Yahoo! GeoCities Guestbook Join 

Name: :   Laura
Age: :   16
Marital Status: :   I got married negative 2 years ago and 11 months
Social Security Number: :   ummm it has an 09something something something in it
Reason of Being here: :   no one would sign the book!
Sock Color: :   boring white =(
Random thought going through your head: :   why no one signs the book
Complaints: :   no one is signing the book... is it just they don't want to be the first person to sign it? or that they don't love me? SIGN THE BOOK
Name: :   Stevan
Age: :   18
Marital Status: :   single
Social Security Number: :   if your's is 555....then mine is 666
Reason of Being here: :   I like da picchers
Sock Color: :   argyle navy/gray
Random thought going through your head: :   I am thinking about this way to long
Complaints: :   Many. How come my love is wasted on someone who doesn't love me? Damn you Mandy Moore!!!! Get my band a show in New Jersey
Name: :   Mike (bassboy)
Age: :   16
Marital Status: :   pimp
Social Security Number: :   9932989
Reason of Being here: :   lauras cool
Sock Color: :   white
Random thought going through your head: :   why am i a pimp?
Complaints: :   i like the site no complaints, laura is cool and i dont know anyone else , have a nice day, RANCID IS THE BEST!
Name: :   Chewie Mulder
Age: :   17
Marital Status: :   
Social Security Number: :   Why Would I tell you!?
Reason of Being here: :   Was Forced To
Sock Color: :   White
Random thought going through your head: :   AH!! Scary Skeleton!!!!!!!
Complaints: :   NOT ENOUGH DORKINESS!!!!!!!!
Name: :   .a.i.n.s.l.e.y..a.n.g.s.t.
Age: :   16
Marital Status: :   Nick *muah*
Social Security Number: :   no one's that dumb kid...
Reason of Being here: :   waste of my time
Sock Color: :   why does it fuckin matter?
Random thought going through your head: :   **singing Bad Reputation by Joan Jet**
Complaints: :   Nice shit spikes ugly cunt! Don't something you don't want. No hard feelings about Nick...I'm a possesive lil twat. Love + Liberation. Anarch + Peace -Ains-
Name: :   laura, maker of all
Age: :   16
Marital Status: :   engaged, I think... MIKE ARE WE GETTING MARRIED?
Social Security Number: :   hehe, I love seeing peopls responcs to this
Reason of Being here: :   I read the g-book and laughed histaricaly at the last person to sign this
Sock Color: :   a pretty one...
Random thought going through your head: :   lol, ainsley angst is funny!!!
Complaints: :   First of all, ainsley angst mentioned a kid named nick... His name is chris, lol! I still won't ever know why he thinks he's a nick. Also, I don't think she realizes that all my backgrounds are mocking what they say... lol
Name: :   john Gosling
Age: :   older than I should be
Marital Status: :   depends on what my wives say.
Social Security Number: :   um, 4.
Reason of Being here: :   hey, why are you here?
Sock Color: :   n/a
Random thought going through your head: :   heheh...i have no socks...wait, there are scorpions here! Scorpions dont like the taste of socks, do they?
Complaints: :   what's not to complain about!? There a hole in the o-zone, my back is going out, taxes are too high, and I had erectile dysfunction till i was about 11! Oh wait, thats the whole puberty thing...Well, it was still a long time, and some girls thought i was
Name: :   Mephy
Age: :   It would not be in my best interest to disclose this information.
Marital Status: :   N/A
Social Security Number: :   HA HA! no.
Reason of Being here: :   I'm wondering that same thing myself...
Sock Color: :   I never wear socks because I hate them. Just like how I hate jeans. ..*Bleh*
Random thought going through your head: :   Bananas are much more than yellow fruit.
Complaints: :   Even the losers get lucky sometimes. Even the losers have a little bit of pride. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers should be acknowledged with a national monument.
Name: :   Loser Brother
Age: :   19
Marital Status: :   Single, thank god
Social Security Number: :   right...
Reason of Being here: :   I love my lil sis
Sock Color: :   white?
Random thought going through your head: :   why did she ask the sock color?
