Our lives are only collections of memories past and dreams of the future.  Where I am today is not where I was yesterday and will not be tomorrow but the effect of time is felt everyday.  My personal cultural profile is a reflection of who I am today and it may change tomorrow, next year or never.  Only time will tell.

I am 30, divorced, with a 8 year old daughter.  I was married for 8 years.  I live in Arlington TX.  We have 2 cats, Jake and Chloe.  They also have a link on my homepage.  I also have a link for animal rescue stuff. This is a profile of the many cultures I have and was started as part of an Education 5310 project for the Master's in Education and Teaching at UT Arlington but has turned into a way to communicate with students, peers and the world.  I have been teaching for 4 years and this is my third year at Timberview HS.

My life goals lie with politics and law.  I am a biologist and chemist by nature but, due to ethical issues, I chose to pursue my second love: Law.  A prestigious political career is many years away so I chose to pursue my third love:  Teaching.  My ultimate job stop is to be a Federal Justice seated in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, when I can finally go home again.  I am a fanatic about Mustangs, drag racing, tennis, French, reading, rescuing cats, advocating animal and child rights, local, state and federal politics and consider myself to be a researcher, not a rainmaker. 

These are some of the things I am:


I was born and raised in Louisiana.  I have traveled nearly everywhere within the US and a few places abroad.  I  moved to DFW when I was 18 years old.  I am very proud of my culture.  I was raised on southern, Creole and Cajun cuisine.  We would plant, sow, can and cook some of our own crops and buy the rest at local markets.  Cajun food is exemplified by gumbo, jambalaya, etoufee and beignets.  Creole food is characterized by the use of seafood, shellfish and exotic spices in the food.  I speak fluent French, both continental and Cajun.  I hold the French and Cajun cultures very dear to my heart.

Seventh Day Adventist

I was raised a Seventh Day Adventist.  This has always been a source of conflict in my life.  Fast food, regular and upscale restaurants never serve turkey or beef breakfast meats; only pork.  As a result, I have to eat vegetarian at a lot of places I go to for breakfast.  SDA is a hybrid of sorts between Judaism and Christianity with the majority of beliefs seated in fundamental Christianity, the Old Covenant and the Bible.  I have taken many things from all major religions and have made those a major part of my life.  However, SDA is not the only religion or philosophy I base my life on.  Buddhism plays an important role in my life.  I live my life by the Buddhist tenet that all sentient life deserves respect and you must do all that you can to avoid causing suffering in another creature.  I have studied with nearly every sect of Christianity and most major religions.  I also believe in some Hindu, Taoist and humanist tenets.  Example: There is a "golden rule" for every religion or philosophy.  In Hinduism, if you set off bad kharma, bad kharma will come back to you.  In Taoism, it is the path of least resistance.  In secularist philosophy, Immanual Kant stated it as the principle of universality: would not that your actions apply to everybody.  I am a collage of many religions and philosophies.  I consider God and my faith, without which, I, my family, you, anyone, would not be here, to be my most important cultural group.  I would not have anything, including life itself, without God.


My daughter's name is Madison.  I sometimes joke that she is not my daughter but an angel sent from heaven on loan from God.  She is all that I could ever want in a child.  She is beautiful, incredibly smart, compassionate, etc.  I could go on and on and on.  You will hear me talk about her frequently and believe strongly in her education and in raising her to be have a positive outlook, feel empowered and exercise all her talent.


I pride myself on making the biggest impact on my community and the world as I can. For example, I toss food remnants out of my car so that the birds can eat them.  I find feral and stray cat colonies and feed, trap, sterilize, vaccinate, release/adopt and manage them.  I try not to use pesticides or chemicals and try not to kill anything.  I donate my time, money, clothing and food to charities that serve homeless kids.  Every school year, I buy backpacks and school supplies for kids and give them to a children's shelter.  I have made hundreds of cat and dog beds and donated them to shelters so they can save their money.  I look for broken bags of food and litter to donate.  Every once in a while, I will go to McDonald's, buy some kids' meals, go downtown and give them to the homeless people.  I give my change away.  I try to make sure that I take only what I need from this world and give back more than I can.  I am not the kind of person who just assumes that someone else will take care of it.  I list this as the third most important cultural aspect.

Thanks for reviewing my cultural profile.  I hope you enjoyed it.  If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].  Remember: unless you're the lead dog, the view never changes.
Mrs. Trimble's Personal Cultural Webpage
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