(A4d) bigotry

As of this date, 06-06-22, there are 5 items in this folder. ******* item 1 RASH OF VANDALIZED NATIVITY SCENES/HATING CHRISTMAS IS NOW CHIC ******* item 2 HATING CHRISTMAS IS NOW CHIC ******* item 3 CHRISTIAN BIBLES BANNED BY IMMIGRATION CANADA ******* item 4 AMERICAN RED CROSS EMPLOYEE FIRED FOR NOT CELEBRATING HOMOSEXUALITY ******* item 5 SEVEN-YRAR-OLD BEATEN AT SCHOOL FOR DAD'S STAND AGAINST HOMOSEXUAL ACTIVISM ************************************************************************************************************************ ******* item 1 RASH OF VANDALIZED NATIVITY SCENES/HATING CHRISTMAS IS NOW CHIC ******* From: [email protected] via [email protected] ******* Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 ******* Catholic League president William Donohue today discussed the latest wave of vandalized nativity scenes: ******* On December 10, we issued a news release documenting 16 instances of nativity scenes that were vandalized nationwide. Since then, there have been 24 more reported incidents that have come to our attention. Here is where they occurred: Grand Rapids, Michigan; Costa Mesa, California; Santa Cruz, California; Anchorage, Alaska; Hanover, Pennsylvania; Lansdale, Pennsylvania; Knoxville, Tennessee; Charlotte, North Carolina; Epping, New Hampshire; Tiverton, Massachusetts; Neenah, Wisconsin; Morningside, Iowa; Diamondhead, Mississippi; Maplewood, Minnesota; Baxter County, Arkansas; Murrieta, California; Grand Traverse County, Michigan; Plainfield, New Jersey (2 crèches were vandalized); Volusia County, Florida; Eau Claire, Wisconsin; Princeton, Indiana; Whitman, Massachusetts; Norwalk, Connecticut. ******* So what's going on? The vandals in Norwalk, Connecticut gave us an idea. Not only did they thrash a nativity scene, they wrote profanity and drew satanic symbols on one of the figures. This isn't the act of some crazy drunks; it is the act of hate-filled persons. ******* To think that the raging culture wars aren't integral to this phenomenon is nonsense. Our hope is that the guilty get the book thrown at them. ********************************************************************************************************************* ******* item 2 HATING CHRISTMAS IS NOW CHIC ******* From: [email protected] via [email protected] ******* Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 ******* Catholic League president William Donohue commented today on some disturbing responses to Christmas: In San Francisco, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a band of characters the Los Angeles Times affectionately calls a group of �queer nuns", has been bashing Christmas all month. In Minneapolis, gay-themed Christmas bashing has been happening at the Hennepin Center for the Arts and the Brave New Workshop. To understand why this is going on, consider what one New Hampshire non-Christian said when asked about Christmas celebrations in the schools: "It's offensive to those who don't celebrate it." Better yet is Phil Goodstein, a Denver historian who recently labeled the nativity scene "utterly obnoxious". Julie Wells, also of Denver, confesses that "I wish they had kidnapped the Baby Jesus when they kidnapped Rudolph", adding that she fantasizes about "driving a Chevy Blazer" over a creche. And both atheist Christopher Hitchens (always the contrarian), and Dallas Cowboy fullback Darian Barnes, boasted over the weekend how much they "hate Christmas". ******* One of the most offensive incidents this Christmas season occurred recently in Plainfield, Illinois, outside of Chicago. At Central School, a song called "I Hate This Holiday" was listed in the holiday concert program. The song, which is really a parody from the choral "Frosty's First Adventure", was taken by school bus driver Carmen Brown as a real slap in the face at Christians; she called for a boycott of the concert. In stepped Linda DiLeo, the school's principal. She, too, thought the song was meant to offend, but nonetheless justified it: "We have Jewish children, we have children who celebrated Ramadan a couple of weeks ago. We take into account that we aren't all celebrating the same holiday and try to put on programs that everyone can celebrate". ******* In other words, DiLeo thinks it is necessary to bash Christians at Christmastime because Jews and Muslims don't celebrate Christmas. This is rank bigotry against all three religious groups and that is why we are making a formal complaint to the Illinois State Board of Education. ******* Thomas McArdle, Director of Communications, Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights' 450 Seventh Ave, New York, NY 10123, (212) 371-3191 (212) 371-3394 (Fax) ******* www.catholicleague.org ******************************************************************************************************************** ******* item 3 CHRISTIAN BIBLES BANNED BY IMMIGRATION CANADA ******* Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 ******* Dear Free Speech Supporter: We've warned that Canada's pernicious policy of multiculturalism, far from giving us "diversity" and "tolerance" will lead to a rapid loss of rights on the part of the Majority. ******* "The federal government has told the Canadian Bible Society to end its 50-year tradition of offering the New Testament to new Canadians at citizenship ceremonies because doing so is inconsistent with Canada's promotion of multiculturalism. Citizenship and Immigration Canada said it received complaints from participants who felt the Christian scriptures were being imposed on them, a charge the society denies. 