Yahoo! GeoCities Guestbook Join 

Name: :   alix, the most bored one
Age: :   neetruof
Marital Status: :   crush and nothing more
Social Secutrity Number: :   *feels bad for forgetting it*
Reason of Being here: :   this book seemed lonely like me, so I decided to give it some company
Sock Color: :   pink with hula-hooping frogs
Random thought going through your head: :   I bet everyone is still at school with their friends while I'm sititng here by myself with the guestbook
Complaints: :   my day was soooooo boring. I finally got some hugs after school, (three to be exact) though. I just want someone to talk to, not feeling too great. Not that i'm ill, just feeling down, again...thanks for the hug carol.
Name: :   the only person who signed the lonely guestbook
Age: :   4 + teen = pink striped banana peels
Marital Status: :   haven't had one for a while, although i wish for it to change cuz i like *name goes here*
Social Secutrity Number: :   hamster green stains on my new frog pants!
Reason of Being here: :   I'm lonely and need something to do
Sock Color: :   they haven't changed
Random thought going through your head: :   "The hardest thing in this world is to live in it" - buffy (and my profile)
Complaints: :   I went to a concert last night and this lady behind my group and I told us to sit down cuz the little kid couldn't see (the opening acts). Then, she threatened to get security and when the main attraction came, she got security to come tell us to sit down
Name: :   It doesn't matter, nobody likes me
Age: :   Trust no one. I'm old to some, young to others *shrugs*
Marital Status: :   Although I like someone, nobody likes me *sigh*
Social Secutrity Number: :   
Reason of Being here: :   
Sock Color: :   
Random thought going through your head: :   
Complaints: :   
Name: :   I accidentally pressed return before i was done.
Age: :   Shut up
Marital Status: :   I'm in a bad mooood, let's not talk about this one.
Social Secutrity Number: :   who's asking?
Reason of Being here: :   I'm feeling really down and I've found this place to cheer me up
Sock Color: :   two different toe socks with different color stripes
Random thought going through your head: :   What would the world be like without me?
Complaints: :   My morning was so wonderful, but the rest of the day sucked! Ugh, I dunno what's going on. This person is mad cuz I'm trying to hang with them, this one's mad because i'm not hanging with them, but no one tells me when they're mad! ugh
Name: :   Carol
Age: :   14
Marital Status: :   single single
Social Secutrity Number: :   cow tails and blow pops don't mix
Reason of Being here: :   cause someone needs ANOTHER hug
Sock Color: :   light blue with clouds and rainbows
Random thought going through your head: :   i hope i'm not sufficating her with all these hugs...
Complaints: :   *hugs for alix* why does she need all these hugs? aren't people making her happy enough? le sigh... o well... I ONLY HAVE ONE MORE DAY OF SCHOOL LEFT! okie, *more hugs and love for alix and laura*
Name: :   akira? i dont know
Age: :   i dunno, i forgot
Marital Status: :   faster, horse, faster
Social Secutrity Number: :   i dont knowwwww
Reason of Being here: :   i clicked the wrong bookmark
Sock Color: :   white with black stripes
Random thought going through your head: :   why am i signing this
Complaints: :   i want a haircut, right now
Name: :   shhh, promise you won't tell? *whispers alix in your ear* hehe
Age: :   and what will you do if I forgot, huh? Yea, well maybe I did!! HA!
Marital Status: :   we go through this everytime. You know what the answer is, so stop asking me :P
Social Secutrity Number: :   abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz. beat that!
Reason of Being here: :   I wanted to see the new signers of the guestbook.
Sock Color: :   grey with pretty kitties
Random thought going through your head: :   Last night I made a house out of pretzel sticks.
Complaints: :   Its hot outside *yucky*. That will be all for now. You are dismissed.
Name: :   Tom
Age: :   15
Marital Status: :   my girlfriend is a slutty bitch who cheats on me so I am gonna dump her soon
Social Secutrity Number: :   130666031
Reason of Being here: :   looking for the holy grail
Sock Color: :   argyle, with red and blue and yellow
Random thought going through your head: :   why my socks?
Complaints: :   
Name: :   Tom
Age: :   15
Marital Status: :   my girlfriend is a slutty bitch who cheats on me so I am gonna dump her soon
Social Secutrity Number: :   130666031
Reason of Being here: :   looking for the holy grail
Sock Color: :   argyle, with red and blue and yellow
Random thought going through your head: :   why my socks?
Complaints: :   I have a wedgie
Name: :   Just a lil' girl named alix...
Age: :   between 1 and 100 :o)
Marital Status: :   Same ol' story. I like someone, they don't like me, therefore no.
