Sons of William Talbot of Morgan County Georgia
early settlers of Pike County, Alabama
Camille Head Corte

        One of the earliest families to move into Pike County, Alabama were the four sons of WILLIAM TALBOT. They were MATTHEW, WILLIAM, JAMES, and HALE TALBOT. Records show the four brothers to have moved from Morgan Co., Georgia to Alabama prior to 1828 and settle on land in the area of Orion in Pike County. Orion is situated less than 1 mile from the Montgomery County line and these Talbots are found in both counties in the general area.

       Their father, WILLIAM TALBOT, was born 1761 in Bedford Co., Virginia. He was married to Miss Mary Bailey, born 1764 in Morgan County, Georgia. William and Mary were married in 1789 in Clarke Co., Georgia and raised six boys and six girls in Clarke and later in Morgan Co. Their mother MARY BAILEY died in 1825 in Georgia and their father William had remarried a lady by the name of Elizabeth. Very little is known about the four brothers’ early 20 years in Georgia.

        Strangely enough, much is known of the ancestry of the Talbot brothers. It begins with an unproved but believable descendancy from the Earl of Shrewsbury and the move of MATTHEW TALBOT (I) born in 1699 in England to the United States. Theirs is an illustrious history, and is documented elsewhere on the Talbot web page..

        MATTHEW TALBOT (II), the son of MATTHEW (I) was born 1729 in Virginia. In his young manhood, MATTHEW (II), in addition to performing his military service, was a hunter and trapper. He later established himself as a merchant. The book, "Genealogical sketch of Mathew Talbot, Gent." by Robert H. Fletcher states MATTHEW TALBOT (II) was born Nov 27 1729 in Bristol Parish, Va. This was the "my son Matt" mentioned in one of his father's letters as endeavoring to "raise a party of woodsmen in 1758 to go out after Indians who were terrorizing the good folk of Bedford Co. At that time he held a commission as Captain of the Bedford militia."

           In 1777 or 1778 Matthew Talbot (II) left Virginia and settled first in the valley of the Watauga River in what is now eastern Tennessee, where he engaged in the cattle business. By this time he had married to Mary Hale, June of 1853, in Bedford Co., Virginia. She was the daughter of Nicholas Hale a business partner of her husband’s father Matthew Talbot (I) in Virginia. The Talbot and Hale families were one of the first to settle in that eastern Tennessee area known as "The Wautauga" in Washington County, Tennessee and much of the history of that area was founded upon their exploits.

        Some 8 years later after his wife dies in 1785, MATTHEW (II) again moves, this time to Wilkes Co, Ga., where his younger brother JOHN had gone before him. Born a high churchman, the wave of religious fervor which engulfed the south in this day, swept him into the fold of the Baptist Church in which he became a minister and so remained until his death in Wilkes Co. about 1812.

        After the brothers move to Alabama around 1828, the act of proving that the four male children of WILLIAM and MARY BAILEY TALBOT actually settled together in Pike Co., Alabama fell to me, the writer. I am descended from HALE TALBOT, youngest son of WILLIAM. In the years that I have been researching these four brothers, I have failed to uncover a living descendant of any of the brothers save HALE. I am looking for ANY of these lines and hope that by placing this linked page on the Talbot web site, some of these descendants will contact me and we can enlarge our history.

        The proofs that have been uncovered of the 4 brothers move to Pike County are listed in 5 categories as follows:
1. William Talbot’s Will
2. Plotting of land the brothers bought
3. Excerpts from "One Hundred Fifty Years in Pike County" by Margaret Pace Farmer
4. 1889 newspaper article on life of Hale Talbot taken from The Troy Messenger
5. Census records of the four brothers

1. William Talbot’s will

        This will, probated in Walton Co., Ga., lists William’s children as Green Berry, Lucy, MATTHEW, Harriet, Mary Hale, WILLIAM, JAMES L., HALE, Elizabeth, Martha, and Emily (a link to William’s will is found on the home page). Of the six brothers, none remained behind in Georgia. Green Berry Talbot, the eldest, moved to Chambers Co., Alabama and later to Tallapoosa County, Alabama. It is believed that William’s son Bailey died early as he was not listed in his father’s will. His six daughters stayed behind in Georgia.

