Madhavan C. E. Veni : J. Indian Institute of Sci., Srinivasa Ramanujan Centenary , Special Issue (1987), 1-2. O By way of an introduction... Macdonald I. : Inventiones Mathematicae 15 (1972), 91-143. lxxxvii / cxvi Affine roots systems and Dedekind?s n-function. Macdonald I. G. : Proc. on q-series & partitions, March 7-11 1988, IMA Vol. 18, Springer (1989), 73-75. O An elementary proof of a q-binomial identity. Macdonald I. G. : U.L.S. Volume 12, 1998 American Mathematical Society. O Symmetric Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials. Macintyre S. S. : J. London Math. Soc. 30 (1955), 310-314. #149 On a problem of Ramanujan. Maciulis A. : The Ramanujan Journal 3 (1999), No.4, December, 389-404. O A Non-Uniform Estimate in the Central Limit Theorem for Sequences of Strongly Additive Functions. MacLeod A. J. : Comput. & Math. Appl. 26 (1993), No.3, 37-44. c High-accuracy numerical values in the Gauss-Kuzmin continued fraction problem. MacLeod R. A. : J. Number Theory 14 (1982), 185-227. xxxix2 / cx Fractional part sums and divisor functions. MacMahon P. A. : Quart. J. Math. Pure & Appl. 33 (1902), 274-288. lxv The sums of the powers of the binomial coefficients. MacRobert T. M. : 1917 Macmillan London O Functions of a Complex Variable. MacRobert T. M. : Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh 59 (1939), 49-54. cxlii Solution in multiple series of a type of generalized hypergeometric equation. MacRobert T. M. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 13 (1942), 65-68. cxliii Some integrals involving E-functions and confluent hypergeometric functions. MacRobert T. M. : Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 14 (1943), 1-4. cxliii Associated Legendre functions of the first kind. MacRobert T. M. : 3rd. Ed. Macmillan and Co. 1950. O Functions of a Complex Variable. MacRobert T. M. : Pacific J. Math. 9 (1959), 759-761. cxlii Multiplication formulae for the E-functions regarded as functions of their parameters. Madhusudhan H. S. & Mahadeva-Naika M. S. Vasuki K. R. : Hardy-Ramanujan Journal 24 (2001), 3-10.Pp On Some Ramanujan's P-Q Identities. Magnus A. : Math. Zeitschr. 78 (1962), 361-374. xiii Certain continued fractions associated with the Padé table. Magnus A. : Math. Zeitschr. 80 (1962), 209-216. xiii Expansions of Power Series into P-fractions. Magnus A. : Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. (Trondheim) (1964), No.3, 1-14. lxxxviii On P-expansions of power series. Magnus A. : Rocky Mount. J. Math. 4 (1974), 257-260. lxv P-fractions and the Padé table. Magnus A. : Proc. Analytic Theory Continued Fractions, Norway 1981, Lect. Notes Math. 932 (1982), 176-193. O On th structure of the two-point Padé table. Magnus A. & McCabe J. H. : J. Comp. Appl. Math. 30 (1990), No.1, 81-86. lxxxvii / upv-i1 On a continued fraction for log^2 e(1 + x). Magnus A. & McCabe J. H. : Comple-Variables Theory Appl. 16 (1991), No.1, 21-25. lxxxv Continued fractions for phi(z) satisfying phi(z)=phi((az+b)/(cz+d)). Magnus P. & Waadeland H. : Normat Nordisk Matematisk Tidskrift 46 (1998), No.3, 97-109 & 144. cv-3 Regular continued fractions, Padé tables and P-fractions. A fruitful analogy. Mahler K. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 166 (1931), 118-136. cxxviii Zur Approximations du Exponentialfunktion und des Logarithmus. I. Mahler K. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 166 (1931), 137-150. cxxviii Zur Approximations du Exponentialfunktion und des Logarithmus. II. Mahler K. : J. London Math. Soc. 11 (1936), 136-138. #149 Note on hypothesis k of Hardy and Littlewood. Mahler K. : Mathematics (1953), 30-42. Pi : A source book, 306-318. On the approximation of Pi. Mahler K. : Math. Annalen 168 (1967), 200-227. Pi : A source book, 372-399. Applications of some formulae by Hermite to the approximation of exponentials and logarithms. Mahler K. : Cambridge Tracts Math. No. 64, Cambridge University Press 1973. O Introduction to p-adic Numbers and their Functions. Mahler K. : Lect. Notes. Math. No. 546, Springer Verlag 1976. O Lectures on Trascendental Numbers. Mai L. & Ram Murty M. : The Rademacher Legacy to Math., Contemporary Math. A.M.S. 166 (1994), 335-340. O The phragmén_lindelöf theorem and modular elliptic curves. Maillet E. : Gauthier-Villars Paris 1906. O Introduction a la Théorie des Nombres Transcendants et Propietes Artihmetiques des Fonctions. Maillet E. : J. Math. Pures Appl. (6) 3 (1907), 299-336. li Sur les fractions continues arithmetiques et les nombres transcendants. Maillet E. : J. Ecol. Polytech. (2) 12 (1908), 41-62. xcii Sur les fractions continues algébriques. Maillet E. : Bull. Soc. Math. France 46 (1918), 1-9. xxx Sur certain types des fractions continues arithmetiques. Maier W. