Yahoo! GeoCities Guestbook Join 

Name: :   LaLa the wonderfully non bestest
Age: :   2 zillion and 67/39258ths
Marital Status: :   ummm... Engaged... does that mean I have to fill in the lil taken dot, or the married dot?
Social Secutrity Number: :   something or other, that I don't have memorized... but WAIT!! ARE YOU OUT TO KILL ME?!!?!... oh, this is my page... WAIT!! am I out to kill myself? AHHH!! SAVE ME FROM MYSELF!!
Reason of Being here: :   The guestbook look lonly, and well, I wanted to make it happy, cause things seem happy when they're givin attention!!
Sock Color: :   rainbow, with lil powerpuff girls on it... and they have toes... and they're warm, really warm... serra gave em to me for gift giving day!
Random thought going through your head: :   Just cause I'm better then you, doesn't make me the best... it just makes you of a less satus then me!
Complaints: :   Poor lil guestbook... it looked all sad... I needed to save it... anyway, its tradition that creater should sign the book first!! YEAH!... anyway, ummm signy signy signy... Guys check out the page... once I get the random dork stuff up, then it'll be alot
Name: :   Kimmie Tarts
Age: :   16 with 21 years of experence i am only 16 though
Marital Status: :   single and looking (comeone persons (boys and girls i know you want me)
Social Secutrity Number: :   a how about ...NO!
Reason of Being here: :   I LOVE YOU SWEETIE PIE!
Sock Color: :   blah with red flames
Random thought going through your head: :   lammas in pajamas haveing interesting conversations with monkeys while they both eat bananas and running the 50 yard dash and falling into a large ditch in the ground and become hostage to a bunch of angy rhinos
Complaints: :   your site is really good. you are a excilent drawer, writer and overall sexy person. the graphis are really good and so are the backgrounds.!! damn you! why are you better then me! waaa. at least i have bigger boobies. la la la. i wanna be in a picture!
Name: :   Joshie Fostah!!
Age: :   13/14 in Feb
Marital Status: :   Who Cares
Social Secutrity Number: :   Like I'd put that online
Reason of Being here: :   KUZ LAURA RULES!
Sock Color: :   White
Random thought going through your head: :   Why do you care about my socks?
Complaints: :   Nothing!
Name: :   Alix
Age: :   13
Marital Status: :   gots a boyfriend
Social Secutrity Number: :   don't have it handy
Reason of Being here: :   wanna see the pictures
Sock Color: :   white with flowers
Random thought going through your head: :   I feel like peeling potatoes
Complaints: :   absolutely none!
Name: :   John
Age: :   16
Marital Status: :   depends...
Social Secutrity Number: :   im not a idiot, believe it or not...
Reason of Being here: :   cuz I felt like it, OK?!??!
Sock Color: :   platinum or invisible
Random thought going through your head: :   plantinum socks would hurt...
Complaints: :   my complaint is the first time i tried to sign up, the damn thing wouldnt let me! Also, i only bought that TV 2 days ago, and its allready broken! when do i get my refund??!!?!!?
Name: :   aki
Age: :   14 i think
Marital Status: :   status of the marital?
Social Secutrity Number: :   u wish
Reason of Being here: :   i dont know
Sock Color: :   black
Random thought going through your head: :   aha i caught the pink panther, what now?
Complaints: :   coal chamber broke up before releasing their 3rd cd
Name: :   The Pink Kittie (='.'=)
Age: :   3 1/4
Marital Status: :   I have an ERIC...he's cute and stuff
Social Secutrity Number: :   
Reason of Being here: :   cuz i'm gonna take laura from mike....
Sock Color: :   
Random thought going through your head: :   i'm a little tea pot shot and stout.......
Complaints: :   MIKE i want laura! just give her to me for a day...puh-leese??? no? oh fine! can we share her for a day? ok....YAY!!!
Name: :   akira the spike head for a day
Age: :   somewhere between 1 and 43958394853485
Marital Status: :   does the dorrito i ate count?