Complaints: :   not enough green
Name: :   David (sowell)
Age: :   24
Marital Status: :   no status
Social Security Number: :   gargoyle
Reason of Being here: :   artists keep me afloat
Sock Color: :   white, always cotton and white
Random thought going through your head: :   in joy we come, and enjoy; we must leave
Complaints: :   my main complaint is that i don't know how i was not invited to your last party,,,you know,,the one where everyone was gay for each other and you talked about how much you don't like alcohol...also, i havent goteen a mail from you , and i cant tell if you
Name: :   Happy Lil Dust Bunny
Age: :   14
Marital Status: :   Single..sort of
Social Security Number: :   umm.....I need to go find it
Reason of Being here: :   cause of laura...shes the bestest!
Sock Color: :   i's not wearing any socks right now
Random thought going through your head: :   there's a lion taped to my monitor!!!
Complaints: :   Arguments are more than a series of contradictions!!!
Name: :   Andy
Age: :   21
Marital Status: :   single :(
Social Security Number: :   666
Reason of Being here: :   you signed ~my~ guestbook
Sock Color: :   Black
Random thought going through your head: :   hentai
Complaints: :   There's no spot for webpage or e-mail?? Well.. E-mail: [email protected] Web Page: Image:
Name: :   Knuppie
Age: :   Bazillion
Marital Status: :   Happily Married
Social Security Number: :   0000000000000000000000000000000000000
Reason of Being here: :   
Sock Color: :   err.. dif colors, one white, one blue
Random thought going through your head: :   no, really, i'm wearing to differennt color soks
Complaints: :   Where's the naked pictures of me, people need to see naked pictures of me
Name: :   ryan
Age: :   15
Marital Status: :   im not gonna tell u laura
Social Security Number: :   (read above note)
Reason of Being here: :   its sunday, 2 am, im making a cd and there is nothing else to do
Sock Color: :   white but it has little gray areas on the heel and toe
Random thought going through your head: :   why i cant sleep
Complaints: :   you dont have a picture of me laura, i dont think im gonna talk to you in math the whole time now
Name: :   jeff
Age: :   19
Marital Status: :   nope nope
Social Security Number: :   4
Reason of Being here: :   i have no clue.. i was forced?
Sock Color: :   none now
Random thought going through your head: :   fire engines
Complaints: :   no complaints.. michael j fox is much funnier now.. then when i was a little kid.. family ties is a good show.
Name: :   falldown
Age: :   young
Marital Status: :   ...why do ya wanna know..? (winks)
Social Security Number: :   up yours
Reason of Being here: :   im bored
Sock Color: :   i usually have cool socks on, i just white (hangs head in shame)
Random thought going through your head: :   i was thinking about my socks but now about the bright blue font that the qs are written in. nothing specific, i was just thinking about them.
Complaints: :   i have no complaints...i just wanted a cookie.
Name: :   falldown
Age: :   ^
Marital Status: :   too complicated right now...but i have a steady future
Social Security Number: :   i think i already stated it...u-p y-o-u-r-s
Reason of Being here: :   i want my cookie!!
Sock Color: :   wheres my cookie!
Random thought going through your head: :   gimme the goddamn cookie!!
Complaints: :   there are ~no~ cookies for me!!! you promised...oh here it is! (munch)
Name: :   alix
Age: :   I like the number 13, but I'm yea
Marital Status: :   the correct answer is no, but i like being wrong
Social Security Number: :   you've inspired me to find out what it is :)
Reason of Being here: :   I realized I haven't signed the guestbook for quite some time. Is that believable?
Sock Color: :   Pink with frogs that have hoolahoops!
Random thought going through your head: :   My gummi worm is not gummi no more :(
Complaints: :   About the site? I haven't looked at it lately, but I'm sure its just marvelous.'m just having some problems...*shrugs* oh well
Name: :   XxXJosiahXxX
Age: :   17
Marital Status: :   ?
Social Security Number: :   I have no clue
Reason of Being here: :   because i''m friends with little fuzzy dork
Sock Color: :   black
Random thought going through your head: :   damb kids walking around smoking, knowing they are killing themself, but like the taste of death in their lungs
Complaints: :   none
Name: :   Zach
Age: :   19
Marital Status: :   single
Social Security Number: :   i know it
Reason of Being here: :   boredom
Sock Color: :   white with red stripes
Random thought going through your head: :   can i grind the rail over at the student center?
Complaints: :   uh, nothin to complain about, except that i'm bored as hell!! i just thought ya looked pretty cool and thought i'd say hi. so "hi". if you're bored and you have AIM or aol or whatever, IM me at mxpx1582. later
Name: :   tyler
Age: :   
Marital Status: :   polygamist
Social Security Number: :   
Reason of Being here: :   just sorta stumbled in
Sock Color: :   neon green with blue stripes a pink pakadots.... wait, no, white
Random thought going through your head: :   
Complaints: :   i have no complaint, but i shall say: sweet site... and now i leave by saying go to , which also happens to be a site, a site that i happen to be involved with
Name: :   Turd Ferguson
Age: :   16
Marital Status: :   Comp USA Employee
Social Security Number: :   I'm number 1, baby!