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 156 (1927), 93-148. #163 Potenzreihen Irrationalen Grenzwertes. Mall J. : Math. Zeit. 45 (1939), 368-376. lvii Ein satz über konvergenz von kettenbrüchen. Mallikarjuna-Prasad A. V. & Padmavathamma : Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 22 (1991), No.11, 913-925. lxxxi3 The Hardy-Ramanujan-Rademacher expansion for C phi (m,m') (n) using Ford circles. Mallison M. V. : Messenger Math. 55 (1926), 182-188. xviii / ? Recurring continued fractions. Mallows C. L. : Amer. Math. Monthly 98 No.1 (1991), 5-20. O Conway's Challenge Sequence. Malm D. E. G. & Subramaniam T. N. : J. of Symbolic Comput. 19 (1995), 293-304. cxxxv Improvement of the degree setting in Gosper?s algorithm. Malurkar S. L. : J. Indian Math. Soc. 16 (1925-1926), 130-138. xlvii2 / ? On the application the Herr Mellin's integral to some series. Man Y. K. : J. Symbolic Comp. 16 (1993), 355-376. lxxiii On computing closed forms for indefinite summations. Mandell M. & Magnus A. : Math. Zeitsch. 115 (1970), 11-17. lxiii On the convergence of sequences of linear fractional transformations. Mandelson J. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 2 (1964), No.2, April, 139-144. O Amateur interests in the Fibonacci series -- Prime numbers. Manikarnikamma S. N. : Mathematics Student 18 (1950), 132-135. lxxxiii Some properties of the series S(n+a)^r x^n / n!. Mann H. B. & Shanks D. : J. Comb. Theory Ser. A 13 (1972), 131-134. lxiii A necesary and sufficient condition for primality, and its source. Manni R. S. : Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 49 part 2, Theta Functions Bowdoin 1987, A.M.S. (1989), 143-150. O Vector-valued modular forms of weight (g+j-1)/2. Manning H. P. : 1906 J. Wiley. e-B Irrational Numbers and their Representation by Sequences and Series. Manstavicius E. : The Ramanujan Journal 2 (1998), No.1/2, 185-199. O The Berry-Esseen Bound in the Theory of Random Permutations. Marafino J. & McDevitt T. J. : Math. Magazine 68 (1995), No.3, 202-208. lxxxv Convergence of complex continued fractions. Marchuk G. I. : Applied Mathematics Vol. 2, 1975 Springer Verlag. O Methods of Numerical Mathematics. Margalef J. & Outerelo E. : 1993 Editorial Universidad Complutense. O Introducción a la Topología. Markett C. : J. Number Theory 48 (1994), 113-132. #150 Triple sums and the Riemann zeta function. Markov A. A. : Math. Ann. 28 (1887), 586-593. cxxvi Sur l? équation différentielle de la série hypergéométrique. I. Markov A. A. : Math. Ann. 29 (1888), 247-258. cxxvi Sur l'équation differentielle de la séries hypergéométrique. II. Markov A. A. : Math. Annalen 40 (1892), 313-316. cxxviii Sur la série hypergéometrique. Markov A. : Acta Math. 19 (1895), 93-104. xiii Deux démonstrations de la convergence de certaines fractions continues. Markov A. : Math. Ann. 47 (1896), 579-597. lv Nouvelles applications des fractions continues. Markov A. : Duke Math. J. 7 (1940), 85-96. lv Functions generated by developing power series in continued fractions. Markushevich A. I. : 1965 / 1966 American Elsevier Publ. Co. Inc. O Entire Functions. Marsaglia G. & Marsaglia J. C. W. : Amer. Math. Monthly 97 No.9 (1990), 826-829. O A New Derivation of Stirling?s Approximation to n! . Marsdenn J. E. & Hoffman M. J. : 2nd Ed. W. H. Freeman 1974-93/99. O Elementary Classical Analysis. Marsdenn J. E. & Hoffman M. J. : 3rd Ed. W. H. Freeman 1973-1987-99. O Basic Complex Analysis. Martin W. T. & Reissner E. : 1956-1958 Addison-Wesley. O Elementary Differential Equations. Masson D. : Canadian Math. Bull. 28 (4) (1985), 411-421. ix Convergence and analytic continueation for a class of regular C-fractions. Masson D. : Canad. Math. Bull. 32 (1989), No.2, 177-181. xxi Some continued fractions of Ramanujan and Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials. Masson D. R. : Rocky Mountain J. Math. 21 (1991), No.1, 489-499. xxiii / xxiv Wilson polynomials and some continued fractions of Ramanujan. Masson D. R. : Constr. Approx. 7 (1991), No.4, 521-534. xxiii Associated Wilson polynomials. Masson D. R. : C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Soc. Royale Canada 13 (1991), No.4, 167-172. xxiii A generalization of Ramanujan's best theorem on continued fractions. Masson D. R. : Contemporary Mathematics 190 (1995), 287-294. #159 The last hypergeometric continued fracction, mathematical analysis and signal processing. Matala A. T. : J. Number Theory 45 (1993), No.2, 215-227. xv On Diophantine approximations of the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction. Matala-Aho T. & Väänänen K. : Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 58 (1998), 15-31. #158 On approximation measures of q-algorithms. Matala-Aho T. & Väänänen K. : The Ramanujan Journal 4 (2000), No.1, March, 13-28. O On Diophantine Approximations of Mock Theta Functions of Third Order. Mathai A. M. : RamanujanInter. Symp. on Analysis, Pune 1987, ed. N.K. Thakare, Macmillan (1988), 225-240. O On scalar functions of many matrix variables. Mathews J. : Amer. Math. Monthly 97 (1990), No.6, 505- 510. O Gear Trains and Continued Fractions. Mathieu E. : J. Math. Pures et Appl. (3) 8 (1882), 357-383. cxxix Sur l? equation differentielle à laquelle satisfait la fonction F(a,b,c;x) de Gauss. Matiyasevich Y. V. : Proc. 1ª Conf. Canad. Num. Theo. Ass. (Gruyter 1990), 387-400. O The Riemann Hypothesis from a logician?s point of view. Matiyasevich Y. V. & Guy R. K. : Amer. Math. Monthly. 