Module gbot by gollum --------------------- This bot automates the task of gambling. The bot will look for a specific item type, buy it, check its quality, and sell it back if it is a "blue magical" item. I wrote this because I realized I had about 1.5 million gold, and I had a really crappy belt. It was taking forever to gamble for these manually, so I decided to automate the task. Instructions ------------ 1) Copy gbot.d2h into the D2HackIt directory 2) ".load gbot" 3) ".gbot setnpc" -- then click on a gambling NPC (e.g. Gheed in Act I). 4) ".gbot setcost " * is the cost of the item in the gambling window (e.g. 50000 for a ring) 5) Walk very close to the NPC. 6) ".gbot buy " * is the three letter item code (use pickit or the MPQ files to figure these out) * is the number of items you can hold in your inventory. * indicates the maximum number of items you want to buy. * e.g. ".gbot buy rin 10 200" (note, you would need 2000000 gold to make this work.) 7) If the bot goes out of control, try ".gbot stop" I've seen this happen if I'm not standing close enough to the NPC. To make this easy, I would bind the ".gbot setnpc" and ".gbot stop" to keys (like F5 and F6 in the example below): .bind 74 74 gbot setnpc .bind 75 75 gbot stop I haven't tested this on the expansion, but I have tested it on bnet, and all seems to work. In single player, the bot seems to confuse the client, and inventory spots get double-booked (this clears up when you restart the game). On bnet, I don't see any of this. Questions --------- * Post to the appropriate d2networks forum thread * You can try and Email me, but I don't check it that often. Acknowledgements ---------------- A special thanks to the following: * Nuttzy for his 9C & 9D packet work (the thread on blizzhackers was most helpful. * Ackmed for his open-source pickit and shopbot (80% of this code was ripped from him). * Thohell for D2HackIt. * Mousepad for a bunch of low level stuff.