Reason of Being here: :   To be the leader of the anarchists *snort* *drool*
Sock Color: :   Black, the color of my bile pumping heart
Random thought going through your head: :   I Love Latins: #1 Dating & Romance Tours!!!!
Complaints: :   My car smells like cheese... It's a 1997 Geo Prism, and whenever I get inside, I have to roll the windows down to clear the car of cheese-stench. Also, I'm lonely.
Name: :   lil Mike
Age: :   14 or something close to that
Marital Status: :   two arms?
Social Security Number: :   poop, that is the best word ever
Reason of Being here: :   cuz laura is oh so great and wonderful and and and....ok, i lost my train of thought once again....
Sock Color: :   black with yellow toe and heel
Random thought going through your head: :   why dont i have more different color socks?
Complaints: :   i dont have my ring nemore:'( linsey took it and wont give it back *cries so hard*
Name: :   giulianna Politano (Frank lil sister)
Age: :   ?? i forgot..
Marital Status: :   i am not single
Social Security Number: :   what!?? ummm ok 45678?
Reason of Being here: :   why not?
Sock Color: :   one black one white and fishnet
Random thought going through your head: :   wow Laura is soo cool
Complaints: :   ehhe i love ur pictures! and i am gonna bitch and whine... im not in it =( hhehe- talk to u online-giulianna
Name: :   Shania Twain
Age: :   i can't say ... why u asking a lady
Marital Status: :   well me and kid rock are in bed a lot
Social Security Number: :   i am poor (wink)
Reason of Being here: :   i don't know
Sock Color: :   white all the way.. i am a pop princess
Random thought going through your head: :   i wish she had some country music in the background
Complaints: :   why didn't u just make a fan website for me.... the great Shania Twain?
Name: :   Andy
Age: :   21
Marital Status: :   Single and on the prowl
Social Security Number: :   666-69-1234
Reason of Being here: :   Hot or Not
Sock Color: :   Black
Random thought going through your head: :   meow!
Complaints: :   yay!!
Name: :   Derek Bales
Age: :   17
Marital Status: :   single and looking
Social Security Number: :   i forgot
Reason of Being here: :   
Sock Color: :   
Random thought going through your head: :   
Complaints: :   
Name: :   Derek Bales
Age: :   17
Marital Status: :   single and looking
Social Security Number: :   i forgot
Reason of Being here: :   i love laura
Sock Color: :   white
Random thought going through your head: :   im a sculpture
Complaints: :   i love you laura!! no complaints
Name: :   Erik
Age: :   26
Marital Status: :   single
Social Security Number: :   666
Reason of Being here: :   curiosity mixed with amazement
Sock Color: :   which socks?
Random thought going through your head: :   cats
Complaints: :   Do I have to have complaints? Ok, you should listen to Type O Negative, they're good stuff. You've got the best song by BAd Religion listed - "Infected" - Good Job! Don't forget about Megadeth.
Name: :   angelica Bruner
Age: :   17
Marital Status: :   owen!
Social Security Number: :   464-5075---no that is my phone me
Reason of Being here: :   im gay.... uh no i love laura
Sock Color: :   i dunno, im high
Random thought going through your head: :   
Complaints: :   hey laura u rock this world!
Name: :   Michael
Age: :   25 and regressing
Marital Status: :   hahaha
Social Security Number: :   you can track me down just as easily with this: [email protected]
Reason of Being here: :   it's amazing where you end up when you just close your eyes and hit random keys....
Sock Color: :   none required here in the jungle
Random thought going through your head: :   "In Search of Sunrise" (DJ Tiesto) is killer when you're sleep deprived
Complaints: :   Complaints? Okay, first off, your page lacks the standard boring factor that so many people building homepages embrace. Second: the writings, artwork, and people depicted are all curiously interesting, which flys in the face of convention regarding the tr
Name: :   Mike, with The Truncated Part
Age: :   
Marital Status: :   
Social Security Number: :   drum roll please...
