This site was made in support/information about Fort Wayne Para-Research Society (F.W.P.R.S).  F.W.P.R.S is an organization that was founded for paranormal research.  F.W.P.R.S investigates homes and public places for people in need of help or people who are curious about the involvement of the paranormal with their home or business.  F.W.P.R.S usestheir equipment which includes a video camera, a voice recorder, a temperature reader etc.  F.W.P.R.S looks up to The Atlantic Paranomal Soceity. (TAPS)  and learns from them.

F.W.P.R.S is at the moment made up of two memebrs Kdee T, age 15(born December 26) and his older cousin Elese B. age 17 (born December 13).  Both members have always possessed an interest in the paranormal and are now looking to expand their experiance while helping others to understand the paranormal. 

If you have any questions or comments be sure to check out our Guestbook and tell us all about it.  You can also reach us at our email or our myspace.
Fort Wayne Para-Research Society
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
     Hello, this is Elese and Kodee from FWPRS and we just wanted to let you know that there will be a short hiatus. We have decided to wait until the holiday season is over before going on investigations.  We're sorry that we haven't had any yet but we all know it's not that easy because we're just starting out. Thanks for sticking with us though. Probably in mid-late January or February we will be starting things up again. Hopefully the weather will be warmer and we will have the proper transportation.  We would like you to remember though if there are any emegergencies contact us! Even though we are going to be in hiatus we will still be here to help if you need it. Thanks so much for the support and please stick with us through the holiday season.

Elese and Kodee
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