
One day I am leaving this planet to walk on another world. There must be wonderful things to see out there as well!

The rings of Saturn, the geysers of Triton (Neptune's moon), the volcanoes of Io (Jupiter's moon), the ice of Europa (Jupiter's moon), the cyclones of Jupiter, the canyons of Mars, the hydrocarbon lakes of Titan (Saturn's moon) ....

The list is endless but life is short. Must hurry.


Math Online

Pretty pictures of astronomy


Astronomy, science, mathematics, soccer, paleontology, puzzles, physics, chemistry, entomology, geology, having fun...


My family is just like any other average family.

I don't want to talk about friends as I have too many and no one very deeply attached. But I can never get bored as long as I am locked up in a room full of books for the rest of my life.

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