Social Secutrity Number: :   I asked my mom, but she doesn't know either.
Reason of Being here: :   I wanted to sign the guestbook because I was bored!
Sock Color: :   Blue with monkeys and bananas
Random thought going through your head: :   I got a jester hat with bells that go *jingle jingle*...I thought it was special at the time....
Complaints: :   I had a bad night last night and now I feel bad because I sat and complained to everyone. I feel pretty stupid too, but today was fun, I had a trip. I'll go byebye now. Byebye
Name: :   akira
Age: :   14
Marital Status: :   forever single
Social Secutrity Number: :   yeaa sure....
Reason of Being here: :   cause alix told me to
Sock Color: :   black
Random thought going through your head: :   i cant wait to get to complaints
Complaints: :   ahh i look so horrible in the pictures, wait i always look horrible, i guess its not that bad
Name: :   Carol
Age: :   i forgot... o wait! 14, yeah... 14....
Marital Status: :   i'm single but the waiter at the restaurant was pretty cute...
Social Secutrity Number: :   wait... i'm not even legal yet and he's probably like 20...
Reason of Being here: :   well there goes any chance of me getting together with the waiter!
Sock Color: :   not like we would've gotten together anyway
Random thought going through your head: :   sure showed you... i'm not wearing socks
Complaints: :   the waiter was funny. my dad was making fun of me with him and so he called him my b/f but just to prove him wrong i showed him my calada and since laura got it for me i said that she was my b/f and i love her dearly. The End.
Name: :   Crayola Colored Pencils 24 NON-TOXIC
Age: :   Product Information- Brand: Crayola, Product: 24 CT. Colored Pencils, Code #: 68-4024
Marital Status: :   Safety Information- ALL CRAYOLA ART MATERIALS ARE NON-TOXIC. Confirms to ASTM D-4236
Social Secutrity Number: :   Get ideas at
Reason of Being here: :   1-800-CRAYOLA Weekdays 9AM to 4PM EST.
Sock Color: :   BINNEY & SMITH, A Hallmark Company
Random thought going through your head: :   @1999 Binney & Smith, Easton, PA 18044-0431. All Rights Reserved. Made in Brazil. Distributed in Austrailia by Binney &Smith (Australia) Pty. Ltd.
Complaints: :   I wanted to see how much each of those categories could hold... guess who read the small print on the colored pencils box! O yeah, this is Carol *hugs for laura*
Name: :   Alex Aizenberg
Age: :   old
Marital Status: :   Kate is my woman of choice
Social Secutrity Number: :   Me not citizen me speak bad language
Reason of Being here: :   Bored, sweaty, and chris is in the john.
Sock Color: :   depends on whether it's inside or outside of the shue area...
Random thought going through your head: :   Life is but a walking shadow, tis a tale told by an idiot...
Complaints: :   Chis sux at guitar IDK what sXe means Soy makes MILK! I work in a cubicle I still don't know/can remember your name...
Name: :   Color Selection Includes
Age: :   Red, Red-orange, Orange, Yellow-orange, Peach, Yellow, Golden-yellow, Jade Green,
Marital Status: :   Yellow-green, Green, Aqua-green, Light Blue, Sky Blue, Blue, Violet, Pink,
Social Secutrity Number: :   Magenta, Mahogany, Tan, Light Brown, Brown, Gray, Black, White
Reason of Being here: :   RUBBING: Rub pencils with varying pressure against textures to create the rubbing technique.
Sock Color: :   CROSS HATCHING: Draw lines overlapping in different directions, some close together and some far apart, to create the cross hatching technique.
Random thought going through your head: :   FUN DRAWING IDEA: Using the rubbing and cross hatching techniques, you can produce a range of patterns and textures to create this still life.
Complaints: :   guess who read the rest of the colored pencils box! *raises hand* carol did! and no hugs this time cause you said that you hated me *sticks out tongue*
Name: :   a-l-i-x. Yay, I can spell!!!!
Age: :   Its gonna be the same whole number until next January, so no more telling you.
Marital Status: :   Oh guess what? No, I'm still single, still like him, still doesn't like me. Wow, soudns familiar!
Social Secutrity Number: :   *fails to remember* I think I'm failing this class miserably.
Reason of Being here: :   I wanted to see who's signed in recently...
Sock Color: :   happy striped toe socks!
Random thought going through your head: :   My head hurts, I can't think too well.
Complaints: :   I was putting my contacts in after school, and I had to put the left one in three times because it was hurting me :( And...and...the day was actually pretty good! HOORAY!
Name: :   akira
Age: :   14
Marital Status: :   i want a fembot!