93 ( 1986), 631-635. f A new formula for Pi. Matos A. C. : J. Comput. Appl. Math. 32 (1990), No.1-2, 179-190. lxxxvi / upv-i1 Extrapolation algorithms based on the asymptotic expansion of the inverse of error, appl. to c.f. Matthews K.R. & Walters R.F.C. : Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 67 (1970), 67-74. xl Some properties of the continued fraction expansion of (m/n)e^1/a. Matthiessen L. : Arch. der Math. & Phys. (3) 5 (1903), 47-55. cxxxii Von der periodizität der kettenbrüche, in welche sich irrationale zweiten grades entwickeln lassen. Mattics L. E. & Dodd W. : Amer. Math. Monthly 93 (1986), No.2, 125-126. Ó A bound for the number of multiplicative partitions. Matsuoka Y. : Acta Arithm. 41 (1982), 19-26. xliii3 Generalizations of Ramanujan?s formulae. Matsuoka Y. : Tokyo J. Math. 5 (1982), 399-403. lxxxiii On the values of certain Dirichlet series at rational integers. Maurer G. V. : Volzskii Mat. Sbornik 5 (1966), 211-221. lxxxviii On the expansion into continued fractions of some limiting cases of Heine functions. Maunsell F. G. : Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) 30 (1930), 127-132. lvi Some notes on extended continued fractions. Mayer D. & Roepstorff G. : Proc. Conf. Ergodic theory and relat. top. II, Georgenthal1986 Tebner,1987, 139-143. cx On the relaxation time of Gauss?continued fraction transformation. Mays M. E. : Proc. 1ª Conf. Canad. Num. Theo. Ass. (Gruyter 1990), 401-415. O Triangular Farey arrays. McBride E. B. : Springer Trct. Nat. Philo. No. 21, 1971 Springer Verlag. O Obtaining Generating Functions. McCabe J. H. : Math. Comp. 28 (1974), No.127, 811-816. lxiv / cxiii A continued function expansion, with a truncation error estimate for Dawson?s integral. McCabe J. H. : J. Inst. Math. Appl. 15 (1975), 363-372. viii A formal extension of the Padé table to include two point Padé quotients. McCabe J. H. : Math. Comp. 32 (1978), 1303-1305. lxiv / cxiii A further correspondence property of M-fractions. McCabe J. H. : Math. Comp. 41 (1983), 183-197. lxiv / cxiii The quotient-difference algorithm and the Padé table : An alternative form and a general continued fraction. McCabe J. H. : Proc. Analytic Theory of Continued Fractions III 1988, Lect. Notes Math. 1406 (1989), 67-75. O On continued fractions associated with polynomial type Padé approximants, with an application. McCabe J. H. & Murphy J. A. : J. Inst. Math. & Appl. 17 (1976), 233-247. xxix / cx Continued fractions wich correpond to power series expansions at two points. McCarthy P. J. : Tamkang J. Math. 18 (1987), No.1, 123-132. cv Generating functions of powers of the Ramanujan sum and other even functions. McCarthy P. J. : Proc. Ramanujan Cent. Inter. Conf., Annamalainagar 1987, Ramanujan Math. Soc. (1988), 21-26. O Products of arithmetical functions and their generating functions. McCleary J. : Amer. Math. Monthly 96 (1989), No.5, 410-420. O How Not Prove Fermat?s Last Theorem. ( Continued Fraction ). McColm G. L. : The Ramanujan Journal 2 (1998), No.4, 511-519. O A Splitting Inequality. McCoy T. L. : Amer. Math. Monthly 93 (1986), No.2, 111-115. Ó On " Cos F(x) = F(sin x) ". McIntosh R. J. : The Rademacher Legacy to Math., Contemporary Math. A.M.S. 166 (1994), 189-196. O Some Asymptotic formulae for Ramanujan?s mock theta functions. McIntosh R. J. : J. London Math. Soc. 51 (1995), No.1, 120-136. cxi / cxxi / cxxx Some Asymptotic formulae for q-hypergeometric series. McIntosh R. J. : Canadian J. Math. 50 (1998), No.2, 412-425. #165/#175 Asymptotic transformations of q-series. McIntosh R. J. : The Ramanujan Journal 3 (1999), No.2, June, 205-214. O Some Asymptotic Formulae for q-Shifted Factorials. McKay J. & Strauss H. : Comm. in Algebra 18 (1990), No.1, 253-278. cxxxii The q-series of monstrous moonshine and the decomposition of the head characters. McKinney T. E. : Amer. J. Math. 29 (1907), 213-278. xliv Concerning a certain type of continued fractions depending on a variable parameter. McNabb Sister Mary de Sales : The Fibonacci Quarterly 1 (1963), No.4, December, 57-60 & 71. O Phyllotaxis. McNeish H. F. : 2nd Ed. 1950/1952 W. M. C. Brown Co. Publishers. O Algebraic Technique of Integration. Meavilla V. : Prensas Universitarias Zaragoza. O 201 Problemas Resueltos de Matemática Discreta. Megyappan M. : 1996 S. Chand & Co. Ltd. O Ramanujan Numbers, Math. Thoughts and Ideas. Mehrotra B. M. : J. Indian Math. Soc. 1 (1934), 209-227. cxxv A brief history of self-reciprocal functions. Meignen P. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Ser. I Math. 322 (1996), No.3 (Feb 1), 207-210. xxiii Cliffordian continued fractions. Melham R. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 37 (1999), No.2, May, 106-110. O Generalizations of some Identities of Long. Melham R. S. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 37 (1999), No.2, May, 111-116. O Lucas Sequences and Functions of a 3-by-3 Matrix. Melham R. S. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 37 (1999), No.3, August, 208-212. O Lambert Series and Elliptic Functions and certain Reciprocal Sums. Melham R. S. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 37 (1999), No.3, August, 248-253. O Sums of certain Products of Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers. Melham R. S. : The Fibonacci Quaterly 37 (1999), No.3, August, 269-276. O Lucas Sequences and Functions of a 4-by-4 Matrix. Melham R. S. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 37 (1999), No.4, November, 305-311. O Some analogs of the identity Fn^2 + Fn+1^2 = F2n+1. Melham R. S. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 37 (1999), No.4, November, 315-319. O Families of identities involving sums of powers of the Fibonacci and Lucas numbers. Melham R. S. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 41 (2003), No.1, February, 59-62. O On Some Reciprocal Sums of Brousseau : An Alternative Approach to That of Carlitz. Melham R. S. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 41 (2003), No.2, May, 142-143. O A Fibonacci Identity in the Spirit of Simson and Gelin-Cesàro. Mellin Hj. : Math. Annalen 68 (1910), 305-337. cxxviii Abriss einer einheitlichen theorie der Gamma und Hypergeometrischen funktionen. Mencía J. : Cooperativa Universidad San Jordi, 2000. O Analisis de Fourier y sus Aplicaciones. Mendès France M. : Acta Arith. 23 (1973), 207-215. xxviii Sur les fractions continues limitées. Mendès France M. : Sem. Theorie Nombres Bordeaux (2) 1 (1989), No.1, 157-162. xciii Sur certain produits infinits. Mendès France M. : Enseign. Math. (2) 39 (1993), No.3-4, 249-257. xxiii Remarks and problems on infinite and periodic continued fractions. Mendes-France M. & Van der Poorten A. J. : Theoret. Comput. Sci. 65 (1989), No.2, 213-220. xli / upv-f1 From geometry to Euler identities. Mendès France M. & Van der Poorten A. J. : Mathematika 38 (1991), 1-9. xxiii Some explicit continued fractions expansions. Menon P. K. : Mathematics Student 29 (1961), 77-80. #168 Some series involving zeta functions. Menon P. K. : J. London Math. Soc. 40 (1965), 49-54. lii On Ramanujan?s continued fraction and related identities. Mercier A. : Amer. Math. Monthly 91 (1984), No.3, 205-206. Ó A Sum Involving the Zeta Function , Problem [ 1982, 602 ], Solution by G. Georghiou. Mercier A. : Amer. Math. Monthly 94 (1987), No.4, 378-380. O A hypergeometric identity, Problem E 3065 [ 1984, 649 ], Solution. Mercier A. : Amer. Math. Monthly 97 (1990), No.6, 503-505. O Relations Between omega(n) and Omega(n). Merkes E. P. : Michigan Math. J. : 6 (1959), 395-400. lix Bounded J-fractions and univalence. Merkes E. P. : SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 3 (1966), No.3, 486-496. xxviii On truncation errors for continued fraction computations. Merkes E. P. : Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie Sklodowska Sect. A, Math. 36/37 (1982/1983), 115-122. (1985). xcviii Starlike continued fractions and zeros of polynomials. Merkes E. P. & Scott W. T. : Michigan Math. J. 7 (1960), 23-29. vi & xxx Periodic and reverse periodic continued fractions. Merkes E. P. & Scott W. T. : Pacific J. Math. 10 (1960), 1361-1369. lxxxiii On univalence of a continued fraction. Merkes E. P. & Scott W. T. : J. Math. Anal. Appl. 4 (1962), 309-327. lxxi Continued fraction solutions of the Riccati equation. Mesirov J. P. & Sweet M. M. : J. Number Theory 27 No.2 (1987), 144-148. xvi Continued fraction expansions of rational expressions with irreducible denominator in charac.2 Meyer E. : Archiv. der Math. und Phys. (3) 5 (1903), 287-288. lxxx Ueber eine eigenschaft des Kettenbruches x -1/x- 1/x- .... . Michael G. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 2 (1964), No.1, February, 57-58. O A new proof for an old property. Miesner W. & Wirsing E. : ???. cxxxi On the zeros of Sum(,n+1)^k z^n. Mignotte M. : Bull. Soc. Math. France Memoires 37 (1974), 121-132. lxxxii / lxxxiv Approximations rationelles de Pi et quelques autres nombres. Mignotte M. & Roy Y. : The Ramanujan Journal 1 (1997), No.4, 351-356. O Lower Bounds for Catalan?s Equation. Miklosko J. : J. Comp. Appl. Math. 3 (1977), 273-276. lxii2 An Algorithm for calculating continued fractions. Mikolás M. : Acta Scientarum Mathematicarum (Szeged) 13 (1949), 93-117. cxxxvi Farey series and their connection with the prime number problem, I. Mikolás M. : Acta Scientarum Mathematicarum (Szeged) 14 (1951), 5-21. cxxv Farey series and their connection with the prime number problem, II. Mikusinski ?? : Ann. Poloni. Math. 1 (1954), 184-194. cxx Sur la méthode d?approximation de Newton. Milanovic G. V. : R.V.M. Zahar (ed.) : Approximat. and Comput. ISNM Vol.119, Birkhäuser (1994), 459-475. #170 Summation of series and Gaussian quadratures. Milewski E. G. : 1998 Research and Educational Association. O The Complex Variables, Problem Solvers. Miller W. Jr. : Proc. on q-series & partitions, March 7-11 1988, IMA Vol. 18, Springer (1989), 191-212. O Symmetry techniques and orthogonality for q-series. Mills S. (ed.) : Shiva Publishing Ltd. 1982. O The Collected Letters of Colin MacLaurin. Mills S. : Arch. Hist. Exact. Sci. 33 (1985), 1-13. xiii The independent derivations by Euler and MacLaurin of the Euler-MacLaurin summation formula. Mills W. H. & Robbins D. P. : J. Number Theory 23 (1986), 388-404. xx / lxxvi Continued fractions for certain algebraic power series. Mills W. H. & Robbins D. H. & Rumsey H. : Inventiones Math. 66 (1982), 73-87. #172 Proof of the Macdonald conjecture. Mills W. H. & Robbins D. H. & Rumsey H. : J. Combin. Theory Ser A. 42 (1986), 277-292. #172 Self-complementary totally symmetric plane partitions. Millson J. J. : Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 49 part 2, Theta Functions Bowdoin 1987, A.M.S. (1989), 129-142. O Intersection numbers of cycles on locally symmetric spaces and Fourier coefficients of holomorphic modular f. Milne S. C. : Pacific J. Math. 91 (1980), 419-430. lxx A multiple seires transformation of the very well poised 2k+4 phi 2k+4. Milne S. C. : Adv. in Math. 36 (1980), 169-211. cxi Hypergeometric series well-poised in SU(n) and a generalization of Biedenharn?s G-functions. Milne S. C. : Amer. J. Math. 104 (1982), 635-643. cviii A generalisation of Andrews?s reduction formula for the Rogers-Selberg functions. Milne S. C. : J. Math. Anal. Appl. 122 (1985), 223-256. lxxv / cxiv Basic hypergeometric series very-well-poised in U(n). Milne S. C. : Adv. in Math. 57 (1985), 14-33. #152 A q-analog of the 5F4 (1) summation theorem for hypergeometric series well-poised in SU(n). Milne S. C. : Adv. in Math. 57 (1985), 34-70. lxxxiv An elementary proof of the Macdonald identities for Al(1). Milne S. C. : Adv. in Math. 57 (1985), 71-90. cxxi A new symmetry related to Su(n) for classical basic hypergeometric series. Milne S. C. : Adv. in Math. 57 (1985), 71-90. cxi A new symmetry related to SU(n) for classical basic hypergeometric series. Milne S. C. : Adv. in Math. 58 (1985), 1-60. cxi A q-analog of hypergeometric series well-poised in SU(n) and invariant G-functions. Milne S. C. : J. Math. Anal. Appl. (1986), 263-277. lxxv / cxiv A U(n) generalization of Ramanujan?s 1phi1 summation. Milne S. C. : J. Math. Anal. & Appl. 122 (1987), No.1, 223-256. cxxxii Basic hypergeometric series very well-poised in U(n). Milne S. C. : Adv. in Math. 72 (1988), No.1, 59-131. cxxiii A q-analog of the Gauss summation theorem for hypergeometric series in U(n). Milne S. C. : Ramanujan Revisited, Proc. Centenary Conference Univ. Illinois (1987), AP (1988), 473-524. O Multiple q-series and U(n) generalizations of Ramanujan?s 1phi1 sum. Milne S. C. : Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 49 part 2, Theta Function Bowdoin 1987, A.M.S. (1989), 323-359. O The multidimensional 1phi1 sum and Macdonald identities for Al^(1). Milne S. C. : J. Math. Anal. & Appl. 160 (1991), 446-458. cxxi A triple product identity for Schur functions. Milne S. C. : Discrete Math. 99 (1992), 199-246. upv-i-1 / cv-2 Classical partition functions and the U(n+1) Rogers-Selberg identity. Milne S. C. : Adv. in Math. 99 (1993), No.2, 162-237. cxxxiv / #150 A q-analog of the balanced 3F2 summation theorem for hypergeometric series in U(n). Milne S. C. : Adv. in Math. 108 (1994), No.1, 1-76. cxxxiii A q-analog of a Whipple?s transformation for hypergeometric series in U(n). Milne S. C. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 25 (1994), 571-595. cxlvii The Cl Rogers-Selberg idnetity. Milne S. C. : Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci USA 93 (1996), No.26, 15004-15008 (electronic). #151 / #155 New infinite families of exact sums of squares formulas, Jacobi elliptic function and Ramanujan?s tau function. Milne S. C. : Adv. in Math. 131 (1997), 93-187. cxlvii Balanced 3phi2 summation theorems for U(n) basic hypergeometric series. Milne S. C. : The Ramanujan Journal 6 (2002), No.1, March, 7-149. O Infinite Families of Exact Sums of Squares Formulas, Jacobi Elliptic Functions, Continued Fractions,and Schur Functions. Milne S. C. & Bhatnagar G. : Discrete Math. 193 (1998), 235-245. upv-i-1 / cv-2 A characterization of inverse relations. Milne S. C. & Lilly G. M. : Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 26 (1992), 258-263. #168 The Al