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Vivek's Hardware Support Pages

In these pages you shall find, Sample Circuit Diagrams, and Simple Board Designs to:

MCU tips & Samples:

  1. Basic circuit of 89C52 microcontroller (MCU), which you could use as a base to build up your 89C52 based project
  2. Basic circuit for TI MSP430 MCU, which you could use as a base to build up your MSP430 based project
  3. Blink-test & other simple programs for debugging
  4. EDL tips (for MCU & debugging)
  5. Other popular Microcontrollers to consider for use in your project.

Triki-Board: (OpenSource Hobby Robot Control Board Designs)

TrikiBoard is a set of simple Microcontroller Boards, for use for/by

  1. Robot Control (esp. Micromouse) -(beginners )
  2. Simple Mechatronics experimenters & Hobbyists
  3. EDL Beginners (Electronic Design Lab in IITB) (as a reference design for modification only)

There are 2 types of Triki-Board designs on this site:

  1. 89C52 based  (called TrikiBoard1)
  2. PIC 16F877 based (called TrikiBoard2)

See TrikiBoard Overview for detailed features and comparison of the 2 TrikiBoards


Vendors & Links:

Addresses of important vendors, PCB makers, component shops & Motor shops (in Mumbai), and links to some useful sites.


Vivek Vaid

(for email address: replace <|a-t|> by @ above and _ by .  )


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