Records of the Future

Here are the FCW's "First Evers", "Higest Rateings", etc.
First Ever �Grand Slam Champion� - Cobra = Cobra challenged every titleholder and got the victory against them all in one show, making Cobra the first ever FCW World, U.S., Hardkore, & Tag Team Title holder which was named "Grand Slam Champion".

Highest Attendance � Venom Zone = The Venom Zone Holds the record for the most people at a show; it was a very crowd-pleasing event.

First Ever Gantlet Match � Dragon = The big man Dragon former member of the Lords of Venom made his appearance with the FCW�s first ever Gantlet Match challenging and defeating every member of the FCW�s Roster!

Highest Rated P.P.V. � Fury = FCW Fury is considered the Highest Rated P.P.V. of the FCW.

Highest Rated Commercial � Code Red = FCW�s greatest commercial is the Mountain Dew Code Red commercial from 2nd annual Fury featuring J-Dog, The Rebel, & Genocide.

First Ever Firing � J-Dog = The superstar J-Dog was fired from the FCW and his contract voided for the inability to make it to the shows for unnecessary reasons. He proved his loyalty to the FCW, and later made his return at 2nd annul Fury and was the newest member of the reformed Lords of Venom.

First Ever Ladder Match � Viper & Tha Kid = The FCW�s first ever ladder match was between Viper and Tha Kid for the U.S. Title. After a long, hard, entertaining, brutal match Viper got the victory and was the new U.S. Champion.

First Ever Double Pin � Cobra & Viper = First ever double pin was in a match for full owner-ship of the FCW between Cobra and Viper at the Venom leading to Fury where it was announced that the Lords of Venom have reformed and the CWA was no more.

First Ever Handicap, Hardcore, Submission only Match � J-Dog, Cobra, Justice = J-Dog came to the ring and challenged Cobra and a partner to a handicap match which was accepted and made a hardcore match by Cobra. Justice who was Cobra�s Partner in the match then made it a submission only match and the fight was on. (First Ever Double Tap record also happened in this match).

First Ever Double Tap � Justice & Cobra = In the handicap, hardcore, submission only match with J-Dog vs. Cobra & Justice the match was ended with a twisted submission by J-Dog locked onto Justice & Cobra making them both tap at the same time giving J-Dog a surprising victory.

First Ever Rage in the Cage match � High Voltage & Rage = At the Singled Out Arena a brutal fight went down in a cage pitting High Voltage vs. Rage. In the end Rage escaped the cage and too the victory.

First Ever Contract Signing � Zane Davis = Zane was the very first person to enter the FCW Roster with this character Rage when he signed the very first contract, signing for the max of 10 months.
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