Social Secutrity Number: :   666 yay fun number
Reason of Being here: :   my head is spikey, thats why
Sock Color: :   black
Random thought going through your head: :   *falls out of chair twice in five seconds*
Complaints: :   every popular person touched the spikes on my head, and thats creepy
Name: :   Brian
Age: :   15
Marital Status: :   single
Social Secutrity Number: :   00000000000000000000000
Reason of Being here: :   cuz i was forced by a madman!
Sock Color: :   white
Random thought going through your head: :   what the hell am i doing here?
Complaints: :   Fear Factory needs to hurry up with their new cd, same for slipknot, coal chamber, tool, and other ones i like. now give me my damn cookie!
Name: :   Ben
Age: :   16
Marital Status: :   single
Social Secutrity Number: :   none of your damn business
Reason of Being here: :   im bored
Sock Color: :   grey
Random thought going through your head: :   cheese monkey
Complaints: :   not enough kissing not enough metal related stuff
Name: :   Jeeds
Age: :   .......... *pout*
Marital Status: :   single single.... wait.... n/m^^
Social Secutrity Number: :   13
Reason of Being here: :   my head hurts
Sock Color: :   black with yellow moons and stars and penguins on blue clouds
Random thought going through your head: :   i think i got my age and social security number mixed up
Complaints: :   i miss all my best friends.... i haven't hung out with them enough, and it really sucks concidering i own one of them! when i own somebody i'm supposed to see them more! i gave up two lolliepops for that person, damnit! okie, i'm done, bu bye
Name: :   Oshy
Age: :   15
Marital Status: :   Luv Kaitlyn with my life
Social Secutrity Number: :   Not gettin this one
Reason of Being here: :   Hand cuffs hurt
Sock Color: :   BLUE!
Random thought going through your head: :   I love Kaitlyn. o.o;
Complaints: :   I dunno how to make this backround. No fare. Oh yeah, you owe me a dollar. :)
Name: :   SpeCial K
Age: :   hmmmm...
Marital Status: :   non- single
Social Secutrity Number: :   Riiight
Reason of Being here: :   U Yelled @ me and told me to sign da book... ... ...
Sock Color: :   Multi- StooF
Random thought going through your head: :   Why the hell is this sooo Frickin' LONG!?!?!?
Complaints: :   Yeah and stooF. ima DorK... No WaIT ura DorK... O i kno, we're both DorKs. ~*~ Special K ~*~
Name: :   Pat & Osh
Age: :   17 & 15
Marital Status: :   MARRIED!!!
Social Secutrity Number: :   69
Reason of Being here: :   i came here in return for a sexual favor
Sock Color: :   pink
Random thought going through your head: :   damn taz's hot
Complaints: :   many....
Name: :   La
Age: :   16
Marital Status: :   single (shut up shut up shut up)
Social Secutrity Number: :   hmmm geee why should i tell yu that
Reason of Being here: :   because you're laura?
Sock Color: :   they're clouds. yes, clouds
Random thought going through your head: :   why isn't *person* online?
Complaints: :   My page is soooo better! I have more pictures! =) Teehee, JK. I'm adding you to the links page darlin'.
Name: :   Alix (can I sign again?)
Age: :   I'm actually 14 now, yay!
Marital Status: :   *whimpers and shakes head*
Social Secutrity Number: :   That's one thing you won't get out of me.
Reason of Being here: :   Cuz I haven't checked it out in a while.
Sock Color: :   Purple with ladybugs
Random thought going through your head: :   What would happen if I went outside and screamed "I DIDN'T DO IT!"
Complaints: :   Why is there so much room for this? I don't have any, except there are no pictures of me! I'm j/k, that's quite alright. No one wants to see this gal anywayz! Luv ya FuzzyDork! Am I done now? yay! Byebye!
Name: :   Jeedsicle
Age: :   13....4.... 134.... yeah....
