War Results - 07-03-06

Main Event - Dream Partner Tag Team Match
Bret Hart & ??? vs. Hollywood Hogan & ???

As WAR came on the air, WAR announcers, Gorilla Monsoon & Jesse "The Body" Ventura welcome everyone to this week's show. Gorilla & Jesse both run down tonight's card that will be headlined by a special Dream Tag Team Partner match, in which Bret Hart and Hollywood Hogan will pick a parnter of their own to go up against each other in the main event tag team match. Without any further wait, let's go to the ring for our opening bout.

Shane Douglas (w/Francine) vs. Tommy Dreamer
"The Franchise" Shane Douglas defeated "The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer, thanks to interferrence from Bam Bam Bigelow, who gave Tommy the Greetings from Asbury Park, and put The Franchise on top for the pinfall victory. As Bigelow pulled Douglas out of the ring, Team Extreme filled the ring to come to their leader's aid.

Winner: Shane Douglas!

Raven & Steive Richards vs. Rick Rude & Mr. Perfect (w/Bobby Heenan)
Raven & Stevie Richards defeated Rick Rude & Mr. Perfect (w/Bobby Heenan) when Raven pinned Rude with the Evenflow DDT. Afterwards, Raven posed with the Intercontinental Title while standing over the prone champion, before throwing the belt down onto Rude.

Winners: Raven & Stevie Richards!

Backstage, we go to the NWO promo studio where Hollywood Hogan wasted no time in finding a partner for the main event. He reveals that his Dream Partner is none other than DeGeneration X leader, Shawn Michaels. They tell Bret "The Hitman" Hart that he'd better find someone good, or else, it'll be "Curtains".

Konnan vs. Vader (w/Jim Cornette)
Vader defeated Konnan with the Vaderbomb in what was a brutal street fight. Both The Filthy Animals and Camp Cornette got involved in the match. But in the end, it was the Mastadon getting the impressive victory.

Winner: Vader!

Trish Stratus & Molly Holly vs. Victoria & Lita
Trish Stratus & Molly Holly defeated Victoria & Lita when Trish pinned Lita with the Chick Kick. Gail Kim & Jazz was at ringside, as was Stacy Kiebler & Nidia.

Winners: Trish Stratus & Molly Holly!

Backstage, Sean Mooney asks Bret Hart in an interview as to who will be his Dream Partner for the main event. Bret tells Sean that he has found a partner. But, unlike Hogan, he's not gonna tell the world, just yet.

Big Dick Dudley vs. Akeem (w/Slick)
Big Dick Dudley defeated Akeem with an impressive, powerful Total Penetration. All members of Slick's Stable made a run in, and attacked Big Dick. This prompted Dick's half brothers to come in and make the save, and then, all hell broke loose as an all out riot ensues between to two factions.

Winner: Big Dick Dudley!

Arn Anderson, Brian Pillman, & Chris Benoit vs. Triple H & New Age Outlaws
Triple H & New Age Outlaws defeated Arn Anderson, Brian Pillman, & Chris Benoit when Billy Gunn pinned Brian Pillman with the Fameasser. DX has once again defeated The Horsemen on WAR. But, the bigger story is that The Outlaws have pinned the World Tag Team Champions. But, will they be able to win the titles on July, 23rd at Ground Zero?

Winners: Triple H & The New Age Outlaws

Dream Partner Tag Team Match
Bret Hart & ??? vs. Hollywood Hogan vs. ???
Bret Hart & Ric Flair def. Hollywood Hogan & Shawn Michaels in a Dream Tag Team Partner match, when Flair made HBK submit to the Figure Four Leglock. Bret Hart revealed that he had picked Ric Flair, and the fans in attendance just ate it up. Both teams put on a great match. After the match, Flair challenged Michaels to a match at Ground Zero, and HBK accepted, making the match official.

Winners: Bret Hart & Ric Flair!

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