Social Secutrity Number: :   i dont even know this one
Reason of Being here: :   pressed the wrong link
Sock Color: :   black
Random thought going through your head: :   id look funny with pink hair
Complaints: :   i want a fembot! someone make me one, or at least tell me how to make one!
Name: :   Stinky
Age: :   16
Marital Status: :   single soon
Social Secutrity Number: :   5473679637367...i think...
Reason of Being here: :   cause laura kiks ass
Sock Color: :   no socks on
Random thought going through your head: :   i'm hungry, it's 2 am and i fergot to eat dinner
Complaints: :   no complaints, just wanted to say that you kik ass. love, stinky
Name: :   alix.
Age: :   15! no, wait...i lied...14! yay!
Marital Status: :   I still like the same guy, but I think its about time to give up...
Social Secutrity Number: :   12345678987654321?
Reason of Being here: :   nothing better to do *shrugs*
Sock Color: :   pink with rubber duckies and bubbles
Random thought going through your head: :   and the purple pig jumped of the golden gate bridge because.....?
Complaints: :   actually, things are going quite well over here. For once I can leave the complaint box blank. Wait...oopsy daisy!
Name: :   Carol
Age: :   bob is really cute
Marital Status: :   he's my prince in furry armor
Social Secutrity Number: :   he's so fat and fluffy too
Reason of Being here: :   very hyper at times. when he's hyper, his eyes get reeeeeeeeally big
Sock Color: :   bob doesn't wear socks
Random thought going through your head: :   i hope everyone knows that bob is my cat
Complaints: :   everybody should love bob because bob is the best. i gave him a kiss today and he was lying down so he lifted up his paw and gave me a hug. i love bob. everybody should have their very own bob...
Name: :   Miss alix
Age: :   all teenager-agedlike
Marital Status: :   I saw a play yesterday with a cute guy in it....but i like someone else, although its pointless
Social Secutrity Number: :   *sings long to system of a down* good enough?
Reason of Being here: :   the boredom of summer
Sock Color: :   I'm not wearing s.....white with devils..
Random thought going through your head: :   I can't find ran away with my furby yesterday
Complaints: :   One of my teddy grahams was missing a leg and the others laughed at it, so I ate all of them, and saved the disabled one for last.
Name: :   Ben
Age: :   16
Marital Status: :   Single
Social Secutrity Number: :   464-4857 thats my phone number good enough
Reason of Being here: :   Becuase the quiz told me to
Sock Color: :   white with grey toes
Random thought going through your head: :   i ate to much barbecue
Complaints: :   there should be more pictures of me
Name: :   Carol
Age: :   my nails are pretty
Marital Status: :   single, which i'm not surprised about actually
Social Secutrity Number: :   34
Reason of Being here: :   i want a cookie
Sock Color: :   not wearing socks but i AM wearing grey slippers
Random thought going through your head: :   how could she fall in love with a dead guy?
Complaints: :   i just realized that we have the matrix and princess mononoke on dvd... and of course no one told me *grumbles*
Name: :   Justin
Age: :   14
Marital Status: :   single
Social Secutrity Number: :   dunno
Reason of Being here: :   pics of carol
Sock Color: :   white
Random thought going through your head: :   whats wrong with me
Complaints: :   ur site is not stupid. i like it alot. i like it so much, that i am going to put a link to it on my site (
Name: :   Carol
Age: :   *bounce*
Marital Status: :   single... but i'm engaged to about 5 people so does that count?
Social Secutrity Number: :   543534+545-348*2 and than you do something else but i forget
Reason of Being here: :   cause i wanted to read justin's message even though he dictacted the whole thing to me
Sock Color: :   not wearing any socks
Random thought going through your head: :   my feet are cold
Complaints: :   i need to redo my nails. i've been complaing about it for the past three days but i never did anything about it... i'll fix them tonight or something. hopefully... my feet are still cold
Name: :   Chewie!
Age: :   17
Marital Status: :   
Social Secutrity Number: :   Why the hell would I tell you that?
Reason of Being here: :   Um... I got lost
Sock Color: :   White
Random thought going through your head: :   D4 Baalor
Complaints: :   Not enough paste and needs more tape. Duck tape that is.
Name: :   Carol
Age: :   14
Marital Status: :   my head hurts
Social Secutrity Number: :   973.542.6644
Reason of Being here: :   cause i actually do have a complaint!
