"aLL GoTHs ArE oN DRuGs..."
This is another myth of the narrow-minded. I had a few guys come up to me and TELL me (me being a goth and KNOWING this stuff) that all goths smoke pot, and (to point out their stupidity) they did not know what the word 'stereotypical' meant!!! hahaha!!! I said in a sarcastic voice, "no, and that's not AT ALL stereotypical, is it?!?" and they said, "but I don't have a stereo and you aren't my type"!!! OMG thick, thick people...
Anyway, as I was going to say before I got carried away, there are a few goths who do take drugs. This is mainly because of a feeling of resentment for their high intelligence (most goths are above average) and their enlightenment about the world (in all it's sickly glory), and also a feeling that they want to ESCAPE and deny the knowledge of the bad things in their lives, to be shallow and ignorant and happy, like they were as children, and like the rest of the population seems to be.
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