'They say this is about freedom of religion, but the government is actually curtailing freedom of religion,' said Reverned Phyllis Nesbitt, the society's national director." (NATIONAL POST, July 17, 2004) ******* The Society sets up tables with Bibles outside citizenship ceremonies. The Bibles are there for the taking. No one is forced to take one. Still, Rev. Nesbitt "received a letter last month from Michael Simard, a senior citizenshiop judge, saying Canada is a multicultural nation in which freedom of religion is guaranteed under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and that allowing one type of holy book to be made available at citizenship ceremonies detracts from that message." ******* Prior to 1998, members of the Bible Society could distribute Bibles to the new Canadians. Since then, they can display them but must be asked before they can hand one out. Another federal government mouthpice, Maria Iadinardi says: "Given all the strife in the world, we want to ensure that our citizenship ceremonies are as inclusive as possible." ******* Here you really have to have your crap meter turned on full blast. How do the multicultis make things more "inclusive"? That's simple: By excluding Christians! Actually, this is just another instance of the Christian-hating practised by the federal government. Several years ago, a Catholic priest and Protestant minister were ordered by the Prime Minister's Office not to mention Christ in any prayers they might say at the ceremony commemorating those who died off Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia in the Swissair crash. No such restrictions were imposed on the Jewish rabbi, Moslem imam or native spiritualist. ******* The NATIONAL POST report explains: "Privacy rules prevent the government from disclosing how mamny people expressed concerns." Once again, the government uses "privacy" not to protect genuinely private and personal information, but to cast a fog over its operations. ******* How many people did complain? It might be interesting to know. Who were they? Was it really some newly minted Canadians, so contemptuous and ungrateful to their new country, that they wished to insult the Christian religion -- the religion of the vast majority of Canadians and the religion whose values (the compassionate welfare state) drew them to this land? Or, as I suspect, was the Christian-bashing the lobbying work of one of the anti-Christian minority censorship groups in Canada? ******* No wonder they want their dark work hidden by secrecy, oops, "privacy." ******* Contact Immigration Minister Judy Sgro ( e-mail: [email protected], or write c/o House of Commons, Ottawa, ON., KIA 0A6) and give her a piece of your mind. You might also want to contact Opposition leader Stephen Harper (e-mail: [email protected], or write c/o House of Commons, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0A6). This is just the sort of issue he should be speaking up on. ******* Paul Fromm, Director, CANADIAN ASSOCIATION FOR FREE EXPRESSION ******************************************************************************************************************** ******* item 4 AMERICAN RED CROSS EMPLOYEE FIRED FOR NOT CELEBRATING HOMOSEXUALITY - By Lindsey Douthit ******* From: Robert A Jason ******* Sent: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 ******* The Red Cross even has Corporate Diversity committees that oversee the implementation of a "diversity code." ******* The American Red Cross fired an employee, Michael Hartman, for expressing his disagreement with homosexuality. ******* Hartman had been a volunteer and donor for the Red Cross for over 30 years when he became an employee at the San Diego, California, center. He had been there for about eight months when, in the latter part of May 2005, a mass e-mail was sent to employees reminding everyone that June was Gay and Lesbian Pride Month and employees were encouraged to "observe" the celebration. The e-mail, distributed by Chief Diversity Officer David Wilkins, stated, "It is my pleasure to announce that June will be recognized as Gay and Lesbian Pride Month at national headquarters…It is only fitting that we reinforce our organization's commitment to inclusion…by recognizing this important group and celebrating the many accomplishments they have made to our organization…I'd like to take this opportunity during the month of June to encourage field units to extend their reach into gay and lesbian communities." ******* As a Christian, Hartman was concerned by the e-mail and expressed his sentiments to his female supervisor, "who did not care." He then e-mailed several head administrators, who immediately called him into the Red Cross regional center in Pomona, California. Hartman was reprimanded and told that his e-mail was "not appropriate." ******* The "inappropriate" e-mail that Hartman sent contained the following statements: "I would like to start by stating that I am a Christian not willing to compromise my beliefs to promote the agenda of the homosexual community. I would also like to say that I think it's disgraceful that while most of us [at the Red Cross] are trying to save lives, a select few are using this organization to promote their own lifestyles which in my opinion are unacceptable." ******* Hartman went on to say that if anyone reading his e-mail "is personally involved in this lifestyle…I think it's important that you know I have nothing against you as a person but the life you've chosen to live." He added Bible verses including Galatians 6:7 and Joshua 24:15. ******* After being reprimanded, Hartman took a week off of work because his mother, a