Sock Color: :   not wearing socks yet once again! haha, sure showed you ;-p
Random thought going through your head: :   *grumble grumble*
Complaints: :   ok... all of the pictures of me are like a year old. you need more recent pictures gosh darned it. and i don't copy your style (anymore)!!!! geez laura... i'm going to give you some more recent pictures so you can replace the other ones. got it, miss? goo
Name: :   Carol
Age: :   
Marital Status: :   
Social Secutrity Number: :   
Reason of Being here: :   cut me off
Sock Color: :   
Random thought going through your head: :   
Complaints: :   d
Name: :   *bounces around* alix
Age: :   younger than you *big smile*
Marital Status: :   doodly doo, deedly dee, single, same ol' story. aren't you tired of it?
Social Secutrity Number: :   Ask the machine I've been talking to
Reason of Being here: :   actually, I really don't know.
Sock Color: :   white with bees, I don't really like them *bites lip*
Random thought going through your head: :   What would happen if I jumped off the tallest building in the world? *goes to see*
Complaints: :   None at the moment, except I have no one to talk online *boohoo* And I made a new diary, but only two people left notes! (thank you akira) no more, byebye.
Name: :   chris" your new knup"
Age: :   161/2
Marital Status: :   single
Social Secutrity Number: :   hahah no
Reason of Being here: :   
Sock Color: :   
Random thought going through your head: :   
Complaints: :   
Name: :   chris" your new knup"
Age: :   161/2
Marital Status: :   single
Social Secutrity Number: :   hahah no
Reason of Being here: :   i talk to you on line and stuff
Sock Color: :   green
Random thought going through your head: :   mostly sex and music
Complaints: :   ummmmmm dunno its all good and stuff but u missed some decent bands on your band -o-namo otherwise ok
Name: :   Aloysius Zorganepher (Givemeyours0ul)
Age: :   19
Marital Status: :   single
Social Secutrity Number: :   666-00-6666
Reason of Being here: :   I clicked the link in your AIM info
Sock Color: :   Not wearing any right now
Random thought going through your head: :   Ummm.........Der
Complaints: :   WHERE IS MY COOKIE!!!!!
Name: :   Bill
Age: :   Over the Hill
Marital Status: :   Married
Social Secutrity Number: :   Secutrity?
Reason of Being here: :   I'm Taking a Break
Sock Color: :   Which One?
Random thought going through your head: :   Where is this going?
Complaints: :   There's no use complaining.
Name: :   robbie
Age: :   17
Marital Status: :   single
Social Secutrity Number: :   i duno
Reason of Being here: :   u made me :P
Sock Color: :   black
Random thought going through your head: :   q3 rox
Complaints: :! u made me sign it :P
Name: :   miss alix
Age: :   yet another fourteen-year-old in this world
Marital Status: :   single and somewhat happy
Social Secutrity Number: :   23947329876948376 yay!
Reason of Being here: :   I got bored?*Stares at nothing*
Sock Color: :   blue with orange fish, possibly resembling cheddar cheese
Random thought going through your head: :   Knock knock, who's there, a little old lady lost in a shoe
Complaints: :   Its really hot in this room, and I'm not in my house so I can't do anything about it...without feeling a little uncomfortable. Just a little. I'll shut up now. bye
Name: :   Ryan
Age: :   Ancient at 20
Marital Status: :   Single
Social Secutrity Number: :   They're always after me lucky charms....
Reason of Being here: :   I, too, know the pain of having many hits, but few guest book go to my page and sign!
Sock Color: :   One is white, one is black...racial sock harmony
Random thought going through your head: :   I want a peanut
Complaints: :'ve got a cool page and you seem like a cool person. You should come out to one of our shows and have fun! :) Check out our page...I'm rebuilding it. T00dles ;P
Name: :   Winston Smith
Age: :   24
Marital Status: :   Missing in Action
Social Secutrity Number: :   136-80-4477
Reason of Being here: :   Simple bad-assedness
Sock Color: :   surplus green
Random thought going through your head: :   Badger.
Complaints: :   Republicans, computers, american cars, the space-time continuum
Name: :   Acumen X
Age: :   21
Marital Status: :   Alive
Social Secutrity Number: :   ---0--0----
Reason of Being here: :   Checking out interesting sites and generating some noise about mine
Sock Color: :   glowing white
Random thought going through your head: :   AcumenStudios: the creators' undergound -Turning VISIONS into REALITY
Complaints: :   none. I liked the site, check out the one I am running, and see if you would be intrested in us. Acumen X
Name: :   I'm Nate. You don't know me, because you refuse to respond to my IMs
Age: :   16
Marital Status: :   I love me an Allison.
Social Secutrity Number: :   007-82-uh, I forget the rest
Reason of Being here: :   Because you hate me.
