Heart of Kaos
sleeping beauty
you've got me thinking of you again
i felt so safe wrapped in your arms
forgetting life exsisted outside the window
you silenced my fears, holding me tight
keeping me warm and never letting me go

you've got me smiling for you again
i loved how you'd gently kiss my neck
unaware i was awake quivering inside
softly brushing the hair from my eyes
pulling the covers over so we could hide

you've got me laughing with you again
we were like school kids caught behind the shed
the disapproval only making us snigger more
wriggling as you tried to quieten my protest
knowing you were just as happy to even the score

you've got me missing you again
watching you as you slept peacefully
every breath you took captivated me
listening to your heart beat softly in my ear
I'll alwats think of you, my sleeping beauty
2006-07-26 20:12:51 GMT
Comments (4 total)
I love the way this one is written, with the start of each stanza being "you've got me...." Adds more emotion I think.

2006-07-28 17:13:59 GMT
I like this one. It made me smile not completley sure why it did but there is something about it. I think it could be because it could be one of two people that springs to mind who this poem is about. One of them would fit the whole sleeping beauty thing perfectly and the other would be the surprise condenter. I think I like the mystery of who could it be!

2006-07-29 12:11:14 GMT
I really liked this!
--> Nina
2006-08-31 13:54:22 GMT
One word for this - AMAZING xx
2006-10-09 23:09:57 GMT

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