Geek pages, geek pages,
Come and get your geek pages!
Well here we are. First off, I'm a geek. I'm PROUD to be a geek. "For the geeks shall inherit the earth, and Brother Gates shall own most of it" It was not fashionable to be a geek for a loooooong time, and all the "popular" ppl with the good jobs looked down on the geek, but now the tables are turned. I dare you to laugh at your tech staff or net admin now. Chuckle at the guy behind the counter at the computer store these days, and your screwed. As it should be; throughout history, the holders of information were the important people. Monks, Seers, Clergy, held the knowledge in the Middle Ages. Techs, Sysadmins, and Geeks keep the knowledge available, moving and correct in the Digital Ages.

This is where you can find links to places I like to go, information I use to answer everyones questions, and celebrations of all things geek.
My personal links:
I have several "bases" online. This website, and profiles on
Yahoo and MSN. I also use AIM and ICQ, but I use ALL of them in the same messenger (one file, less windows, less resources used in the system tray) which is Trillian.

I use
Limewire for file swapping and sharing. Less spyware than KaZaA.
To get rid of spyware, I use
Ad-Aware. For a firewall, I use either ZoneAlarm or Mcafee. The Mcafee Suite, is the Virus scanner, Quickclean and Firewall. Yes, I'm paranoid. You get some creep crawling your firewall doing a port scan for 36 hours, you'd be paranoid too.

For information, I check
Slashdot several times a day. I subscribe to's newsletter, and contribute to Expert-Exchange.

If you need cheap parts for your computer, hit
Pricewatch. Tigerdirect is who I like to order from, they have decent prices and good customer support.

For a good laugh at the world of geek, check out
User Friendly or Detonate.

Coming soon. The Fuz version on Computers for Idiots. Hopefully, this might keep you from having your tech freind tell you the problem with your computer was "a screwup between the keyboard interface and the seatback" or that he had to reset the ID-10T switch inside, cause lets face it, you probably don't realize you were just insulted.

I will say one thing right now. The Box, yes the box with the CD-rom and all the cables coming out of it, IS NOT, I say again, IS NOT called the hard drive. The hard drive is INSIDE that. That box is called... the box. Or the case, or "the computer". But do not mistake "the computer" with "the computer setup". The set up is the computer, the monitor (yes, the computer TV if you must call it that) the keyboard and the mouse. Not the speakers. Not the printer. Not the scanner.

Ok. continuing where we left off. The box contains several things inside it. Most noticable (and needed) is the motherboard. You can think of it as the spine and nerves of the computer. The chip, or CPU, is the raw thinker. Notice how I said that, it is the THINKER. It is not a brain, never has been, never will be. Your brain, in your head, not only provides thought, but also memory storage. The CPU in your computer does nothing more than add, subtract, multiply and divide VERY fast. It deals with yes/no, on or off, one or zero, thats it.

Now I have heard many people who THINK they know what they are talking about ask me about how much memory a computer has. "How much memory do you have in your computer?" they ask. "About 1 GB," I reply. "Huh, I got 40 GB of memory in mine." Morons. Listen up. When you talk to a geek, MEMORY is how much RAM you have on your computer, which is usually measured in MB. 256 MB is good, 512 is MUCH better. If you want to know how much HARD DRIVE space we have, just ask us how much drive space we have. Simple. MEMORY is NOT drive space. Now here is the difference, think of a person. A long standing memory, like say, your first kiss, would be stored in long term permanent memory, not short term. A computers long term memory, is the Hard drive, while its short term is RAM. A hard drive is a filing cabnet, the ram is the desktop. You pull out a file, put it in short term memory, work with it and put it away when your done. Simple enough?
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