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 Ground Zero

RESULTS FOR 07/24/06

Main Event - World Tag Team Title Match
Brian Pillman & Chris Benoit vs. The New Age Outlaws
In the aftermath of FWW's very first pay per view, Ground Zero, WAR came on the air with WAR announcers, Gorilla Monsoon & Jesse "The Body" Ventura running down the events of last night's pay per view, and then, they run down tonight's card for WAR, headlined by a rematch from last night. The Horsemen will once again put they're titles on the line against The New Age Outlaws. Plus, what will be in store for the next FWW pay per view, as a member of the Board of Directors is expected to make a huge announcement concerning HeatWave. We now go to the action at ringside.

The Shark & Zodiac defeated Mideon & Viscera, after Shark pinned Zodiac with the sit-down splash. The Dungeon of Doom came down to the ring, and decimated the members of The Undertaker's Ministry. The Taskmaster got on the mic, and told The Undertaker that it wasn't over yet. Not by a longshot.

When FWW came back from a commercial break, "Mean" Gene Okerlund brought out The Hart Foundation for an interview, concerning the fallout of the pay per view from last night. The Hart Foundation came out to a standing ovaition. Owen Hart was interviewed first about his upcoming match, tonight. Owen says that tonight on WAR, he will become the #1 contender to Rude's Intercontinental Title, come hell or high water. He tells Raven & Perfect that they will experience a Hart problem, tonight. Up next was Bulldog & Anvil about their upcoming tag match with members of the NWO, and they both made one thing abundantly clear. The Hart Foundation has something that the NWO will never have, and that is chemistry in the ring. Finally, it was Bret Hart's turn. The FWW World Heavyweight Champion said that after defeating Hollywood Hogan, last night, he can forever lay claim to being the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.

However, the NWO's music hit over the sound system, and Hollywood Hogan came out onto the stage with the rest of the New World Order, and Hogan had a mic of his own. Hogan said that Bret Hart got lucky, because he had his comerades in the Hart Foundation foil his plan to become champion. But, Hogan had an idea. Hogan challenged Bret to a rematch at the next pay per view, HeatWave. But, with one stipulation. That being that if Bret can beat Hogan, again, then Hogan will retire from wrestling, forever. The Hitman immediately accepted Hogan's challenge, much to the shock of everyone. Bret told Hogan that there would be nothing sweeter than to finally remove the cancer known as the NWO from pro wrestling, forever, than to end Hogan's career. Bret then invited The NWO to a rumble with the Hart Foundation, right now? But, before anyone could do anything, the FactionTron flickered on, and there stood the the Chairman of FWW's Board of Directors, Jim Crockett. Crockett announced that Hollywood Hogan will get another shot against Bret Hart for the World's Heavyweight Championship at HeatWave. But, it will be a Light's Out Match, that won't be sanctioned by FWW. It will have no disqualifications, and it will be held inside of a 15-foot high steel cage. This was a huge announcement from the FWW Board of Directors that surely have an impact for the weeks to come.

Andre The Giant defeated The Giant in a $100,000 Slam Match, barely being able to bodyslam his Giant counterpart. Andre & The Brain left with 100 Grand in their pockets.

Eddie Guerrero defeated Mantuar w/Jim Cornette with the Frogsplash. After the match, Cornette called for the rest of Camp Cornette, and got the Heavenly Bodies & Vader to clean up for him. But, the rest of the Filthy Animals came to Eddie's aid, just as Vader was about to crush Eddie with the Vader Bomb.

British Bulldog & Jim Neidhart defeated Buff Bagwell & Syxx when Bulldog pinned Bagwell. Members of the NWO hit the ring and attacked Bulldog & Anvil until Bret & Owen Hart hit the ring with steel chairs, clearing the ring of the New World Order. Bret then got on the mic, and told Hogan that at HeatWave, next month, his light's will go out inside the steel cage.

Ric Flair defeated Triple H by pinfall when Arn Anderson nailed HHH in the back of the head with the infamous tire iron, just as Hunter was about to pedigree the Nature Boy, while Brian Pillman had the referee distracted. HHH was pissed and vowed revenge for DX.

Owen Hart defeated Raven & Mr. Perfect in a triple threat match to become the new #1 contender to the FWW Intercontiental Championship that is still being held by "Ravishing" Rick Rude, who was doing color commentary with Gorilla & Jesse. Owen Hart pinned Mr. Perfect to get the win. Bobby Heenan was furious, while Rude & Owen had a staredown from afar after the match.

The New Age Outlaws defeated Brian Pillman & Chris Benoit to become the NEW FWW World Tag Team Champions. This came after DX leader, Shawn Michaels distracted the referee, just as Brian Pillman was about to score the pinfall, and that allowed Triple H to come into the ring, and pedigree Pillman, and put Road Dog on top of the "Loose Cannon" of The Four Horsemen, and the ref made the three count. DX promised revenge on The Four Horsemen, and tonight, they got it. The New Age Outlaws are now the brand new World Tag Team Champions as WAR goes off the air.


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