The Martha Talbot Story
July 4, 1812 - April 16, 1882


Ann Talbot Brandon Womack
Farris Wade Womack
November 2001

The story presented on the following pages represents our "best efforts" at collecting facts and stories into a combined essay.  There are, no doubt, some errors.  If you find an error or wish to make a suggestion, comment, or provide an addition, please contact us.   The electronic mail address is: [email protected]   

            Martha Talbot was the 11th of the 12 children born to William Talbot and Mary Bailey.  Her arrival brought to nine the number of children then at home.  Her older sister, Lucy, had married Thomas Swift two years before and Bailey Talbot had died as an infant.  She joined a family of five brothers and four sisters with ages ranging from the 21 year old Green Berry Talbot to her sister Elizabeth who was just two.  Her father was 51 years of age when she arrived and her mother was 48.  

            The William Talbot family was a prominent one in Morgan County, Georgia but that prominence must be viewed through the prism of the early 19th century, not the affluent prism that marks much of 21st century America.  William had moved to Morgan County a few years before, perhaps as early as 1807, from either Wilkes or Clarke.  Marking with accuracy the dates of moves and the counties from which the moves were made presents a difficult task because new lands were being opened with regularity and older larger counties were being carved up to make new ones as the pioneers pushed further westward.  At any rate, Morgan County was a relatively new county in 1812 with few of the benefits of an organized society.  The pioneers and new settlers were largely responsible for their own safety and toward that end they banded together to form militia districts for their defense.  This was the environment that young Martha entered on Independence Day in 1812.  A more complete story of  The  William Talbot family can be viewed by clicking here.   

            Martha's father, William,  was a successful businessman, plantation owner, planter, and mill operator.  There was plenty of work for each family member and they no doubt applied themselves with uneven aptitudes and interests but Morgan County, Georgia in 1812 was not a place where one could survive without prodigious work habits.  Because of the age difference between her older siblings and herself, she likely had more attention and care than had been the case when the older ones were small.  Her mother would have one more child, Emily, born a year or so later.  These two youngsters surely enjoyed the advantages of growing up in a family with older brothers and sisters who could provide them with opportunities that contributed to their comfort.  There was no system of common schools and Martha may very well have received what limited schooling she had from a tutor at her home.  The family was a deeply religious one, Martha's grandfather, Matthew (II) Talbot having preached for several decades both while he lived in Tennessee and after he came to Georgia soon after 1785.  But there surely were no regularly scheduled church services and the Talbot family practiced its religion at home with occasional circuit riding preachers to provide ministerial services.  

            She was hardly a teenager of 13 when her mother died in 1825.  There appears to have been five children still at home when Mary Bailey Talbot died.  The three youngest children, Elizabeth, Martha, and Emily, would have been the most "at risk" by her untimely death and questions abound about how the death of Mary Bailey might have been a factor in the future of these three young ladies?  Did they make major life choices at an earlier age than they would have if she had lived?   Perhaps, but at any rate, Elizabeth married John Harvey the next year when she was at the ripe old age of 15.  The five living brothers of Martha, that is to say, Green, Matthew, William, James, and Hale,  all left Morgan County before 1829, Green for Meriwether County, Georgia and the other four for Pike County, Alabama.  Martha would marry Jesse B. Phillips in 1829 at age 17 and Emily would marry John Greer in 1830 at age 16 or 17.  Martha's father and the patriarch of the Talbot Clan in Morgan was remarried in 1830 to Elizabeth Fullalove in Clarke County and moved there to live with her.  With that wedding, the William Talbot household was empty.    Click here to return to the Talbot home page for links to the more complete stories of the family members mentioned in this paragraph.

            Martha married Jesse B. Phillips about 1829 and by 1830 they were living in Greene County, Georgia and there they were enumerated on the Census.  Indeed, their marriage may have taken place in Greene County.  It is known that Martha's older sister, Harriett had married William Hinton Crawford and that they lived in Greene County near the town of Jonesboro.  Martha's younger sister, Emily, married John Greer in Greene County.  Could it have been that Martha and Emily came to live with their older sister, Harriett,  after the death of their mother?  

            Martha and Jesse's  first child, James M. Phillips, was born in 1830 before the Census was taken although the exact date of his birth is not known.  Jesse was 14 years older than Martha and had already begun to establish himself as a successful farmer   He reported on the 1830 Census that there were two males, almost certainly those were himself and his young son, James, and one female whose age would be consistent with the age of Martha.  He reported further that he was the owner of nine (9) slaves,  a number which suggested that he was a more substantial farmer than the small time dirt farmer so prevalent in eastern Georgia in 1830 although he surely was not a major plantation owner and planter.      