Marital Status: :   single... which is fine with me right now
Social Secutrity Number: :   eleventeen
Reason of Being here: :   i'm sleepy and i needed a good bedtime story
Sock Color: :   blue with rainbow hearts on it
Random thought going through your head: :   I THOUGHT WEDDING DRESS SHOPPING WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN!
Complaints: :   1. i can't remember my age *pouts* 2. no one believes that eleventeen is a number 3. i'm sleepy and no one's here to tuck me in : ( 4. i want more socks 5. my mommy made me go to david's bridal when i was hungry, and when i'm hungry i'm tired, and when i'
Name: :   
Age: :   
Marital Status: :   
Social Secutrity Number: :   
Reason of Being here: :   stupid thing cut me off
Sock Color: :   
Random thought going through your head: :   
Complaints: :   m tired i'm grumpy, and when i'm grumpy... all must suffer.... whatever number is next. my leg hurts.... okie, i'm done... LOVE YA! *hugs*
Name: :   ally
Age: :   born time!
Marital Status: :   ooo, but I am all alone!
Social Secutrity Number: :   b..b..b..but, why?
Reason of Being here: :   Why, you don't luv me and don't want me here? *shniffles*
Sock Color: :   white, but they say I
Random thought going through your head: :   If two people threw a baseball at the same time into the exact same spot of the exact same window...which way would the glass shatter?
Complaints: :   I have a cold .
Name: :   
Age: :   
Marital Status: :   
Social Secutrity Number: :   
Reason of Being here: :   it cut off my sock color!
Sock Color: :   they say I
Random thought going through your head: :   I'm going to sneeze, after I plug in the lights.
Complaints: :   I had another complaint! I can't hang out with my friends today *whimper*, and my friend is pissing me off, hooray!!!
Name: :   CHARISSA
Age: :   15 =X
Marital Status: :   
Social Secutrity Number: :   "we*ve got one thing you dont have, we*ve got the numbers, got the numbers" // antiflag
Reason of Being here: :   i*M cool.
Sock Color: :   white.
Random thought going through your head: :   you look like the girl i love.
Complaints: :   ok, so, im mark*s bestfriend + he sent me here cuz he told me you look like this girl i am in love with, + im amazed, cuz you really do, im almost pissin myself. email me or whatever + we can talkkkkk cuz if yr hanging out w/ mark, yr automatically cool
Name: :   ShEkTeR (mark)
Age: :   15
Marital Status: :   "lookin for the girl with the heart of gold"
Social Secutrity Number: :   43040 (this is my skool personal # thingy)
Reason of Being here: :   to sign the g-book
Sock Color: :   depends, usually black
Random thought going through your head: :   the foggy memories of last nite
Complaints: :   u have a rad page. i suck at signing guest books l8er mark
Name: :   Carol
Age: :   14
Marital Status: :   single
Social Secutrity Number: :   i forget
Reason of Being here: :   *shrugs*
Sock Color: :   blue with rainbow hearts
Random thought going through your head: :   i'm confused
Complaints: :   i'm tired and i don't know why and i've been getting out of bed too late for the past few mornings and i'm confused but i don't know what i'm confused about and i forgot to give laura back her ring and i need to write three more pages of my research repor
Name: :   um....*takes out piece of paper* alix!
Age: :   less than 15, more than the math
Marital Status: :   I'm married? YAY! wait...i'm single! oh well, :)
Social Secutrity Number: :
Reason of Being here: :   I...I...I...luv you! *giggles*
Sock Color: :   one has bubbles, the other has a snake
Random thought going through your head: :   Why does Donald duck wear a towel around his waist, but not wear pants?
Complaints: :   Last week was the worst week of my 8th grade life *sniff* But, I luv you!
Name: :   Kasey
Age: :   3??
Marital Status: :   *shrugs*
Social Secutrity Number: :   ummm....
Reason of Being here: :   Nothing better to do.
Sock Color: :   blue and green with fishies
Random thought going through your head: :   your questions are much to hard!!
