
Hello fxysilver here....

I hope you like the new look.
I will be adding new pages, but I am also doing
some revisions on many of the old ones.
Please be patient.

I want to thank my dear friend
she enhanced my page with the background
made it a little more flamboyant then I had.
I love it..she did good as usual.

I want to thank my new friend Buffy.
She worked on my table of contents.
Thank you ever so much...

I want to thank my bestest friend Sue50.
Sue listened to me complain
when things went wrong,
and told me to keep right on going.

(((((HUGS)))) to all three of you.

A huge thank you to Bonsquad
with out her talent and her beautiful verses
I wouldn't be doing these pages,
they wouldn't have any meaning.
She has affected many people by her writings.
Keep it up Bonnie...your the best.

Ok and thank you to all of you
who have visited them and passed them on.

Love you all....
Now go and visit some of my links...and enjoy..


Fxysilver's Links
Angels Among Us
All Lovers Questions
An Island
~Basic Instinct~
~Broken Promises~
By and By
~Crying Eyes~
Cry of the Wolf
Forbidden Love
Gentle Love
Heart to Heart
Hello Lord
Internet Love Affair
It's Plain to See
Lost Children
Love Her/Love Him
Loving You
My Special Friend
~Quiet Love~
Requim for a Heart
So Many Reasons
~Souls of Desire~
Stone Heart Farewell
Strangers in the Night
Take Time my Friend
Tear of Faith
Teddy Bear Heart
~The Eagle~
The Letter
~The Mountain High~
The Love of a Mother
The Spirit of a Woman
The Tear Drop
Thru the Years
True Friends
~When All is Said~
When God Created a Mother
~I Wonder~
~You've Touched Me~
~Once Upon My Life~
~Come Walk With Me~
~A Winters Day~
~Snowflakes and Children~
~A Time For Us~
~Dream Weaver~
~My Love~
Can I Call You?
~The Bluebird Of Life~

Fxysilver's Virtual Links
Virtual Angel
Virtual Doctor
Virtual Heart
Virtual Lies
Virtual Lover
Virtual Man
Virtual Tear
Virtual Woman

Fxysilver's Holiday Links
A Special Valentine
~Valentine Fever~
Christmas Around The World
Christmas Tree
Monkey Shines & Valentines
Porky Pig's Christmas
~Prayer Of Thanks~
~The Little Present~
~Christmas To Me~
~A Looney Toon Xmas~

Our Children
Find Sabrina
Cry of the Wolf
4 Jeremy
Jamies Memorial
Jeff Brown

Fxysilver's Favorite Links
Blue Eyes Place
Buffy's Home Page
Grandma Sue's Homepage
Cajun Violet's Links
Sandra's Poems and Insperations
For Grieving Mothers
SpirtSong's Tapestry
Sunnytees Pages
Grs & Jeans Gestures
TexasBuns 50+
NaWarrior's Links
Silk & Jim's Links
Precious39 Links
Thopper's Homepage
Citylights Paintshop
Janet's Soft Pages

Thank you so much Janet for the lovely button
and soft expressions....Fxysilver...*s*

Just clik on my certificate if you are interested
in taking lessons from
Kathy Brandt.

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