The Talbots of Montgomery County, Missouri
Photos by
Paul Porter
(GGGG -Grandson of James Smith Talbot)

This church is built on land donated by Col. William Talbot, a son of Haile and Betsey. Slaves owned by William
constructed the church and presumably burned the clay for the bricked ca. 1844. As a young man William served in the
War of 1812 in Capt. Nathan Boone's Company of the Missouri Rangers. The Rangers patrolled the Missouri River
from St. Charles Mo to about the location of Jefferson City.

The Grave Marker for Thomas Talbot 
Warren Co.,MO-Loutre Island Brick Church Cemetery

Betsey was a descendant of the Irvine Family,  a  noted Kentucky Pioneer family.
The tombstones of both Haile and Betsey proudly proclaim
" A Native of Virginia."

Close up of stone in the Talbot Cemetery near McKittrick, MO. "Kit" Carson, the noted Indian Scout was named for this man by his father Lindsey Carson.



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