
Primary Sources

Miller, Engelberg, Broad.  Germs.  New York: Simon and Schuster, 2001.
         All three of these authors are newspaper reporters living in the New York City area.  They reported            on science and secret subjects around the world.  This book was helpful because it specified where           some of the attacks were made.
Simons, Lewis. �Weapons of Mass Destruction.� National Geographic, November 2002.
         The author of this subject was around and affected by some of these occurrences in the article.                 This article is what inspired me to do this project.  It only had a few sentences, but it was a start               and had a quote from a worker in the unit.   I also used a picture from this article, of what the unit             looked like during one of their many operations
        The information here was factual.  It spoke about the afterward and memorial events and places.
          Provided more facts and point-of-views.  It also contained pictures.
        This provided a brief timeline of the happenings during the unit 731 period.  It aided the �when�                 page.
        There were more pictures here.  However, I did not use any. 
         This site was very valuable because of its photos.  The photos aided to back up some information in          Unit 731.  I only used one, however, that is displayed on the �what� page.
        I already had a lot of information that was included here.  It was not very beneficial.
        Here, a lot more information became clarified.  I also interviewed the webmaster here.
        The news article here also helped because it showed me people�s opinions.  It was beneficial because         I needed to recognize multiple points of view In the website..
Interview with Jim Bauer
        This was my interview, and was beneficial to my progress.  I found out different people�s opinions,           and found he created his website(previous) in the memory of a friend who had served in WWII.

Secondary Sources

Harris, Paxman.  A Higher Form of Killing.  New York: Hill and Wang, 1982.
        The authors of this book talked to many primary source people, including those who had gone to               Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical training camps, and other eyewitness people.  This book was very          helpful because it gave a lot of important dates.  It also clarified some information.
Lindsay.  Dave�s Quick and Easy Web Pages.  Calgary, Canada: Erin Publications, 2001.
        Without this, it would have been a little difficult to make the webpages.  The book provided an easy           guide to beginning HTML.
Osterholm, Schwartz.  Living Terrors.  New York: Dell Publishing, 2000.
         This book mostly contained information I already had learned from other sources.  It mainly                      covered the attacks in the Chinese cities.
Webster�s Dictionary.  �Biological Warfare.� Watermill Press, 1991.
          This is helpful for the analysis of what biological warfare they committed..  It defines what                        biological warfare really is.
           This set some location areas.  I also used the picture of Shiro Ishii from this site.
          This page straightens out my �aftermath� page.  It gave me information on the major Americans                who took part in this event.
          This appears to be a duplicate of the page above.  Being so, it gave me the same information.
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