Ann and Farris Womack
Greetings and Welcome!
Some Golden Oldies!
This page is a learning experiment for Ann and Farris Womack. We use it to communicate with family and friends but almost all the communication centers around a certain fellow named
Blake Connor Stone
Hot links to our favorite sites!
Updated 6-22-99
Click here to see Blake at the beach.
Click here to see The Great One at seven months old!
Click here to see Blake on the day that his Great Grandmother, Mary Ruth Talbot Brandon, would have been 102 years of age.
Click here to view Blake and his grandmother celebrating her birthday!
Click here to view pictures of Blake and his Grandmother enjoying the Carolina Spring.
Click here to view Blake Connor Stone and his family on Easter Sunday 1999
Click here to view Blake at four months.
Fourteen weeks old
Seven months old
email us at [email protected]
Visit this page often to follow our progress in developing a WebPage!
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