Complaints: :   None that I can think of at this moment...but if I come across any I will let you know.
Name: :   Carol
Age: :   14
Marital Status: :   i gots a cute lil side kick whom is ever so spiffy
Social Secutrity Number: :   fdfs.rerw.hty.vf.ree
Reason of Being here: :   my tummy's itchy
Sock Color: :   o my.... they're just plain white....
Random thought going through your head: :   o my.... they're just plain white....
Complaints: :   no one else has any good complaints. i mean come on, people! COMPLAIN!!! see? i'm complaining bout you all not complaining enough. so start bickering, already! okie... love you *hugs*
Name: :   xlia...well, at least I got the letters right!
Age: :   7230-7216, I think. I'm not good at math. oh well
Marital Status: :   me married :) *giggle giggle*
Social Secutrity Number: :   Blue, Purple, Orange, Yellow, 2315
Reason of Being here: :   I accidentally clicked on the wrong bookkmark actually
Sock Color: :   blue with a hippo splashing in a puddle
Random thought going through your head: :   Do cheez-its really contain 100% real cheese?
Complaints: :   Today I got really upset and wouldn't talk to anyone after 6th period. I complain because I'm mad at myself for getting really angry and sad. *hits herself* Oh well, I'm quite a happy child now. Well, no matter what, I luv you! *hugs*
Name: :   Mike
Age: :   17
Marital Status: :   I'm not married
Social Secutrity Number: :   not telling!
Reason of Being here: :   you told me to sign
Sock Color: :   white again =(
Random thought going through your head: :   my socks suck, I need some color
Complaints: :   I don't have any complaints, it's a great page, and I got my own page! For now at least. and you said my smile looks like dexters, and that's great too. so anyway, thank you for putting me on your page, and your page is great, bye bye!
Name: :   Jeeds
Age: :   i like bubble baths
Marital Status: :   boyfriend
Social Secutrity Number: :   wait... my martial status sounds weird
Reason of Being here: :   i meant to say i have a boyfriend
Sock Color: :   ut oh... (sock color is clear)
Random thought going through your head: :   i'm getting myself into trouble here...
Complaints: :   ok, what i meant to say was that i have a boyfriend. i'm not the boyfriend, cause i'm a GIRL so i can't be a BOYfriend... but ahzee tells people that i'm her boyfriend... but she's just kidding... i think... *sweatdrop* heh heh... well... i have a boyfrie
Name: :   
Age: :   
Marital Status: :   
Social Secutrity Number: :   
Reason of Being here: :   
Sock Color: :   
Random thought going through your head: :   i shouldn't write such long complaints
Complaints: :   nd and his name's mike. there. i'm done. *phew*
Name: :   Carol
Age: :   14
Marital Status: :   taken, thank you very mooch
Social Secutrity Number: :   paper swans are fun
Reason of Being here: :   i'm lonely
Sock Color: :   different shades of blue (stripped)
Random thought going through your head: :   i wanna talk to someone
Complaints: :   i'm lonely. i wanna be around one of my friends right now.... if not that then i want to at least talk to them. *sigh* i'm also tired. maybe i'll go to bed. i get to be around my best third grade friend tomorrow. ah, the joys of babysitting... love you! *
Name: :   Ross
Age: :   16 (to the best of my knowledge)
Marital Status: :   Um, legally speaking, single
Social Secutrity Number: :   666*666*666
Reason of Being here: :   Putting off work. And, oh yeah, Laura, that too. I mean "her." her too.
Sock Color: :   Black. So black that light cannot escape its surface
Random thought going through your head: :   What is the Charlie Brown syndrome?
Complaints: :   I dunno. Page looks good, but some of your pics are a little big. lucky i'm on DSL or it would take a long time.
Name: :   Sarah Rose
Age: :   16
Marital Status: :   not
Social Secutrity Number: :   what?!
Reason of Being here: :   cuz I love Laura
Sock Color: :   right now? navy blue
Random thought going through your head: :   why does she want my ss number?