2. Plotting the lands the brothers bought taken from information from the Land Bureau Office-

        A map of Pike County, Alabama was obtained showing townships, ranges, and sections and land purchases of the Talbot’s were plotted.. The area plotted was located in the northern part of Pike which borders on Montgomery Co., Alabama. The earliest Talbots settling in this area actually lived first in Montgomery Co., right over the Pike County line, a couple of miles from Orion. One can see where the four brothers settled right about the same time (I think Hale lived with one of his brothers or his wife’s father as in the 1830 census he does not show up. Records showing a land purchase in 1830 are evidence of his being there as is his marriage in Pike Co. in 1829). The brothers bought land right up next to each other in the years from 1829-1834. Census records show they were here around 1828. Then later they settled more into Pike Co. At times they moved back and forth over the county line into the Ramer area of southern Montgomery County. They have always lived in the area of and around Orion.

3. Excerpts from "One Hundred Fifty Years in Pike County" by Margaret Farmer

Chapter XXV


A. "The Alabama Legislature by an act of 10 February 1848, incorporated "The Orion Male and Female Institute of Pike county". The act named Solomon Siler, WILLIAM TALBOT, M. Salter, C. G. McLendon, Levi Freeman, JAMES TALBOT, and William McCullough as Trustees. This act fixed the site of the academy. At the time of the incorporation of the Orion Institute, the Legislature created 14 academies in Alabama."

B. "Long before Troy (county seat of Pike) existed even in the minds of men, history was being made at Orion; but the glory of Orion is all in the past. It stands today a sleepy village on an almost abandoned highway. When the railroad bypassed Orion, it spelled the doom of the community. Now that the four-lane highway to Montgomery has skirted the village, the former stream of traffic between Troy and Montgomery has been diverted, and the traveler no longer even glimpses Orion as he speeds toward Montgomery. There is in the village not a Siler, nor a TALBOT, nor a Nall, nor a McLeod-- all proud names out of the past."

"Orion, as the name suggests, is a classic town which in the earlier days was the center of wealth, aristocracy and learning in Pike County. The old colonial homes of Orion were built by slaves and were fashioned of local materials, lumber from majestic pines and oaks, hard moulded bricks made from the local clay. The roof of each house features the beloved columns. There was a recognition of the need of college education from the outset. In the early days the young men were sent to the University of Alabama. The young ladies were sent to the former homes of their parents in Virginia and the Carolinas for their education."

A letter to the editor in the "Alabama Journal", September 5, 1850, praised the town and the school: "Orion is a healthy and beautiful village, situated upon a fine eminence, overlooking a large scope of country. The inhabitants are kind, intelligent and moral. No unnecessary extravagance is indulged in by the people; nor are there any grog shops, card tables or liquor establishments permitted in or near the place; hence young ladies and gentlemen sent to this Institute have the advantage of excellent instruction, good society, and a removal from all temptations to vice, and as we but rarely find such schools in our country, I sincerely hope that its founders may find their most extravagant hopes of its success fully realized in its increased catalogue of students, and the permanent usefulness, and that those in charge of it may reap such a reward as their indefatigable exertions in the cause of education so richly merit."

"Captain Bailey Montgomery Talbot, son of one of the Institute founders, was born at Orion in August 1834, attended the Institute and carried Company H, 57th Alabama Regiment into the Confederate Army. He was killed at the Battle of Peachtree Creek, July 1864" (Captain Talbot was the son of Hale Talbot. I have found other records telling of Hale’s involvement with the Institute, as were his two brothers listed above.)

"The year 1870 marked the turning point in the history of Orion. Depleted by the Civil War and the evils of Reconstruction, Orion was struggling for existence. The railroads avoided Orion and the town of Troy was booming. The great exodus began. One by one most of the leading families moved away. The glory that was Orion became a memory." Hale Talbot’s moved into the City of Troy. Other Talbot’s moved up over the Montgomery Co. line and settled in the area of Ramer (Ramah).

4. 1889 newspaper Article from The Troy Messenger

"Some Old People---- Hale Talbot"

The subject of this sketch was born in Clarke Co., Georgia and was carried by his father to Morgan County when he was quite a child, where he remained until about 21 years old at which time he came to Pike County, Alabama (1828) just 61 years ago which carries him to the 81st milestone of his useful life.

His name is a household word in the homes of the early settlers as his record reveals the fact that until the weight of years began to fall heavily upon him he was a conspicuous actor in matters of public interest in old Pike and it is said of him by the few who are now living who knew him away back in the thirties and forties that Mr. Talbot was always found on the moral side of all questions which came before the people for adjustment.

He married POLLY ANN TOWNSEND of Pike on the very last day of the year 1829, who is yet with him after helping him through with raising eight children, five daughters and three sons, all of whom seem to fully appreciate the fifth commandment. These old people gave two boys to the cause of southern rights in the War Between the States. One of them, ANDREW TALBOT, died while the war was raging of disease contracted in the army, and CAPTAIN BAILEY TALBOT, while gallantly leading a desperate charge on the field in front of Atlanta in July, 1864, was mortally wounded and died a day or two afterwards. These sons had transmitted to them that particular sort of patriotism which leads men to posts of danger when their country calls for their services, for Uncle Hail was found among the first to respond to his country’s call during the Indian trouble of 1836 when and where he stuck as long as the red men persisted in using the scalping knife upon the whites.

