





Show Change                                               9-23-03
Hello everybody! Why am I even updating this? Nobody really pays attention to this goddamn site. Anyways that show has been moved to November 1st 6:00 pm at the cultural arts building(that's next to the Coeburn pool, in case ya didn't know) It's 5 dollars to get in and Euphobia, The Sporks, and two other bands that don't have a name yet will also be playing. We're gonna record a demo soon, and then a whole album....like in the next month or so...that is if we can come up with the cash. We're doing good here lately, practicing some and everyone is on good terms. FYA is coming back guys, and better than ever(for those of you who've actually heard us.) Somebody needs to give us some money...we're poor, donate!!!!
- Bob
©2002 FYA


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