U.S. Marine, had passed away. When he returned to the office, he noticed that Gay and Lesbian Pride posters were placed all over the office. In a later e-mail to the Pacific Justice Institute, an organization that Hartman contacted after his termination, he wrote, "One of my primary jobs is recruiting and promoting the Red Cross. Under the present circumstances I cannot promote something that harbors and encourages this sexual cancer, that we all know is eroding our society." ******* Convicted that he had to take action, Hartman "prayed about it" and put together an e-mail to the Southern California region of the Red Cross. In the e-mail, he reiterated, "I respect and value your opinions" but added, "as you explained to me, celebrating homosexual pride month is consistent with our recognition of Black History Month, Women's History Month, Older Americans Month, and Asian Pacific Islanders Heritage Month…I'm still struggling to see a correlation between celebrating Great Americans and celebrating a sexual preference." ******* He also suggested that since the Red Cross is "such a diversified organization," perhaps it should hold a Christian celebration. ******* He was put on "administrative leave" from work and called into another meeting with administrators. ******* James Hartline, an ex-homosexual who is now a Christian conservative activist, went with Hartman to the meeting to serve as a form of representation. The administrators refused to see Hartman unless he was by himself, and when he insisted upon having counsel at the meeting, he was dismissed and told that they would "reschedule" a time to speak with him. Two days later, he received his termination notice. ******* Hartman has experienced an intensely difficult year - two years ago, he lost all of his belongings in the California wildfires, and he recently lost his mother. A Sunday School teacher and father of three daughters, he said, "I realize what I'm up against, but I'll go the distance…So many have a complacent attitude, and our kids are facing the consequences." ******* He plans to seek help from Christian legal groups such as the Alliance Defense Fund. ******* Unfortunately, Hartman's legal options may be limited, as the Red Cross is a privately funded organization and may therefore exert its own prerogative in these matters. ******* The Red Cross even has its own body of Corporate Diversity committees that oversees the implementation of a "diversity code" for the organization. Employees must participate in "diversity training" seminars, and they are subject to the "diversity vision" of the Red Cross that includes "sexual orientation" on the list of "communities we serve." ******* "We are seeing an alarming double standard emerging in corporations and nonprofits," said Robert Knight, director of Concerned Women for America's Culture & Family Institute. "If you are not in a specially protected group, you don't get the same consideration. More and more, Christians are being harshly disciplined or even fired for actions that would bring a slap on the wrist to a homosexual activist or feminist." ******* It is important that Christians are alerted to this unfortunate situation. Many Christians give money or support to the American Red Cross without ever realizing that the organization openly promotes homosexuality. In the words of Michael Hartman, "If the public knew what was going on within the Red Cross I have no doubt their unselfish support would screech to a halt." Lindsey Douthit is a Ronald Reagan Memorial Intern with Concerned Women for America. She interviewed Michael Hartman over the phone on July 29, 2005. A representative for the Red Cross could not be reached for comment. ******************************************************************************** ******* item 5 SEVEN-YRAR-OLD BEATEN AT SCHOOL FOR DAD'S STAND AGAINST HOMOSEXUAL ACTIVISM By John-Henry Westen and John Jalsevac ******* Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 ******* From: "Mission America" ******* LEXINGTON, Massachusetts, June 14, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) - On May 17— - the two-year anniversary of same-sex "marriage" in Massachusetts— the first-grade son of a prominent pro-family advocate was dragged and beaten behind the Estabrook Elementary School in Lexington during recess, receiving multiple blows to the chest, stomach, and genital area. ******* Jacob Parker, the 7-year-old who was attacked, is the son of David Parker. LifeSiteNews.com readers will recall that David Parker objected to homosexual curriculum in his son's kindergarten class. At a meeting with the principal of the school last year Parker requested that the school inform him of when homosexual discussions would take place, so he could exclude his son from the activity. The principal refused and Parker said he would not leave until his request was granted. School administration called the police and had Parker charged with trespassing. (see coverage: http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2005/apr/05042910.html) ******* The school system has since continued to refuse to notify parents of such material being presented in class. On April 27, 2006, Parker, his wife, and another family filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the school system. ******* According to Mr. Parker, school authorities determined from an investigation into the assault that the beating was indeed planned and premeditated. ******* Mr. Parker described the incident at the school saying: ******* "During the recess period, a group of 8-10 kids suddenly surrounded Jacob and grabbed him. He was