- C4 PREMIERE 14.08.01, 18:00
- uncut premiere 01.03.03, 01:15

THE ONE WHERE While at the Old New York 20th-century museum, Leela, Fry and Bender hit a robot while driving a car. But this robot turns out to be an almost-exact replica of Bender - Flexo. So he joins PX, but after a while Fry starts to mistrust Flexo, especially when a very valuable delivery goes missing...

Fry, Leela and Bender are in Past-o-rama, a park that is meant to be an exact replica of 20th-century New York:
ROBBER     Gimme your wallet
, or I�ll cut you!
FRY            (thinks it's a joke) Hahaha! Hey Leela, get a picture of me being �mugged�!
LEELA         Do you know what it [the parking sign] means?
FRY             Yeah, I asked a cop once. It means �up yours, kid�.

(Fry, Leela and Bender watch a hologram about 20th-century traffic jams:
SOUND EFFECTS (shouting motorists)
             Move it,
crap-for-brains! / Get off, bastard-man!
[Credit: Teral of Peel]
Fry has just taken the car out of the museum when he hits something:
BENDER     Ohh, I think I got whiplash.
LEELA        You can�t have whiplash, you don�t have a neck.
BENDER     I meant ass whiplash!
Flexo (who they hit) asks Fry to give him a backrub to make up for it:
FLEXO       That�s it, a little lower though
FRY           Er, I can�t get any lower.
FLEXO       I�ll say � you�re rubbing my ass! (he and Bender laugh and high-three [rather than high-five])
At the robot strip-club � a large robot goes onto the stage:
BENDER       Hubba hubba, she is built! In Mexico, I believe.
FLEXO         And that ain�t silicon � it�s tungsten, and plenty of it!
FRY             (trying to fit in) Er, yeah, look at that exhaust fan.
BENDER / FLEXO     Urgh! Argh!
BENDER                    Pervert.

FLEXO        (to robot dancer) Yoohoo! (inserts money)
DANCER      Thanks, moderate spender.
Please select erotic transaction.
FLEXO         Yeah, how about a lap dance for my pal [Fry] here?
                    (Dancer moves towards Fry)
FRY             No, no, that�s alright, really, I-
                    (Dancer starts vibrating, crushing his head)
                    Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

And that�s why he�s wearing bandages in the next scene.
FRY (talking about how much he dislikes Flexo)
                    He drinks, and smokes, and posts
naked pictures of me on the internet!
Later, when PX are all searching for Flexo on the ship when the tiara goes missing:
(Fry is searching for him in Leela�s underwear drawer)
FRY           Aha! (opens drawer)
Er, searching, hmm� (fishes around in the drawer, then the door opens)
Yes, C4 once again protected us from the almost-pornographic images of a person putting their hands into an underwear drawer! (But they reinstated it in 2003)
At the end � Flexo has been arrested, and neither Bender nor Leela got their hands on the tiara:
FRY         Well, you guys might both be losers, but I just made out with that radiator woman from the radiator planet!
LEELA   �Fry, that�s a radiator.
FRY        Oh. Ahem�
Is there a burn ward within 10 feet of here?
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