155-163. #158 On the sum SUM(a-1,n), [(a,n)=1]. Kevin W. J. : J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 86 (1999), No.2, 390-394. #164 An injection for the Ehrenpreis Rogers-Ramanujan problem. Khan F. U. & Qureshi M. I. & Pathan M. A. : Mathematicae Notae 31 (1984-1986), 41-48. cxxxiv On certain combinations of finite sums involving triple hypergeometric series F3. Khan M. A. : Periodica Math. Hungarica 29 (1994), No.1, 39-49. cxx Bibasic analytic functions and discrete ''bibasic'' hypergeometric series. Khan M. A. & Khan A. H. : Acta Math. Vietnam. 11 (1986), No.2, 234-240. cv-2 Fractional q-integration and integral representations of " bibasic " double hypergeometric series of higher order. Khan M. A. & Khan A. H. : Acta Math. Vietnam. 14 (1989), No.1, 95-98. cv A note on mixed hypergeometric series. Khintchine A. : Math. Zeit. 18 (1923), 289-306. lxviii / lxxiv Ein Satz über Kettenbrüche, mit Arithmetischen Anwendungen. Khintchine A. : Math. Ann. 92 (1924), 115-125. lix Einige Sätze über Kettenbrüche mit anwendungen auf die theorie der Diophantische approximationen. Khintchine A. Ya. : Compositio Math. 1 (1935), 361-382. lxii Matrische Kettenbruchprobleme. Khintchine A. : Compositio Math. 3 (1936), 276-285. lxiii Zur metrische kettenbruchtheorie. Khrushchev S. : Journal of Approximation Theory 108 (2001), No.2, February, 161-248. m-01 Schur's Algorithm, Oprthogonal Polynomials, and Convergence of Wall's Continued Fractions in L2(). Kida S. : Appl. Numer. Math. 4 (1988), No.2-4. O Padé-type and Padé approximants in several variables. Kida S. : Appl. Numer. Math. 4 (1988), No.2-4. O Relation between Padé-type approximation and polynomial interpolation in several variables. Kim B. M. & Kim M. H. & Raghavan S. : The Ramanujan Journal 1 (1997), No.4, 333-337. O 2-Universal Positive Definite Integral Quinary Diagonal Quadratic Forms. Kim C. H. & Koo J. K. : The Ramanujan Journal 4 (2000), No.3, September, 317-338. O Arithmetic of the Modular Function j1,8. Kim D. & Stanton D. : Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 42 (1998), B42j, 12pp. F.ps Simultaneous Maj Statistics. Kim D. & Yee A. J. : The Ramanujan Journal 3 (1999), No.2, June, 227-231. O A Note on Partitions into Distinct Parts and Odd Parts. Kim D. & Zeng J. : The Ramanujan Journal 4 (2000), No.4, December, 421-427. O On a Continued Fraction Formula of Wall. Kiming I. & Olsson J. : Archiv der Math. (Basel) 59 (1992), 825-855. #169 Congruences like Ramanujan?s for powers of the partition function. King Ch. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 1 (1963), No.4, December, 15-19. O Leonardo Fibonacci. KinKelin V. H. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 57 (1860), 122-138. #166 Über eine mit Gamma Funktion verwnadte Transcendente und deren Anwendung auf die Integralrechnung. Kiper A. : Math. Comp. 43 (1984), 247-259. xxxix2 / cxii Fourier series coefficients for powers of the Jacobian elliptic functions. Kirillov A. N. & Schilling A. & Shimonozo M. : Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 42 (1998), B42j, 19pp. F.ps Various Representations of the Generalized Kostka Polynomials. Kirschenhofer P. & Prodinger H. : Mathematika 38 (1991), No.1, 14-33. xcviii On some applications of formulae of Ramanujan in the analysis of algorithms. Kiseliov A. & Krasnov A. I. & Makarenko G. I. : 1992 Mir-Rubiños. O Problemas de Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias. Kiss P. & Mátyás F. : J. Number Theory 31 (1989), 255-259. lxxxvii / cxviii An Asymptotic formula for Pi. Kjelsen T. H. : Historia Math. 20 (1993), No.1, 19-44. c / upv-f1 The early history of the moment problem. Kleiber J. : Mess. Math. 22 (1893), 1-44. lxxxv On a class of functions derivable from complete elliptic integrals, and connected with Legrendre?s functions. Klein F. : Math. Annalen 14 (1879), 111-172. xciv Ueber die transformation der elliptische functionen und die auflösung der gleichungen füften grades. Klein F. : Math. Annalen 17 (1880), 62-70. xciv Zur theorie der elliptischen modulfunctionen. Klein F. : Nouv. Ann. Math. (3) 15 (1896), 327-331. lxvii Sur une représentation géometrique du développement en fraction continue ordinaire. Klusch D. : Math. Zeit. 193 (1986), No.4, 515-526. liv Mellin transforms and Fourier-Ramanujan expansions. Klusch D. : Acta Arithm. 