Heart of Kaos
I know you more than you know
Your past takes hold and won't let go
Squeezing tighter, harder to breathe
Panic and fear makes you want to leave
reminding you of your life with her
unwanted emotions once forgotten stir
your eyes show your pain hidden within
unspoken and trapped beneathe your skin
screaming out to feel once more
but wounded badly, you closed the door
looking at me you see only agony
assuming we are destined to tragedy
years gone by and feelings still strong
I'm waiting for you, is that so wrong?
2006-07-04 18:57:46 GMT
Comments (2 total)
Awww another sad one, you'll make me cry with these lol

2006-07-28 17:11:50 GMT
This was really sad too.. It's great that you write about your feelings. It's easier to handle them this way.
--> Nina
2006-08-31 13:52:51 GMT

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