taken around the corner of the school building out of sight of the patrolling aides, with the taunting and encouragement of other kids. Jacob was then positioned against the wall for what appeared to be a well planned and coordinated assault.” ******* According to Parker, his son related that one student in particular performed the actual physical assault while, “many children stood, watched silently, and did nothing as the beating commenced.” ******* "The group of kids surrounded Jacob and he was beaten and punched. Then, as he fell to the ground, another child was heard saying to the group of children, 'Now you all can finish him off,' and as he was down on his hands and knees, the beating continued on his back. Then, fortunately, one little girl ran to contact the oblivious playground aides to stop it. ******* "Four of the attackers were from Jacob's first-grade class; the others were from other classes at Estabrook. ******* "The teachers' aide apparently determined that since she could not see external bleeding, and since Jacob apparently was not hit in the face, she did not send him to she school nurse." The family was immediately notified of the incident. ******* Speaking to LifeSiteNews, Parker speculated that the cause of the attack is most likely what he called “displaced aggression.” “If children hear venomous things from their parents, the children do internalize this,” he said. ******* “I certainly don’t want to vilify the children in this,” he said. “We understand that skirmishes happen on the playground. It’s taking the child around out of view of the aides, and the number of children that stood around watching that concerns us.” ******* Parker noted that his conflict with the school over homosexuality is well known among the students. "We are aware that the school administration sent notices home with all the young children concerning the Parker arrest, the 'King and King' incident and the federal lawsuit," he said. “They must know that the children read them.” ******* He pointed out that the date of the attack--the two year aniversary of same-sex "marriage" in Massachusetts--cannot be a coincidence. ******* The topic of Parker's beliefs has become so widespread among the students that Jacob says he overheard his fellow classmates ruminating that perhaps their current principle—who has resigned her position to take up a job elsewhere—was leaving the job because of Jacob’s father. Members of the community itself have organized public demonstrations specifically against Parker, in which their children have taken part. One of these demonstrations is pictured on the right. While prominently displayed in the student library are the back issues of the Lexington Minuteman that specifically deal with Parker’s case, for the children to read. ******* “We’re trying to be patient and tolerant," said Parker when asked if he was considering pulling his son out of the school. "We’re trying to hang on to the notion that the schools are for every child and for everyone. I don’t feel that we should have to leave for an injustice.” ******* But he added that “There are limits to how much patience we can have. I certainly understand why more and more parents are pulling their children out of public schools.” ******* Ironically, the school prides itself on its long-time involvement in various "Safe School" programs, which are geared to creating school environments "safe" for students who are homosexual. ******* Parker asked, "Isn't the school supposed to be addressing safety and preventing bullying and violence? Or are such programs only focused on children with homosexual parents? You can be certain that if this happened to a child with homosexual parents more would be made of this and that 'lessons' teaching tolerance and diversity of homosexual behavior normalization would be forced upon the young children." ******* The school and larger community are deeply divided over the Parker's stand against pro-homosexual indoctrination. A group has been formed in Lexington to counter Parker's efforts. The 'Lexington Cares' group maintains an anti-Parker website and has conducted anti-Parker letter writing campaigns and demonstrations. ******* Calls to Estabrook school were not returned by press time. ******* To express your concern to Estabrook school contact: Estabrook School, 117 Grove Street, Lexington, MA, 02420 USA, Phone: (781)861-2520, Fax: (781)862-5610 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This e-mail is from Mission America, and is intended for news and educational purposes only.Not everything we send out is necessarily endorsed by our organization. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mail list service for Mission America provided by afo.net and totalnetguard.com filtering service, the Internet service that protects your family on the internet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission America, www.missionamerica.com See our new Risk Audit, assessing schools on homosexuality. ********************************************************************************

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The following warning is a prophetic message given to me, Frank Wagner, in November of 1974. ******* LISTEN TO THE CRY OF THE ABORTED CHILDREN. THEIR CRY IS NO. THEIR CRY IS A CRY OF TERROR. HEED THEIR CRY. ******* This prophecy is now being fulfilled. ******* For details about the source, meaning and fulfillment of this prophetic message go to ******* http://ca.geocities.com/fwagner4/index.html ******* email me at *** [email protected] ***

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