and Cl Bailey transform and lemma. Milne S. C. & Lilly G. M. : Discrete Math. 139 (1995), 319-346. upv-i-1 / cv-2 Consequences of the Al and Cl Bailey transform and Bailey lemma. Milne S. C. & Newcomb J. W. : J. Comput. & Appl. Math. 68 (1996), 239-285. upv-i1 U(n) very well poised 10phi9 transformations. Milne-Thonpson L. M. : Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh 51 (1931), 91-96. lxviii On the operational solution of the homoge. linear equation of finite diff. by generalized continued fractions. Milne-Thompson L. M. : Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2) 3 (1932), 189-200. lxvii A matrix representation of ascending and descending continued fractions. Milnor J. : L' Enseign. Math. 29 (1983), 281-322. lxxxiii On polylogarithms, Hurwitz zeta functions, and the Kubert identites. Milos C. : Indian J. Pure & Appl. Math. 25 (1994), No.11, 1171-1179. xxii Theorem areolar complex continued fraction absolute convergence. Mimachi K. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 19 (1988), 1490-1493. v A proof of Ramanujan?s identity by use of loop integral. Min X. & Wenpeng Z. : The Ramanujan Journal 5 (2001), No.3, September, 227-236. O On the Mean Value of the Square of a Generalized Dedekind Sum. Minc H. : Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 11 (1959), 223-224. cxxi A problem in partitions : Enumeration of elements of a given degree in the free commutative entropic groupoid. Minding F. : Bull. Class Phys.-Math. de l?Acad. Impériale des Sci. de Saint Petersburg 13 (1869), 524-528. xcii-2 Über das Bildungsgesetz der Zähler und Nenner bei Verwandlung der Kettenbrüche in gewöhnlide Brüche. Minh H.N. & Jacob G. & Petitot M. & Oussous N. E. : Sem. Lotharingien de Combin. 43 (1999), B43e, 29pp. Aspects combinatoires des polylogarithmes et des sommes d?Euler-Zagier. Mirimanoff D. : L?Enseignement Math. 14 (1912), 294-298. cxxxii Sur un cértain développement en fraction continue. Mirimanoff D. : L?Enseignement Math. 25 (1926), 111-118. cxxxiv / cxlviii Les épreuves répétées et la méthode des fractions continues de Markoff. Mishra A. K. : J. Math. Phys. Sci. 24 (1990), No. 5, 313-318. xxxiv2 On certain basic hypergeomegtric functions and continued fractions. Mishra R. : Proc. Nat. Symp. Special Function & Appl. Gorakhpur 1986, 146-152. O A note on a relation between certain q-integral transform. Mishra S. : Annales del Instituto de Mat. Univ. Nacional Auto. Mexico 29 (1989), 69-86. cxxxiv Some results involving Bessel functions, generalized hypergeometric series and Fox?s H-function. Mishra S. : Indian J. Pure & Appl. Math. 21 (1990), No.9, 805-812. cv Integr. involving Legendre funct., g. hyperg. series and Fox?s H-f. and F-Legendre seris for prod. of g. hyp. series. Mishra S. : Bull. Calcuta Math. Soc. 83 (1991), No.4, 394-397. cxxxiv Integr. involving Laguerre poly., hyperg. series and Foz?s H-f. and F.-Laguerre series for products of g. hyp. f. Mishra S. : Serdica Bulg. Math. Publi. 18 (1992), No.3-4, 248-259. cxxxiv Integr. involving Bessel poly., Hyperg. series and Fox?s H-f. and Fourier-B. poly. expans. for produc. of g. hyp. f. Misra K. C. : Ramanujan Revisited, Proc. Centenary Conference Univ. Illinois (1987), AP (1988), 85-109. O Specialized characters for affine Lie algebras and the Rogers-Ramanujan identities. Mitra S. C. : Bull. Calcuta Math. Soc. 41 (1949), 1-5. cxxv On certain self-reciprocal functions. Mitra S. C. : Bull. Calcuta Math. Soc. 41 (1949), 49-52. cxxv On pairs of functions which are reciprocal in Fourier tranformation. Mitrinovic D.S. & Pecaric J.E. & Fink A.M. : Classical and new inequal. in analysis. 1993 Kluwer, Chap. 25. lxxix Continued fractions and Padé approximation method. Mitrovic D. : Michigan J. Math. 9 (1962), 395-397. lxxxiii The sings of some constants associated with the Riemann zeta-function. Mittal A. K. & Gupta A. K. : ??? (1999?) 1-23. www1 Bifurcating Continued Fractions II. Mkaouar M. : J. Number Theory 80 (2000), No.2, February, 169-173. #167 Sur le developpement en fraction continue des series formelles quadratiques sur F2(x). Moak D. S. : Aequationes Math. 20 (1980), 278-285. #174 The q-gamma function for q>1. Moak D. S. : J. Math. Analysis & Appl. 81 (1981), 20-47. lxxxiv The q-analogue of the Laguerre polynomials. Moak D. S. : Rocky Mount. J. Math. 14 (1984), 403-413. xciii /xcvii The q-analogue of Stirling?s formula. Moebius A. F. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 9 (1832), Nr. 8, (ii), 105-123. xliv Über eine Besondere Art von Umkehrung der Reihen. Moebius A. F. : J. Reine Angew. Math. 9 (?). xxxviii / ? Sur un nouveau mode de réversion des séries. (?). Mohan B. : Bull. Calcuta Math. Soc. 32 (1940), 125-128. cxxv A self-reciprocal function in the form of series. Moiseyev A. I. : U.S.S.R. Comput Math. & Math. Phys. 28 (1988), 1-6. #174 Computation of certain functions related to the Hurwitz zeta-function. Moivre A. De : London 1730. f Miscellanea Analytica de Seriebus et Quadraturis. Moivre A. De : London 1730. f Miscellaneis Analyticis Supplementum. Mollin R. A. : C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Soc. Royal Canada 11 (1989), No.6, 209-213. xxiii Prime powers in continued fractions related to the class number one problem for real q. f. Mollin R. A. : Acta Arithmetica 85 (1998), 331-349. #169 Jacobi symbols, ambiguous idelas and continued fractions. Mollin R. A. : Nieuw Arch. Wiskunde (4) 17 (1999), No.3, 383-405. #164 Continued fractions gems. Mollin R. A. & Van der Poorten A. J. : Bull. Austral Math. Soc. 51 (1995), No.2, 215-233. xiv A note on symmetry and ambiguity. Mollin R. A. & Van der Poorten A. J. : Canadian Math. Bull ?? (1999-2000), ???-???. #169 Continued fractions, Jacobi symbols, and quadratic Diophantine equations. Mollin R. A. & Williams H. C. : C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Canada Math. Reports 11 (1989), No.2, 51-56. lxxxi3 Real quadratic fields of class number one and continued fraction period less than six. Mollin R. A. & Williams H. C. : Acta Arith. 56 (1990), No.1, 55-63. xxiv Continued fractions of period five and real quadratic fields of class number one. Mollin R. A. & Williams H. C. : Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci. 67 (1991), No. 1, 20-25. lxxxii On a determination of real quadratic fields of class number one and related c.f. p. length less than 25. Mollin R. A. & Williams H. C. : Sem. Theor. Nombres Bordeaux (2) 4 (1992), No.1, 19-42. xiii On the period lenght of some special continued fractions. Mollin R. A. & Williams H. C. : Acta Arith. 61 (1992), No.3, 233-264. xiii Consecutive powers in continued fractions. Mollin R.A. & Zhang L.C. : 4º Conf. Canad. Number Theory Assoc. 1994, Dilcher (ed.), 1995 AMS, 245-248. O A new criterion for the determination of class numbers of real quadratic fields. Mollin R. & Zhang L. C. : Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A 69 (1993), 368-371. #178 Orders in quadratic fields II. Montaldi E. Zucchelli G. : SIAM J. Math. Anal. 23 (1992), No.2, 562-569. cii / cxx Some formulas of Ramanujan, revisited. Montessus de Ballore R. de : Bull. Soc. Math. France 30 (1902), 28-36. xxxii Sur les fractions continues algebriques. Montessus de Ballore R. de : Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo 19 (1905), 185-257. xlvi Sur les fractions continues algebriques. Montessus de Ballore R. de : Ann. Sci. Ec. Norm. Sup. 25 (1908), 195-198. lxvi Sur les fractions continues algebriques. Montessus de Ballore R. de : Bull. Soc. Math. France 37 (1909), 101-108. cxxviii / cxlv Recherche effective des racines réelles des séries hypergéométriques. Montessus de Ballore R. de : Acta Math. 32 (1909), 257-281. xxxii Les fractions continues algebriques. Montgomery H. L. : Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.): Ramanujan... 97 (1987), 239-245. O Fluctuations in the mean of Euler?s phi function. Montgomery P. L. : CWI Quarterly 7 (1994), No.4, 337-366. xcvii A survey of modern integer factorization algorithms. Moore E. : J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 17 (1974), 78-83. cvi Generalized Euler-type partition identities. Moothathu T. S. K. : Ramanujan Inter. Symp. Anal., Pune 1987, ed. N.K. Thakare, Macmillan (1989), 311-322. O On some bounds for certain special functions. Mordell L. J. : Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 19 (1917), 117-124. xxxii On Mr. Ramanujan?s empirical expansions of modular functions. Mordell L. J. : Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) 20 (1922), 408-416. xxvii Note on certain modular relations considered by Messrs Ramanujan, Darling and Rogers. Mordell L. J. : Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 34 (1928), 585-596. xlvii2 Some applications of Fourier series in the analytic theory of numbers. Mordell L. J. : J. London Math. Soc. 4 (1929), 285-291. xlvii2 Poisson?s summation formula and the Riemann zeta function. Mordell L. J. : Acta Math. (Stockholm) 61 (1933), 323-360. cxxvii The definite integral I ((e^ax^2+bx)/(e^2x+d)) dx and the analytic theory of numbers. Mordell L. J. : J. London Math. Soc. 33 (1958), 368-371. #158 On the evaluation of some multiple series. Mordell L. J. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 12 (1961), 522-526. #156 Irrational power series I. Mordell L. J. : Proc. Glasgow Math. Assoc. 5 (1962), 197-200. lxxx An identity in combinarotial analysis. Mordell L. J. : Arkiv för Matematik 4 (1962), 455-460. #153 The Diophantine equation 2^n = x^2 + 7. Mordell L. J. : Acta Arithm. 11 (1965), 181-188. cxl Irrational power series. Mordell L. J. : Acta Arithmetica ?? (1965-66-67), ???-???. #163 Irrational Power Series. III Mordell L. J. : Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. ?? (1965 ó 1966), ???