Reason of Being here: :   
Sock Color: :   
Random thought going through your head: :   
Complaints: :   ...tradition of personal webpages only being interesting to the people who built them. Sorry, I'm really not this mean. Hey... hey! Where are you going?heheh... But in all seriousness, you seem like a very cool person, with a talent for creativity. Best o
Name: :   Lil Mike
Age: :   14 in some cases 4
Marital Status: : one :(
Social Security Number: :   the number after that one before the other one and in the middle of those two
Reason of Being here: :   im bored as hell...i wanna hug
Sock Color: :   old school white with the blue and yellow lines at the top
Random thought going through your head: :   get those potatoe chips out of my ear please
Complaints: :   i dont want to live in this town or state anymore
Name: :   Laura
Age: :   Old enough to have a kid
Marital Status: :   depends on the week
Social Security Number: :   something I never took the time to learn
Reason of Being here: :   because lil mike was all sad ish
Sock Color: :   One sock is grey, the other is white
Random thought going through your head: :   my tummy goes "blumpf"
Complaints: :   no complaints... gotta update this soon. I will once I get explorer working. Poor mikey feeling all icky. Everyone take pitty on him
Name: :   Mike Lucas
Age: :   18
Marital Status: :   Not
Social Security Number: :   yeah right!
Reason of Being here: :   Hot or not link off ;)
Sock Color: :   umm white right now
Random thought going through your head: :   orange
Complaints: :   Complaint i don't wanna complain! but hey i will tell you that i think your hot and that i like anime too. [email protected] . If you wanna see me goto lol bye
Name: :   rob
Age: :   18
Marital Status: :   useless
Social Security Number: :   lol..i don't even know
Reason of Being here: :   horny
Sock Color: :   black
Random thought going through your head: :   DER-FUR-ER?
Complaints: :   w00t GoD iS iN THe tV!
Name: :   La
Age: :   17
Marital Status: :   single
Social Security Number: :   bah
Reason of Being here: :   i love you
Sock Color: :   none
Random thought going through your head: :   mmmmmm cinamon toast
Complaints: :   none! hehehe. i love you Greenie!
Name: :   The Pat
Age: :   18
Marital Status: :   theres a tattoo somewhere on my body that says "Tina's"
Social Security Number: :   i dont have one... holy shit!... the INS is chasing me!
Reason of Being here: :   bored... like a bunny...
Sock Color: :   white with dirty brown soles
Random thought going through your head: :   which head?
Complaints: :   heyyy how come there arent any piccies of thin me or me and tina or tina...
Name: :   lil' miss alix
Age: :   15 so far
Marital Status: :   nonexistant, probably not to change
Social Security Number: :   shoobee doo bop bop bow
Reason of Being here: :   I always enjoy looking at the pictures and checking for new ones
Sock Color: :   red and black with an evil kitty on it
Random thought going through your head: :   You are my sunshine, my only pen ran out of ink :(
Complaints: :   I ate too much popcorn so I made my tummy angry...and...and...I sneezed on myself and it was yucky.
Name: :   George
Age: :   17 last time I checked
Marital Status: :   Singlelele
Social Security Number: :   09007600213030405
Reason of Being here: :   that's a very deep question
Sock Color: :   black at the moment, but they may have been another colour before
Random thought going through your head: :   do tree frogs grow on trees?
Complaints: :   My left foot is hurting and it's really pissing me off. You don't happen to have a cure do you? Cool site. here's mine, also fantastic -
Name: :   eric
Age: :   23
Marital Status: :   single
Social Security Number: :   p00p 0n 92
Reason of Being here: :   i like you
Sock Color: :   black...
Random thought going through your head: :   boredbored
Complaints: :   none...but i will complain if you dont sign my guest book!!!!
Name: :   I guess I'll say.. Nibble!
Age: :   too old to be a kid anymore =/
Marital Status: :   don't mock me.. *sniff*
Social Security Number: :   3
Reason of Being here: :   I left you a comment in your journal and well you didn't reply and I've waited and waited and waited and now I'm going to stalk you and sign here and im you all the time and and and I love you.
Sock Color: :   not wearing socks now. slippers. they're dorky plaid, and rather dirty on the inside =o, but sooo comfie.
Random thought going through your head: :   umm this song... god must hate me, judged me for eternity, god must hate me, maybe you should pray for me, breakin' down and you can't save me, fuckin' hell and.. I wanna go home.
Complaints: :   I wish some people would reply to lj comments.. *glare* =P.. and I'm so bored and lonely today. and hungry. but then again I'm always hungry.
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