1830 Census for Greene County, Georgia, Page 291


Males < 5 Males 
30 - 40
15 - 20
< 10
10 - 24
< 10
36 - 55
Jesse B. Phillips 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 12

           Fixing with precision the number of years that Martha and Jesse remained in Greene County has, thus far, proved to be difficult.  Did they remain in Greene County until their relocation to Alabama?  Many families from eastern Georgia migrated to newly formed counties in western Georgia before they moved a few years late to eastern Alabama.  Martha's oldest brother, Green Berry Talbot, had, in fact, done precisely that with a move from Morgan to Meriwether in 1828 and a later move to Chambers before 1835.   Nevertheless, the Phillips family had moved to Chambers County, Alabama by 1840 and the 1840 Census for Chambers County, Alabama shows their growing family and slave population.  Because only heads of Households were listed individually by name, identification of counts can never be as accurate as if each family member had been listed.  But the two males age 5 -10 would be consistent with the ages of James M. and his younger brother, Henry G. and Jesse is surely the male listed between 40 - 50.  He would have been 42.  

            Martha would have been 28 years of age in 1840 and the Census category reflects that.  The three females, Mary, Ann, and Martha E. do not fit absolutely the three categories shown but their exact dates of birth are not known.  Nevertheless,  the record shown below, taken in its totality, seems to be that of the Jesse and Martha Phillips family.

            Jesse and Martha lived three houses away from her older brother, Green Berry Talbot, and his family.  Had  he been a factor in their move to Alabama?   Tilmon and Sarah Brawner lived eight houses away.  The senior Talbot and the Brawner family had been instrumental in the establishment of the County Line Baptist Church in 1835 and the oldest Brawner female, Mary Ellen, would later marry Green Berry Talbot, Junior, the son of Green Berry Talbot and the nephew of Martha.  The Talbots were devout Baptists, Green Berry having served as the founding deacon of the County Line Baptist Church, and Martha and Jesse  appear to have been members although that can't be substantiated.  

1840 Census for Chambers County, Alabama, Page 206


5 - 10
40 - 50
< 5
5 - 10
20 - 30
< 10
10 - 24
24 - 35
56 - 100
< 10
10 - 24
36 - 55
Jesse B. Phillips 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 22 10

            The 1840 Census provided further evidence of the growing affluence of the family.  Although a search of the Patents issued by the United States Government for lands in the new Alabama counties failed to show a listing for Jesse B. Phillips, he certainly was a land owner of some significance because he reported in 1840 that he was the owner of fifteen (15) slaves, a commodity that in those days was worth far more than the cheap or free land that slaves were obliged to work.  A chain of title search in Chambers County will, no doubt,  reveal the extent of his land holdings.   

          When Jesse B. Phillips died in 1842, exact date of death and place of interment unknown, he left Martha with six children to rear.  James was no more than 12 or 13 and the other five were surely not able to fend for themselves.  Jesse's interment may have been  in the County Line Baptist Church Cemetery or the Harmony Methodist Church Cemetery but research to date has not ascertained the location.  Although he left a young widow thirty years of age with six children, he did not leave her penniless.  The land and chattels he owned were substantial for the wilderness country of eastern Alabama.

            Martha remained a widow for an appropriate time and then, on November 14, 1844,  she was remarried to a widower, Jesse Fitzpatrick, seventeen (17) years her senior and some three years older than her first husband and with a built in family of seven children, perhaps more, whose ages ranged from 17 to 3.  Jesse Fitzpatrick had been a widower since the death of his wife of twenty four years (24), Nancy Melinda McCowen, on  June 12, 1844.  The marriage of Martha Talbot Phillips and Jesse Fitzpatrick brought together two families whose combined total was 17 or more.  

            Jesse Fitzpatrick was the son of Benjamin Fitzpatrick and Sarah Jones.  Both were from Virginia and had married in Albemarle County, Virginia in 1761.  They, like many of their countrymen, eventually left Virginia and headed south to Georgia where they no doubt believed that the opportunities would be better.  Jesse was born in Oglethorpe County, Georgia in 1796.  In 1820, he married Nancy Melinda McCowen in Morgan County, Georgia and within a few years, perhaps as early as 1825/26, they left Georgia and moved to Randolph County, Alabama and then moved further south to Chambers County before 1840.  Although the Phillips and Fitzpatrick families were not close neighbors, it is possible that they might have known each other. 

