War Results - 07-10-06

Main Event - Eight Man Tag Team Match
Hart Foundation vs. Hollywood Hogan, Syxx, & The Outsiders

As Monday Night WAR came on the air, WAR announcers, Gorilla Monsoon & Jesse "The Body" Ventura welcome us once again to this week's show, and then they start to run down the card for this week's show, headlined by the big 8-man tag team match between The Hart Foundation against members of the NWO. Plus, The Horsemen will go to war, as well as DX. Without any further wait, let's get down to ringside.

Lex Luger vs. King Kong Bundy (w/Bobby Heenan)
Lex Luger defeated King Kong Bundy with an impressive bodyslam, followed up by a devestating shot with his steel plate loaded forearm. This allowed Luger to get the pinfall victory, and pick up some momentum, heading into the Ground Zero pay per view.

Winner: Lex Luger!

Stevie Richards, Johnny Hotbody, & Tony Stetson vs. Rick Rude, Mr. Perfect, & Paul Orndorff
"Ravishing" Rick Rude, Mr. Perfect, & "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff defeated Stevie Richards, Johnny Hotbody, & Tony Stetson when Rude pinned Richards with the Rude Awakening. After the match, Raven came down to the ring, and got into a brawl with the Intercontinental Champion, before the officials had to pull them apart.

Winners: Heenan Family!

Ric Flair & Arn Anderson vs. New Age Outlaws
Ric Flair & Arn Anderson defeated The New Age Outlaws when Flair made Road Dog submit to the Figure Four Leglock. The Outlaws should be softened up for the tag champs at the pay per view. But, this night is not over.

Winners: Ric Flair & Arn Anderson!

Victoria vs. Molly Holly
Victoria defeated Molly Holly with the Widows Peak. Afterwards, members of Divalution, led by Trish Stratus hit the ring, and jumped Victoria until Stacy, Nidia, & Lita hit the ring to make the save.

Winner: Victoria!

The Giant vs. Big John Studd (w/Bobby Heenan)
The Giant defeated Big John Studd in a $100,000 Slam Match with a bodyslam to win 100 Grand. Giant then got on the stick, and told Andre The Giant that if he and "The Brain" want the money back, he'll have to slam him first.

Winner: The Giant!

Brian Pillman & Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels & Triple H
Shawn Michaels & Triple H defeated Brian Pillman & Chris Benoit in a non-title tag team match when HHH pinned Pillman. The score tonight between DX and The Horsemen were now even, but this issue between the two factions is far from over.

Winners: Shawn Michaels & Triple H!

Eight Man Tag Team Match
Hart Foundation vs. Hollywood Hogan, Syxx, & The Outsiders
The Hart Foundation defeated The New World Order when Bret Hart made Hollywood Hogan submit to the Sharpshooter. This victory was a recipt from a few weeks ago on FWW Television. The Hart Foundation celebrated, and The NWO retreated as WAR went off the air.

Winners: Hart Foundation!

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