Complaints: :   I haven't seen you in MONTHS! I MISS YOU!!!
Name: :   john
Age: :   15
Marital Status: :   married to my right hand
Social Secutrity Number: :   14MS0313370
Reason of Being here: :   looking at pictures of me...narcisstic isnt it
Sock Color: :   black
Random thought going through your head: :   i wuv laura
Complaints: :   not enough blowed up stuff
Name: :   quinny
Age: :   16
Marital Status: :   not married but not single
Social Secutrity Number: :   dont have 1 im scottish :o)
Reason of Being here: :   forced into it
Sock Color: :   none on
Random thought going through your head: :   must find socks
Complaints: :   gettn bullied into signin the book
Name: :   akira, king of all, um yea
Age: :   weeeeeeee
Marital Status: :   girls seem to stay away from me
Social Secutrity Number: :   moof
Reason of Being here: :   i dunno, i was bored
Sock Color: :   i dunno, i cant see them from here
Random thought going through your head: :   is there a cracker faced elephant boy?
Complaints: :   my hair is goofy damn these hands, i cant get them off my wrists!
Name: :   Ben
Age: :   16
Marital Status: :   Monkey
Social Secutrity Number: :   908-46-40226
Reason of Being here: :   i felt sorry for you becuase you wanted all those entries but they werent there
Sock Color: :   magenta
Random thought going through your head: :   Dammit Tim
Complaints: :   Why should I fuck congress cant someone else do it.
Name: :   Lil Mikey
Age: :   ACK!
Marital Status: :   CAROL!!!
Social Secutrity Number: :   kihhftgfcffhjhjjjhjhhjfgfd
Reason of Being here: :   im illiterate
Sock Color: :   19
Random thought going through your head: :   why am i still a virgin(hehe jk)
Complaints: :   Y AM I STILL A VIRGIN????!!!!
Name: :   *swings feet* alix *innocent look*
Age: :   abcdfeghijklmn (get it?)
Marital Status: :   no husband, no boyfriend, just me, myself and I
Social Secutrity Number: :   *types Scoial Security Number*
Reason of Being here: :   I was looking at Laura's new profile and just kinda clicked on the pretty blue underlined letters
Sock Color: :   blue with orange fish :)
Random thought going through your head: :   I want a bunny with a purple tail, orange spots, and a cherry lollipop!
Complaints: :   My friend has been such a baby lately! I can't stand her! She gets so bitchy and pissy and everyone gets annoyed and she just won't stop. I don't wanna be here. My home sucks. Can I come live with you?? *puppy eyes*
Name: :   The Grand Patski
Age: :   i dunno.. i think im illegal
Marital Status: :   "very single" grrrr laurie
Social Secutrity Number: :   social security? now theres an oxy moron
Reason of Being here: :   i felt like it... plus i was bored... plus im frustrated at my phone... eeeeee moving right along...
Sock Color: :   *sniff sniff* the smelly one?
Random thought going through your head: :   Randomn thought going through your head
Complaints: :   heyyyy why no piccies of me grrrr...
Name: :   Tweak or God, I'll respond to either one
Age: :   42, the answer to life the universe and everything.
Marital Status: :   Married, with a girl friend, and a mistriss
Social Secutrity Number: :   000-00-0001
Reason of Being here: :   I'm not really here, I'm over there.
Sock Color: :   Currently brown.... Eww....
Random thought going through your head: :   [...] Wait silence, isn't a good thing to be putting down for this...
Complaints: :   I'm complaining that there is to much space for the complaint box!! :)
Name: :   The girl that got the bunny! YAY!
Age: :   fourteentyish
Marital Status: :   nothing but a crush *sigh*
Social Secutrity Number: :   I just spent five and half hours talking to akira, i don't remember anything
Reason of Being here: :   I love you
Sock Color: :   white with devils
Random thought going through your head: :   why the poopy did i talk to akira for five and half hours?
