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Prayer Request:

I don't know if you guys read the newspaper but about a few weeks back....it revealed a shocking yet disturbing nature in our Country: CAMBODIA (thats right)....It's really sad that parents in Cambodia would sell their kids to sex.....even though we understand the poverty, c'mon now, selling your kids for $10.00 for sex with some older guy in the 50's...like sarepta says today at Bible study, we heard of 15, 16 17 years old being raped and molested but these kids are even younger...they're only 6 years old!! HOW SICK IS THIS WORLD!!...So we @ FYCEC urged you guys to keep these kids that are victims in your prayers each and every day asking God to be healed emotionally and physically... ALSO that these SICK PERVERTS who are SURGEONS AND MAKING BIG BUCKS to go to CAMBODIA to have pleasure with KIDS that GOD will bring JUDGEMENT on THEM, may GOD convict THEIR hearts TO CHANGE and BRING JUSTICE to THE KiDS.... THOSE kids are the ONE That are SUFFERING in the END...also pray FOR THE PARENTS who are also STUPID to use THEIR KIDS as GETTING MONEY.... We are so BLESSED here in AMERICA that WE don't have TO GO through POVERTY the WAY their PARENTS used THEM ....So the NEXT TIME you think you are not BLESSED , think about those kids whom their PARENTS used as BROTHEL....OMG...OMG.... (if you want more information please click this link below..AGAIN PRAY FOR THE WORLD!


Prayer Request:

Our sister, CHANTHEA is serving in the army reserved...please pray for her that God will give her strength in all that she does...and that God will protect her no matter where destination holds her....and the one important thing is that she won't ever forget God..that she will daily live a life of praise and glory to God...this maybe even a time for her to witness people to God...and also pray for her family...they have a hard time of copeing with her being gone....please pray for our country also...u know the world is not getting any better.....pray for the mayor, president, house of rep. the government and so on..that they will ask God for guidance and leadership.

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws

June 2007

Prayer Request:

As you probably well aware of by now, our Rally is coming up in the end of summer, basically, we just want you to pray for our youth, that the devil won't deceive us, pray that we will be strong when that happens, and that this rally will be a successful one FOR GOD!! if theres only 2 or 3 people showed up for the rally, we still going to do this....!! all for the Glory and Praise of our Father!!! so, yeah keep us in your prayers......

June 2007

Prayer Request from Julie:

hi, how is everybody? i hope good. well, to answer your question from my picture page about Kirk Franklin being in Stockton or not. yes, he was at Stockton. it was an awesome experience to meet Kirk F. u all should of been there to hear his amazing message. it was so powerful! at the end he had an altar call for everyone who is tired of being tired and who is feeling alone and just don't have any hope anymore. once i heard that call, i jump to the chance and i went up bcuz i feel God was just tugging my heart to go up and so i went up there to the altar an had people pray for me to ask God help me get out of this deep depression thats slowly killing me inside to the point where i didn't care about anything anymore. i didn't like the way i was living. and i didn't want to feel that way anymore but when i heard Kirk Franklin awesome message it had hit home in a lot different areas and made me realize that God is the answer and through him nothing is impossible. i knew that but i was just to weak i just felt like giving up. i hope i make since cuz i don't think i do. i hope i don't confused u guys. hehe... but altogether i thank God that he had brought Kirk Franklin to share his message with us in Stockton. it was AWESOME! well, thats it for now. write me some times. and please pray for me. thanks. peace and God bless.

*click here to go to her page *

much luv

~ Julie T. ~

August 7, 2007


Prayer Request:


Please pray for our country.. Cambodia's government has issued a law, that no one shall witness to the village...for more info.. *click here for more info. *

*For Prayer Request or Questions? email us at: [email protected]

we will post it here

©2007 FYCEC INC.