He (HALE TALBOT) settled soon after his marriage (December of 1929) upon a tract of land on Prospect Ridge, now Orion, which he bought of his brother, JAMES TALBOT, but lived longer on a plantation now owned by Captain Jackson than he did upon any farm upon which he ever lived, as it was there that he raised nearly all of his children and at no time after he was married did he live farther off than two and one-half miles from Orion until some twelve or fourteen years ago when his infirmity, on account of old age, made him surrender command of his plantation to those much younger, since which time he has spent most of his time with his children in Troy.

His neighbors, when he first settled in Pike, were Ewel Hardmon, William Blacksher, Boss Redman, William Hughes, Major Charles Dennis, Honorable J. P. Crowder, MATT TALBOT, Eli, Sam, and A. C. Townsend (the Townsend family was one in which he and his children married into), and among his acquaintances was the notorious Kin Mooney, and of course, he has not forgotten Noah Hurley and his brother, Freeman Hurley, Solomon Siler, Robert Anderson, as well as many others too numberous to mention. He connected himself with the Baptist Church only a short time before he came to Alabama and when the division among the Baptists occurred he followed the Missionary wing of the church and he is right there today, and as a true churchman his walk and conduct for over 60 years has been grand, and his example as well as precept has been above the average, the effects of which will follow on through the ages, long after the old Christian soldier has received his crown.

5. Census records of the four brothers :

1. MATTHEW b. abt. 1795 Georgia. - little is known about Matthew. He shows up in an 1830 census of Pike living near his brothers in the Orion area, but disappears from Alabama census records after 1830. He buys 3 tracts of land in Pike Co. between 1829-1834. In the 1830 Pike Co. Alabama census, Matthew has a housefull of children as shown below and then the family disappears:

1 male (Matthew) 30-40 1790-1800 Ga.
1 male 15-20 1810-1815 Ga.
1 male 5-10 1820-1825 Ga.
1 male U-5 1825-1830 Ga./Al.?
1 female (wife) 30-40 1790-1800
1 female 10-20 1810-1820 Al
1 female 5-10 1820-1825 Al
1 female U-5 1825-1830 Ga./Al.?

2. WILLIAM b. abt. 1804 Ga.; m. Catharine LNU (b. 1807 in Georgia). William is listed on 1830 census of Pike Co., the1840 census of Montgomery, and the 1850 census of Pike Co. where he is listed with his 14 children. Neither he nor his children are heard from in Alabama again. There is no record found yet of any of the children which is quite perplexing. William purchased three continguous tracts of land in Montgomery Co. between 1834 and 1837, the first tract next to brothers James and Hale. In the 1830 Pike Co. census William shows 3 boys under five years old and 2 males 20-30 (William and another unidentified male close to his age) plus a female 20-30. In the 1840 Montgomery Co. census William has 8 boys and 3 girls (an addition of 8 children in a period of 10 years) plus a female 30-40. Then in the 1850 Pike County census he has gained additional children in this 10-year span, a few obviously missing.

- the following children for William and Catharine are listed in 1850 Pike County census. One daughter is missing from the above census records, either married or missing from the 1850 census. If these census records are right then William is the father of 14-19 children. Those with familiar family names are marked:

WILLIAM TALBOT 46 b. 1804 Georgia
CATHARINE 43 b. 1807 Georgia
:. 1-Augustus TALBOT 23 b. 1827 Georgia
2-Young TALBOT 21 b. 1829 Ala. (moved to AL prior to date)
3-William TALBOT 18 b. 1832 Ala
4-Nathan TALBOT 16 b. 1834
5-Mary TALBOT 14 b. 1836
6-Harriett TALBOT 11 b. 1839
7-Green TALBOT 9 b. 1841
8-John TALBOT 8 b. 1842
9-Catharine TALBOT 6 b. 1844
10-Amanda TALBOT 5 b. 1845
11-Laura TALBOT 3 b 1847
12-Pake TALBOT (male) 2 b. 1848
13-Joseph TALBOT 6/12 b. 1849 (twin)
14-Josephine TALBOT 6/12 b. 1849 (twin)

