- C4 PREMIERE 24.07.01, 18:00

THE ONE WHERE Bender flushes Nibbler down the toilet because he's jealous of his popularity with the others, so the Professor fits a device to Bender that makes him feel all the same emotions as Leela. Then PX go underground to the New York sewers, trying to find Nibbler, and meet mutants.

Bender�s angry at Nibbler � Leela asks him to pet him and make up:
BENDER            I�ll pet him [Nibbler] � I�ll pet him with both hands! (Nibbler�s fangs grab onto Bender�s rear end) Ow
, my ass! Get off! Get off! (Nibbler lets go)
LEELA              Poor baby, chipped a fang. (kisses and pets Nibbler as she walks away)
BENDER          Hey, I got a busted ass here, I don�t see anyone kissing it!
ZOIDBERG       All right, I�m coming!
At the Vet�s:
BENDER       What�s that you say there Doctor? You�re going to have to put him [Nibbler] down?
VET              (confused) No. What? But I�
BENDER       Terrible shame, that. Shall I do the honours?
(Bender picks up a �goose laxative� bottle
and smashes it � Leela breaks his arm off and forces him to drop the smashed bottle)
BENDER       You about done?
LEELA           Next time, I�m keeping it! (tosses arm back to Bender)

At Nibbler�s birthday party:
BENDER       There, this'll teach those filthy bastards who's lovable. Now all I have to do is spell-check it ...
[Credit to Peel's Teral]
Later, PX are talking about mutants in the sewers:
PROFESSOR    Oh, don�t be so sure. Many scientists believe humans really
could mutate down there, due to exposure to toxic waste, radioactive runoff and good old American faeces!
FRY                   (hand on heart) God bless America!

In the mutants� town:
3-ARMED MUTANT       Over here is our aquarium�
this is our library�
BENDER (looking at books) Nothing but crumpled porno and Ayn Rand.
[She's a Russian-American author]
Talking about El Chupanibr�:
DUANE (MUTANT)   If the legend is true, our only hope is to offer him a snackrifice!
3-ARMED                Yes.
An unspoiled virgin!
LEELA                     I volunteer!
WOMAN MUTANT  Nice try Leela, but we�ve all seen Zap Brannigan�s web page!
BENDER (laughs, then the empathy chip kicks in and makes him sad like Leela) Aw, I made myself feel bad.
3-ARMED                 She�ll have to do. Chain her to the post! (Leela is chained to the post)
And rip her shirt a little. (Duane rips her shirt a little) Behold! When El Chupanibr� comes for the �virgin�, he will be snared by this rope trap.
When Nibbler is in danger from El Chupanibr�:
BENDER Listen Leela, I�m an expert at not caring. The secret is to
stop giving a rat�s ass about anyone else, and start thinking of the things that you want, that you deserve, that the world owes you!                                         
So Leela�s not caring transmits to Bender, and he starts fighting El Chupanibr�:
LEELA You know what else I could use? A weekend at one of those fancy spas.
And a Toblerone!
Taken out because it�s advertising, I presume, despite the fact that they say brand names all the time! Plus, in maths I was always taught that a triangular prism is "Toblerone-shaped", which is 'advertising' too.
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