52 (1989), No.3, 283-292. civ On Mellin-Ramanujan expansions. Klusch D. : Acta Arithm. 58 (1991), No.1, 59-64. cxlvii On entry 8 of chapter 15 of Ramanujan?s notebook II. Knobloch E. : Annals of Sci. 46 (1989), No.3, 277-302. xc Leonhard Eulers mathematische notizbucher. Knoebel A. : Amer. Math. Monthly 88 (1981), 235-252. lxxiv Exponentials reiterated. Knopfmacher A. : Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2) 34 (1991), No.1, 7-17. xxiii The length of the continued fraction expansion for s class of rational functions... Knopfmacher A. : J. Math. Anal. Appl. 162 (1991), No.2, 526-536. xvi Infinite product factorizations of analytic functions. Knopfmacher A. : Progress in Approximation Theory, Academic Press (1991), 513-533. cxlviii / #155 Generalized series expansions of functions. Knopfmacher A. & Knopfmacher J. : Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) 36 (1987), No.3, 434-456.xxi Infinite series representations for complex numbers. Knopfmacher A. & Knopfmacher J. : Mathematika 35 (1988), No.2, 297-304. xcviii The exact length of the Euclidean algorithm in F q(x). Knopfmacher A. & Knopfmacher J. : Constructive Approximation 4 (1988), No.2, 379-389. lxxxvii / cxvi Inverse polynomial expansions of Laurent series. Knopfmacher A. & Knopfmacher J. : J. Approx. Theory 59 (1989), No.3, 276-281. xx / lxxvi Infinite products for power series. Knopfmacher A. & Knopfmacher J. : J. Comput. & Appl. Math. 28 (1989), 249-257. #169 Inverse polynomial expansions of Laurent series. II. Knopfmacher A. & Knopfmacher J. : Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. 12 (1989), No.3, 603-613. xci Two constructions of the real numbers via alternating series. Knopfmacher A. & Knopfmacher J. : J. Number Theory 41 No.2 (1992), 131-145. xv Infinite series expansions for p-adic numbers. Knopfmacher J. & Knopfmacher A. : Asterisque (1992), No.209, 15, 237-246. c / cxviii Metric properties of algorithms inducing Luroth series expansions of Laurent series. Knopfmacher A. & Knopfmacher J. & Ridley J.N. : J. Math. Anl .& Appl. 149 (1990),No. 2, 402-411. xx / cxii Unique factorizations of formal power series. Knopfmacher A. & Lubinsky D. S. : Revista Colombiana Mat. 24 (1990), No. 3-4, 179-182. lxxxiii Nonnormality of continued fraction partial quotients modulo q. Knopp K. : Math. Zeit. 15 (1922), 226-253. xciii / xcvii Über das Eulersche Summierungsverfahren. I Knopp K. : Math. Zeit. 18 (1923), 125-156. xcvii Über das Eulersche Summierungsverfahren. II. Knopp M. I. : Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 49 part 2, Theta Functions Bowdoin 1987, A.M.S. (1989), 111-127. O On the Fourier coefficients of cups forms having small positive weight. Knopp M. : Invent. Math. 117 (1994), 361-372. cxlv On Dirichlet series satisfiying Riemann?s functional equation. Knott C. G. (Ed.) : 1915 Longmans, Green and Co. e-B Napier, Tercentenary Memorial Volume. Knuth D. E. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 2 (1964), No.1, February, 43-44. O Transcendental numbers based on the Fibonacci sequence. Knuth D. E. : J. Number Theory 19 (1984), 443-448. v The distribution of continued fractions approximations. Knuth D. E. : Amer. Math. Monthly 91 (1984), No.8, 465-470. Ó The toilet paper problem. Knuth D. E. : Amer. Math. Monthly 99 (1992), No.5, 403-422. O Two Notes on Notation. Knutson D. : Amer. Math. Monthly 79 (1972), 1111-1112. cvi A lemma on partitions. Ko K. I. : Theoretical Comput. Sci. 47 (1986), No.3, 299-313. ci / upv-f1 On the continued fraction representation of computable real numbers. Ko K. I. : Theoretical Comput Sci. 54 (1987), No.2-3, 341-343. cii Corrigenda " On the continued fraction representation of computable real numbers. ". Koblitz N. I. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 260 (1980), 449-457. xciv q-extension of the p-adic gamma function. Koecher M. : The Math. Intelligencer 2 (1980), No.2, 62-64. O Letter. (Deutch) (Subject : Apéry, zeta(2), zeta(3),...). Koecher M. : Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.): Ramanujan B.C.V. 97 (1987), 179-188. O On endomorphisms of degree two. Koecher M. & Krieg A. : 1989 - 1998 Springer Verlag. O Elliptische Funktionen und Modulformen. Koechlin H. : L?Interm. des Math. 13 (1906), 28-30. lxviii Fractions continues arithmetiques. Koelink E. : Special Functions, q-Series and Related Topics, M.E.H. Ismail... (Eds.), A.M.S. 1997, 109-129. O Addition Formulas for q-Special Functions. Koepf W. : Vieweg Verlag 1998. O Hypergeometric Summation, An Algorithmic Approach to Summation of Special Functions Identities. Kohlbecker E. : Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 88 (1958), 346-365. #163 Weak asymptotic properties of partitions. Köhler G. : Monatschefte Math. 89 (1980), 95-100. xxiv Some more predictable continued fractions. Köhler G. : Math. Zeit. 197 (1988), 69-96. lxxix Theta series on the Hecke groups G(root(2)) and G(root(3)). Köhler G. : Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 58 (1988), 15-45. lxxix Theta series on the theta group. Köhler G. : Math. Scan. 66 (1990), 147-154. lvii Some eta-identities arising from theta series. Kohnen W. : Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci. 104 (1994), No.2, 333-337. lxxxi3 On the Ramanujan-Petersson conjecture for modular forms of half-integral weight. Koike M. : Hiroshima Math. J. 22 (1992), No.3, 461-467. cxxxiv Hypergeometric series over finite fields and Apery numbers. Koike M. : Hiroshima Math. J. 25 (1995), No.1, 43-52. cxxxiv Orthogonal matrices obtained from hypergeometric series over finite fields and elliptic curves over finited fields. Koksma J. F. : Simon Stevin 29 (1951/1952), 96-102. cix On continued fractions. Kolberg O. : Mathematica Scandinavica 5 (1957), 77-92. cxxxviii Some identities involving the partition functions. Kolberg O. : Mathematica Scandinavica 7 (1959), 377-378. #165 Note on the parity of the partition functions. Kolesnik G. : Acta Arithmetica 25 (1973), 7-30. #163 On the Estimation of Some Exponential Sums. Kolesnik G. : Pacific J. Math. 98 (1982), 107-122. #158 On the order of zeta(1/2 + it) and delta(R). Kolitsch L. W. : The Rademacher Legacy to Math., Contemporary Math. A.M.S. 166 (1994), 183-187. O Congruences for certain generalized Frobenius partitions modulo p^3. Kolitsch L. W. & Sellers J. A. : The Ramanujan Journal 3 (1999), No.2, June, 221-226. O Eelmentary Proofs of Infinitely Many Congruences for 8-Cores. Komatsu T. : J. Number Theory 59 (1996), No.2, 291-312. #152 A certain power series and the inhomogeneous continued fraction expansions. Komatsu T. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 41 (2003), No.1, February, 3-6. O The Interval Associated with a Fibonacci Number. Kondo T. : J. of the Math. Soc. of Japan 37 (1985), 337-362. #149 The automorphism group of Leech lattice and elliptic modular functions. Kondo T. & Tasaka T. : Nagoya Math. J. : 101 (1986), 151-179. xciii The theta functions of sublattices of the Leech lattice. Kondo T. & Tasaka T. : J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sec. IA 34 (1987), 545-572. xciii The theta functions of sublattices of the Leech lattice. (cont.) Koornwinder T. H. : J. Comput & Appl. Math. 48 (1993), 91-111. cii / upv-i1 On Zeilberger?s algorithm and its q-analogue. Koornwinder T. H. : Special Functions, q-Series and Related Topics, Ismail... (Eds.), A.M.S. 1997, 131-166. O Special Functions and q-Commuting Variables. Kopecek N. & Larcher G. & Tichy R. F. : Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 37 (1987), No.3, 1-17. xcvi On the discrepancy of sequences associated with the sum of digits function. Kopeliovich Y. & Quine J. R. : The Ramanujan Journal 2 (1998), No.3, 371-378. O On the Curve X(9). Kopetzky H. G. & Schnitzer F. J. : J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. A 43 No.2 (1987), 176-186. xiv A geometrical approach to approximations by continued fractions. Koppe K. : Math. Ann. 29 (1887), 187-233. lxviii Ueber die in den Vielfachen eines Kettenbruchs enthaltenen grössten Gauzen. Koppe M. : Sitz. Berlin Math. Gess. 15 (1916), 168-178. lxvii Das Rechnen mit Kettenbrüchen. Korkina E. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I. Math. 319 (1994), No.8, 777-780. xciv La periodicite des fractions continues multidimensionnelles. Korneichuk N. : Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications Volume 38, 1991 Cambridge University Press. O Exact Constants in Approximation Theory. Körner O. : Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.): Ramanujan B.C.V. 97 (1987), 189-199. O Traces of Eichler-Brandt matrices and type numbers of quaternion orders. Korobov A. N. : Math. Notes of the Acad. of Sci. USSR 47 (1990), No.1-2, 128-132. xxi Continued fractions of some normal numbers. Korobov A. N. : Acta Artih. 71 (1995), No.4, 331-349. xcix / cxviii Multidimensional continued fractions and estimates for linear forms. Korovkin P. P. : 1963/1968 Gordon and Breach Ltd. O Differentiation. Korovkin P. P. : 1969 Gordon and Breach Ltd. O Limits and Continuity. Koshliakov N. S. : Messenger Math. 58 (1929), 1-23. liii Application of the theory of sumformulae to the invest. of a class of one-valued analy. funct. Kosma J. F. : Simon Stevin 28 (1951), 199-202. #153 Sur l?approximation des nobres irrationels sous une condition supplementaire. Kozen D. & Landau S. : J. Symbolic Comput. 7 (1989), 445-456. cxi Polynomial decomposition algorithms. Kraaikamp C. : Indag. Math. 49 (1987), No.2, 177-191. lx The distribution of some sequences connected with the nearest integer continued fraction. Kraaikamp C. : Theoretical Comput. Sci. 65 (1989), No.2, 197-212. upv-f1 Statistic and ergodic properties of Minkowski?s diagonal continued fraction. Kraaikamp C. : Indag. Math. 1 (1990), No.1, 63-75. xxi On the approximation by continued fractions II. Kraaikamp C. : Acta Arith. 57 (1991), No.1, 1-39. xxii / xx / cx A new class of continued fractions. Kraaikamp C. : Bull. Soc. Math. France 121 (1993), No.1, 117-131. c / cxvii Maximal S-expansions are Bernoulli shifts. Kraaikamp C. : J. Number Theory 46 (1994), No.2, 137-157. c / cxviii On symmetric and asymmetric Diophantine approximation by continued fractions. Kraaikamp C. & Liardet P. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 112 No.2 (1991), 303-309. xv Good approximations and continued fractions. Kraaikamp C. & Lopes A. : Geometriae Dedicata 59 (1996), No.3, 293-333. xcv / cxii The theta group and the continued fraction expansion with even partial quotients. Kraaikamp C. & Meester R. : Monatshefte Math. 125 (1998), No.1, 1-14. cxlvi Convergence of continued fraction type algorithms and generators. Kraitchik M. : Mathesis 36 (1922), 310-313. lxii2 / ? Sur le développement en fraction continue de la racine cubique d?un nombre. Krammer D. : J. Number Theory 44 (193), No.3, 244-254. cxxxiii Sums of three squares and q-series. Kramp C. : Ann. de Math. Pures et Appl. 1 (1810), 261-285. xlviii Recherches sur les fractions continues périodiques I. Kramp C. : Ann. de Math. Pures et Appl. 1 (1810), 319-321. xlviii Recherches sur les fractions continues périodiques II. Kramp C. : Ann. de Math. Pures et Appl. 1 (1810), 351-353. xlviii Recherches sur les fractions continues périodiques III. Krattenthaler C. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 90 (1984), 338-344. #172 A new q-Lagrange formula and some applications. Krattenthaler C. : Cand. J. Math. 41 (1989), No.4, 743-768. lxx q-analogue of a two-variable inverse pair of series with applications to basic double hypergeometric series. Krattenthaler C. : Manuscripta Math. 69 (1990), 173-202. #171 Generating functions for plane partitions of a given shape. Krattenthaler C. : Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 30 (1993), B30a, 16pp. F.ps HYP and HYPQ Mathematica packages for the manipulation of binomial sums and hypergeometric series... Krattenthaler C. : J. Symbolic Comput. 20 (1995), No.5-6, 737-744. #159 Hyp and Qhyp : Mathematica packages for the manipulation of binomial sums and hyperg. series... 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