The Last Will and Testament of

Matthew Talbot (III)


In the Name of God Amen


I  Matthew Talbot of Davidson County State of Tennessee, being in a low state of health but Sound mind and Memory; do make and Ordain this my last will and Testament –


First of all it is my will and desire that after my death my Executors Expose to Sale all my landed property giving three years credit for the payment of the money taking bonds with good security if not punctually paid to bear Interest from this date also to make sale in the like manner of all my Stock and Household furniture except two beds a table and some Chairs Also four horses at the discretion of My executors all of which reserved property I give to my wife Jane over and above her Common Share –


My Negroes Damon Isaac Grace and Amy to be hired or sold as my Executors may think proper –


It is my will and desire that my Estate both Real and personal be Equally Divided between my wife Jane and my six children (to wit) John Talbot  Matilda Talbot  Sarah Talbot  Christianah Talbot  Permelia Talbot and  Leticia Talbot – But it is to be understood that my son John has Reserved a piece or parsel of land which I heretofore  deeded to him which I request & it is my will that my Executors to Value and be considered so much of his share as the Case may be according to the Amount of My estate --  My wife Jane to have the use of the plantation where Dooly lived and which I deeded to John Talbot until shall come of age --  I do hereby constitute and appoint my Brother Thomas Talbot David Mc Ganock and Robert Weakley my executors to this my last will and Testament


In witness whereof I Matthew Talbot – do hereunto set my hand and Seal this 14th August 1804


In presents of                                                                M  T  (seal)


Asa Green

John McCormick

Thomas Talbot



The Execution  of which Last will and Testament was in Court held for this County of Davidson  October Session 1804 Persuant to the Act and [Will?] of the said Matthew Talbot by the Oath of John McCormack and Subscribing Witness thereto.  And the Executors Above named were Also Qualified at the same Session of October 1804.


[Copied from the original will in the Metropolitan Nashville/Davidson County Archives, and from the Will book entry there contained in  Roll no. 305-1. Book Dv Co Will Book 2, page 394-MWTalbot]

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