Complaints: :   No one can come to the movies with me tonight! *boohoo* Everyone has hw to do or something or other. I GOT A BUNNY! WITH A PURPLE TAIL AND ORANGE POLKA DOTTIES! THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU! *makes adorable little cute child face* *mwah!* byebye now
Name: :   stinky
Age: :   
Marital Status: :   
Social Secutrity Number: :   0000000000000000000000000000000000
Reason of Being here: :   
Sock Color: :   
Random thought going through your head: :   poop is a funny word
Complaints: :   no complaints, just want to say that i am stinky and i stink and that yer page hates me and i'm horrid and shouldn't be on there. love, stinky
Name: :   Pat
Age: :   Seventeen
Marital Status: :   Single. So very single. But I'm supposed to marry Carol...
Social Secutrity Number: :   666
Reason of Being here: :   I...don't know.
Sock Color: :   White...with Sailor Venus on the sides.
Random thought going through your head: :   I wish I had a pet squirrel.
Complaints: :   Hello. I enjoy your page very muchly, although I think the grammar and spelling need some tweaking :P You're a really good artist. I wish I could draw as well as you; I could never get past simple, crude-looking cartoons. But oh well. Can't think o
Name: :   Tina
Age: :   16
Marital Status: :   single, oh yes, very single
Social Secutrity Number: :   oh yea, i can tell you that , no problem
Reason of Being here: :   because i thought it could be intersesting. BUT IT'S NOT SO THERE TAKE THAT !!!!!!! just kidding, or am i?
Sock Color: :   i don't know, i think i am going color blind AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Random thought going through your head: :   how cute joshy boy's pic was
Complaints: :   ohh man, down to the good part, i could say so much. no. i won't tell you . you will just have to figure that one out for yourself so hhhhhhhaaaaaaaa!!!!!!
Name: :   alix (stop forgetting my name!!!!)
Age: :   I hate decimals *blink blink* between 12 and 100
Marital Status: :   I...I....just like someone *makes a cute face* and and, they don't like me. So, that doesn't work out too well.
Social Secutrity Number: :   This confuses me every single time. I can't remember numbers larger than 1432308586, so ha!
Reason of Being here: :   I have no one to talk to and I'm feeling all sad and needed some cheering up.
Sock Color: :   Blue with some pretty spiffy snakes on the sides.
Random thought going through your head: :   When can I move out of this house?
Complaints: :   None of my friends are online, so I have no one to talk to. I'm not really happy with my phone, so I'm igonring it, take that! I'm just not in a good mood. I was supposed to go the zoo today, but my friend couldn't go, so I told my parents I didn't want t
Name: :   The one who just signed the book!
Age: :   Look, I already told you, I don't know, geeze! :P
Marital Status: :   stop reminding me
Social Secutrity Number: :   can't remember anything
Reason of Being here: :   i complained too much and had to finish my complaints from last time
Sock Color: :   I didn't change my socks, don't worry
Random thought going through your head: :   when will someone finally come online to talk with me, I'm all alone.
Complaints: :   i told them I didn't want to go to the zoo at all and i'm done complaining. *whimpers* I need a hug *sigh*
Name: :   Carol
Age: :   14
Marital Status: :   Mikey
Social Secutrity Number: :   the dust bunnies ate my gramma
Reason of Being here: :   cause someone needs a hug
Sock Color: :   blue stripes with flowers
Random thought going through your head: :   someone needs a hug and i've been told i'm a good hugger
Complaints: :   *hugs alix* Alix needs some cheering up. I say that we should have a bake sale for her. I never did have that bake sale for Mikey.... O! Also I'm really happy cause for one thing Pat remembered our emgagement and for another thing i only have 5 more days
Name: :   
Age: :   
Marital Status: :   
Social Secutrity Number: :   
Reason of Being here: :   
Sock Color: :   
Random thought going through your head: :   
Complaints: :   of school left and WHY THE FRILL DOES THIS THING KEEP CUTTING ME OFF!!!
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