"aLL gOThs aRe iNtO ViOLeNcE..."
Hmm well for starters I'm vegetarian!!! And secondly I don't believe anyone has the right to take a life when that person doesn't want it to end. I do think people should be able to commit suicide and if they CAN say they want euthanasia then fair enough, otherwise I don't agree with it at all...
I think that goths are less into violence than thw townies... ok, basically if goth was an emotion, it would probably be depression, but not aggresion...
I think there are some goths out there who like to kill stuff and be cruel to innocent animals... EVIL, EVIL people!!!
Another reason people might think we're all into violence is cos, and you have to admit if you're a goth, the films we watch are kinda gory at points lol... but hey, what's a little wrist-slitting-corpse-rising-fun?!? lol (by the way I like happy films too lol)
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