            Martha Talbot Phillips, though a widow with six young children, was not without a considerable amount of attraction.  To be sure, her physical beauty and personal charm cannot be determined, but she was possessed of rather substantial economic assets.  While clearly not as prosperous as the Phillips family had been, Jesse Fitzpatrick was not a laggard and it seems clear that he made the most of the "merger of assets" that resulted from his marriage to Martha Talbot Phillips.  

            The 1850 Census for Chambers County provided a glimpse of the now combined families.  The supporting Slave Schedules showed that Jesse Fitzpatrick was the owner of 35 slaves,  a number that would make him one of the larger slave owners in the County.    He reported that the value of his real estate was $6918, a value that was  considerably above the average.  There is no record of the value of the house wherein they lived but the value of the land can be judged by the then "going" price of $1.25 per acre.  Accordingly, if the house were valued at $1000, the land holdings would reach into the thousands of acres.  Whatever the indicators, the Fitzpatrick family in 1850 was one of the more affluent families in that part of Chambers County, Alabama.

            The Census showed that there were sixteen members of the family.  Besides Jesse and Martha, there were six children at home from the marriage of Jesse and Nancy McCowen, three children from the marriage of Jesse and Martha, and five children from the marriage of Martha and Jesse Phillips.  At least two other children, Ann Eliza Fitzpatrick and James M. Phillips, had been in the home until recently.  Ann Eliza had married and the whereabouts of James M. Phillips unknown although he appeared on subsequent Federal Census records and surely was not far from the household.

1850 Census for Chambers County, Alabama, 19th District, page 298, Image 68
19 October 1850,
Britton Stamps, Asst. Marshall 
Name Age Sex Occup Value Birth
During Year
Jesse Fitzpatrick 54 M Farmer 6918 Georgia  
Martha Fitzpatrick 37 F     Georgia  
Elizabeth Fitzpatrick 24 F     Georgia  
Sarah J. Fitzpatrick 20 F     Georgia Yes
Neoma Fitzpatrick 18 F     Georgia Yes
Joseph W. Fitzpatrick 15 M     Georgia Yes
Mary F. Fitzpatrick 12 F     Alabama Yes
Susan R. Fitzpatrick 10 F     Alabama Yes
Harriett Fitzpatrick 2 F     Alabama Yes
Lucinda Fitzpatrick 2 F     Alabama  
Dick Fitzpatrick 5/12 M     Alabama  
Henry G. Phillips 15 M     Georgia Yes
Mary F. Phillips 13 F     Georgia Yes
Ann J. Phillips 12 F     Georgia Yes
Jesse W. Phillips 9 M     Alabama Yes
Martha E. Phillips 7 F     Alabama  

            (The youngest child of Martha and Jesse was listed on the Census as "Dick".  On all subsequent records, the name for a child of that age was Alonzo.  We are unable to determine why he appeared as "Dick" on this record.)

            Living on the next plantation was William and Lucinda Morgan.  The Morgans were among the earliest settlers in western Chambers County and certainly among it most respected and prestigious citizens.  The serious Talbot student will remember that it was this same couple, William and Lucinda Morgan, who had given the land for the County Line Baptist Church, and who, along with Green Berry and Mary Talbot and Tilmon and Sarah Brawner, had organized the Church.  The first pastor of the Church had been Francis Callaway.  The Morgans named one of their sons, Francis Callaway Morgan, and that son had married Ann Eliza Fitzpatrick in 1848.  And further,  Martha and Jesse named their second child, Lucinda, quite likely, in honor of their neighbor and good friend.  Although Martha's brother, Green Berry Talbot, had moved a few miles across the County line in to Tallapoosa County, James Anthony Talbot, Martha's nephew and the son of Green Berry, was still in the area and only a short distance from the Fitzpatricks.

            If there was ever a time in the life of Martha when the good times far outweighed the bad, surely it must have been the decade from 1850 to 1860.  Jesse's children from his first marriage and Martha's children from her first marriage were growing up, getting married, and starting families of their own.  The three children they had together were all doing well and growing into their adolescence and early teens.  By 1860, Susan was the only child of Jesse and Nancy McCowen yet at home albeit, Jesse's daughter, Nancy and the two children from her marriage to Wilson Lumpkin Garratt had "returned to the nest" following Wilson's death in November 1857.  In addition to the joy of seeing the family mature, Martha and Jesse enjoyed some very profitable times as well.  Their farming operations were productive and economically rewarding.

