Welcome to My Bottle Adoptions Spirit Page
It is so nice you came by today.
Let me tell you about Spellbound
It is a team at Fantasy Fights!

Run by 3 awesome woman with Flair.
We love you Fantasyloves, Rebjess & Lady Wolfka

We have all sorts of beautiful sites
Each one adds flavor to the Team!!!
From Native American, Wolves, Witches,
Pagans to Adoptions of Various Kinds.

Our Team Leader is TL Destiny :)
She is smart, caring & a great Leader.
Thank you for all you do TL Destiny!!!

"My Cheers For Spellbound"

~~~**~~~****~~~The Spirit Of Spellbound~~~****~~~**~~~
~~~~***~~~~Cheer Spellbounders Cheer~~~~***~~~~
~~~***~~~Original Cheers~~~***~~~

Cheer #1
Spellbound is our team,
spells and charms is our theme.
Here us shout, here us cheer,
we've got so much spirit & flare!

*********Let Me Hear You Shout**********

Cheer #2

Mystical Spirit we emit,
giving strength to the spirit realm.
We strive, we're magical
and from our aura we thrive!

*********Go Spellbounders Go**********

Cheer #3

Gather together Spellbounders
Let your cheers ascend high,
let your chants reach the sky.
Bound by Spirit that can't be denied!

*********Fight with Joy & Pride**********
Cheer #4

Let the spell book show the story,
Spellbounders' spirit in all its glory.
Rise and chant your spells aloud,
quaking and shaking every crowd. We're spellbounders and proud.

*********Go Spellbounders Go**********

Cheer #5

Mix your potions and use your wands.
Let's feast and create magic at will.
Show your spirit and cheer today!
Spellbounders are #1 and will win,
we're not just fighters and friends
but we are a close spiritual kin!!

*********We're #1**********
*****~~~Cheer Loud With Spirit~~~*****

If you think this site is worthy,
please vote for me & thank you!!

Visit Spellbound & Fantasy Fights Today

See my Gifts, Awards, Supporters & More

Quiz By Lady Paje

Got my Dolls From Here:
Doll On The Hill Factory

~*~My Personal Dedication~*~

Why the Spellbound Team?
It is a team full of Spirit
that permeates through the
rest of Fantasy Fights and
is one of a kind. Yes, we
support each other & have
lots of fun each week!!
With a TEAM LEADER that lites
the spark & TEAMMATES who cheer
with pride we have won AWARDS!
Showing our love & dedication.
Even in activities we ROCK :)
Hats off to all of You!!!
Thanks for making this Team Great.

Look at the Special Gift My Team Leader
gave me for cheering every day :)
Looks better on a white background though.

Don't forget to check out my other pages!
See you around Fantasy Fights :)

My Dragon Colmar protects this page

This Bottle Adoptions site is owned by
Felisa Whitfield .

Want to join the Spellbound Ring?
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�2004 April Bottle Adoptions' Spellbound
Spirit Page is not meant to infringe on
anything or to be infringed by anything
Dolls Worked ON with PSP & Animation Shop
but source help from dollmaker at:  Dollie Crave
If something is not linked or credit should
be given please contact me instead of drama
thanks so much!!  Email Me
I will be sure to correct it right away.

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