-???. #156 Irrational Power Series III. Moree P. & Cazaran J. : Expositiones Mathematicae 17 (1999), No.4, 289-311. #164 On a claim of Ramanujan in his first letter to Hardy. Moree P. & Stewart C. L. : Indag. Math. (N.S.) 1 (1990), No.4, 465-472. ciii Some Ramanujan-Nagell equations with many solutions. Moreno C. J. : Illinois J. Math. 18 (1974), 107-114. #165 A necesary and sufficient condition for the Riemann hypothesis for Ramanujan?s zeta function. Moreno C.J. & Rocha-Caridi A. : Ramanujan Rev. Proc. Cent. Conf. Univ. Illinois (1987), AP (1988), 111-152. O The exact formula for the weight multiplicities of affine Lie algebras, I. Morgan A. De : Philos. Mag. (3) 24 (1844), 15-17. xcii On the reduction of a continued fraction to a series. Morgenstern M. : SIAM J. Discrete Math. 7 (1994), No.4, 560-570. xcvii Ramanujan diagrams. Moritz R. E. : Annals of Math. (2) 4 (1902-1903), 179-184. lxxi On a general relation of continued fractions. Morley F. : Proc. London Math. Soc. (1) 34 (1902), 397-402. lii On the series.... Morrison K. E. : Amer. Math. Monthly 102 No.8 (1995), 716-724. O Cosine Products, Fourier Transforms, and Random Sums. Morrison M. A. & Brillhart J. : Math. Comp. 29 (1975), 183-205. lxiv / cxiii A method of factoring and the factorizartion of F7. Motta W. & Rachidi M. & Saeki O. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 37 (1999), No.3, August, 223-232. O On infinite-Generalized Fibonacci Sequences. Mouline M. & Rachidi M. : The Fibonacci Quarterly 37 (1999), No.1, February, 34-38. O Application of Markov Chains Properties to r-Generalized Fibonacci Sequences. Moursund D. G. & Duris Ch. S. : 1967 McGraw-Hill. O Elementary Theory and Applications of Numerical Analysis. Muir T. : Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh 27 (1872-1876), 467-472. lxxxviii New general formulae for the transformation of infinite series into continued fractions. Muir T. : Proc. London Math. Soc. 7 (1876), 112-119. xxvii On the transformation of Gauss?hypergeometric series into a continued fraction. Muir T. : Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 28 Part. 1 (1877), 135-143. xcii On Eisenstein?s continued fraction. Muir T. : Mes. Math. 12 (1883), 149-151. lxxxv On the perimeter of an ellipse. Munkres J. R. : 2ª ed. 2000 / 2002 Prentice Hall. O Topología. Murphy J. A. : J. Inst. Math. Applics. 7 (1971), 138-150. lxv / ? Certain rational function approximation to (1 + x^2)^(-1 / 2). Murphy J. A. & O?Donohoe M. R. : J. Inst. Math. Appl. 16 (1975), 57-71. lviii Some properties of continued fractions with applications in Markov processes. Murphy J. A. & O?Donohoe M. : J. Comput. & Appl. Math. 4 (1978), 181-190. #174 A two-variable generalization of the Stieltjes-type continued fraction. Murray J. D. : A.M.S. Vol. 48, 1974-1984 Springer Verlag. O Asymptotic Analysis. Murty M. Ram : Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.): Ramanujan B.C.V. 97 (1987), 247-250. O On the supersingular reduction of elliptic curves. Murty M. Ram : Ramanujan Revisited, Proc. Centenary Conference Univ. Illinois (1987), AP (1988), 269-288. O The Ramanujan tau-function. Murty M. Ram : Proc. Ramanujan Cent. Int. Conf. Annamalainagar 1987, Ramanujan Math. Soc. (1988), 45-54. O Recent developments in elliptic curves. Murty M. Ram (ed.) : Centre Recher. Math. Univ. Montréal, Proc. & Lect. Notes Vol. 1, A.M.S. (1993), x + 174. O Theta Functions, from the classical to the modern. Murty M. Ram : 4º Conf. Canad. Number Theory Assoc. 1994, K. Dilcher (ed.), 1995 AMS, 263-277. O The analytic rank of Jo(N)(Q). Murty M. Ram & Murty V. K & Shorey T. N. : Bull. Soc. Math. France 115 (1987), No.3, 391-395. cii / cxix Odd values of the Ramanujan tau-function. Murty V. K. : Number Theory, India (1984), Ed.: K. Alladi, Lect. Notes Math. 1122 (1985), 163-172. O Fourier coefficients of modular forms. Murty V. K. : Proc. Ramanujan Cent. Inter. Conf., Annamalainagar 1987, Ramanujan Math. Soc. (1988), 55-66. O Holomorphy of Artin L-functions. Murty V. K. : Math. Intell. 15 (1993), No.2, 33-39. O Ramanujan and Harish-Chandra. Murty V. K. : 4º Conf. Canad. Number Theory Assoc. 1994, K. Dilcher (ed.), 1995 AMS, 249-261. O Bounded and finite generation of arithmetic groups. Murty V. K. & Ramakrishnan D. : Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) 97 (1987), 251-262. O The Manin-Drinfeld theorem and Ramanujan sums. Myerson G. : Arch. Math. (Basel) 48 (1987), No.5, 420-425. xcix / cxvii On semiregular finite continued fractions. Myerson G. & Van der Poorten A. J. : Amer. Math. Monthly 102 No.8 (1995), 698-705. O Some Problems Concerning Recurrence Sequences. Myrberg P. J. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 178 (1924), 370-373. cxxxii Un Théorème sur les fractions continues. Myrberg P. J. : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 178 (1924), 1785-1788. cxxxii Quelques applications des fractions continues.