1860 Census for Chambers County, Alabama, Southern Division, page 975 
Dudleyville, 11 August 1860
Name Age Sex Occup Real 
During Yr
Jesse Fitzpatrick 64 M Farmer 7900 45000 Georgia  
Martha Fitzpatrick 48 F       Georgia  
Susan R. Fitzpatrick 18 F       Alabama  
Harriett C. Fitzpatrick 15 F       Alabama Yes
Lucinda Fitzpatrick 13 F       Alabama Yes
Alonzo Fitzpatrick 11 M       Alabama Yes
Nancy L. Garratt 23 F     2000 Georgia  
Milton A. Garratt 4 M       Alabama  
Albertus Garratt 3 M       Alabama  

            Martha and Jesse had real estate valued greater than all but two of the 56 families who lived near them and the value of their personal property  ranked fourth among their neighbors.  In fact, their real estate was valued at four times the average value of their neighbors and the personal property value was almost five times that of the average for their neighbors.  Two Dowdell families had larger assets, both real and personal..  William and Lucinda Morgan showed comparable assets in land and property but even the Morgan's personal property was twenty percent less.  

            The Morgans remained their closest neighbors and the two families surely must have had much in common.  It is not hard to imagine the life style of these two couples.  Their ages were similar, their children were friends and, in at least one case, had married, their interests and quite likely their politics were not far apart.  William and Lucinda Morgan were founding members of the County Line Baptist Church in 1835 along with Martha's older brother, Green Berry Talbot and it seems certain that Jesse and Martha joined the Church, perhaps while they were married to their first spouses,  but almost surely soon after their wedding.  In April of 1845, a "J. Fitzpatrick and Green Talbot" were appointed by the Church to consider the issue of membership in the Southern Baptist Convention.  Because there was no other J. Fitzpatrick living in the area, the identity seems certain.  Why Jesse and Martha were buried in the Cemetery at the Harmony Methodist Church rather than County Line is interesting but the answer unknown.

            Martha had other relatives living nearby.  John R. Talbot and Rueben S. Talbot, the sons of Joseph Hale Talbot and Bethany Callaway, were listed on the Census at household number 617 and 619, respectively, while Martha and Jesse were listed at household 623.  The Talbot brothers were Martha's first cousins, once removed.  John was six years older than Martha while Rueben was six years younger.  Their arrival in Alabama must have occurred in the late 1850's, perhaps as late as 1857-58 and possibly as late as 1859.  Both had been born in Georgia and both had migrated across Georgia and eventually landed in Chambers County a short time before 1860.

            The study of family migration patterns is filled with many ironies and unexpected outcomes.  John R. Talbot and Rueben S. Talbot surely fit that description.  Why did they choose to come to Chambers County? And why did they come at the time they came?  The reader will recall that Green Berry Talbot, the brother of Martha and also the first cousin, once remove,  to these Talbot brothers, had come to Chambers County in the mid 1830's, helped found the County Line Baptist Church and the community, owned at least a section of land but had sold that and moved to the next county, Tallapoosa, before 1850.  Yet it is these Talbot brothers and their descendants who are remembered as the original Talbots and it is they who are buried in the Cemetery adjoining the Church.

            The cataclysmic event of the 19th century in American history, arguably the cataclysmic event of the entirety of American history, was the Civil War which began in April 1861 and lasted four years, ending April 1865 with the surrender of Lee at Appomattox Court House in Virginia..  Although the consequences of the War and its aftermath have been chronicled by innumerable scholars, no single account adequately described what each family experienced because each one saw a War that was very different for them while it may have seem similar in the larger sense.    

            Jesse Fitzpatrick died in 1865.  Martha was 53 years of age when she was left a widow once again.  But the circumstances that she faced in 1865 were vastly different from those she had faced when she was widowed the first time in 1842 at the age of 30.  The South had lost the Civil War and with that loss and the death of Jesse, her world toppled and the life she had known was, as Margaret Mitchell put it, "gone with the wind."  Whether Jesse's death was the result of the War has not been determined nor is it known if she lost any member of her family during the struggle.  Scant evidence exists to show that Jesse may have served although his age would have made that service unlikely.  But the War's effect on her life and surroundings was enormous.

            When the 1870 Census for Chambers County was taken in July 1870, the enumerator found a much different household than had been the case in 1860.  Martha was now single and the head of the family, her three children by Jesse Fitzpatrick were yet at home, and Martha E., the youngest child from her marriage to Jesse Phillips, with husband, Augustus Palmer, and their three young children were living with her.  Jesse Fitzpatrick had been dead for five years and she had struggled to keep the family together.  The name on the Census of families living next door to her was Fitzpatrick but they were listed as Black and were, very likely, former slaves of Jesse and Martha Fitzpatrick. 