Sock Color: :   white with brown marks all over them
Random thought going through your head: :   Why do I never meet nice people that like me?
Complaints: :   Why do you hate me?
Name: :   ryan
Age: :   sixteen
Marital Status: :   kung fu?
Social Secutrity Number: :   eight six seven five three oh niieeiine.
Reason of Being here: :   i honestly don't know. i woke up in a ditch in tijuana with my underwear turned inside out and i ended up here somehow.
Sock Color: :   argile!
Random thought going through your head: :   i think i'm going to go as the ghost of JonBenet Ramsey for halloween this year.
Complaints: :   :( there are no midgets!
Name: :   Mike
Age: :   22
Marital Status: : if
Social Secutrity Number: :   *cough* ahem...
Reason of Being here: :   yay boredom!
Sock Color: :   which one?
Random thought going through your head: :   nuffin'
Complaints: :   whaaa whaaa whaaaa *whines some more* ok... I'm done. Spiffy page! You're absolutely hilarious. I tracked ya down from the hotornot thingy, but I umm...forgot to click yes, and hopped here instead. Doh! Here's moi: I
Name: :   Mike again...
Age: :   yah yah
Marital Status: :   =P
Social Secutrity Number: :   *waves paws menacingly*
Reason of Being here: :   silly guestbook cut me off!
Sock Color: :   one's white
Random thought going through your head: :   graar!!!
Complaints: :   righto then. Silly book cut me off. As I was saying... email: [email protected] Tell the other Mike that the zany aquabunny Mike says "hola!"
Name: :   Alix, long time no sign
Age: :   14 going on 3
Marital Status: :   as single as could be
Social Secutrity Number: :   *types a bunch of numbers*
Reason of Being here: :   Because its been a while since I checked it out
Sock Color: :   blue with pretty little butterflies
Random thought going through your head: :   And if I decided to shoot the M&M out the window we would all die
Complaints: :   none really, I thought there might be new pictures, but that's ok, ur site is still awesome and I'll still visit. Ok, must take a nap. byebye
Name: :   me again! ^^
Age: :   only a couple minutes older
Marital Status: :   hasn't changed quite yet
Social Secutrity Number: :   still don't remember
Reason of Being here: :   I wanted to draw a bunny
Sock Color: :   haven't changed them
Random thought going through your head: :   I'm all out of M&Ms, I guess I'll just chew on my pen
Complaints: :   I'm afraid bunny won't come out right. Oh well, here we go (\(\ (oO) (")(") I hope bunny's ok
Name: :   MatthewLee
Age: :   19
Marital Status: :   not married
Social Secutrity Number: :   hmm no
Reason of Being here: :   bored
Sock Color: :   they don't match
Random thought going through your head: :   'so let me get this stright, poeple use the internet for other things than porn?"-ryan
Complaints: :
Name: :   Ryknow
Age: :   18
Marital Status: :   single
Social Secutrity Number: :   666-69-1313
Reason of Being here: :   just cuz
Sock Color: :   white with grey toes
Random thought going through your head: :   moo?
Complaints: :   nothing to complain about today, nice site though.
Name: :   HRF
Age: :   19
Marital Status: :   Single
Social Secutrity Number: :   Hmm,...oh yea,...dont have one!!
Reason of Being here: :   Ver Cute pic on HOTorNOT
Sock Color: :   Black
Random thought going through your head: :   Entraced after reading site
Complaints: :   Anti Recycling?
Name: :   Travis
Age: :   18
Marital Status: :   never
Social Secutrity Number: :   666-666-6666
Reason of Being here: :   cause
Sock Color: :   white with red stripes
Random thought going through your head: :   i cant feel you dreaming of me
Complaints: :   hell ya, choking victim. hell yes choking vicim.
Name: :   Carol
Age: :   14
Marital Status: :   I love myself!.... ok... fine... I'm single
Social Secutrity Number: :   *tilts head*
Reason of Being here: :   I wanted to see if you put new pictures of me up yet
Sock Color: :   depends: does invisible count?
Random thought going through your head: :   why is there a screw driver here?
Complaints: :   Why aren't there more recent pictures of me on the page? Those "things" are all like over a year old! I'm all growed up now and and.... WAAAAHHHH!!!! Take new pictures of me!!
Name: :   Steve
Age: :   18
Marital Status: :   single
Social Secutrity Number: :   i would have given it if you spelled it right
Reason of Being here: :   to learn more about how cool you are
Sock Color: :   white at the moment
Random thought going through your head: :   I have something stuck in my teeth
Complaints: :   No complaints, site is pretty cool, you seem to be to, i saw you at, check out my site. Sorry if it's not as cool as yours.
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