3. JAMES . b. abt. 1805 Georgia; m. Hannah LNU (b.1804 S.C.)

James is found in the 1830, 1840, and 1850 Pike County Census. His purchase of at least 9 tracts of land are found in Pike County from 1835-1841. His initial buy was located in Montgomery Co. in 1829 next to brothers Hale and William. In the 1830 Pike Co. census James is 20-30; his wife is the same and they have two sons Under 5 years old. The 1840 census lists James and his wife with two sons aged 20-30, one son 5-10 and two daughters 5-10, totaling 5 children. The 1850 census lists only 3 children, with the two older sons missing. There are 19 other persons in James’ household in this year which can be attributed to the opening of the Orion Institute and James’ extensive involvement in this school. The 19 are listed as students, all 15-21 years of age. I have taken the liberty to recreate James’ family, minus students, in 1850 including the possible 2 sons:

1-Son TALBOT b. 1825-1829 (believe this to be James B. Talbot b1827
He is found in 1850 Montgomery Co. census, born in Ga.
2-Son TALBOT b. 1825-1829
3-Louisa M. E. TALBOT b. 1830 m. 1. Edward H. Jones (12/26/1848) 2. Thomas McCullough (09/19/1849
4.-Romanus TALBOT b. 1832
5-Margaret Ann TALBOT b. 1833

4. HALE b. 1807 Morgan Co., Ga.; m. Mary Ann Townsend on December 21, 1829. Mary Ann was born 1814 in Morgan Co, Ga. The Townsend family moved to Pike Co., Alabama in 1818 near the China Grove/Orion area.Hale is found in the 1840 and 1850 census of Pike Co.; 1860 census of Montgomery Co.; and the 1870 and 1880 census of Pike Co., Al. His land purchases are primarily 8 pieces in Pike County from 1835-1852 with his first purchase in 1830 in Montgomery Co. next to his two brothers James and William.Hale’s children are listed below in the 1850 Pike Co. Census. It is this branch of the Pike County Talbots that has survived and remained in Pike County today, primarily due to their move into the City of Troy about 1870. An extensive list of his descendants may be found on the Home Page link, labeled "Descendants of Matthew Talbot":

1. Emily A. TALBOT b. 1832 m. John Coffee Townsend
married Nov 25 1852 Pike Co., Al.
2. Bailey M. TALBOT, Capt. b. 1834 m. Mary Ann Mullins
married Jan 18 1859 Pike Co., Al.
3. Martha S. TALBOT b 1837.m. James P. Nall
married April 23 1853 Pike Co., Al.
4. Susan TALBOT b. 1837 no further info
5. Andrew J. TALBOT b. 1844 died Civil War
6. William H. TALBOT b. 1847 m. Nancy L. Townsend
7. Ella Augustus TALBOT b 1849 m. John Henry Wood
married Dec 22 1870 Pike Co. Al
8. Alice L. TALBOT b. 1854 m. John E. Graves (J. Eastern Graves?)

Additional information on HALE TALBOT (sometimes spelling Hail) is found in the State of Alabama Service Records. The "Index to Compiled Service Records, Alabama Unit in the Creek War 1836-1837", Vol. II, 1971 lists Hail Talbot as an Ordinance Sgt. in McDougald’s Company, of Denson’s Alabama Infantry. Also listed in this unit was JAMES TALBOT, a Corporal and brother of Hale.

"The Pike County Veterans Cemeteries" states that Hale Talbot was in the Civil War, Company A of the 39th Alabama Infantry. The "Mortality Table from Pike County" says Hail Talbot, age 87 years, white male. Died of malarial fever, Troy, Ward 2. Buried Troy cemetery, W. A. Crossley, M.D.

Hail is buried with his wife Mary Ann "Polly" Townsend in The Oakwood Cemetery of Troy. The burial plot is one of the oldest in the cemetery and is rather hard to find, the stones almost imbedded in the ground.

Hale and his wife lived a very full life surrounded by his Talbot family and her vast Townsend line. An interesting by-product of their marriage resulted in their oldest daughter Emily Talbot marrying her cousin John Coffee Townsend. Emily was the Granddaughter of Andrew Creswell Townsend who was the half brother of Eli Townsend, father of John Coffee Townsend. In other words, Emily’s Great-grandfather and John’s Grandfather, Samuel Townsend, were the same man. Two of Hale’s children, Emily and Willliam, married Townsend cousins.

Hale’s wife’s family arrived in Pike County around 1818, before Alabama became a state and before Pike became a county. The entire northern tip of Pike seemed to be unindated with Townsends. The first Court House of Pike County was in the actual home of Andrew Creswell Townsend near Orion and China Grove for the first year before it moved. The Townsend and Talbot families were all prosperous, successful settlers in the new area. Many held political positions with one becoming a State Senator and several becoming State Representatives. Hale was commissioned a Justice of the Peace in 1838.
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