1870 Census for Chambers County, Alabama, Beat # 9, Page 152
14 July 1870, Chambersville Court House, B. Hawkins, Asst. Marshall
Name Age Sex Occup Real
Fitzpatrick, Martha 57 F Keeping House 1500 500 Georgia
Fitzpatrick, Harriett 24 F At Home     Alabama
Fitzpatrick, Alonzo C. 19 M Farm Hand     Alabama
Palmer, Augustus 30 M Farm Hand     Georgia
Palmer, Martha 25 F Keeping House     Georgia
Palmer, William 8 M       Georgia
Palmer, Mary 6 F At School     Alabama
Palmer, Ellen 4 F At School     Alabama
Palmer, Lucinda 23 F Keeping House     Alabama
Moore, James 30 M Farm hand 700 300 Alabama

                (Note that Alonzo now has a middle initial.  Lucinda is listed as a Palmer but she should be listed
                 as a Fitzpatrick.  Martha Palmer is the daughter of Jesse Phillips.  The identity of James Moore
                 is unknown.)

            Hundreds of studies have been done to demonstrate the economic devastation brought about by the Civil War but none show that more dramatically than a comparison of real and personal property values between 1860 and 1870 among the families who were neighbors to Martha Talbot Phillips Fitzpatrick.  We chose fifty-six (56) families from the 1860 Census and forty-nine families (49) from the 1870 census who were listed immediately before and after the Fitzpatricks.  The statistical results were startling and the conclusions that can be drawn are limited only by the imagination.  Some of the comparisons follow:

            The decade between the 1870 and 1880 Census brought more of the social, political, and economic disruptions that had characterized the last half of the previous decade.  The Federal government had imposed a set of measures generally referred to as Reconstruction that were in many ways more onerous than the burdens of war.  Those vindictive and egregious actions created an environment that undermined the social fabric in dramatic and enduring ways.  It would take the South many decades to extricate itself from the ravages of the Civil War and the aftermath of Reconstruction and there certainly were few improvements made during that first decade after the War's end.  How Martha and her family responded to those conditions can only be speculative but one knows that the times were unbelievable for her and for almost everyone else.  Her difficulties and hardships, though severe, were probably not very different from those suffered by her neighbors.  And the hard times must have been worse for the newly freed slaves who faced the same or greater economic hardships but with the added disadvantages that a life of slavery have brought

            Finding Martha on the 1880 Census was difficult and the data  presented in the following table contain some interesting but troubling discrepancies.  Moreover, the census enumerator chose to use only initials for this family while he used the full name for all the others living around.  Accordingly, the reader should understand that we belived this to be the Census record for Martha and her son, Alonzo, but we could be in error.

1880 Census for Chambers County, Alabama, Beat # 9, page 22, 22 June 1880
Name Col Sex Age Rel MS Occup BP FBP MBP
Fitzpatrick. M.  W F 64   Wd Keeping house AL GA GA
Fitzpatrick, A. B. W M 30 Son Md Farmer GA GA GA
Fitzpatrick, F. R. W F 18 Dau-in-law Md   AL GA GA
Fitzpatrick, J. L. W F 2/12 Gr-Dau S   Al GA AL

            (Martha's age was 68 and her birthplace was Georgia.  A. B., if this is Alonzo, has the correct age
             but the birthplaces are in error.)

            Martha Talbot Phillips Fitzpatrick died April 16, 1882 in Chambers County, Alabama.  She was buried beside her second husband, Jesse Fitzpatrick.  When Jesse Fitzpatrick died in 1865, he had been buried beside his first wife,  Nancy Melinda McCowen,  and Martha's body was laid to rest on the opposite side.  Martha had lived for 17 years after Jesse's death and they were difficult and trying times for this southern lady who had endured much and had enjoyed much.  She was a product of that period in our history when the country moved from a small, struggling, new democracy to a point that when she died, the United States was a respected world power.  The young country had endured a bitter Civil War and the vestiges of that conflict were a daily presence during the last one quarter of her life.  But, in the end, it was her remarkable courage and the courage of thousands of other ladies like her,  many still unknown and all unrecognized, who, in the face of great hardship, kept the families together and in so doing made a better place for all their descendants.

            It is to them and their remarkable achievements that all of us owe so much.  How we wish we could have known Martha Talbot. 

