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Deutsch für dummkopf!

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strong and weak verbs


The most basic tense, it is what all of the other rules are based on.
iche dust chart
e en
st t
e en


present Perfect

conversational past, the easiest form to use and the first to be learned in class, from german 2

replace the verb with the correct form of sein or haben. Then place the past participle at the end of the sentence.
rules for past participle
strong verbs weak verbs
fourth column of verb sheet GE+stem+T
essen->gegessen kochen->gekocht

Past Perfect

the second tense to be learned in class from german 2

replace the verb with the correct form of waren or hatten. Then place the past participle at the end of the sentence.

rules for past participle
strong verbs weak verbs
fourth column of verb sheet GE+stem+T
essen->gegessen kochen->gekocht

narrative or simple past

final past tense to be learned in class from german 2. Can be either the simplest or the hardest depending on how you learn it.
all you do is use the narrative past form of the verb. That is all you do.
strong verbs:
3rd column stem+ ending
none en
st t
none en

weak verbs:
stem+ ending
te ten
test tet
te ten


this is by far the easiest tense besides present

replace the verb with the correct form of werden. Then place the infinitive at the end of the sentence.
conjugation of werden
werde werden
wirst werdet
wird werden



the First tense to be learned in class from german 3 there are two ways to do this as illustrated below
stem(verb sheet or normal)+ ending
e en
est et
e en

the other way is to replace the verb with
  würde and place the infinitive at
  the end


hätten/wären replaces the verb
then place the past participle at the end.
rules for past participle
strong verbs weak verbs
fourth column of verb sheet GE+stem+T
essen->gegessen kochen->gekocht

modal verbs


The most basic tense, it is still german one even though were dealing with modal verbs.

will wollen
willst wollt
will wollen
soll sollen
sollst sollt
soll sollen
muss müssen
musst müsst
muss müssen
darf dürfen
darfst dürft
darf dürfen
kann können
kannst könnt
kann können
mag mögen
magst mögt
mag mögen

past and subjunctive present

new stem (see chart) + ending will replace the verb
present to past to subjunctive
present past subjunctive
mögen mochten möchten
wollen wollten wollten
sollen sollten sollten
dürfen durfen dürfen
müssen mussten müssten
können konnten könnten
endings for past and subjunctive
te ten
test tet
te ten

subjunctive past

this should be very simple after all of that!
hätten goes in the verb's place and the subjunctive
 modal verb(see above chart) moves to the end
after the infinitive verb

All Passiv Voice in one neat little chart

tense verb to conjugate goes to end
present werden Past Participle
narr past wurden P.P.
past perf sein P.P. + worden
pres perf waren P.P. + worden
future werden P.P. + werden
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