Descendants of Martha Talbot

1 [1] Martha Talbot b: July 4, 1812 in Morgan Co., GA d: April 16, 1882 in Chambers Co.,AL Burial: April 16, 1882 New & Old Harmony Methodist Church Cemetery
.. +Jesse B. Phillips b: 1798 m: Abt. 1829 in Prob Morgan/Greene Co.,GA d: 1842 in Chambers Co.,AL
. 2 James M. Phillips b: 1830 in Probably Greene/Morgan Co., GA d: 1911
..... +Lumpkin Berry b: 1832 in Georgia m: 1852 in Chambers/Tallapoosa Co.,AL d: 1890
..... 3 Lizzie Phillips b: Bet. 1852 - 1853 d: 1902
......... +Charles Adams b: 1853 m: 1874
..... 3 Virginia "Jennie" Phillips b: Abt. 1857 in Dadeville, AL
......... +Exton Tucker
..... 3 James Phillips b: Abt. 1862
..... 3 George Phillips b: Abt. 1864
. 2 Henry G. Phillips b: 1835 in Prob Morgan Co., GA
. 2 Mary F. Phillips b: 1837 in Prob Morgan Co.,GA
. 2 Ann J. Phillips b: 1838 in Prob Morgan Co., GA
..... +William J. "L" Crayton b: in Georgia m: August 14, 1855 in Chambers Co.,AL
..... 3 Anna Crayton b: 1856 in Alabama
..... 3 Mattie Crayton b: 1859 in Alabama
. 2 Jesse W. Phillips b: 1841 in Prob Chambers Co.,AL
. 2 Martha E. Phillips b: 1843 in Prob Chambers Co.,AL
..... +Augustus H. Palmer b: 1840 in Georgia m: January 20, 1859 in Chambers Co.,AL
..... 3 William Palmer b: 1862
..... 3 Mary Palmer b: 1864
..... 3 Ellen Palmer b: 1866
*2nd Husband of [1] Martha Talbot:
.. +Jesse Fitzpatrick b: March 27, 1796 in Oglethorpe Co.,GA-Farm Hill m: November 14, 1844 in Chambers Co.,AL d: February 14, 1865 in Chambers Co.,AL Burial: New & Old Harmony Methodist Church Cemetery
. 2 Harriett Crawford Fitzpatrick b: October 6, 1845 in Chambers Co.,AL
..... +James H. Johnson b: 1859 m: Bet. 1870 - 1880
..... 3 Nell J. Johnson b: in Dadeville, AL
......... +Sam Wallace
. 2 Lucinda Fitzpatrick b: Abt. 1847
. 2 Alonzo B. "Dick" Fitzpatrick b: March 13, 1850 in Chambers Co.,AL

  1. James M. Phillips married Lumpkin Berry in 1852.  They moved to  western Tallapoosa County and were listed on the Census for 1860 and 1870.  Their farm was near present day, Alexander City, AL.
  2. We have been unable to find a reference for Henry G. Phillips and Mary F. Phillips after the 1850 Census when Henry was a 15 year old and Mary was 12, living in the household of their mother and step father.
  3. Ann J. Phillips was listed on the 1850 Census in the household of her mother and step-father.  Ann J Phillips married William J. Crayton in 1855 when she would have been about 17 years of age.  In the 1860 Census, she was listed in the household of her husband along with their two young children, Anna (4), and Mattie (1).  We have been unable to find her after this Census.
  4. Jesse W. Phillips was on the 1850 census living with his mother and stepfather.  He was on the 1860 Census, living with his older brother, James.  We have been unable to find him after 1860.
  5. Martha E. Phillips married Augustus Palmer  in 1859 when she was about 17.  In 1870, she and her husband along with her three children were living in her mother's household.
  6. Harriett Crawford Fitzpatrick married James H. Johnson after 1870.  A daughter, Nell, married Sam Wallace probably in Dadeville, Al,  although both date and place are uncertain.
  7. Lucinda Fitzpatrick was on the 1850, 1860, and 1870 Census.  We have found no further reference to Lucinda after the 1870 Census.
  8. Alonzo Fitzpatrick was, we believe, living with his mother in 1880.  Some data show that he later moved to Texas and died there about 1893.

(Our research has shown that two of Martha's descendants, one from the Jesse Phillips line and the other from the Jesse Fitzpatrick line, obtained membership in the DAR under their lineage from Matthew (II) Talbot.)

If you have any information about any of the above individuals, please contact us at the address above.

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